18:00:19 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL 18:00:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 17 18:00:19 2017 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:20 <smooge> #meetingname EPEL 18:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:20 <smooge> #chair smooge nirik Evolution bstinson avij 18:00:20 <smooge> #topic aloha 18:00:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge 18:00:24 <avij> hello 18:00:45 <smooge> hello 18:01:09 <nirik> morning 18:01:10 <bstinson> hi all 18:01:46 <smooge> so I am did not prepare an agenda. 18:02:08 <smooge> #topic Old Business 18:02:15 <smooge> #info do we have any? 18:02:46 <smooge> I think there wasn't anything from the last couple of meetings so this should be pretty quiet. 18:02:55 <smooge> do you guys remember anything? 18:04:02 <nirik> nothing pressing comes to mind 18:04:13 <smooge> ok onto new business 18:04:26 <smooge> #topic new business 18:04:26 <smooge> #info EPEL activity day this fall 18:04:26 <smooge> #info EPEL archive old releases 18:04:26 <smooge> #info EPEL build system mail about removing packages 18:04:27 <smooge> #info need help with website documents 18:04:27 <smooge> #info A request for /opt/epel is with FHS awaiting approval 18:04:29 <smooge> #info ??? 18:04:49 <smooge> So a couple of things have come up for new things to work on 18:05:03 <smooge> 1. an EPEL activity day to clear out old tickets and work on new things. 18:05:23 <smooge> 2. a request by various groups on a way to archive old packages somewhere 18:05:43 <smooge> 3. another request for a way for packages getting removed to be sent to epel-announce 18:05:54 <smooge> 4. fix the website documents 18:06:38 <smooge> 5. And I put in a request to The Linux Assigned Names And Numbers Authority to reserve /opt/epel for us 18:06:43 <nirik> well, koji has all old packages... 18:08:30 <smooge> yes it does. It isn't the easiest to get stuff from 18:08:36 <smooge> but it does have things 18:08:49 <nirik> yeah. Not sure we have any better thing. ;( 18:09:07 <nirik> activity day sounds good to me, hopefully during a fedora freeze so I have more time. ;) 18:09:47 <smooge> hahahahahahaha 18:09:50 <smooge> ahhahhahahahahaha 18:09:57 <nirik> :) 18:10:00 <smooge> wait we have time during freezes? 18:10:51 <smooge> how does 2017-09-05 Beta Freeze sound? 18:12:05 <nirik> sure, sometime a bit after that? 18:12:17 <nirik> like friday the 8th? 18:12:29 <avij> sure, why not. 18:12:56 <smooge> ok the 8th with a slip date of the 15th 18:13:11 <smooge> just on the off chance that we slip one week 18:13:26 <smooge> the slight almost neglible one 18:13:43 * avij adds the date to his calendar 18:13:44 <nirik> sure 18:14:57 <smooge> #agreed 2017-09-08 tentative EPEL activity day 18:15:07 <nirik> added here too 18:16:25 <smooge> ok so anything else.. 18:18:08 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 18:18:37 <smooge> So I think a problem is going to eat up some of my time so I am going to close this out in 2 minutes 18:19:08 <nirik> there's always problems. ;) 18:21:48 <smooge> #endmeeting