#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora 18 Go/No-Go suplementary meeting

Meeting started by jreznik at 16:00:15 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Roll call  (jreznik, 16:00:43)
  * tflink available for QA  (jreznik, 16:02:05)
  * nirik and sgallagh available for devel  (jreznik, 16:02:22)
  * rbergeron and jreznik for PM and "ship it"  (jreznik, 16:02:42)

* Purpose of this meeting  (jreznik, 16:05:18)
  * on yesterday's Go/No-Go meeting it was agreed that RC3 is GOLD for
    now, with possibility to raise the status of RC4 to be the final
    release based on the outcome of supplemental testing  (jreznik,

* final decision on what RC to ship  (jreznik, 16:07:11)
  * QA has been working on testing RC4 since it was spun yesterday
    (jreznik, 16:07:45)
  * No major issues have been found in QA's testing of RC4 but it still
    hasn't received the same level of testing as RC2  (tflink, 16:09:16)
  * Test matrices show no major regressions from RC2/3 to RC4  (tflink,
  * LINK:
    (tflink, 16:10:13)
  * LINK:
    (tflink, 16:10:28)
  * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=893839   (tflink,
  * Fedora QA is not -1 on shipping RC4 but it _is_ more risky than
    shipping RC3  (jreznik, 16:19:16)
  * proposal: ship RC4 as a final release  (jreznik, 16:22:10)
  * proposal #agreed to ship RC4 as final release (with no votes
    against)  (jreznik, 16:29:55)
  * AGREED: to ship RC4 as final release (with no votes against)
    (jreznik, 16:31:44)
  * ACTION: jreznik to announce the decision on lists  (jreznik,

Meeting ended at 16:45:07 UTC.

Action Items
* jreznik to announce the decision on lists

Action Items, by person
* jreznik
  * jreznik to announce the decision on lists
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* jreznik (70)
* tflink (36)
* sgallagh (18)
* rbergeron (15)
* Viking-Ice (13)
* nirik (12)
* Martix (9)
* zodbot (4)
* dgilmore (2)
* satellit (1)
* nonamedotc (1)

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