17:06:17 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2012-12-10 17:06:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 10 17:06:17 2012 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:06:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:06:27 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 17:06:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:06:35 <sesivany> #topic Roll call 17:06:39 <herlo> .fas herlo 17:06:39 <zodbot> herlo: herlo 'Clint Savage' <herlo1@gmail.com> 17:06:40 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:06:42 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:06:49 <bckurera> so should we think .fas bckurera] 17:06:53 <bckurera> so should we think .fas bckurera 17:06:55 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:06:55 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:07:05 <bckurera> .fas bckurera 17:07:05 <zodbot> bckurera: bckurera 'Buddhika Kurera' <bckurera@gmail.com> 17:07:16 <bckurera> herlo I cannot see him 17:07:22 <herlo> sesivany: can you chair us? 17:07:43 <herlo> bckurera: me either. When we get to the meeting, we can discuss new members :) 17:08:10 <sesivany> #chair bckurera aeperezt herlo 17:08:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt bckurera herlo sesivany 17:08:16 <bckurera> herlo : yes it is good 17:08:31 <herlo> #info nb and cwickert sent regrets for today's meeting 17:08:39 <sesivany> I think it takes some time before the new members are appointed. 17:08:56 <sesivany> I guess he'll join us at the next meeting. 17:09:19 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 17:09:25 <bckurera> sesivany : yes I ll check with Tuan 17:09:26 <herlo> sesivany: I think they are likely unaware that we are meeting today since the election results were only announced a short time ago 17:09:38 * herlo has no announcements 17:09:53 <sesivany> I've got one... 17:10:01 <aeperezt> sesivany, good 17:10:15 <sesivany> we had an EMEA FAD this weekend, focused on ambassadors. 17:10:33 <herlo> oh, right! I read cwickert's report. Sounded very successful. 17:11:16 <sesivany> herlo: yes, we discussed a lot of things, some problems are world-wide, so we'd like to share it with you. 17:11:41 <herlo> sesivany: I hope you mean FAmSCo and not just me :) 17:12:07 <sesivany> we're still processing the results, I haven't even written a report because I arrived home by bus at 10am and went directly to work. Hard day :) 17:12:25 <sesivany> herlo: yes, I meant all famsco members. 17:12:50 <herlo> sesivany: :). You should get some sleep. 17:13:07 <herlo> sesivany: sounds great, looking forward to hearing more. 17:13:26 <sesivany> #info EMEA FAD took place last weekend, the results will be published soon 17:14:36 <sesivany> herlo: one of them was something like an individual development plan for new ambassadors. Currently, ambassadors go through the mentorship and are left without any individual assistence. We'd like to change that. 17:15:06 <herlo> yeah, I did see that in cwickert's report. Great idea. 17:15:42 <bckurera> sesivany : that is a needed change 17:15:53 <aeperezt> sesivany, +1 17:15:58 <sesivany> I don't know how is the situation in other regions, but we have a problem to get new really active ambassadors, new leaders. 17:16:50 <bckurera> sesivany : here it is same too 17:17:00 <aeperezt> sesivany, same latam, mentors work more like a filter that mentor and once appointed then they are by their own 17:17:15 <sesivany> that's why we want to make sure that every new ambassador gets invited and sponsored for at least one big event to meet other community members and see how things work. 17:17:46 <herlo> sesivany: like a FAD or a FUDCon, I can see that being useful for sure. 17:18:38 <aeperezt> that sounds good but complicated on regions where basically has only one event a year 17:18:45 <sesivany> and of course we had a lot of complaints about reimbursement... that PayPal doesnt work for everyone. 17:18:51 <aeperezt> latam needs more fads 17:19:09 <herlo> aeperezt: yes, that sounds more like a problem of not having events 17:19:46 <aeperezt> herlo, right 17:20:03 <herlo> not sure how easy that is to solve, but yeah... 17:20:09 <bckurera> How many FAms listed in the verification but how many of them are active, is this related with mentoring them 17:20:25 <herlo> bckurera: we do have stats on this 17:20:27 <sesivany> aeperezt: but doesn't have to be only Fedora events, but also general open source or Linux events where we have a booth or talks. Those might be even better because new ambassadors can see how Fedora is promoted. 17:20:36 <herlo> bckurera: http://sexysexypenguins.com/2012/12/02/fedora-ambassadors-update-november-2012/ 17:21:25 <herlo> bckurera: it's about 13%, though this just shows those that have updated some sort of info in FAS regularly. 17:21:31 <aeperezt> sesivany, that sounds more like, experience ambassadors inviting new ambassadors to events 17:21:35 <herlo> if they didn't, they are considered inactive 17:21:41 <aeperezt> and can work 17:21:57 * herlo doesn't want to get caught up in this discussion too much 17:22:01 <sesivany> bckurera: in EMEA, we're going to make a sensus and contact at least two most active ambassadors in every country to describe the situation in their country, who is active, who's not, what they need,... 17:23:18 <sesivany> aeperezt: yes, that's the idea, experienced ambassadors should help new ambassadors beyond the mentorship. 17:23:42 <aeperezt> sesivany, that works better 17:24:38 <sesivany> because we have a really bad ratio new ambassadors/active ambassadors who attend events, promote Fedora and become leaders. 17:26:16 * sesivany is looking at the meeting agenda... 17:26:26 <aeperezt> yea 17:27:15 <sesivany> I don't see any hot problems and I'd like to wait for the new member with all serious topics. 17:27:56 <sesivany> there is one hot problem after all... 17:28:15 <sesivany> we have really few release parties for F18. 17:28:31 <sesivany> #topic F18 release parties 17:28:57 <sesivany> does anyone have the list of F18 release parties in hand? 17:29:02 * sesivany can't find it 17:29:15 * herlo does not 17:30:03 <sesivany> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events 17:30:06 <bckurera> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_events 17:30:16 <sesivany> #undo 17:30:16 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x30c06c50> 17:30:46 <sesivany> looks like APAC has done a good jobs, unfortunately other regions have not. 17:31:16 <aeperezt> sesivany, yea looks like it 17:32:02 <sesivany> I'm going to write "call for release parties" email to the ambassadors list on behalf of FAmSCo. 17:32:24 <sesivany> and we all should promote it among ambassadors in our regions. 17:33:03 <aeperezt> Will talk about on latam list, we did it on a meeting but looks like no action after that 17:33:28 <herlo> #action sesivany to write "call for release parties" email to the ambassadors list on behalf of FAmSCo. 17:34:39 <sesivany> don't forget we have the contest "the best release party in each region". It should motive people a bit. 17:35:56 <sesivany> do we have anything else to discuss? 17:37:15 <aeperezt> sesivany, not sure 17:37:28 <aeperezt> what the processes goes 17:37:58 <aeperezt> but I like to add or analise the bits for fudcon latam 17:38:36 <aeperezt> we have two countries on the bid and I would like famsco to made its recomendation 17:38:40 <sesivany> aeperezt: no problem 17:38:49 <sesivany> #topic FUDCon LATAM 17:39:13 <sesivany> aeperezt: do you have links to their bids? 17:39:22 <aeperezt> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Cusco_2013 17:39:41 <aeperezt> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Managua_2013 17:40:11 <sesivany> aeperezt: Cusco? I wanna go! :D 17:40:51 <aeperezt> sesivany, yes those two are candidates 17:41:19 <aeperezt> so latam want to see if we can get the recomendations 17:41:42 <sesivany> well, I've been to both cities and based on their beauty, I'd prefer Cusco. But I guess that's not the main criteria. Managua has probably better flight connections, right? 17:42:06 <aeperezt> sesivany, not sure 17:42:39 <aeperezt> if we look at the air fare table I think for the region Peru has a good chance 17:43:54 <sesivany> aeperezt: yes, just looking at it. I thought the airport in Cusco is small regional, but they seem to have quite a few connections to large airhubs. 17:44:19 <aeperezt> sesivany, right 17:44:30 * bckurera I need time to read the bids :D 17:45:07 <aeperezt> sesivany, could we review it next metting so all famsco can read the bids 17:45:35 <aeperezt> and we can invite the event owners to support their bids 17:46:24 <sesivany> aeperezt: but our opinion would be only advisory since FAmSCo doesn't decide where FUDCons will take place. 17:46:38 <aeperezt> sesivany, right 17:46:42 <aeperezt> we know 17:47:44 <bckurera> aeperezt : good to have them so that we can clarify any doubts if we have :) 17:47:59 <sesivany> #info aeperezt asked FAmSCo members to give their feedback about two bids for FUDCon LATAM 2013. 17:48:41 <sesivany> #action all famsco members to read FUDCon LATAM 2013 bids and give feedback at the next meeting. 17:49:04 <aeperezt> thanks sesivany 17:51:08 <sesivany> aeperezt: how big are Fedora communities in Peru and Nicaragua? I think the ultimate goal is to get as many people to FUDCon as possible. So organizing it where most contributors are is probably the best option. 17:52:56 <aeperezt> sesivany, well Nicaragua has a more solid community, but Peru has been working to get there. If you as contributors then Nicaragua has more than Peru 17:53:41 <aeperezt> now Peru has a great base of OLPC so it may also be a good place to educate them about Fedora and get more contributors 17:54:02 <aeperezt> Nicaragua also has OLPC but not as much a Peru 17:54:12 <sesivany> aeperezt: ok, I promise I'll read the bids and give my feedback. Hopefully, others will do the same. 17:54:21 <aeperezt> sesivany, thatnks 17:54:28 <aeperezt> *thanks 17:55:01 <sesivany> anything else to discuss? if not, we can move to the open floor. 17:55:18 <aeperezt> ni 17:55:19 <aeperezt> no 17:55:49 <sesivany> #topic openfloor 17:56:25 <sesivany> I wanted to ask others if they make some welcome packages for new ambassadors. 17:57:13 <bckurera> In APAC it is starting from next year, 2013 17:57:27 <bckurera> with the new release of F18 17:58:10 <herlo> sesivany: I think the effort has been attempted in NA with 'Ambassador Kits'. We originally were sending these out when a new ambassador joined as part of an unnoficial mentoring we did before FAmA. 17:58:18 <bckurera> We need start it so that they will get a good feeling first, 17:58:35 * herlo notes he's not sure what the status of this or whether or not it's still a viable option 17:58:54 <sesivany> we have polo shirts for ambassadors, but they have to pay for them (€25). But now we can reduce the price significantly, so maybe it could be one of the things new ambassadors receive. 17:59:45 <herlo> sesivany: probably needs to be in the region's budget, but I see no problem with whatever each region thinks is appropriate 18:01:31 <aeperezt> well I think the policy for each embassador to pay for their polo is a good one. 18:01:53 <sesivany> herlo: yes, I just thought it could be one of our global efforts. Making more t-shirts means lower price per unit. Do you have anything like ambassador's shirts in your regions? 18:02:07 <herlo> sesivany: t-shirts? or polos? 18:02:25 <herlo> t-shirts is less problematic 18:02:31 <herlo> we sent those with ambkits 18:02:39 <sesivany> herlo: both, we have polos because they last longer and look better. 18:02:46 <aeperezt> We should give them other stuff 18:02:53 <herlo> sesivany: sure, but it's a cost issue then is all I'm saying 18:02:58 * herlo isn't opposed to any of it 18:03:22 <herlo> just make sure it gets budgeted and such... 18:04:28 <sesivany> aeperezt: the main problem with paying for the polos is that someone has to pay forehand and invest money in it, in EMEA, it's currently cwickert who spends hundreds of euros on that. 18:04:45 <aeperezt> sesivany, o 18:04:52 * herlo has one thing. I'd like to suggest that we send out an email to the new FAmSCo members (at least, possibly all FAmSCo members) and invite them to join next week's meeting with the time and such. As part of that meeting, I don't see anything wrong with discussing the current meeting time to make sure it works for most of us still. 18:05:16 <aeperezt> herlo, +1 18:05:31 <sesivany> herlo: +1 18:05:42 <sesivany> herlo: action item for you? ;) 18:05:55 * herlo wonders who's seats were up for re-election. 18:06:04 * herlo goes to look 18:06:07 <bckurera> I have invited Tuan already 18:06:18 <sesivany> herlo: we'll have only one new member. 18:06:21 <bckurera> may be the time is not okay in that case will try to adjust it 18:07:00 <bckurera> so how about the other things, do we need to elect Chair, vice-chair etc.. 18:07:06 <aeperezt> herlo bckurera and I were for reelection 18:07:31 <sesivany> bckurera: yes, we need to elect vice-chair because danielbruno held this position. 18:07:32 <herlo> aeperezt: and dbruno? 18:08:01 <aeperezt> herlo, no idea he is here on the room today as danielbruno 18:08:18 <herlo> aeperezt: oh, I was just asking if he was the third person up for election 18:08:24 <herlo> or rather, his seat 18:08:40 <aeperezt> herlo, no he did not show for reelection 18:08:57 <herlo> aeperezt: right, but it was his seat that was available for re-election 18:09:00 <herlo> correct? 18:09:05 <aeperezt> herlo, right 18:09:06 <sesivany> and maybe we should discuss the chair position, too. cwickert stays in FAmSCo, but hasn't attended many meetings in the last months. 18:09:09 <herlo> okay, cool 18:09:28 <herlo> I think maybe we should discuss this next meeting, but I think it's a good meeting agenda item 18:09:41 <aeperezt> herlo, +1 18:09:58 <herlo> #action herlo to email famsco + new member(s) regarding meeting time, chair and vice-chair nomination discussion. 18:10:00 <bckurera> yes +1 18:10:01 <sesivany> herlo: +1 18:10:45 * herlo does think it should happen every cycle, makes things good. Even if we re-elect the same chair/vice I'd like to at least have the option to get fresh blood regularly :) 18:11:01 <sesivany> herlo: +1 18:11:09 <aeperezt> herlo: +1 18:11:11 <herlo> okay, I'll put an agenda item for this too 18:12:07 <bckurera> sound good +1 18:13:19 <sesivany> ok, anything else or can we end the meeting? 18:13:46 <aeperezt> it can end 18:13:50 <bckurera> yes that is good 18:13:54 <bckurera> we got more time 18:14:39 <herlo> done 18:14:49 <sesivany> #endmeeting