18:04:35 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL 18:04:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 19 18:04:35 2016 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:04:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:04:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:04:36 <smooge> #meetingname EPEL 18:04:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:04:36 <smooge> #chair smooge nirik Evolution bstinson avij 18:04:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge 18:04:36 <smooge> #topic aloha 18:04:41 <smooge> I got into reading an email 18:04:48 <nirik> pesky email. 18:04:55 <avij> hello 18:04:58 <moto-timo> .hello ttorling 18:04:59 <zodbot> moto-timo: ttorling 'Tim Orling' <ticotimo@gmail.com> 18:05:00 <smooge> it was 13:56 when I started.. sorry 18:05:04 <smooge> .hello smooge 18:05:05 <zodbot> smooge: smooge 'Stephen J Smoogen' <smooge@gmail.com> 18:05:06 <bstinson> hi all 18:05:16 <avij> .hello avij 18:05:16 <zodbot> avij: avij 'Anssi Johansson' <rhbugs@miuku.net> 18:05:33 <smooge> I think Evolution is on the road? 18:06:20 <smooge> or on another call 18:06:28 <smooge> ok so this meeting will be real quick 18:06:44 <smooge> we are going to setup the agenda for next weeks meeting, do a short open floor and quit 18:06:52 <smooge> #topic Agenda for next week 18:07:38 <smooge> I am going to go around the 'table' and ask if anyone has a pressing item. I will add that to the agenda. 18:07:51 <smooge> avij, do you have anything that needs to be on next meeting? 18:08:45 <avij> I don't think so. depends on when RHEL 7.3 lands. 18:09:15 <smooge> bstinson, do you have anything that needs to be on next meeting? 18:09:34 <bstinson> nothing pressing from me 18:10:00 <smooge> avij, no problem. I am expecting soonish but not soon 18:10:15 <smooge> nirik, do you have anything that needs to be on next meeting? 18:10:28 * moto-timo wonders about RHEL 8, but that's off topic 18:10:36 <nirik> not off hand... also actually I won't be around for the next meeting. ;) I will be gone next wed->sunday 18:10:42 <smooge> ah yes 18:11:01 <smooge> thanks for the reminder 18:11:02 <nirik> I will note that pbrobinson is still landing aarch64, likely done soon... it's seemed close 18:11:09 <smooge> ok cool 18:11:14 <moto-timo> pbrobinson++ 18:11:14 <zodbot> moto-timo: Karma for pbrobinson changed to 9 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:11:18 <smooge> #info aarch64 is almost ready 18:11:24 <pbrobinson> yes, it'll be done RSN before I go completely mad 18:11:30 <smooge> Evolution, do you have anything for next meeting? 18:11:43 <nirik> pbrobinson: didn't that already happen? :) 18:11:44 * nirik runs 18:11:55 <Evolution> It would be cheating (though entirely appropriate) to take pbrobinson's update and pass it off as my own. 18:12:17 <pbrobinson> although while it will be enaled for build in koji I won't initially be enabling it to go out to mirrors until some issues with RHELSA (RHEL for ARM) get fixed 18:12:24 <Evolution> beyond that, I might like to bring up some toying around with the idea for containerizing epel 18:12:41 <Evolution> but that may be a bit much for the next meeting 18:12:46 <smooge> #info epel containerization ideas 18:12:54 <pbrobinson> nirik: OK, you're right... _MORE_ mad :-P 18:13:08 <smooge> OK here are the items I know we need to get to. 18:13:31 <smooge> #info Building EPEL for non-RHEL arches in CentOS buildsystem 18:13:53 <smooge> #info Writing down EPEL data 18:14:18 <smooge> #info Moving EPEL from fedorahosted to pagure 18:14:43 <smooge> does anyone in the floor have items for future agenda items? 18:15:00 <smooge> I believe it isn't too soon to start talking about RHEL-8 and if we want to do EPEL for it or not 18:15:03 <nirik> oh yeah, good call on the pagure move. We can do that anytime IMHO. 18:16:12 <smooge> #info (from moto-timo) Begin conversation about EPEL and RHEL-8 18:16:47 <smooge> anything else? 18:17:08 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 18:17:19 <smooge> ok moto-timo you had a bunch of python34 in RHEL-6? 18:17:30 <moto-timo> Yes. 18:17:42 <moto-timo> I came across a need for python34 in CentOS 6.8 18:17:58 <moto-timo> So I worked with orion to get python34 building on EL6 18:18:08 <moto-timo> along with a few obvious packages. 18:18:28 <moto-timo> Testing and karma would be appreciated. 18:18:44 <nirik> cool. 18:18:54 <nirik> you might consider announcing it on epel-announce? 18:19:01 <moto-timo> oh. duh. 18:19:02 <moto-timo> :) 18:19:15 <moto-timo> If you have any wish list packages, let me know or file a ticket 18:20:01 <yselkowitz> pbrobinson, anything else I can clarify wrt ftbfs on aarch64? 18:20:02 <moto-timo> Basically, SCL was awkward for my target audience so that's why I did EPEL. In case you are wondering. 18:20:11 * moto-timo done 18:20:32 <yselkowitz> sorry, there was a lull, thought you were done already 18:20:37 <moto-timo> lol 18:20:38 <pbrobinson> yselkowitz: there likely is, I need to look back through, but I can't think of any off hand 18:21:02 <yselkowitz> pbrobinson, ping me if so, likely we've already seen it 18:21:42 <smooge> thanks moto-timo 18:21:45 <smooge> moto-timo++ 18:21:45 <zodbot> smooge: Karma for ttorling changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:22:09 <smooge> Hey someone who is doing python3 in EL6 needs more Karma than that.. 18:22:20 <yselkowitz> moto-timo++ 18:22:20 <zodbot> yselkowitz: Karma for ttorling changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:22:23 <yselkowitz> pbrobinson++ 18:22:23 <zodbot> yselkowitz: Karma for pbrobinson changed to 10 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:22:24 <moto-timo> or a kick in the head 18:22:27 <nirik> quite right... :) 18:22:33 <nirik> moto-timo++ 18:22:33 <zodbot> nirik: Karma for ttorling changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:22:42 <smooge> moto-timo, I thought karma was a kick in the head :) 18:22:50 <yselkowitz> sometimes it is :-) 18:22:50 <moto-timo> indeed 18:23:19 <smooge> ok anything else for this meeting? Next week we will have an overview meeting. I will post the items above onto the list and ask for comments and we will discuss./do next week 18:24:19 <moto-timo> gotta run. thank you all 18:24:24 * moto-timo waves 18:24:44 <smooge> #endmeeting