17:01:01 <jreznik> #startmeeting F20 Beta Go/No-Go meeting 17:01:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 24 17:01:01 2013 UTC. The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:13 <jreznik> #meetingname F20 Beta Go/No-Go meeting 17:01:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f20_beta_go/no-go_meeting' 17:01:32 <jreznik> #topic Roll Call 17:01:54 * nirik is here. 17:01:55 <jreznik> so, hi! who's with me today? 17:01:55 * satellit listening 17:02:01 <jwb> i'm here for kernel stuff if needs be. please ping if so 17:02:09 * mclasen lurks 17:02:17 <nirik> should be a short meeting I fear. 17:02:21 * roshi is here 17:02:56 <jreznik> nirik: yeah, how I like 5 hours+ go/no-go with light in the end of the tunnel compared to this one 17:03:22 * tflink is present 17:03:45 <jreznik> btw. I have some issues with my modem but I hope it would stay stable during meeting... already had to hard reset it 17:04:04 * satellit listening but afk 17:04:16 <jreznik> ok, let's move on 17:04:29 <jreznik> #info just a reminder - Readiness meeting follows in two hours later, even we say No-Go today 17:05:02 <jreznik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 17:05:04 <jreznik> #info Purpose of this meeting is to see whether or not F20 Beta is ready for shipment, according to the release criteria. 17:05:06 <jreznik> #info This is determined in a few ways: 17:05:07 <jreznik> #info No remaining blocker bugs 17:05:08 <jreznik> #info Test matrices for Beta are fully completed 17:05:10 <jreznik> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/20/beta/buglist 17:05:11 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_20_Beta_TC5_Install 17:05:13 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_20_Beta_TC5_Base 17:05:14 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_20_Beta_TC5_Desktop 17:05:30 <jreznik> as you know, we don't have RC yet 17:05:49 <jreznik> so lines above are just FYI today 17:06:14 <nirik> yeah, there's 0 way we could be go today. 17:06:25 <jreznik> but it still would be worth to check at least proposed blockers we can move on with and check test matrices coverage 17:06:30 <nirik> but perhaps we can see where we are blocked and move those things forward.... 17:06:33 <nirik> yeah 17:06:55 * pwhalen is here 17:06:57 <tflink> the biggest thing is partitioning stuff, lvm thinp and btrfs 17:07:10 <tflink> but the oversize problem is still there 17:07:19 <jwb> wait, btrfs is blocking? 17:07:25 <jreznik> after a quick review, it looks like there are that two bugs tflink mentioned 17:07:39 <jreznik> jwb: that's something I'm not very ok with... 17:07:40 <tflink> jwb: anaconda's use of it is, yes 17:07:52 <tflink> jreznik: we touched on that a bit yesterday 17:07:55 <jwb> sorry, i missed this in the meeting yesterday... 17:08:12 * jreznik would prefer not to block on brtfs and in case anyone would like to use it - it would say "tech preview" 17:08:21 <jreznik> yeah, I know we touched it yesterday... 17:09:20 <jwb> this is 1022206 ? 17:09:20 <jreznik> but tflink is right - it's in Anaconda, it should work, if we are not sure about quality, it should not be visible at all (or with that banner above) 17:09:40 <tflink> yeah, if it's offered as an option - it shouldn't crash 17:09:47 <tflink> it should work, rather 17:10:10 <tflink> jwb: that's one of them, yes 17:10:52 <jwb> ok, ignore me. i'll go read the minutes from yesterday 17:10:52 <jreznik> two unresolved 986575 and 1016959, the rest is in POST state or has a fix available in bug 17:11:56 <jreznik> tflink: do we want to have quick blocker review for that two bugs? so the question is how many people do we have here, but I'd like to move forward with that bugs earlier than later 17:12:38 <tflink> either way is fine by me if we have enough people 17:13:03 <tflink> but we're slipping anyways, so I don't think it's a big deal 17:13:29 <jreznik> tflink: but rushing that bugs early next week is also not a best what we can do 17:14:11 <tflink> true, but I don't think accepting them now will make them be fixed any faster 17:14:21 <jreznik> so from dlehman, 986575 should be POST too, so we have one anaconda bug left so far and that pungi issue... I'm going to work on that with dmach tomorrow morning 17:14:52 <jreznik> tflink: I'll let it up to you, you're the blocker bug review boss :) 17:15:38 <jreznik> for 1010495 bcl says it's not fixed and people were lucky not to hit it 17:17:26 <tflink> sure, we can go through them 17:17:41 <tflink> still not sure we have nough active people but I guess we'll find out 17:17:50 <jreznik> yep, we'll see 17:18:44 <tflink> #topic (1022810) LVMError: lvactivate failed for [pool_tdata]: running lvm lvchange -a y vg_stacked/[pool_tdata] failed 17:18:47 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1022810 17:18:49 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 17:18:54 <tflink> I'm not chair, am I? 17:19:28 <jreznik> #chair tflink 17:19:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: jreznik tflink 17:19:32 <jreznik> now you are, sorry 17:19:48 <tflink> #topic (1022810) LVMError: lvactivate failed for [pool_tdata]: running lvm lvchange -a y vg_stacked/[pool_tdata] failed 17:19:51 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1022810 17:19:54 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 17:21:06 <tflink> that criterion isn't correct but it appears to be a blocker 17:21:22 <nirik> so the thin pool stuff is in the ui? I didn't think it was yet... 17:21:45 <tflink> "When using the custom partitioning flow, the installer must be able to ... Correctly interpret, and modify as described below, any disk with a valid ms-dos or gpt disk label and partition table containing ext4 partitions, LVM and/or btrfs volumes, and/or software RAID arrays at RAID levels 0, 1 and 5 containing ext4 partitions " 17:22:13 <tflink> it's available in guided partitioning w/o raid or custom part w/ raid, IIRC 17:22:25 <tflink> I know it's available w/o raid as a guided option 17:22:38 <nirik> ok. then yeah, +1 blocker 17:22:50 <tflink> +1 17:23:00 <jreznik> nirik: it's f20 Change 17:23:19 <jreznik> but purely based on criteria, I have to +1 17:23:20 <nirik> yes, I know... I just didn't think it had been completed, but I'm likely just misremembering. 17:23:41 <tflink> i don't think it's working, but it is implemented in anaconda's UI 17:23:46 * roshi will secretary things 17:23:51 <tflink> working 100%, anyways 17:23:56 <tflink> roshi: thanks 17:24:53 <tflink> proposed #agreed 1022810 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 beta release criterion for systems with lvm thinp on raid: "When using the custom partitioning flow, the installer must be able to ... Correctly interpret, and modify as described below, any disk with a valid ms-dos or gpt disk label and partition table containing ext4 partitions, LVM and/or btrfs volumes, and/or software RAID arrays at RAID levels 0, 1 and 5 containing ext4 par 17:25:07 <nirik> ack 17:25:10 <roshi> +1 ack 17:25:14 <jreznik> ack 17:25:17 <nirik> well, (got cut off, but otherwise) 17:25:25 <tflink> how far did it get? 17:25:33 <jreznik> ext4 par 17:25:40 <roshi> half way through the last word 17:25:44 <tflink> yay for irc limits 17:25:53 <tflink> which ext4 par? 17:25:59 <tflink> the first one or the second one 17:26:02 <roshi> last 17:26:04 <roshi> second 17:26:31 <tflink> proposed #agreed 1022810 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 beta release criterion for systems with lvm thinp on raid: "When using the custom partitioning flow, the installer must be able to ... Correctly interpret and modify any disk with a valid ms-dos or gpt disk label and partition table containing ext4 partitions, LVM and/or btrfs volumes, and/or software RAID arrays at RAID levels 0, 1 and 5 containing ext4 partitions" 17:26:50 <nirik> right. ack 17:27:02 <tflink> #agreed 1022810 - AcceptedBlocker - Violates the following F20 beta release criterion for systems with lvm thinp on raid: "When using the custom partitioning flow, the installer must be able to ... Correctly interpret and modify any disk with a valid ms-dos or gpt disk label and partition table containing ext4 partitions, LVM and/or btrfs volumes, and/or software RAID arrays at RAID levels 0, 1 and 5 containing ext4 partitions" 17:27:12 <tflink> #topic (1022811) Selecting one disk from multi-disk VG displays no information about the VG 17:27:15 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1022811 17:27:18 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 17:27:31 <tflink> I'm not so sure this is a blocker 17:28:00 <jreznik> same here 17:28:17 <nirik> yeah, me either. 17:28:24 <tflink> a bug, certainly but not sure it qualifies as a blocker 17:29:06 <tflink> -1 17:29:10 <nirik> I'm not sure how commonn multi pv lvm setups are really... most everyone I know avoids them because if you drop one pv you are doomed. 17:29:40 <tflink> I have one on top of raid 17:29:47 <nirik> so, yeah, weak -1 I guess. it's a bug and should be fixed, but for a beta... 17:29:49 <tflink> but also not sure how common it is :) 17:30:03 <nirik> tflink: yeah, me too. I think thats vastly more common. 17:30:24 <jreznik> -1, not sure about FE 17:30:24 <tflink> I suppose that's a single pv as far as lvm is concerned, though 17:30:30 <tflink> I'm probably -1 FE 17:30:36 <pwhalen> move to final? 17:30:50 <tflink> this gets into territory that shouldn't get touched during freeze unless it's a blocker 17:31:09 <jreznik> tflink: that was my "not sure", so -1/-1 17:31:39 <jreznik> pwhalen: could be reproposed for final, I'd not move it automatically now 17:31:39 <tflink> yeah, I just wasn't going to vote -1 FE unless someone proposed it :) 17:31:46 <pwhalen> -1 , but think it should get fixed for final 17:31:48 <tflink> I'm not even sure this qualifies as a final blocker 17:32:06 <tflink> I suspect this isn't a new bug 17:32:34 <tflink> which doesn't mean that it shouldn't get fixed, just that it's been around for a while and doesn't seem to have caused any horrible problems 17:32:41 <tflink> other thoughts? 17:33:22 <jreznik> seems like not, clear -1/-1 17:33:41 <jreznik> and I'd avoid moving it to final now, seems like we have agreement on that too 17:35:10 <tflink> proposed #agreed 1022811 - RejectedBlocker RejectedFreezeException - While unfortunate, this bug was judged as not to violate any of the F20 beta release criteria. As any fix is in a sensitive area of the code base, fixes would not be considered past freeze unless they are blocking release. 17:35:15 <tflink> ack/nak/patch? 17:35:33 <jreznik> ack 17:35:34 <pwhalen> ack 17:35:51 <nirik> ack 17:35:57 <tflink> #agreed 1022811 - RejectedBlocker RejectedFreezeException - While unfortunate, this bug was judged as not to violate any of the F20 beta release criteria. As any fix is in a sensitive area of the code base, fixes would not be considered past freeze unless they are blocking release. 17:36:05 <tflink> OK, that's all of the proposed blockers on the list 17:36:21 <jreznik> thanks tflink 17:36:28 <tflink> did we want to go through the non-verified accepted blockers? 17:36:41 <tflink> but I think they were all covered yesterday in the review meeting 17:37:13 <jreznik> there's some progress I tried to sum up in the beginning 17:37:36 <jreznik> according to dlehman, 986575 should be in POST now 17:38:16 <jreznik> but that's probably all we have now 17:38:49 <pwhalen> in devel jwb mentioned he didnt see the kernel FE on the list to be pulled in, did I miss something? 17:39:11 <tflink> list to be pulled in? 17:39:31 <pwhalen> not sure what he was referring to, just saw the msg 17:39:35 <pwhalen> jwb? 17:40:23 <tflink> assuming you're talking about 1022604, that's a FE, not a blocker 17:41:49 <pwhalen> right, okay. just wanted to check on it, as in the past we've had some fe's not get pulled in 17:42:17 <jreznik> ok, tflink is there anything in test matrices you'd like to point out we should focus on? 17:42:24 <tflink> I assume that it wouldn't get pulled in til' after the next TC/RC 17:42:36 <pwhalen> sure, wasnt sure if i missed something. 17:42:57 <pwhalen> all based on the comment in channel, carry on, sorry to derail 17:43:08 <tflink> nothing huge outside of the blockers 17:43:25 <tflink> but we've not been able to test optical media for the DVD yet due to the oversize bug 17:44:09 <jreznik> tflink: I'm going to kick dmach to take a look on that pungi bug tomorrow morning, he promised me to take a look (he's the author of the code) 17:44:38 <jreznik> #info nothing huge missing in test matrices, optical media tests blocked by DVD oversize bug 17:44:45 <jreznik> ok, thank, anything else from QA? 17:44:52 <jreznik> if not, I'll move on 17:45:39 <jreznik> ok 17:45:41 <jreznik> #topic Go/No-Go decision 17:45:44 <tflink> nothing else, no 17:46:05 <jreznik> well, it's pretty obvious - No-Go 17:46:14 <tflink> QA is no-go 17:46:56 * nirik nods sadly. 17:46:59 <jreznik> #info QA is No-Go 17:47:18 <jreznik> I get it as No-Go too 17:47:26 <jreznik> #info devel is No-Go 17:48:38 <jreznik> proposal #agreed Fedora 20 Beta is No-Go by QA, devel and FPGM due to unresolved blocker bugs; Fedora 20 Beta to slip by one week 17:48:45 <tflink> ack 17:48:46 <nirik> ack 17:48:49 <pwhalen> ack 17:48:51 <roshi> ack 17:49:11 <jreznik> #agreed Fedora 20 Beta is No-Go by QA, devel and FPGM due to unresolved blocker bugs; Fedora 20 Beta to slip by one week 17:49:29 * jreznik is going to announce it and adjust schedules 17:49:44 <jreznik> #action jreznik to announce slip and adjust schedule 17:51:04 <jreznik> otherwise we will track blocker bugs 17:51:05 <jreznik> there're quite a lot of POST Anaconda bugs, so let's hope it will be built soon for another TC or RC in case of we will be lucky 17:51:22 <jreznik> anything else to mention? 17:52:32 <jreznik> if no, thanks for coming, even it was a bit sad meeting today 17:52:41 <jreznik> setting fuse to 3... 17:54:18 <jreznik> 2... 17:55:27 <jreznik> 1... 17:55:30 <jreznik> #endmeeting