17:00:23 <jreznik> #startmeeting F20 Beta Go/No-Go meeting 17:00:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 31 17:00:23 2013 UTC. The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:29 <jreznik> nangthang: hi, yes :) 17:00:39 <jreznik> #meetingname F20 Beta Go/No-Go meeting 17:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f20_beta_go/no-go_meeting' 17:00:53 <jreznik> #topic Roll Call 17:01:04 <nangthang> hi 17:01:14 * satellit_ listening 17:01:36 <nirik> hello 17:01:42 <nangthang> I'm Thang. I am living and working in Hanoi, Vietnam. Nice to meet everyone :) 17:01:53 <jreznik> hey nangthang! 17:02:03 * pwhalen is here 17:02:14 * tflink is here 17:02:18 <nangthang> I'm a Fedora Ambassador :) 17:02:21 <nangthang> eof 17:02:57 <jreznik> ok, seems like people are showing here 17:04:41 * roshi is here 17:04:46 <jreznik> #topic Current status 17:04:52 <jreznik> #undo 17:04:52 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x3663ddd0> 17:05:00 <jreznik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 17:05:24 <jwb> i'm here because there is no reason for me not to be 17:05:37 <jreznik> #info Purpose of this meeting is to see whether or not F20 Beta is ready for shipment, according to the release criteria. 17:05:38 <jreznik> #info This is determined in a few ways: 17:05:40 <jreznik> #info No remaining blocker bugs 17:05:41 <jreznik> #info Test matrices for Beta are fully completed 17:05:43 <jreznik> #link http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/20/beta/buglist 17:05:44 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_20_Beta_TC6_Install 17:05:46 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_20_Beta_TC6_Base 17:05:47 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_20_Beta_TC6_Desktop 17:06:08 <jreznik> #topic Current status 17:06:57 <robatino> the first item on that list should be "there exists an RC" 17:06:58 <jreznik> well, the current situation is - we're waiting for possible RC1 (or TC7) - it depends on the pungi fix 17:07:18 <jreznik> robatino: it's worth adding it to the list 17:07:55 <jreznik> #link https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5787 17:07:58 <robatino> since the links need to refer to one 17:09:33 <jreznik> for pungi fix, tflink just told me, dgilmore is not sure which patch from dmach fixes that issue 17:11:35 <jreznik> so for now, we can go through blockers and after that we can try to deal with this situation - tflink, could you do the blocker bugs part? 17:12:10 <jreznik> #chair tflink 17:12:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: jreznik tflink 17:12:46 <tflink> sure, you 'd think that I'd know to have that ready for go/no-go by now :) 17:14:06 <tflink> #topic (1024144) SizeNotPositiveError: spec= param must be >=0 17:14:06 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1024144 17:14:07 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, anaconda, NEW 17:15:33 * jreznik tends to agree with what cmurf said in his latest comment 17:15:37 * cmurf is here if there are questions on this 17:15:56 <tflink> I think this gets back to the conversation that got started over what anaconda really needs to support wrt layouts it didn't create 17:16:18 <cmurf> it did create the layout 17:16:36 <cmurf> i added an LV 17:17:40 <cmurf> what if I added a regular LV or a regular partition and the installer crashed? 17:19:18 <tflink> I suspect that the better question is whether or not lvm thinp is really ready to be in the installer 17:19:27 <cmurf> certainly 17:19:56 <cmurf> i sorta regret i didn't bring this up just before freeze to consider yanking thinp from the UI 17:19:57 * shaiton got an error while deleting all LV.. But I haven't the report :( 17:20:27 <cmurf> but pulling thinp now may be more invasive 17:20:48 <jreznik> really ready or ready enough + documentation (for beta it could be ok) 17:20:59 <cmurf> i agree 17:21:02 <cmurf> leave it in for beta as is 17:21:10 <cmurf> see what more problems we get when more people are using it 17:21:23 <cmurf> decide whether to pull thinp before final 17:22:01 <jreznik> yep 17:22:22 <jreznik> any other thoughts? 17:22:39 <tflink> pulling lvm thinp at this point does seem like a bad idea 17:23:30 <jzb> apologies, here. 17:24:06 <tflink> is it possible to overcommit during install? 17:24:48 <cmurf> in a sense yes, it does allow the overcommit but then tries to make a new VG which it can't do, then make a new pool which it cant do, and a new LV which it can't do. then crashes. 17:25:02 <nirik> would it be possible/less invasive to 'hide' it in the ui? 17:25:02 <cmurf> so it's not possible to successfully overcommit during install 17:25:05 <tflink> but it works with empty disks? 17:25:15 <cmurf> tflink: yes 17:25:20 <cmurf> nirik: uncertain 17:25:52 <cmurf> tflink: and works with "free space" so while i haven't explicitly tested along side windows it should work 17:25:53 <tflink> cmurf: I'm confused, is it possible to overcommit if you start with clean disks? 17:26:01 <cmurf> tflink: no 17:26:21 <tflink> ok, but it is possible to use lvm thinp as long as you don't overcommit 17:26:27 <cmurf> tflink: it must already be overcommited to trigger an additional overcommit 17:26:31 <cmurf> tflink: correct 17:27:17 <cmurf> for beta i think it's unlikely someone will run into this 17:27:35 <cmurf> and even if they do, their existing data isn't compromised 17:28:26 <tflink> do we want to ask the anaconda devs about how bad of an idea it would be to hide thinp? 17:28:31 <cmurf> i think this is a subjective situation. my opinion is that we document and leave it in for beta, collect more test data. 17:29:15 <jreznik> tflink: as I understand it - thinp somehow works, more edge cases than thinp itself not 17:29:34 <nirik> we could ask, but yeah, if it's corner cases it might be enough for beta. 17:29:53 <cmurf> i think it's a problem to release thinp at all for final if it's not in beta 17:30:13 <cmurf> it really ought to be hammered on by other people than QA to be in final 17:30:16 <jreznik> cmurf: well, that would mean no thinp in final... 17:30:36 <tflink> I think that the current level of bugs and the few people testing it are a problem, as well 17:30:36 <cmurf> jreznik: i think we should leave it in for beta for that reason 17:31:43 <tflink> is anyone +1 blocker on this bug? 17:32:16 <cmurf> beta no, final yes 17:32:21 * jreznik is pinging dlehman 17:32:54 <tflink> if we're voting on final right now, I'm -1 17:33:14 <tflink> we need to figure out what we want to do with btrfs and lvm thinp first 17:33:15 <cmurf> meaning you'd leave this bug in for final? 17:33:29 <tflink> ie, tech preview vs. showing by default 17:33:54 <jreznik> tflink: it's a good question - for both thinp and brtfs/tech preview 17:33:55 <tflink> cmurf: as in I'd rather propose it for final and punt until the displayed fs issue is addressed 17:35:05 <cmurf> ok 17:35:13 * jreznik is ok with that too 17:35:47 <cmurf> in any case though, if we hide it for beta i think that commits us to hide it for final 17:35:53 <tflink> so it sounds like most people are +1 on the "this is a corner case since the disk layout was modified outside anaconda and therefore not a beta blocker"? 17:36:05 <cmurf> whereas if we leave as is for beta + document it for beta, we have the option to hide for final 17:36:17 <roshi> ^^ +1 17:36:27 <cmurf> +1 17:36:32 <roshi> that seems to leave us the most room 17:36:39 <jreznik> yep 17:37:04 <tflink> I'm ok with it but that seems to imply that lvm thinp as a whole is a corner case and therefore a tech preview 17:37:13 <tflink> but we can deal with that for final 17:37:38 <cmurf> yes to both 17:37:42 <tflink> someone want to take an #action to bring up the fs stuff with anaconda/fesco/etc ? 17:37:54 <cmurf> i volunteered myself and adamw to do that 17:37:56 <cmurf> :-) 17:38:16 <cmurf> i don't know the protocol 17:38:18 <jreznik> let's try to talk to anaconda guys regarding thinp/brtfs as tech preview 17:38:40 <jreznik> not sure if we need fesco involvement before 17:38:46 <cmurf> yes, definitely dlehman and probably adamw would be involved 17:39:06 <tflink> proposed #agreed 1024144 - RejectedBlocker - This bug involves a disk layout which was modified outside of the installer and thus, is too much of a corner case to block the release of F20 beta. Please re-propose for final. 17:39:13 <cmurf> sorry probably bcl 17:39:38 <roshi> ack 17:39:39 <tflink> #action cmurf and adamw to continue the conversation of whether lvm thinp and btrfs should be tech previews for F20 17:39:42 <nirik> ack 17:39:46 <jreznik> ack 17:39:50 <cmurf> ack 17:39:52 <tflink> #agreed 1024144 - RejectedBlocker - This bug involves a disk layout which was modified outside of the installer and thus, is too much of a corner case to block the release of F20 beta. Please re-propose for final. 17:40:04 <tflink> #topic (967521) /var/log/journal breaks system startup 17:40:04 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=967521 17:40:04 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, plymouth, MODIFIED 17:40:11 <jreznik> cmurf: I can help you too - especially as thinp was f20 change 17:40:32 <cmurf> jreznik: sounds good 17:41:00 <cmurf> so on this one, i still see no justification based on written criteria this is blocker worthy 17:41:01 * roshi secretarializes 17:41:44 <cmurf> see comment 117 for the justification and 121 for my response, and then nothing after that to justify it 17:42:03 <tflink> roshi: thanks 17:42:11 <tflink> is it just making startup slow? 17:42:18 <cmurf> sounds like it 17:42:31 <cmurf> but honestly 140 comments and i can't actually tell... 17:42:57 <cmurf> it's even an open question if we accept it as FE if it's a risky fix, i don't know so we need a plymouth dev to answer that 17:42:59 <tflink> which makes it all the less likely to be a blocker :) 17:44:19 * cmurf is sortof a dick when it comes to proposed blockers that don't have clear justification 17:44:23 <tflink> is anyone +1 on this? 17:44:29 <cmurf> it's like, don't make other people do your homework for you 17:44:30 <nirik> slow boot is no blocker... ;) I guess some folks have said it prevents boot 'sometimes' for them? 17:44:53 <cmurf> nirik: suggested i think but no logs or data showing this or how common it is 17:45:18 <nirik> right, and if it's just 'cycle and reboot and it works the next time' it's less a problem than 'never boots' 17:45:28 * nirik is -1 17:45:28 <tflink> wow, there is a lot of text in this bug 17:45:34 <cmurf> right and it can be fixed with an update 17:45:37 <roshi> I'm still reading 17:45:41 <cmurf> i'm -2 haha 17:46:04 <cmurf> i'm even a -1 FE but i'm open to being convinced otherwise 17:46:07 <tflink> -1 - repropose if they can justify why thi sshould block release 17:46:15 <jreznik> -1/-1 17:46:35 <cmurf> and if the fix is safe and tested 17:46:55 <roshi> -1/-1 17:47:03 <cmurf> we're right about at RC and this is just now coming up? 17:47:16 <cmurf> the bug started in May 17:47:19 <cmurf> it's an F19 bug 17:47:24 <cmurf> pfff 17:47:38 <cmurf> -1/-1 17:48:28 <tflink> proposed #agreed 967521 - RejectedBlocker RejectedFreezeException - Slow bootup is not a blocker or FreezeException worthy issue, especially for an issue that has been around as long as this one has. Please re-propose with a better justification for why this bug should block release if there is more going on than we understand. 17:48:36 <cmurf> ack 17:48:40 <roshi> ack 17:49:01 <jreznik> ack 17:49:50 <tflink> #agreed 967521 - RejectedBlocker RejectedFreezeException - Slow bootup is not a blocker or FreezeException worthy issue, especially for an issue that has been around as long as this one has. Please re-propose with a better justification for why this bug should block release if there is more going on than we understand. 17:50:16 <tflink> ok, that's all of the proposed blockers - moving on to the accepted blockers which are not on_qa or verified 17:50:27 <tflink> #topic (1010495) Apple Mac EFI: you have not created a bootloader stage1 target device 17:50:30 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1010495 17:50:32 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, anaconda, MODIFIED 17:50:51 <tflink> bah, this moved to ON_QA 17:50:53 <tflink> #undo 17:50:53 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x37c6b6d0> 17:50:55 <tflink> #undo 17:50:55 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x2901f4d0> 17:50:58 <tflink> #undo 17:50:59 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x24a9b450> 17:51:13 <tflink> #topic (1000891) DVD is oversized (larger than 4.7 GB) 17:51:14 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1000891 17:51:14 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, distribution, MODIFIED 17:52:09 <tflink> do we know more about the status of this? 17:53:09 <jreznik> it depends on pungi fix, as you said, dennis is not happy with that big fix dan sent to him 17:54:11 <jreznik> (it's how I understand it now) 17:55:49 <roshi> I'm under the same impression 17:56:19 <tflink> #info waiting on a workable fix for pungi in order to be able to move forward on this 17:56:26 <tflink> does that sum things up well enough? 17:56:30 <nirik> yep 17:56:43 <jreznik> on the other hand, what I was told - pungi we use is not on par with his and is lacking a lot of related patches/fixes 17:56:59 <jreznik> so it's the reason why he created a big one update to be picked up 17:57:25 <tflink> so there are 2 upstreams for pungi? 17:57:28 <jreznik> tflink: it's more like - we have working fix but not sure it's something we can use 17:58:19 <jreznik> tflink: one upstream but a lot of development happens downstream :( 17:58:57 <tflink> is there anything else that we need to cover on this? 17:59:46 * tflink assumes not 17:59:50 <jreznik> it's now up to dennis what he thinks about that, also I can ask Dan to create a minimal fix 18:00:35 <cmurf> if RC1 happens today and is perfect is go still possible? what's the cutoff for go? 18:00:38 <tflink> does someone want an #action for poking the people involved? 18:00:48 <jreznik> tflink: me 18:00:55 <tflink> cmurf: I suspect that will be the next topic after blocker bugs 18:01:10 <cmurf> gotit 18:01:14 <tflink> #action jreznik to coordinate with dgilmore and dmach on getting a workable pungi fix 18:01:21 <tflink> anything else on this bug? 18:01:34 <jreznik> (any help welcomed as I'm not sure I won't die again in my bed :) 18:01:53 <jreznik> move on 18:01:59 <tflink> jreznik: you died already? 18:02:14 <jreznik> tflink: yesterday? I feel like several times :D 18:02:16 <tflink> sorry, couldn't resist even though you're ill 18:02:17 <cmurf> it's his 3rd resurrection in 24 hours 18:02:22 <tflink> we have a zombie pm :) 18:02:33 <jreznik> brainz 18:02:56 <tflink> moving on before someone gets eaten :-D 18:02:58 <tflink> #topic (1023767) shim update to 0.5 fails to boot 18:02:59 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1023767 18:02:59 <tflink> #info Accepted Blocker, shim, NEW 18:03:14 <tflink> #info this will be addressed for TC7/RC1 18:03:25 <tflink> i suppose more details would be god 18:03:26 <tflink> good 18:03:28 <tflink> #undo 18:03:28 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x2e817750> 18:03:59 <tflink> #info this will be addressed for TC7/RC1 by removing shim-0.5-1 and thus, working around the release blocking behavior 18:04:29 <tflink> #info once the releace blocking behavior has been mitigated, this bug will no longer block release 18:04:44 <tflink> this one's pretty straight-forward, anything else? 18:05:13 <jreznik> pjones wants a different version of shim to be used 18:05:32 <tflink> yeah, that's in the releng ticket 18:06:06 <tflink> but for the purposes of mitigating the blocking behavior, either version would work 18:06:23 <jreznik> and it's even .fc19, I don't see f20 version in koji 18:07:36 <tflink> if there's nothing else, this is the last accepted blocker that's not VERIFIED or ON_QA 18:07:40 <jreznik> so I'd prefer to revert back to that we have before than trying to play with shims 18:08:16 <cmurf> i think so 18:08:28 <cmurf> i can't find the sister bug with the FE but I think it was a final FE request? 18:08:40 <tflink> beta fe request 18:08:47 <cmurf> got it 18:08:50 <tflink> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1010474 18:09:28 <cmurf> considering how variable UEFI firmware behaviors are in a sense it makes sense to get what they ideally want in beta so as many people are testing it on install media as possible 18:10:15 <cmurf> so yes we could regress to 0.4-1 18:10:44 <cmurf> but ideally… we want 0.5-X to be in beta to get as much install media testing as possible 18:11:11 <cmurf> in many cases shim updated on working install still worked; but failed on install media 18:11:52 <tflink> sure, but that's assuming a shim build can happen fast enough to be included 18:11:58 <cmurf> understood 18:12:49 <jreznik> pjones: hi! 18:12:56 <pjones> What's the confusion? 18:13:33 <tflink> I don't think there's much confusion, just not sure if a fc19 shim build can be used for f20 18:13:52 <tflink> and also not sure how long it takes for shim builds, assuming 0.5-2 fixes the bug 18:14:06 <pjones> It can - but we didn't use it on F19 media on purpose. There's a bug where it'll give you an incorrect warning message. 18:14:31 <tflink> pjones: isn't the shim version you requested a fc19 build? 18:14:43 <pjones> Right, so if 0.5-2 fixes the bug (which I think it does), then I'll tag that as 0.6 upstream and do a build to be signed. But that takes some time. 18:14:52 <pjones> tflink: is it? Let me check and be sure I got the right one. 18:15:02 <pjones> I want the one that's on the F19 /media/. 18:15:09 <cmurf> TC5 = shim-0.4-1.fc19 18:15:13 <pjones> Assuming we can't get the new version in 18:15:41 <pjones> cmurf: right, and it gives the warning about fallback.efi being missing. Which is true and completely irrelevant and we don't really need every user to see it. 18:16:17 <cmurf> so is it better to regress to 0.4-1.fc19 for beta, or hold beta for 0.5-X? 18:16:22 <cmurf> if it comes to that 18:16:31 <tflink> I see shim-0.2-4.4.fc19 in the releng ticket 18:16:40 <pjones> shim-0.2-4.4.fc19.x86_64.rpm shim-unsigned-0.2-3.fc18.x86_64.rpm 18:16:45 <pjones> that's the right pair of things. 18:17:14 <jreznik> how risky is to go back to 0.2 from 0.4 that was tested probably in all TCs? 18:17:35 <tflink> ah, so we'd need a different shim-unsigned build as well. does that need to be added to the releng ticket? 18:17:39 <pjones> jreznik: we shipped two distros on it without anybody reporting any bugs? 18:18:10 <pjones> (bugs related to install media, that is) 18:18:31 <pjones> I'd still like to get 0.6-1 in if I can, but I understand we're running awfully late in the schedule. 18:18:41 <pjones> tflink: I suppose it probably does, yes ;) 18:18:42 <jreznik> pjones: we shipped one distro nearly half year ago but I got it as "it's ok" 18:19:08 <pjones> jreznik: no, that build of code is on F18 and F19 media as I recall... 18:19:09 <tflink> doesn't the shim expire at some point? 18:19:17 <pjones> not in any meaningful way, no. 18:19:39 <tflink> ok, I thought that I remembered hearing that it wouldn't work once the cert expired 18:19:52 <pjones> technically there's a validity window on the signing certificate, but anybody is checking those you'll have bigger problems when e.g. video cards stop working. 18:19:56 <tflink> any guesses on a timeline for 0.6-1 build? 18:20:41 <jreznik> as we still did not decide on what we want to do with beta now, so there could be some time, we're also waiting for pungi fix 18:20:44 <pjones> Well, I already built -unsigned. If all goes well, I'll probably submit it for signing today, and ask them to be quick about it this time, given the very limited changes. 18:21:39 <pjones> That said, I can't determine the signing schedule. 18:21:53 <tflink> ok, so we can revisit once it's been signed 18:22:29 <jreznik> yep, that's everything we can do now 18:22:45 <pjones> Yeah. And we can always put the various things it fixes in an update, just like we did with 0.2-4.4 (which is fine except for the one warning message) 18:22:55 <pjones> tflink: happen to have the ticket url handy? I seem to have lost it? 18:23:21 <tflink> pjones: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5787 18:23:26 <pjones> thanks 18:23:33 <tflink> np, thanks for the info 18:24:49 <tflink> since we still have unaddressed blockers, qa is no-go 18:25:27 <jreznik> too fast! 18:25:43 <jreznik> #topic Go/No-Go decision 18:25:54 <tflink> since we still have unaddressed blockers, qa is no-go 18:26:01 <cmurf> haha 18:26:05 <cmurf> i count 2? 18:26:22 <jreznik> #info qa is no-go because of unaddressed blockers 18:26:27 <tflink> what's the other one? 18:26:47 <cmurf> actually i only count 1 18:26:50 <cmurf> DVD size 18:26:51 <tflink> the shim blocker is addressed from a practical POV 18:28:05 <cmurf> dvd size is the only one yes? 18:28:15 <tflink> yep 18:29:00 <jreznik> dgilmore is reviewing the code dan sent him 18:29:39 <cmurf> ok so what's the realistic cutoff or is this time now? 18:29:56 <jreznik> so what are our options now? with one week slip we are heading to holidays but we still don't have rc yet and we don't know we get it soon for sure 18:30:20 <tflink> I am very, very strongly against less than a 1 week slip if we do slip 18:30:24 <dgilmore> jreznik: im going to build pungi in teh next 10 minutes 18:30:39 <dgilmore> the code looked okay and most of it is touching paths nit sed in fedora 18:30:46 <nirik> so, I suppose we could have a marathon and keep the meeting open 18:30:56 <cmurf> i'd really rather have hell days of testing than slip to holidays like last year 18:30:59 * nirik isn't really a fan of the idea, but... 18:31:07 <tflink> I'm not sure we have enough people for that 18:31:17 <cmurf> FILLIBUSTER @ GO/NOGO! 18:31:31 <tflink> we're -3 on the redhat folks allocated to fedora qa 18:31:52 <nirik> "I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, sam I am" 18:32:25 <cmurf> nirik: too short for a good fillibuster 18:32:41 <cmurf> cmurf: how to build a car in 24563 steps 18:32:41 <tflink> actually, more like -4 depending on how you count 18:32:50 <jreznik> what needs most of the coverage? DVD? 18:32:58 <tflink> anaconda 18:33:10 <jreznik> and yeah, not verified anaconda bugs 18:33:18 <tflink> there were several blockers addressed in last night's build 18:33:50 <jreznik> seems like trying to make it today is like shooting ourselves to the knee 18:33:57 <cmurf> i'm confident in the verified/qa anaconda bugs being squashed 18:34:00 <nirik> verify sb/shim, dvd/netinstall, anaconda changes (which means most everything) 18:34:00 <robatino> new proposed blocker: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=983110 18:34:09 <cmurf> nooooo! 18:34:26 <tflink> has TC7/RC1 even been started yet? 18:34:28 <jreznik> and I'd say tflink and dgilmore are not a big fans of having less than one week slip (aka trying another go/no-go round tomorrow0 18:34:47 <jreznik> tflink: he's working on pungi right now 18:34:50 <dgilmore> tflink: no the ticket wasnt opened 18:35:15 <tflink> dgilmore: did someone close it again after last night? 18:35:41 <tflink> it's open 18:35:44 <dgilmore> well i missed it in #fedora-releng which is where i look for it 18:36:14 <nirik> why are people bringing up all these bugs as blockers that have existed for many months. Anoying. 18:36:28 <tflink> i think this is another variation of the bug we just rejected 18:36:43 <cmurf> nirik: it's the same person as that other 5 month old plymouth bug i think 18:37:09 <dgilmore> tflink: it as just completely missed that it was opened again 18:37:12 <nirik> yeah, still reading. 18:37:50 <cmurf> at least this has beta criteria cited 18:38:33 <tflink> dgilmore: no worries, we also forgot to let you know that we were planning to submit a TC/RC request when the anaconda build finished last night 18:39:32 <dgilmore> tflink: yeah, had i known and seen it the compose would have been done 18:39:37 <cmurf> re the newly proposed blocker does someone want me to try to reproduce this? 18:39:49 <cmurf> i'm skeptical it happens every time or we'd have heard about this long before now 18:40:11 <jreznik> cmurf: I remember this one, kparal hit this one for f19 and it was very random one 18:40:23 <cmurf> automatic reject then 18:40:32 <cmurf> transient does not qualify 18:40:43 <cmurf> unless it eats data and then, maybe 18:41:03 <jreznik> no 18:41:06 <cmurf> nirik? 18:41:34 <nirik> I have no idea if it's repeatable... 18:41:42 <cmurf> 983110, another 100+ comment bug from 4 months ago 18:42:03 <cmurf> while we stall waiting for pungi status can we do this blocker and send it away? 18:42:15 <cmurf> stall= are still 18:42:43 <nirik> I'd say -1 to blocker, releasenote/common bug, since it's workaroundable. 18:42:46 <tflink> yeah, this sounds like a very unclear and not-always-reproducable bug 18:42:53 <cmurf> -1/-1 18:43:18 <cmurf> kick 18:44:07 <tflink> #topic (983110) several autostart apps (e.g. polkit-kde, kmix) and logout/shutdown countdown fails 18:44:10 <tflink> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=983110 18:44:12 <tflink> #info Proposed Blocker, kde-workspace, NEW 18:44:40 <tflink> -1 as it's workaroundable and seems to be very inconsistant in how and how fequently it manifests 18:44:47 <cmurf> -1 18:45:03 <cmurf> comment 100 is the most convincing and as yet not convincing enough 18:45:39 <cmurf> and it could be fixed with an update 18:45:55 <cmurf> and no comments mention the problem happens with live media 18:46:27 <cmurf> ok i'm wrong a few do 18:46:49 <cmurf> but then sometimes it doesn't happen on the same hardware, same person, with live 18:47:02 <jreznik> [19:44] <rdieter> jreznik: not very reproducible 18:47:09 <tflink> proposed #agreed 983110 - RejectedBlocker - This bug has been around for a long time, has reasonable workarounds and does not appear to be hitting with much consistencty. 18:47:14 <cmurf> ack 18:47:34 <jreznik> ack 18:47:46 <cmurf> maybe patch pointing out a fix can be done with an update? 18:48:14 <tflink> it can affect lives, though, right:? 18:48:29 <cmurf> intermittantly affects lives for those it affects at all 18:49:01 <cmurf> so "reasonable workround" is reboot again and update to get it fixed 18:49:16 <tflink> other ack/nak/patch? 18:49:42 <jreznik> I'd let it worded as it is, we are not sure about that update 18:49:50 <cmurf> fair enough 18:51:20 <tflink> anyone? bueller? 18:51:25 <nirik> ack 18:51:33 <tflink> #agreed 983110 - RejectedBlocker - This bug has been around for a long time, has reasonable workarounds and does not appear to be hitting with much consistencty. 18:51:55 * cmurf paid his bookie, has money riding on RC1 being gold colored 18:52:15 <tflink> #topic Go/No-Go decision 18:52:24 <cmurf> pungi? 18:52:38 <tflink> ? 18:53:02 <cmurf> is it built? it's been 10 minutes 18:53:08 <nirik> it's already built, yes. 18:53:10 <dgilmore> cmurf: its built 18:53:35 <jreznik> what are our options now? 18:53:53 <jreznik> dgilmore: how long it will take to finish RC (as Pungi is built?) 18:54:09 <dgilmore> jreznik: about 8 hours 18:54:34 <dgilmore> it takes 6-8 hours to go through a full compose run 18:54:45 <jreznik> and with qa resources, I'm not sure we're able to make it today in a reasonable time 18:55:33 <cmurf> me neither, but i'll give it a shot 18:55:53 * nirik is happy to help with testing too... but yeah... 18:55:55 * cmurf is out all next week 18:56:20 <roshi> I'm here for testing 18:56:23 <tflink> I don't think that getting done today is reasonable 18:56:34 <jreznik> another option is to try tomorrow's go/no-go but tflink and dgilmore are not fans of less than week slips... on the other hand holidays are really close (12-17 GA) 18:57:00 <cmurf> neither prospect is ideal 18:57:20 <cmurf> i'd say try tomorrow 18:57:29 <jreznik> cmurf: or perfect final without any slips :) 18:57:31 <nirik> we could also slip a week and look at carving out a week between beta/final freeze... but I know folks aren't fans of that either. 18:57:52 <cmurf> jreznik: this is why i'm trying to pounce on beta so much, hopefully a perfect final 18:58:08 <dgilmore> jreznik: due to timing id object less to a single day than normal 18:58:23 <jreznik> nirik: that's another option, with TCs soon, early final freeze... 18:58:50 <cmurf> i like that idea also 18:59:06 <jreznik> tflink: ? 18:59:30 <tflink> we can try for tomorrow, but I think that's really pushing it 19:00:46 <nirik> yeah, I do too, but we can always just no go tomorrow. 19:01:01 <tflink> we've already had 2 all-nighters in f20 19:01:01 <jreznik> tflink: what's your confidence to cover missing bits from qa side? 19:01:40 <tflink> what's the deadline? 19:01:50 <jreznik> on the other hand, even f18 survived christmas... 19:01:54 <jreznik> tflink: what deadline? 19:02:09 <nirik> 18UTC tomorrow? 19:02:09 <tflink> for tomorrow? are we talking about 12 hours, 18 hours, 24 hours? 19:02:34 <tflink> that's less than 12 hours to run through the entire beta matrix and verify all blocker fixes 19:02:49 <cmurf> 23? 19:02:49 <dgilmore> tflink: i would think 24 hours from now 19:02:50 <jreznik> tflink: it's more 19:02:52 <roshi> and we'd still have to verify the alpha matrix 19:03:05 <roshi> since that's a beta release crit 19:03:11 <tflink> but RC1 isn't due for another 8 hours 19:03:14 <dgilmore> tflink: so it gives ~ 18 hours for testing 19:03:15 <roshi> or am I reading it wrong? 19:03:15 <jreznik> do you know, will be brno's guys available tomorrow? 19:03:21 <cmurf> i'm counting 23 from 18UTC as it's 19UTC now 19:03:32 <cmurf> got it 19:03:34 <tflink> yeah, I'm counting wrong 19:03:37 <jreznik> cmurf: tflink is right, -8 hours for compose 19:03:43 <cmurf> yepyep 19:03:51 <tflink> 15 hours 19:03:53 <cmurf> 15 hours testing 19:03:54 <cmurf> yes 19:04:00 <dgilmore> on the compose front 19:04:01 <cmurf> tight 19:04:18 <dgilmore> we can not downgrade to the versions of shim and shim-signed that pjones wants 19:04:32 <cmurf> ruhroh 19:04:44 <cmurf> fedup? 19:04:47 <jreznik> let's have a deal - try it, but with a strict deadline 18 UTC, no way to have neverending meeting? 19:04:59 <cmurf> jreznik: ;-) 19:05:04 <cmurf> deal 19:05:13 <tflink> so who's staying up all night:? 19:05:33 <cmurf> dgilmore: explain 19:05:33 <jreznik> tflink: 8 hours compose mean my 8 hours of sleep :) 19:05:35 <roshi> this guy 19:06:05 * cmurf will sleep when he's dead 19:06:34 <cmurf> dgilmore: we had those versions of shim on F18 and F19 if I recall correctly 19:06:53 <tflink> I'm OK with trying it but I'm not thrilled about the idea - seems a bit unfair to make us stay up all night just because fixes landed at the last minute 19:07:21 <jreznik> tflink: well, you can let it on us - in our timezone 19:07:35 <tflink> jreznik: most of the brno fedora-qe folks are on pto tomorrow 19:08:11 * satellit I am off line tommorrow (driving for 8 hrs)from 7AM PST 19:08:23 <jreznik> tflink: ok, that's the info I did not know... :( 19:08:28 <cmurf> guys, we may not have a compose if we can't downgrade shim to the versions pjones wants 19:08:45 <dgilmore> cmurf: we can only go back to what is the most recent stable build 19:08:54 <tflink> cmurf: as i understood it, 0.4 can work but it's not optimal 19:09:33 <jreznik> tflink: and it seems it would be mostly on you, I can't ask you to do that... without QA guys, it doesn't make sense to try tomorrow's go/no-go 19:09:35 <dgilmore> fedora policy forbids us pulling in the older nvr stable builds from previous releases 19:10:11 <dgilmore> and how to actually get the tooling to do it is not simple 19:10:23 <dgilmore> i would have to mess in different places 19:10:28 <cmurf> i see 19:10:48 <jreznik> seems like pjones has to survive that bogus warning 19:10:55 <cmurf> so we have to accept the superfluous warnings on many machines with 0.4-1 19:11:08 <cmurf> and maybe some useless bug reports 19:11:10 <cmurf> *shrug* 19:11:23 <jreznik> yep 19:11:29 <cmurf> ok so 0.4-1 it is 19:12:01 <tflink> jreznik: yeah, all the fulltime brno folks on fedora-qe are on PTO tomorrow 19:12:17 <jreznik> so it really doesn't make sense to push it 19:12:40 <cmurf> ok so it's somewhere between impossible and miracle required 19:12:41 <tflink> we might have martin and 2 interns but I don't know what their schedule is off hand 19:12:43 <jreznik> I know pschindl is on PTO tomorrow for Tmou 19:14:10 <jreznik> it seems like we're going to have full week slip and maybe we will be happy to have shim signed and ready 19:14:22 <cmurf> good points 19:14:37 <tflink> yeah, I don't have high confidence that we'd be able to test everything before monday or tuesday 19:14:39 <cmurf> i still like the idea of an early final freeze 19:14:39 <nirik> yeah, lets no go and possibly ask fesco about moving up a week between beta/final 19:14:48 <cmurf> good 19:16:04 <jwb> can someone point me to the wiki page or doc describing this policy? 19:16:14 <tflink> jwb: which policy? 19:16:18 <jreznik> nirik: I'm not happy about that neither but with earlier final freeze, it could be doable... also early TCs really work 19:16:30 <jwb> tflink, "edora policy forbids us pulling in the older nvr stable builds from previous releases 19:16:33 <jwb> " 19:17:09 * tflink has no idea 19:17:14 <jwb> i honestly don't remember that being a policy. i'd just like to read it so i understand the rationale there 19:17:33 <nirik> dunno. It does seem like a bad idea in many cases to do that. ;) 19:17:48 <nirik> ie, older build has broken deps against new libraries/packages. 19:17:57 <jwb> nirik, there is a difference between "policy" and "bad idea/i don't like that" 19:18:07 <nirik> sure. 19:18:15 <jwb> nirik, and we've shipped packages from the prior release before in cases where there isnt' a mass rebuild 19:18:16 <jwb> so... where is the POLICY 19:18:25 <jwb> or if there isn't one, please just say "i don't want to do that because..." and then write one. 19:18:26 * nirik repeats his 'dunno' 19:18:43 * tflink seconds the 'dunno' 19:18:49 <jwb> dgilmore, ? 19:19:09 <nirik> he's discussing with pjones now in another channel 19:19:30 * dgilmore looks up 19:19:51 <dgilmore> jwb: that nvrs can not go backwards 19:20:19 <jwb> sure, if that's the one you're referring to. is that written somewhere? 19:20:31 <dgilmore> as far as i know it is 19:20:47 <jwb> cool. i'll hunt for it, but if you have a pointer i'd appreciate it 19:21:59 <jreznik> proposal - full week slip due to unresolved blocker bugs by the go/no-go meeting and unavailability of QA resources for one day slip; propose shorter "beta to final cycle" to FESCo due to potential clash with holidays with early freeze date 19:22:14 <dgilmore> its been in my head so long that id have to dig it up 19:22:26 <tflink> ack 19:22:27 <dgilmore> but i believe FESCo had voted on it 19:22:32 <nirik> ack 19:22:56 <dgilmore> if FESCo wanted to change that they can 19:23:06 <jreznik> any other acks? 19:23:10 <roshi> ack 19:23:25 <dgilmore> jreznik: ack 19:23:50 <jreznik> #agreed full week slip due to unresolved blocker bugs by the go/no-go meeting and unavailability of QA resources for one day slip; propose shorter "beta to final cycle" to FESCo due to potential clash with holidays with early freeze date 19:24:17 <jreznik> ok, thanks! 19:24:58 <jreznik> #action jreznik to announce slip and propose shorter beta to final period to FESCo 19:25:10 <jreznik> #topic Open floor 19:25:27 <jzb> jreznik: lemme know if there's specific testing or something I can promote on magazine, etc. 19:25:43 <jzb> help direct folks to any testing, etc. 19:26:18 <dgilmore> jwb: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras/SteeringCommittee/Meeting-20090313#Document_.22Rawhide_cannot_go_backwards.22_rule apparently you were going to document it 19:26:24 <jreznik> jzb: there are always test matrices - linked in the first item of this meeting, I expect it will help qa guys 19:26:28 <dgilmore> that actually only says rawhide though 19:26:52 <jwb> dgilmore, ha! but yeah, only says rawhide 19:26:59 <dgilmore> jwb: yeah. 19:26:59 <jreznik> ;-) 19:27:01 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/96 19:28:26 * jreznik is going to end this meeting, as this discussion happens in #anaconda now 19:28:34 <jreznik> in 3... 19:29:55 <jreznik> 2... 19:31:00 <jreznik> 1... 19:31:11 <jreznik> thanks for coming everyone! 19:31:41 <jreznik> #endmeeting