21:00:58 <tdawson> #startmeeting EPEL (2020-03-27) 21:00:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 27 21:00:58 2020 UTC. 21:00:58 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 21:00:58 <zodbot> The chair is tdawson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2020-03-27)' 21:00:59 <tdawson> #meetingname epel 21:00:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 21:01:01 <tdawson> #chair nirik tdawson bstinson Evolution pgreco merlinm carlwgeorge 21:01:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution bstinson carlwgeorge merlinm nirik pgreco tdawson 21:01:02 <tdawson> #topic aloha 21:01:14 * carlwgeorge waves 21:01:20 <nirik> hello 21:01:35 <pgreco> hello 21:01:43 <tdawson> Hi carlwgeorge nirik and pgreco 21:02:18 <bstinson> hi all 21:02:26 <tdawson> hi bstinson 21:03:19 <tdawson> Wow, we have almost everyone within the first two minutes. 21:03:28 <tdawson> I'll give it one more minute to see if merlinm shows up. 21:04:42 <tdawson> I'll give it one more minute to see if merlinm shows up. 21:04:43 <tdawson> #topic Old Business 21:04:45 <tdawson> #info Report on progress of testing CentOS Devel repo packages in EPEL8 21:04:46 <tdawson> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8749 21:05:01 <tdawson> So, it looks like we've had some good progress on this. 21:05:11 <tdawson> nirik: did you want to report on what's been done? 21:05:38 <nirik> yeah 21:06:06 <nirik> so, I can enable this in prod if we want, but... there is a limitation. No s390x builds... so all things using this would have to excludearch that 21:06:21 <nirik> otherwise it seems to work from limited / quick testing 21:06:39 <tdawson> Yep, it worked for me. 21:07:30 <nirik> so, either we enable it in prod and announce / document it, or drop it. ;) 21:07:51 <tdawson> I'm for enabling it in prod. 21:07:56 <tdawson> What do others think? 21:07:58 <pgreco> me too 21:08:29 <nirik> ok. I can enable it... can someone else document it and announce it? I could try and do that too, but not sure when I would get to it. 21:08:55 <tdawson> If nobody else wants to document it, I can give it a try. 21:09:24 <nirik> I guess on our policy / guidelines wiki page? 21:09:42 <tdawson> Ya, that's what I was thinking. 21:09:49 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL:Packaging 21:10:12 <nirik> (of course it all needs to be burned down and moved to real docs someday, but perhaps not today) 21:10:33 <pgreco> tdawson, I can give it a quick review when you write 21:10:34 <tdawson> Yep ... I don't know how to do that yet. 21:10:35 <pgreco> if you want 21:10:51 <tdawson> pgreco: I would appreciate that. I'll ping you when I get it written. 21:11:21 <tdawson> nirik: Did you want to go ahead and put it in prod when you get the time, and once I have it documented, we'll announce it. 21:11:48 <nirik> sounds good. 21:11:52 <nirik> it's pretty easy to add. 21:12:16 <tdawson> I have to say, I was surprised when my test build, built. 21:12:34 * nirik runs the two commands now. 21:13:54 <tdawson> bstinson: Thank you, and the CentOS infrsstructure people, for getting this done. 21:14:22 <nirik> ok, should be live. :) 21:14:31 <tdawson> nirik: Wow ... you are good. 21:14:49 <tdawson> How often will that sync? 21:14:50 <bstinson> we can call this a working meeting 21:15:07 <nirik> I think it's daily. 21:15:22 <tdawson> That should be good ... cool. 21:16:38 <tdawson> #action tdawson will document the new 'missing devel' repo / way of doing things. He will send it to pgreco and bstinson for review before he publishes it. 21:16:48 <pgreco> +1 21:17:07 <tdawson> nirik: Thank you, and smooge (I know he did something) for getting it setup in epel. 21:17:16 <nirik> no problem 21:17:58 <tdawson> Anything else on this? 21:18:02 <nirik> nope 21:18:27 <tdawson> I can't wait to start closing alot of those epel issues. :) 21:18:32 <tdawson> OK, moving on. 21:18:48 <tdawson> #info EPEL-6 is End of Life in 2020-11. It will be moved to archives in 2020-12 21:18:50 <tdawson> #info THIS IS NOT A DRILL. 21:18:59 <smooge> it is a drill.. will never happen 21:19:09 * tdawson laughs. 21:19:20 <smooge> keep your EL6 systems going.. don't worry 21:19:42 * smooge goes back to his misinformation cave 21:20:37 <tdawson> I replied to the one fellow who wanted to update his epel6 package, along with rebuild all it's dependents. He never replied to my reply. 21:21:21 <tdawson> I noted that his package hadn't been updated or touched for 9 years. Did he really want to make this change 6 months before it goes end of life. 21:21:49 <tdawson> But, if he replies ... I'll help him out. 21:22:17 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-7 21:22:49 <tdawson> Any problems for EPEL7? 21:23:23 <nirik> humming along as far as I know... 21:23:37 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-8 21:24:33 <pgreco> not aware of anything other than the Devel repo 21:24:54 <nirik> there's outstanding issues with modules, but no progress on that that I know of 21:24:59 <tdawson> I haven't pinged him in a while, but next week I'll ping mboddu about the non-default module stuff. 21:25:24 <tdawson> nirik: So, no progress, understood. 21:25:50 <tdawson> I was going to ping him to see if he had an estimate of when he would be able to look at it more. 21:26:19 <mboddu> Ahhh, I should put it on my list, so much stuff going on 21:26:41 <nirik> the two things I know of are: 21:26:58 <nirik> .ticket 8690 21:26:59 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8690: Can't build module with dependency on module in RHEL - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8690 21:27:07 <nirik> .ticket 8687 21:27:08 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8687: module: bad constraint branch = stream - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8687 21:27:58 * mboddu trying to non-default module ticket 21:27:59 <nirik> well, I guess not clear the second one is a epel issue really. 21:28:20 <tdawson> Ya, that's what I was going to ask. Does it do this in Fedora and not EPEL? 21:28:39 <nirik> unclear. 21:29:32 <tdawson> Huh ... maybe it needs some investigation. I was thinking of asking merlinm if this is even a feature that's been implemented anywhere. 21:30:33 <nirik> yeah... 21:30:36 <nirik> dunno 21:30:55 <tdawson> Hmm ... since he isn't here ... maybe I can assign this for him to do. :) 21:31:13 <pgreco> that seems like the right choice :) 21:32:28 <tdawson> #action merlinm will investigate Issue #8687 and find out if this is a feature implemented anywhere yet. 21:32:47 <tdawson> #action tdawson will tell merlinm about previous action. 21:33:09 <nirik> :) 21:33:43 <tdawson> So, I think both of these are things to bring up at next weeks meeting, hopefully with progress. 21:33:49 <tdawson> Anything else for EPEL8? 21:34:02 <mboddu> tdawson: I am not able to find that ticket, do you have it in hand? 21:34:17 * mboddu will give have some estimate by next week 21:34:26 <tdawson> mboddu: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8690 21:34:36 <mboddu> Thanks 21:35:11 <mboddu> #action While I was looking at it, its been discussed here :D 21:35:19 <mboddu> #unfo 21:35:21 <mboddu> #undo 21:35:31 <tdawson> :) 21:35:33 <mboddu> Oh, I am not the chair, never mind 21:35:44 <tdawson> #undo 21:35:44 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by mboddu at 21:35:11 : While I was looking at it, its been discussed here :D 21:35:54 <mboddu> Thanks tdawson 21:36:11 <mboddu> While I was looking for it* 21:36:20 <mboddu> Been a long day, should go for a walk 21:36:39 <tdawson> It's possible that we're almost finished here ... 21:36:50 <tdawson> #topic Open Floor 21:37:48 <tdawson> Anyone have anything else? 21:38:03 <nirik> nope 21:38:28 <pgreco> nothing here 21:38:32 <carlwgeorge> all good 21:39:06 <tdawson> Thanks everyone for coming. Have a good weekend. 21:39:12 <tdawson> #endmeeting