17:03:33 <smooge> #startmeeting epel 17:03:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri May 8 17:03:33 2015 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:03:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:03:36 <smooge> #meetingname epel 17:03:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 17:03:51 <smooge> #chairs nirik Evolution bstinson avij dgilmore smooge 17:03:54 <bstinson> woohoo! hi all 17:03:58 <avij> hi, I'm around. sorry for the last two meetings -- I was travelling and I was hoping to be able to participate anyway, but due to some connectivity problems, I wasn't able to :( 17:04:03 <smooge> #chair nirik Evolution bstinson avij dgilmore smooge 17:04:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson dgilmore nirik smooge 17:04:11 <smooge> #topic Meet and greets 17:04:12 <nirik> morning 17:04:29 <smooge> hello guys. I believe this is the last epsco meeting at this time slot. 17:04:52 <smooge> do we have quorum: I see bstinson avij and nirik 17:05:02 <nirik> unless it also ends up being the best time moving forward too. ;) 17:05:13 <smooge> Evolution, and dgilmore will probably be around 17:05:45 <smooge> #topic New Meeting Time 17:06:03 <smooge> bstinson, did you get feedback on your whenisgood or other thing for a time? 17:06:59 <bstinson> so it looks like there are 2 candidates where all 6 of us can make it, 17:00 UTC on Wednesday or 17:00 UTC on Friday (this timeslot) 17:07:27 <smooge> okie dokie 17:07:46 <avij> I'm actually quite flexible about the time, so pretty much anything goes for me 17:08:09 <nirik> either works for me, although dgilmore and I have fesco at 18UTC on wed... so back to back meetings 17:08:46 <bstinson> unless someone had a reason to switch to wednesday, i'd say let's just keep it here 17:09:13 <nirik> thats good by me. 17:09:27 <avij> ok for me 17:10:33 <smooge> #info Meetings will stay at this time slot (Vote +3, 2 Abstain) 17:11:06 <smooge> ok next item 17:11:22 <smooge> #topic Python 3 and macros 17:11:48 <smooge> nirik, it has been a irq high week.. but I figured a ping on it was needed. 17:12:05 <nirik> the macros are in epel-testing still I think. 17:12:14 <nirik> we now have a submitted python34 for review. 17:12:29 <nirik> so, slow but steady progress being made. 17:12:31 <smooge> cool. does anyone know the review ticket number? 17:12:45 <bstinson> woohoo! 17:13:14 <bstinson> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1219411 17:13:53 <nirik> I think abompard was going to review (as he needs it for mailman3) 17:14:21 <nirik> oh, can we/should we move that python3 wiki page over to a more 'official' place under epel? 17:14:48 <dgilmore> hey all 17:14:52 <smooge> #info Bugzilla for python34 review is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1219411 17:15:18 <smooge> nirik, probably should. 17:15:23 <smooge> hello dgilmore 17:19:18 <nirik> yeah, I can try to do that, or someone else can... either way 17:19:34 <smooge> nirik, thank you for the info. I will see if I can find the webpae and do it 17:20:22 <smooge> #topic New Business: Ticket Cleanup 17:20:29 <dgilmore> nirik: probably should add a buildroot override for epel-rpm-macros and add it to the build group 17:20:37 <dgilmore> I guess srpm-build group also 17:20:58 <nirik> dgilmore: yeah, I was going to wait for it to be stable, but we can now also. 17:21:27 <smooge> bstinson, I cribbed this from last weeks notes. I saw you did a lot of ticket cleanup last week. 17:21:37 <smooge> was there anything you wanted to add? 17:21:51 <bstinson> that was mostly nirik :) but i think that's it 17:22:20 <nirik> there might be more to clean out, everyone should look at some point. 17:22:24 <bstinson> i think the goal was to get sort-of current so we can have tagged tickets for meeting topics 17:24:30 <nirik> yeah 17:24:49 <smooge> ok cool. that should be for the next meeting 17:25:06 <smooge> thanks nirik and bstinson 17:26:35 <smooge> #topic EPIC proposal 17:26:53 <smooge> This was on me.. as I was supposed to write something up and instead ended up in irq heck this week. 17:27:13 <smooge> I wanted to let people know I am hoping to get something out soon. 17:27:26 <smooge> beyond that I have nothing. 17:27:34 <smooge> #topic Open Flood 17:27:45 <smooge> So anyone have items to bring up? 17:28:05 <nirik> not off hand. Who's chairing next week? 17:28:44 <avij> thanks, no open floor items from me this time. 17:28:56 <bstinson> i have one, looking at the remaining tickets in trac...i saw that parallel python27 for el6 got closed by the reporter in bugzilla 17:29:36 <bstinson> is python27 something we want to pursue? 17:30:19 <smooge> originally I was looking at it for 5 and 6 but it was a painful set of items that the macros I believe may help with 17:30:49 * nirik has no particular interest in it. python3 is my focus. 17:31:36 * dgilmore has no interest 17:31:59 <smooge> nirik, my random eight ball shuffle has dgilmore as the chair next week. You guys can come up with a better method :) 17:32:37 <smooge> bstinson, if the ticket is closed in bugzilla lets close it in the trac. If someone wants to champion it they can do so 17:32:50 <bstinson> sure 17:35:39 <smooge> ok any other open flood items? 17:35:48 <smooge> if not closing in 1 minutes 17:36:03 <nirik> I could also chair next week if dgilmore is busy. Either way is fine. 17:38:51 * smooge gets the wrestling cage to lower to the mat. 2 devs go in... only 1 comes out. Remember to sit back folks.. you paid for the entire chair but you are only using the edge 17:39:58 <smooge> ok dgilmore hasn't answered so nirik the chair is yours next week 17:40:04 <smooge> #endmeeting