17:02:11 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL (2018-10-17) 17:02:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 17 17:02:11 2018 UTC. 17:02:11 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:02:11 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:02:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2018-10-17)' 17:02:11 <smooge> #meetingname epel 17:02:11 <smooge> #topic Chair and Introductions 17:02:11 <smooge> #chair avij bstinson Evolution nirik smooge 17:02:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 17:02:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge 17:02:21 <smooge> I will make this just an open floor 17:02:48 <avij> sounds like a plan 17:02:55 <pgreco> smooge, a few things to report 17:03:01 <smooge> next week I have down that Tuesday is our python36 vfad.. and I think it needs to move to another date because I have had no time to set up anything 17:03:10 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 17:03:17 <smooge> hi pgreco the floor is yours 17:03:18 <nirik> morning 17:03:52 <pgreco> 1) Sent some of the armhfp changes to juhp 17:04:26 <pgreco> he'll check and get back or submit, but it is on the works 17:04:57 <pgreco> 2) have been working with tmz to get libgpod-sharp back 17:05:10 <pgreco> it is almost ready to push 17:05:43 <pgreco> with that we get to 3), having libgpod-sharp, with a few tweaks, we can bring banshee back from the dead 17:06:23 <pgreco> don't know who is willing to review/submit the changes 17:07:13 <pgreco> that is all I have atm 17:07:17 <smooge> cool and thanks 17:07:22 <nirik> probibly needs to go thru the normal review process... 17:07:31 <nirik> I can possibly review it if I get time 17:07:31 <smooge> we can do that next week 17:07:58 <pgreco> ok, libgpod-sharp will be a new package, just for epel7 17:08:29 <smooge> what is it currently? 17:08:48 <pgreco> epel7 had libgpod (which included libgpod-sharp) 17:09:00 <pgreco> then rhel added libgpod (without libgpod-sharp) 17:09:20 <pgreco> which resulted in killing libgpod completely in epel7 17:09:41 <pgreco> so, now we should only rebuild the missing subpackage 17:09:54 <smooge> yeah it iwll need to be a seperate package 17:09:58 <pgreco> like is done with php-extras, or something like that 17:10:16 <smooge> like we do with ... you got it 17:11:27 <smooge> ok nirik avij I need some help. I need to know when would be a good time for the python vfad and I need someone to kick me to get it all done by 2 weeks before then 17:12:16 <nirik> well, after f29 might be better for me... so sometime in nov. 17:12:22 <smooge> pgreco, so I think we will follow the example of however we did the php item 17:12:25 <smooge> me too 17:12:26 <nirik> but not sure everyone else. 17:13:03 <pgreco> the only doubt about pushing vfad is that RHEL 7.6 is really close 17:13:14 <smooge> ok I will see what I can get out of the way by end of today and put out. If you dont see any emails to the list/you by end of day give me a kick in the teeth 17:13:33 <pgreco> so, if it is ok to do that after 7.6, fine with me 17:14:30 <avij> I don't have any specific dates in mind, but taking f29 into account when determining the date sounds reasonable 17:14:32 <smooge> I think it is fine as we haven't put in strict processes yet to rebuild everything with a .6 out 17:15:11 <smooge> ok I will put up an email to the python list and the epel list and get a date in november 17:15:34 <smooge> I don't have anything else for this meeting 17:16:05 <smooge> so I can close out in 1minute otherwise and give you all your day back 17:16:13 <avij> for the record, as I mentioned in an earlier meeting I'll be travelling next week, so no EPEL things for me next week. 17:16:46 <avij> nothing else from me, thanks 17:18:38 <smooge> #endmeeting