17:01:43 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL 17:01:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jul 24 17:01:43 2015 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:50 <smooge> #meetingname epel 17:01:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 17:01:55 <bstinson> woo! 17:02:17 <avij> hello 17:02:24 <nirik> oh, smooge, you are around. 17:02:26 <nirik> :) 17:02:37 <smooge> #chair smooge bstinson dgilmore nirik avij 17:02:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: avij bstinson dgilmore nirik smooge 17:03:19 <smooge> nirik, if you can do this meeting I will do the standu 17:03:32 <dgilmore> hi 17:03:42 <nirik> smooge: sure. I am not sure how much we had today. 17:03:52 <nirik> any agenda items from anyone? 17:04:26 <smooge> s390 is the only item I think on the agenda 17:04:46 <avij> I would like to put the RHEL 6.7 boost issue on record 17:05:30 <nirik> avij: is there a bug for it? 17:06:12 <avij> nirik: yes. should we discuss this now, or after s390? 17:06:36 <nirik> sure, after... 17:06:43 <nirik> any other agenda items before we start? 17:07:27 <nirik> #topic Secondary arch / s390 in epel 17:07:50 <nirik> I'm not sure there's anything new here... some ibm folks wanted to do a phone meeting on it, but thats not happened. 17:08:03 <nirik> and we still have all the issues we noted in the past 17:10:28 <nirik> anyone have anything on this? I really think it's going to need high BW discussion at flock 17:11:07 <nirik> #topic Boost issues in rhel 6.7 17:11:14 <nirik> avij: you had something on this? 17:11:50 <avij> yeah. so, the boost in RHEL 6.7 can no longer be used for building at least the following packages in EPEL6: paraview, scribus, vtk, plee-the-bear, supertux, smesh 17:12:01 <nirik> :( 17:12:22 <avij> if I recompile boost with an older cmake (version 2.6), it works fine for those packages 17:12:44 <avij> there is a bugzilla entry for this problem at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=849791 17:12:51 <avij> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=849791 17:13:08 <avij> #info paraview, scribus, vtk, plee-the-bear, supertux, smesh can no longer be built with RHEL 6.7’s boost 17:13:32 <nirik> yeah, not much we can do aside from ask them to fix things. ;( 17:14:03 <nirik> wait, thats an old closed wontfix? 17:14:04 * nirik reads 17:14:17 <avij> in addition to those packages, libflatarray, console-bridge, libkolabxml also have similar issues, but it's unclear at the moment what would be needed to get them to compile. this is rather new information, I haven't had time to dig through everything yet. 17:15:17 <smooge> ok back 17:15:24 <nirik> IMHO, I think it would be best to file a new 6.7 bug and refer back to this one. 17:15:52 <avij> as noted in the bz, this issue can be worked around by using -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=TRUE in each package to be built 17:16:08 <avij> ok, I can file a new bug 17:16:09 <smooge> so i am wondering do we need a FTBFS run on epel and el6.7? 17:16:25 <smooge> needs to figure out copr to see how to do that 17:17:01 <nirik> might be a nice project sometime. 17:17:36 <orionp> would be great if koshei supported epel 17:18:33 <avij> I don't have much more to add to this, I just wanted to bring this to your attention 17:18:37 <nirik> we could file a RFE, not sure how hard it would be 17:18:42 <nirik> avij: thanks. :) 17:18:56 <smooge> thnaks avij 17:19:29 <Evolution> sorry folks. only partly connected. conference wireless at oscon 17:20:12 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 17:20:18 <nirik> any other items to bring up today? 17:21:42 <bstinson> should we file a bug to bumprev python34 so we get the /usr/bin/python3 symlink? or can someone just do that? 17:22:13 <nirik> bstinson: I wasn't sure if that was intentional or not... ;) I guess not, but the primary maintainers are out this week. 17:22:35 <nirik> I can look at adding it. 17:22:58 <bstinson> i think the issue was just that it was built before the macros got added to the buildroot 17:24:32 <nirik> yeah, re-reading that sounds like the case. 17:26:05 <nirik> #info nirik to try and update python34 this weekend for /usr/bin/python3 link 17:26:10 <nirik> anything else from anyone? 17:26:37 <smooge> Not from me. I will be out next week 17:26:53 <smooge> so if people could set up the meeting and who is running it I would appreciate it 17:27:06 <smooge> so I guess s/Not from me.// 17:27:16 <nirik> I can probibly run things... 17:28:18 <smooge> nirik, I am expecting fire and brimstone on friday.. so maybe avij or bstinson ? 17:28:32 <nirik> could be. ;) you never know these days 17:29:24 <nirik> we can sort it out... 17:29:31 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone. 17:29:34 <nirik> #endmeeting