14:03:52 <liknus> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2011-06-11 14:03:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jun 11 14:03:52 2011 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:03:59 <liknus> #topic RollCall 14:04:07 <igorps> .fas igorps 14:04:07 <zodbot> igorps: igor 'Igor Pires Soares' <igor@projetofedora.org> 14:04:08 <gbraad> .fas gbraad 14:04:11 <zodbot> gbraad: gbraad 'Gerard Braad (吉拉德)' <fedora@gbraad.nl> 14:04:12 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 14:04:14 <mether> .fas mether 14:04:15 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <neville@taygon.com> 14:04:19 <zodbot> mether: nigel '' <nigel@metheringham.net> - sundaram 'Rahul Sundaram' <metherid@gmail.com> 14:04:23 <liknus> Hello everyone and thanks for coming on today's famsco meeting 14:04:23 <liknus> #meetingname famsco 14:04:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 14:04:29 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 14:04:30 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 14:05:00 <liknus> #topic Agenda 14:05:18 <liknus> Today's agenda can be found here: 14:05:19 <liknus> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_agenda 14:05:41 <liknus> #topic APAC FUDCon 14:05:46 <liknus> any news on that gbraad ? 14:06:09 <gbraad> not directly from my side as I have been busy with other topics. 14:06:27 <gbraad> However, draft proposal will be written and hopefully finished before the end of this month 14:06:38 <jsmith> I know that the Beijing office of Red Hat has expressed some interest in helping to do a FUDCon in China 14:06:51 <liknus> that sounds great jsmith 14:06:55 <mether> jsmith, this year? 14:07:02 <jsmith> mether: Yes 14:07:03 <liknus> so we are going to have a head to head between India and China? 14:07:13 <jsmith> liknus: Most likely, yes 14:07:13 <gbraad> jsmith yes, I have been in contact with Frank Feldmann too to see if JUDcon co-op would be possible. 14:07:20 <gbraad> no decisive answer on this yet 14:07:21 <liknus> jsmith: when is the deadline for applications? 14:07:29 <jsmith> liknus: June 23 14:07:59 <liknus> gbraad: mether I think it will make sense to send an email to local Ambassadors to mobilize them for helping out with FUDCon planning 14:08:00 <jsmith> And then I'll make my decision on the location (taking input, as always, from the community) 14:08:10 <liknus> even if it is a bidding process they can definitely help 14:08:34 <mether> liknus, I have done that. see the wiki. I have a organizing team in place as well 14:08:34 <gbraad> liknus, correct. especially for China this is needed 14:08:43 <liknus> thanks mether :) 14:08:46 <igorps> it is also good to create the bid wiki page ASAP, since the deadline is near 14:09:04 * gbraad had forgotten how close the deadline was :-S 14:09:04 <liknus> #action gbraad sends an email to mobilize China ambassadors for the FUDCon bid 14:09:10 <mether> liknus, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:India_2011#Organizers 14:09:14 <liknus> ok anything else on that? 14:09:17 <liknus> mether: nice job! 14:09:20 <gbraad> no 14:10:08 <mether> liknus, thanks 14:10:19 <liknus> ok moving on: 14:10:41 <liknus> #topic Release Team Dinners 14:10:50 <liknus> I sent out the email yesterday 14:10:57 * tatica just reads and say hi to everyone :) 14:10:58 <liknus> as we agreed 14:11:04 * liknus waves back :) 14:11:20 <igorps> we are going to have a dinner at FISL 14:11:42 <igorps> Probably with Stormy Peter as a special guest :) 14:11:49 <liknus> I think that this reward will mobilize more teams and make sure that we have the appropriate reviews back 14:11:51 <mether> that's nice 14:11:56 <liknus> (reports posts etc) 14:12:13 <liknus> igorps: Stormy will be there? great :) 14:12:47 <igorps> liknus: she will! She was invited to speak as well as jsmith. 14:12:50 <liknus> any feedback for the release team dinners? 14:13:08 <liknus> igorps: great! make some great use of Jared :P 14:13:33 <jsmith> That's right -- put me to work and wear me out! That's what FPLs are for! 14:13:44 <liknus> make him help you with everything :) he was pretty helpful on FOSDEM :P 14:13:54 <igorps> :) 14:14:05 <igorps> He will learn some Portuguese 14:14:13 <liknus> #topic Swag wranglers 14:14:14 <igorps> For FISL we are going to use the event budget for the dinner 14:14:25 <liknus> igorps: ok no prob for that 14:14:32 <liknus> now on Swag wranglers 14:14:42 <liknus> I am still not finished with the draft 14:15:09 <liknus> now that we have the new community credit cards in place it will be a different slightly process 14:15:19 <liknus> hopefully I should finish that next week 14:15:37 <liknus> #action liknus finalizes Swag Wranglers proposal 14:15:44 <liknus> anything more on that> 14:15:46 <liknus> ? 14:16:00 <liknus> ok cool moving on: 14:16:01 <igorps> Fortunately this will speedup things a bit 14:16:09 <liknus> #topic Events page 14:16:13 <liknus> we have progress! 14:16:36 <liknus> thanks to nirik and ricky we are now looking into having mediawiki updated within the week 14:16:37 <liknus> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2563 14:16:50 <liknus> after that we work out the CSS prob and start reforming the Events page 14:16:51 <nirik> liknus: Sorry again for the delay here... 14:16:51 <liknus> :) 14:17:04 <igorps> This is great news 14:17:07 <liknus> nirik: all that matters is that finally we will have it :) 14:17:13 <yn1v> +1 14:17:32 * gbraad is busy setting up an event page 14:17:33 <igorps> long waited update, good to know it's moving forward 14:17:49 <liknus> also we just discussed about the possibility of having Semantic MediaWiki installed in our wiki to ease the creation and displaying of the Events 14:18:20 <liknus> especially if we bind it with Semantic MediaWiki Forms 14:18:25 <liknus> (so we can have forms on the wiki) 14:18:56 <liknus> I have great experience on that and we can deploy that easily after the extensions installation 14:19:09 * yn1v likes forms 14:19:14 <liknus> nirik and I will work together for that 14:19:20 <liknus> nirik: ? :) 14:19:29 <igorps> Someone mentored by Nushio is developing some similar for the Fedora Summer of Code 14:19:41 <nirik> sure. I'm not sure off hand how hard that will be... but we can look at it and try and get it implemented for you guys. 14:19:41 <igorps> We should take a look on that 14:20:07 <liknus> igorps: please send any info and links on the list 14:20:11 <liknus> thanks nirik :) 14:20:12 <nirik> Thats possibly with the insight project: http://insight.fedoraproject.org/ 14:20:26 <yn1v> I will write to nushio to find out how that is going 14:20:31 <igorps> liknus: ok, will take a look on that 14:20:36 <liknus> ok cool 14:20:37 <tatica> ! 14:20:40 <rbergeron> insight posts all it's info on the logistics list 14:20:43 <liknus> tatica: :) 14:20:45 <rbergeron> would probably be hte best place to ask. 14:20:52 <rbergeron> s/it's/its 14:20:55 * nirik nods. 14:20:57 <mether> is there a agenda for insight 14:21:01 <mether> it looks rather empty 14:21:13 <tatica> nushio and hiemanshu are working on a complete events project and we are pushing to have some updates to august (in time for Fudcon emea) 14:21:26 <nirik> mether: yeah, see logistics list. They are working on a number of projects around it. It's a drupal instance. 14:21:32 <mether> nirik, ok 14:21:38 <liknus> oh thats great :) is it going to be not connected with the wiki? 14:21:44 <yn1v> tatica, thanks for the update 14:21:45 <tatica> rbergeron, morning :D 14:22:02 <rbergeron> no, it's intended to be a separate news/marketing portal. 14:22:09 <rbergeron> once up and running. 14:22:13 <rbergeron> mostly used for news at the moment. 14:22:20 <liknus> oh .. then it might not help us a lot 14:22:20 <rbergeron> feel free to join the list and come to meetings :) 14:22:30 <rbergeron> well, it uses drupal 14:22:31 <liknus> will try to do :) thanks rbergeron ! 14:22:36 <rbergeron> and we can use the calendaring function 14:22:40 <rbergeron> for ourselves to know where we are 14:22:44 <rbergeron> and to let others know where fedora will be. 14:23:49 <liknus> imho well structured wiki can also do they same thing.. or possibly I am missing something :) 14:23:49 <yn1v> to know where fedora will be ... I like that! 14:23:50 <mether> there is a calendaring effort associated with this? sorry, haven't been reading logistics list 14:24:13 <mether> liknus, cant subscribe to a wiki calendar 14:24:20 <mether> cant send reminders etc 14:24:24 <igorps> sounds like nice features to improve communication 14:24:27 <liknus> mether: it produces ics :)( 14:24:55 <mether> liknus, dedicated solution is just better 14:24:57 <liknus> but yeah, i agree that we should look into it :) 14:25:26 <liknus> I am just afraid of not having editable pages for the events 14:25:26 <yn1v> imho there are several tools for that, the thing has been that was long needed and now we have different options ... insight, wiki (updated), nushio's calendar ... 14:25:33 <nirik> they are just gathering requirements/ideas for calendar... so now's a great time to join in. 14:26:15 <igorps> yn1v: That is right. We need to take care to avoid fragmentation. 14:26:17 <liknus> #action famsco members should subscribe to logistics and provide their feedback 14:26:30 <liknus> yn1v: +1 14:27:14 <tatica> goal should be to integrate all the tools that are being developed 14:27:16 <liknus> ok anything more on that for now? 14:27:25 <yn1v> igorps, when you said fragmentation you made me scare ... we should look on the different options to help integration 14:27:25 <liknus> tatica: for sure! 14:28:03 <igorps> yn1v: That is what I meant :) 14:28:35 <liknus> we will follow up with this closely 14:28:53 <liknus> #topic Town Halls 14:29:10 <liknus> we are well behind schedule for those 14:29:16 <liknus> igorps: any update? 14:29:28 <igorps> I think yn1v was the one taking care of the Town Hall schedule 14:29:42 <igorps> yn1v: how is the whenisgood thing going? 14:30:15 <yn1v> bad... low repsonse. 14:30:20 <liknus> can we help anyhow? 14:30:30 <liknus> another ambassador's wide mail? 14:30:44 <yn1v> last meeting we talk about making our own schedule, and run the town halls 14:31:06 <yn1v> then we will have feed back for the nexts tonws halls 14:31:13 <liknus> yn1v: ok lets go for that! 14:31:27 <igorps> we can push our own times 14:31:30 <liknus> can we have them really quickly? next week probably? 14:31:43 * gbraad created an initial page on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:China_2011 and pushed a message out. 14:32:33 <igorps> gbraad: make sure to follow the BID template: 14:32:36 <yn1v> probably we should schedule two town halls at different times 14:32:43 <igorps> gbraad: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_bid_process 14:33:01 <liknus> yn1v: yeah 14:33:23 <liknus> 12am and 12pm UTC work out well 14:33:26 <yn1v> I can host one, we need some one in apac or emea to host another 14:33:36 <liknus> i will host the other one 14:34:09 <liknus> remember: the scope of them is to gather feedback and have Q&A sessions with Ambassadors 14:34:22 <liknus> yn1v: can you send out the mails for them? 14:34:41 <liknus> next Saturday possibly? or Sunday? 14:34:43 <igorps> 12am and 12pm on the same day? 14:35:06 <yn1v> I would like saturday best 14:35:15 <igorps> +1 14:36:21 <liknus> what about Monday or Tuesday? (people might need the Weekend off) 14:36:49 <liknus> 20th or 21st of June 14:36:51 <yn1v> for me will be monday or Wednesday 14:37:59 <liknus> Everyone ok with Monday? 14:38:08 <igorps> Those days would work best for me as well 14:38:15 <igorps> Monday +1 14:38:30 <liknus> +1 for me 14:38:36 <liknus> mether: yn1v gbraad ? 14:38:40 <yn1v> Monday +1 14:38:46 <mether> either day is fine by me 14:38:59 <liknus> ok great 14:39:07 <mether> weekdays are better 14:39:25 * gbraad sorry, I am too distracted 14:39:28 <gbraad> :-s 14:39:33 <liknus> #agreed Monday 20th of June 12am and 12pm UTC next Town Halls 14:39:55 <liknus> #action yn1v sends out notifications about next townhalls 14:39:56 <liknus> ok everyone? 14:40:01 <mether> yes 14:40:05 <igorps> +1 14:40:56 <liknus> ok moving on: 14:41:09 <liknus> #topic Survey 14:41:14 <liknus> igorps: any update? 14:41:18 <igorps> I sent a mail reminder to the Ambassadors mailing list 14:41:25 <igorps> I hope it took some effect 14:41:40 <liknus> what number we have now? 14:41:59 <yn1v> let me check ... 14:42:02 <igorps> Probably we will need to send one more reminder before it closes 14:42:08 <liknus> igorps: agreed 14:42:14 <liknus> please do that next week 14:42:22 <liknus> (I will remind you next meeting :) ) 14:42:36 <igorps> liknus: ok, thanks! 14:42:56 <yn1v> I don't have it handy :( 14:43:02 <igorps> good to be remind of sending a reminder :) 14:43:23 <liknus> yn1v: update us on the mailing list 14:43:23 <yn1v> I will make a blog post with some data as it is today to spark interest 14:43:33 <liknus> great 14:43:40 <igorps> yn1v: that would help as well 14:43:46 <liknus> #action yn1v blogs about Survey so far 14:43:48 <yn1v> insert some pie charts, so people will look at them. 14:44:09 <liknus> please make sure you emphasize it is ongoing :) 14:44:15 <liknus> ok so moving on: 14:44:28 <yn1v> liknus, sure 14:44:33 <liknus> #topic Schedule 14:44:51 <liknus> we *need* to sit down and assess our performance on that 14:45:08 <liknus> rbergeron: what is the status of F16 schedule? 14:45:18 <liknus> can we make some modifications on our side still? 14:46:23 <liknus> ok I will send out an email for that 14:46:38 <liknus> #action liknus requests schedule update from rbergeron :) 14:46:50 <liknus> moving on: 14:47:07 <liknus> #topic Open Tickets 14:47:16 <liknus> any specific on tickets people? 14:47:19 <liknus> any help needed? 14:47:27 <liknus> last week we moved many forward 14:47:32 <liknus> and we are in a good shape 14:47:46 <igorps> We have a new request from the RPMDEV team 14:47:49 <yn1v> I got the community credit card 14:47:49 <igorps> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/193 14:48:04 <liknus> btw kital has started a draft on how we deal with credit cards 14:48:32 <igorps> yn1v: do you think we are already able to use the cards for FISL? 14:48:46 <liknus> in a nutshell we will do what we do now and those cards will take the position of spevack up to a point 14:48:51 <yn1v> I am not sure about that request form antonio, it only said polos shirts for rpmdev and it is a lot of money 14:49:12 <liknus> also we will have the card holders approving small logical expenses automatically 14:49:38 <yn1v> igorps, I can help FISL is there things that I can pay from here, or reimburse to someone 14:49:47 <liknus> kital: will finalize it and I will help him so we can publish it 14:49:54 <igorps> yn1v: Hotels and airfare have been not purchased yet 14:50:10 <igorps> if you can do that will help us a lot 14:50:25 <liknus> be advised people for ammounts over 100 USD they should go through tickets 14:50:36 <liknus> (at least for now) 14:50:39 <igorps> yn1v: jsmith credit card is full with FUDCon Panama purchases 14:50:58 <yn1v> I think airfares are easy, not sure about hotels... 14:51:15 * jsmith can take care of hotel in person in Porto Alegre 14:51:21 <tatica> CC are not a complete solution, but are a start 14:51:30 <jsmith> tatica: +1 14:51:37 <liknus> for sure 14:52:06 <igorps> yn1v: I'll send you the airfare information after the meeting then 14:52:16 <yn1v> sure 14:52:27 <liknus> igorps: please make sure to document them thought our trac 14:52:38 <liknus> anything more on open tickets? 14:52:55 <liknus> RPM DEV I cannot find a wiki page for it 14:52:57 <liknus> :S 14:53:04 <igorps> liknus: no problem, information is already there, and I will update the after the purchases 14:53:29 <igorps> liknus: that is a local project for packaging led by gomix 14:54:05 <yn1v> yes, and that makes me wonder why this not a ticket by gomix 14:54:05 <liknus> yeap but we cannot fund something without a page and a plan about reporting back 14:55:00 <igorps> #link http://rpmdev.proyectofedora.org/ 14:55:32 <gbraad> igorps, thanks. have changed the page structure. 14:56:07 <igorps> That is a lot of money for T-shirts, maybe we should ask them to split the costs with future requests 14:56:09 <liknus> igorps: this is not on our infra :( and not on the wiki as I can see 14:56:49 <igorps> liknus: unfortunately the site got a time out 14:57:06 <igorps> so we should update the ticket for more information 14:57:21 <liknus> igorps: we will not fund something with no wiki page and clear on fedora participation and reporting guidelines 14:57:38 <liknus> I will update the ticket 14:58:18 <igorps> liknus: I'm sure that gomix and Antonio will provide all the information needed 14:58:29 <liknus> great :) 14:58:34 <tatica> what if some other print is contacted? 14:58:39 <liknus> ok updated: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/193#comment:2 14:58:53 <igorps> I'm not just not sure if we can fund them in that amounts 14:58:55 <tatica> can you ask them to check more quotes? 14:59:32 <yn1v> I still wonder why this is not gomix's ticket 14:59:35 <igorps> as an update, the other request from them was already paid 14:59:35 <liknus> tatica: yeap it makes sense 14:59:47 <liknus> yeap 15:00:10 <liknus> I take responsibility of letting it slip 15:00:41 <yn1v> It is a new ticket, no se a big problem on wait for more input 15:00:49 <igorps> +1 15:00:50 <yn1v> s /se /see 15:01:41 <igorps> I got stuck with ticket #178 15:01:47 <igorps> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/178 15:01:58 <liknus> that was a mistake to fund the original one without proper event reporting 15:01:59 <igorps> That one is about medias for FISL 15:02:10 <liknus> no such thing will happen again 15:02:19 * liknus is still confused how this happened 15:02:52 <igorps> liknus: the t-shirts were distributed to folks on FUDCon Panamá 15:03:07 <liknus> igorps: ok great to know 15:03:13 <igorps> I think we should ask Gomix to report it better this time anyway 15:03:17 <liknus> on #178 we need to contact spevack 15:03:26 <liknus> can you send him an email igorps ? 15:03:39 <liknus> with URGENT on subject ? :) 15:03:51 <igorps> I sent an email to him and jsmith 15:04:06 <igorps> Maybe jsmith can bring currency for reimbursement 15:04:15 <liknus> jsmith: on that? 15:04:15 <jsmith> igorps: I'll ping Max about it here at the conference we're at 15:04:25 <igorps> although not ideal could work 15:04:32 <jsmith> igorps: I'll see what I can do 15:04:32 <igorps> jsmith: ok, thank! 15:04:47 <yn1v> it is a lot of money for an individual pay upfront 15:04:50 * jsmith had to had out a couple thousand dollars of his own money at FUDCon Panama in cash reimbursements, which was painful 15:04:59 <jsmith> But we'll make something work 15:05:00 <igorps> jsmith: you can bring media or usb sticks as well 15:05:01 <liknus> ouch 15:05:09 <liknus> jsmith: thanks! 15:05:50 <liknus> ok : 15:05:58 <liknus> #topic Open Floor 15:06:11 <liknus> will close the meeting if nothing is added :) 15:06:20 <liknus> Thanks all for participating today! 15:06:28 <gbraad> have been busy with creating a bid page for FUDCon China 15:06:34 <igorps> Folks, the May report draft is on the wiki now 15:06:40 <liknus> and our guest stars : jsmith rbergeron nirik tatica :) 15:06:41 <igorps> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2011-05 15:06:44 <jsmith> igorps: I won't have media, but I may bring a few USB sticks 15:06:50 <gbraad> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:China_2011 15:06:57 <liknus> thanks igorps ! 15:07:03 * tatica send some cookies to everyone 15:07:07 <gbraad> will fill this with information over the coming days 15:07:16 <liknus> tatica: mmm yummy! 15:07:23 <igorps> jsmith: that would work for us! :) 15:07:24 <liknus> yum install cookie :) 15:07:40 <liknus> 30 secs 15:07:45 <tatica> lol 15:08:10 <liknus> #endmeeting