21:00:29 <tdawson> #startmeeting EPEL (2020-06-26) 21:00:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 26 21:00:29 2020 UTC. 21:00:29 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 21:00:29 <zodbot> The chair is tdawson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2020-06-26)' 21:00:30 <tdawson> #meetingname epel 21:00:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 21:00:32 <tdawson> #chair nirik tdawson bstinson Evolution pgreco carlwgeorge 21:00:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution bstinson carlwgeorge nirik pgreco tdawson 21:00:33 <tdawson> #topic aloha 21:00:50 <pgreco> oh, it's time, hi! 21:00:57 <tdawson> Hi pgreco 21:01:16 <smooge> hello 21:01:18 <nb> .hello2 21:01:19 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 21:01:26 <tdawson> Hi smooge 21:01:32 <tdawson> Hi nb 21:02:01 <nb> hello 21:03:26 <tdawson> I'll give it a couple more minutes to see if we get more people show up 21:03:56 <nirik> morning 21:04:02 <tdawson> Hi nirik 21:04:23 <tdawson> I have a suspision that it isn't morning where you are 21:04:30 <tdawson> But I guess it's morning somewhere. 21:04:47 <nirik> it's always morning when the meeting starts. ;) 21:05:31 <tdawson> #topic Old Business 21:05:33 <tdawson> #info EPEL-6 is End of Life in 2020-11. It will be moved to archives in 2020-12 21:05:34 <tdawson> #info THIS IS NOT A DRILL. 21:06:03 <nirik> coming up fast... 21:06:15 <tdawson> I don't think any of last weeks business needs to be re-talked about. 21:06:44 <tdawson> It is ... less than 5 months 21:07:08 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-7 21:07:53 <tdawson> I don't have anything for EPEL7 ... does anyone else? 21:08:32 <nirik> nope 21:08:37 <tdawson> #topic EPEL-8 21:08:48 <tdawson> #info Proposal to update Guidelines and Policies about module names and stream names 21:08:50 <tdawson> .epel 104 21:08:51 <zodbot> tdawson: Issue #104: Update module policy concerning same modules as RHEL - epel - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/epel/issue/104 21:09:54 <tdawson> I know this only started this morning, but I'm assuming everyone's heard about it in some form. 21:10:17 <nirik> I skimmed it, not sure I am willing to approve it yet... 21:10:22 <smooge> I for one completely misunderstood the problem when I saw it this morning :) 21:10:30 <nirik> I'm wondering how this looks to a user... 21:11:03 <nirik> if you dnf enable foobar/baz (in rhel) and then later see foobar/zing (in epel) and switch to it, is it clear it's from epel and not rhel? 21:11:17 <nirik> I guess you can see in module info. 21:11:31 <tdawson> https://paste.centos.org/view/7317fd36 21:11:52 <tdawson> nirik: That is what RHEL users are seeing right now. 21:11:58 <smooge> so the issue is that currently if you get nodejs:10 you automatically get both RHEL and EPEL enabled and then our packages update the shipped ones 21:12:22 <nirik> yeah, I know that... 21:12:38 <tdawson> to be honest, this is the worst case scenario ... but it certainly highlights the problem. 21:13:01 <smooge> I don't know if I will call it the worst case scenario. I am expecting we will find worse ones 21:13:02 <nirik> I know we need to remove those, I was just talking about epel naming the module the same but with a different stream 21:13:31 <nirik> I suppose it would also show it's form epel on update/install. 21:13:44 <smooge> so I thought tdawson's rule was that all epel streams will have the name in it? 21:14:07 <smooge> so it would be nodejs:10-epel or foobar/zing-epel 21:14:20 <tdawson> smooge: It wasn't what we ended up agreeing on. But ya, that's what I wanted. 21:14:22 <smooge> repotags 21:15:06 <smooge> sorry I haven't seen the updates since you talked this morning so I was going off that 21:15:28 <pgreco> sorry, work is messing with meeting time... 21:15:38 <tdawson> Oh, here's the output of listing the modules - https://paste.centos.org/view/bb960f1b 21:16:11 <pgreco> tdawson: I'm ok with the rephrase from your mail today 21:16:58 <tdawson> So, having the repotag, or something in the stream (ie. 10-epel) prevents some module builders from having a generic name across all releases. 21:17:28 <nirik> I like the epel name in the stream... 21:19:47 <smooge> honestly I think that we could also go with name-{repo} anyway for all streams no matter where 21:20:10 <nirik> well, we have no control over what rhel does. ;) 21:20:33 <smooge> yeah understood 21:20:52 <tdawson> Looking at the modules, it looks like rhel has two standards as well 21:20:56 <smooge> the problem is that using a generic name across all releases is going to hurt 21:21:08 <tdawson> Some, that are default, have a stream of rhel8, while others have a number. 21:22:09 <nirik> standards are great! everyone should have one! 21:22:25 <smooge> two 21:22:42 <tdawson> So, it's sounding like we don't have a consensus on what the stream name's should be, but what about an agreement that they shouldn't be the same as whatever is in RHEL's? 21:23:31 <pgreco> looks like it 21:23:54 <nirik> yeah. 21:23:56 <smooge> well who in this meeting doesn't want -epel in the name? 21:24:28 <pgreco> I don't think the problem is that we don't want it, I think the problem is that we can't without hurting fedora 21:24:35 <nirik> IMHO we should mail the list and see if anyone has other ideas and vote on this next week? unless there's a rush? I'm fine approving the removal of those overlapping ones in the mean time 21:24:58 <tdawson> If I'm a module maintainer, I really want to just have [] in there, and just do one module build for all releases. 21:25:24 <tdawson> If we could get it to automatically add -epel to the stream name, I think that would be great 21:25:43 <smooge> if I was a repository owner, I would like mbs to be able to add such flags for me 21:25:56 <nirik> no idea who would do that work... 21:25:59 * nirik calls not it. 21:26:04 <smooge> damn it 21:26:38 * tdawson doesn't have permissions. 21:28:11 <tdawson> Sorry for the long pauses, I'm wondering where to move forward with this. 21:28:54 <nirik> well, mbs does have a upstream (the koji team) we could try and ask them if they could put it on their radar... 21:29:21 <tdawson> nirik: smooge: Do either of you know how long it will take to remove the modules in question? https://pagure.io/releng/issue/9554 21:29:39 <tdawson> nirik: That sounds like a plan. 21:29:40 <nirik> not sure. 21:30:06 <nirik> ideally we can just untag them in koji and the next compose drops them... but I am not sure if modules work that way. 21:31:04 <tdawson> Does anyone want to step forward for contacting the koji team about putting -epel8 in the stream names? 21:31:54 * tdawson stands there as everone takes one step back. 21:32:45 <tdawson> #info tdawson will contact the mbs upstream team (the koji team) about getting them to put -epel (or -epel8) automatically on the stream names. 21:33:01 <nirik> +1 21:33:12 <pgreco> +1 21:33:42 <tdawson> We can table the proposal for now, and bring it up next week, with what we find. 21:34:10 <tdawson> Because if they can do that, then the extra wording isn't needed. 21:34:34 <pgreco> yeap, unless rhel decides to name their modules -epel ;) 21:34:41 <tdawson> *laughs* 21:35:22 <tdawson> OK, any other RHEL8 things? 21:35:48 <nirik> it's my new distro... Extra Posh Envigorating Linux... 21:36:35 <tdawson> *laughs* Oh man ... why didn't I pick that name when I was creating my last distro. 21:37:08 <tdawson> I would like your finest distro please ... Extra Posh 21:37:54 <tdawson> Well ... moving on 21:37:56 <nirik> ✅ 21:38:18 <tdawson> #topic General Issues / Open Floor 21:38:58 <tdawson> I want to thank nirik smooge and your team for the work on the datacenter move. 21:39:46 <nirik> thanks. it's been a journey, but overall I think it went pretty well. Many kudos to smooge on it... 21:40:55 <nb> yes, nirik++ smooge++ 21:41:02 <nb> but i think i already gave you both cookies 21:41:02 <pgreco> nirik++ 21:41:02 <zodbot> pgreco: Karma for kevin changed to 25 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:41:06 <pgreco> smooge++ 21:41:06 <zodbot> pgreco: Karma for smooge changed to 20 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:42:01 <tdawson> I know it isn't over yet, but from the reports, it looks like the touchiest stuff is behind us. 21:42:31 <nirik> yeah, now is just the rebuilding/readding things... will take a while, but hopefully less stressfull. 21:43:35 <tdawson> Anything else while we are on open floor? 21:44:22 <tdawson> Oh, I just remembered, next Friday is a holiday in the U.S., and I wasn't planning on being here then. 21:44:28 * nirik has nothing. 21:44:39 <tdawson> Do we want to skip the meeting next week, or would someone else want to run the meeting? 21:44:45 <nirik> try and vote in ticket on that proposal? 21:44:56 <tdawson> nirik: I'm fine with that. 21:45:03 * nirik is hoping to have a family only social distant bbq. ;) 21:45:04 <pgreco> yeah, I'm good 21:45:13 <tdawson> I'll put my findings in the ticket. 21:45:19 <pgreco> tdawson: did you get anything with the duplicated packages? 21:45:44 <tdawson> pgreco: I'm not understanding what you mean. 21:45:56 <pgreco> the repodiff we talked last week 21:46:07 <pgreco> packages we have in epel that should be removed 21:46:31 <tdawson> pgreco: Oh ya. I was trying to figure out where to put that. 21:47:04 <tdawson> pgreco: No ... thanks for the reminder, I'll put it again on top of my things to do. 21:47:42 <pgreco> sure 21:49:02 <tdawson> pgreco: I should have that done early in the week. I'll send out an email. 21:49:42 <pgreco> no problem, to me it looks like 1 hour passed since last week's meeting 21:49:49 <pgreco> it is all a blur, so I'm good :) 21:49:55 <tdawson> :) 21:50:37 <tdawson> So, it sounds like we're going to skip next weeks meeting? And do the voting in the issue once we have more information. 21:50:39 <tdawson> Correct? 21:50:44 <pgreco> +1 21:51:09 <nirik> +1 21:51:11 <tdawson> #info skpping next weeks meeting due to holidays. Next meeting will be July 10 21:51:29 <tdawson> Then, that's all I have for today, unless anyone has anything else. 21:52:35 <pgreco> thanks everybody 21:53:13 <tdawson> Thanks for coming and participating. I hope everyone has a good weekend, and good week. 21:53:28 <tdawson> #endmeeting