17:00:04 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2013-01-28 17:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 28 17:00:04 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:10 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 17:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:00:12 <nb> hi 17:00:16 <sesivany> #topic Roll call 17:00:17 <aeperezt> helo 17:00:18 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 17:00:18 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 17:00:18 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@googlemail.com> 17:00:21 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 17:00:22 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:00:22 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:00:24 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:00:27 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:00:55 <sesivany> great, we reached the quorum in a few sec :) 17:01:05 <sesivany> let's wait a few more minutes for others. 17:01:37 <sesivany> #chair sesivany cwickert aeperezt tuanta nb 17:01:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt cwickert nb sesivany tuanta 17:01:38 <nb> .fas nick@bebout 17:01:39 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 17:02:53 <sesivany> did anyone send regrets? I haven't seen any, but I didn't check email much today. 17:03:55 <tuanta> no one sent regret today 17:04:26 <sesivany> ok, let's start. Others can join us during the meeting. 17:04:34 <sesivany> #info present: sesivany, tuanta, cwickert, nb, aeperezt 17:04:47 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 17:04:57 <sesivany> any announcements, anyone? 17:05:23 <cwickert> nope 17:05:45 <sesivany> FUDCon took place last weekend. 17:06:11 <sesivany> too bad I arrived too late because my journey was totally fucked up :-( 17:06:30 <sesivany> but I did have a meeting with rbergeron. 17:07:22 <sesivany> first of all, she agreed with our FAD process proposal. 17:07:35 <sesivany> the budget owner for FADs will be rsuehle 17:07:38 * cwickert had already sorted that out with her 17:08:14 <sesivany> cwickert: yeah, but the budget owner wasnt still clear, but Ruth in person agreed with that. 17:08:17 <tuanta> great, finally, we got one 17:08:35 * cwickert is not too optimistic 17:08:47 <sesivany> cwickert: we'll see... 17:08:53 <tuanta> lets see 17:09:04 <sesivany> if there are no other announcements, let's move to topics... 17:09:15 <sesivany> #topic Regional budgets for FY14 17:09:36 <sesivany> today is the deadline for regional budget we set two weeks ago. 17:09:48 <aeperezt> ! 17:09:48 <sesivany> tuanta: did you finish yours? 17:09:52 <nb> NA's is done 17:10:04 <aeperezt> Latam is done 17:10:15 <tuanta> APAC's is done 17:10:21 <cwickert> .famsco 279 17:10:21 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/279 17:10:21 <sesivany> nb: I saw yours. Since you did it with rbergeron, I guess it's pretty much approved :) 17:10:37 <tuanta> :) 17:11:05 <cwickert> ? 17:11:17 <sesivany> cwickert: shoot 17:11:19 <cwickert> where is the NA budget? 17:11:57 <sesivany> cwickert: I saw just a spreadsheet 17:12:10 <sesivany> cwickert: they should make it publicly available though 17:12:10 <cwickert> nb: can you share some insight? 17:12:20 <nb> https://docs.google.com/a/bebout.net/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApBrbq5j6NbOdG0zQzVvR3VqQ05NaE5xaDdLOWh3a0E&pli=1#gid=0 17:12:37 <nb> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApBrbq5j6NbOdG0zQzVvR3VqQ05NaE5xaDdLOWh3a0E&pli=1#gid=0 i mean 17:12:49 <tuanta> the totalis $54.5k, right? 17:13:43 <tuanta> a huge amount 17:13:47 <sesivany> nb: if you want to keep it in Google Docs, no problem. But there should be some budget wiki page that will point to it. 17:14:14 <nb> ok 17:14:41 <sesivany> and everyone please add links to your budgets to the ticket #279. 17:14:55 <cwickert> ok, lets face it: This has become kind of a "I want a pink pony" thing and we ave waaaayyyyy over the limit 17:15:20 <herlo> cwickert: keep in mind that budgets are *not* what we will get, but rather what we are asking for 17:15:25 <cwickert> I mean, seriously, we have a budget of 80 k, and NA wants 55 of it? 17:15:46 <herlo> cwickert: a budget is a projection of what we would like to spend for the FY 17:15:55 <herlo> the 'approved' budget is a completely different thing 17:15:59 <nb> cwickert, we can ask for a budget of more than 80k 17:16:09 <nb> doesn't mean we will get it, but we can ask 17:16:10 <herlo> we can ask for whatever we want, including pink ponies 17:16:18 <sesivany> cwickert: let rbergeron deal with it 17:16:18 <cwickert> sure, if we can make sure to spend the money wisely 17:16:32 <herlo> cwickert: and everything in the NA budget is a reasonable request actually 17:16:52 <cwickert> however, I think that if some regions now want 2 or 3 times of what the had last year, I doubt these are reasonable figures 17:16:55 <herlo> we went through it at FADNA, spent most of a day working on the details, hashing it out. In fact, i think some of it was streamed .... 17:17:07 <herlo> cwickert: sure, but how do you get them to give you more money if you don't ask? 17:17:53 <cwickert> herlo: you can ask for +20% or maybe +30%, but not for +200%-300% 17:18:17 <herlo> cwickert: I don't think that's applicable really. 17:18:21 <cwickert> if the growth isn't realistic, the budget is questionable 17:18:26 <herlo> cwickert: for one, we got less last year because we didn't ask 17:18:41 <herlo> additionally, the budget is realistic and possible 17:18:43 <cwickert> ok, take the year before last year then 17:18:45 <herlo> at least for NA 17:19:23 <herlo> cwickert: the point here is that you are trying to restrict what we are asking for, why not let those who grant budget decide whether it's too much and how much to give each region? 17:19:51 <herlo> I don't expect NA will get more than 10-15% more than last year, but we can ask. I also think we spent around $35k last year iirc 17:20:07 <cwickert> in FY11, that was before the big chaos, NA spent $36,855 17:20:10 <herlo> $55k is not quite even an 100% increase 17:20:17 <herlo> exactly 17:20:27 <sesivany> I kinda agree with herlo. If rbergeron is able to to find money for that, good for them. 17:20:39 <cwickert> ok, should we just collect what we have then? 17:20:41 <herlo> i also think all the other regions shoulddo the same 17:20:54 <herlo> get as much as you can for your region as long as it's reasonable 17:21:00 <herlo> show you can use it 17:21:17 <herlo> give a budget with the value you can add for the events and other things you plan to do in 2013 :) 17:21:32 <herlo> that is, if you haven't already. 17:21:34 <sesivany> herlo: well, that's the case, I don't want to raise the amount just because we can. 17:21:37 <tuanta> as far as we can spend them wisely, I think it's possible 17:21:45 <herlo> sesivany: reasonable, and justified. 17:21:45 <sesivany> there needs to be some fundamentals behind it, a plan. 17:21:57 <herlo> sesivany: agreed. I'm saying exactly that 17:23:10 <sesivany> #action every region to add a link to their budget draft to #279 17:23:32 <cwickert> I'm afraid the "get as much as you can" mentality has reached a limit that is no longer reasonable. I mean, we have countries that suddenly request 5 times as much as they spent last year 17:23:44 <cwickert> anyway, what do we have? 17:23:51 <cwickert> 55k from NA 17:23:56 <aeperezt> If you planned right and are going to cover all events where most of the money is, and swags it seems good. 17:24:12 <sesivany> cwickert: EMEA is 30k 17:24:36 <sesivany> but there is no reserve. rbergeron says she'll deal with that. 17:24:40 <tuanta> cwickert: APAC 24k 17:25:08 <cwickert> aeperezt: LATAM? 17:25:12 <aeperezt> latam 17K 17:25:24 <tuanta> no reserve, too 17:25:41 <cwickert> ok, and how realistic are your budgets? 17:25:54 <herlo> that's only 126k, :) 17:25:57 <tuanta> total: 126k 17:26:01 <cwickert> I mean, in EMEA we will probably be under the 30k we requested 17:26:14 <cwickert> the 30 is only if we make all events we would like to do 17:26:23 <cwickert> and it we send as many people there as we would like 17:26:42 <sesivany> cwickert: on the other hand, there could be events we didn't plan. It happens, so I think 30k is pretty realistic. 17:26:49 <herlo> cwickert: in NA, we have new events we want to sponsor/attend, plus a bit more swag we want to create. 17:26:57 <herlo> if we don't get the funds, we'll cut that down some... 17:27:10 <cwickert> ok, lets collect that and fire it over at rbergeron 17:27:48 <sesivany> as I said, please add links to the ticket and I'll contact rbergeron to ask her to go through it. 17:28:43 <cwickert> ok, thanks 17:28:48 <sesivany> anything else to the budget topic? 17:29:05 <cwickert> not that I am aware off 17:29:26 <sesivany> ok, let's move on then... 17:29:58 <tuanta> ok 17:30:06 <cwickert> ? 17:30:11 <sesivany> #topic FUDCons 17:30:21 <sesivany> I'd like to discuss fudcons a bit. 17:30:37 * bckurera hi guys i m 30 mins late, will read logs 17:30:43 <sesivany> tuanta: you should really start working on that. 17:30:53 <sesivany> your fudcon is just a few months away. 17:31:05 <sesivany> and there hasnt even been a call for bids. 17:31:17 <nb> sesivany, i thought newfudcon was starting in june? 17:31:28 <nb> or has that not been announced yet? 17:31:29 * herlo heard something about this as well 17:31:45 <sesivany> nb: still not sure, but FUDCon APAC won't be affected by that anyway. 17:31:47 <tuanta> a good news: The Philippines team is currently preparing to submit their bid 17:31:57 <herlo> spot mentioned it to me in passing at the end of FUDCon Lawrence 17:31:58 <aeperezt> sesivany, Latam is waiting for rbergeron decision about the location Peru or Nicaragua, we need that so the winner team can start working on it 17:32:30 <sesivany> herlo: tell us the secret ;) 17:33:27 <herlo> sesivany: spot just asked if we were all ready to do this (FUDCon) all over again in 6 months. I don't know what the details are other than that, I think I missed a session or two that day :/ 17:33:33 <nb> sesivany, basically the "one mega-fudcon per year" 17:33:33 <nb> afaik 17:33:45 <bckurera> sesivany we can discuss the timeline which suites for Ph, that is best 17:34:11 <tuanta> That is only one team up to now. However, PH team submitted their bid twice in last two years so I believe that they can do 17:34:15 <herlo> it's true, I don't think it affects current bids 17:34:34 <sesivany> herlo, nb: the idea rbergeron told me is that there would be one big fudcon to replace NA and EMEA ones, APAC and LATAM will keep theirs. 17:34:35 <tuanta> we will discuss more about this in APAC meeting this weekend 17:34:41 <nb> sesivany, oh ok 17:34:45 <bckurera> tuanta, will try best but there are lot to overcome 17:34:55 <herlo> sesivany: that's a great way to go.... 17:35:15 <sesivany> so APAC and LATAM should plan their fudcons anyway since they won't be affected (most likely). 17:35:36 <tuanta> understood, sesivany 17:35:45 <bckurera> AFAIK mega fudcon will be around mid of this year, but donno much details of planning, should we look into this 17:35:47 <sesivany> that's why rbergeron asked me to hold the call for bids in EMEA for a few more weeks. 17:36:37 <sesivany> one of the problem with megafudcon is that it should be right after the release, but because our releases slip even by 2 months. It's difficult to plan it. 17:36:58 <tuanta> :) 17:37:07 <herlo> sesivany: there's talk of moving releases, too. At least from me... :) 17:37:57 <herlo> January/July were my suggestions, having FUDCon in late February/late August makes the weather so much easier to deal with in cold places. 17:38:04 <sesivany> anyway, the conclusion is that the superfudcon idea is still being discussed, so we have to hold preparations for EMEA fudcon, but APAC and LATAM should plan and work on their because those won't most likely be affected. 17:38:11 <herlo> whee 17:38:39 <sesivany> herlo: tell me about that my total delay was 55 hours because of snowing... 17:39:10 <tuanta> :( 17:39:19 <bckurera> sesivany, i was planning APAC fducon from last term, but still no green light, it is not easy as it sees, but we wont give up, try n try :-) 17:39:30 <sesivany> which is the reason I didn't have an opportunity to meet you, herlo :-( 17:40:06 <herlo> sesivany: I was sad to have missed you 17:40:15 <tuanta> bckurera: we support PH team. I believe that they can do 17:40:16 <herlo> sesivany: did you actually make it to Lawrence? 17:40:27 <nb> i think sesivany did 17:40:33 <nb> but the hats were in his luggage that got lost 17:40:57 <sesivany> herlo: yeah, I arrived just before the fudpub and was there for Sun. 17:41:10 <bckurera> tuanta i hope for the best, we support 17:41:14 * herlo was there through Monday, I didn't hear you were around until it was time to leave. I thought I heard your name as I was packing up 17:41:29 <sesivany> nb: fortunately, I didn't take the hats, just a few samples. Kinda luck because otherwise they would be lost. 17:41:41 <aeperezt> sesivany, any way we can help rbergeron deside the location of fudcon latam 17:41:41 <nb> sesivany, oh good 17:41:48 * herlo gets back on topic 17:41:53 <sesivany> nb: I'll bring them to FOSDEM and rbergeron and rsuehle will take them to the US. 17:42:01 <nb> sesivany, ok great 17:42:09 <nb> sesivany, i saw some at fudcon and they looked great 17:42:15 <sesivany> aeperezt: please contact her in this matter 17:42:49 <sesivany> ok, I think we're clear in this. 17:43:05 <sesivany> anything else to this topic? 17:43:39 <cwickert> what about EMEA? 17:44:04 <cwickert> I mean, do we need a bit or not? is this Mega-FUDCon thin set in stone? 17:44:13 <sesivany> cwickert: as I said, rbergeron asked me to hold it for a few more weeks until they have a clear plan for the superfudcon. 17:44:42 <cwickert> ok, I guess our FUDCon would be in September/October again, so we still have time 17:44:55 <sesivany> cwickert: so APAC and LATAM are now GO, EMEA and NA are on hold. 17:45:29 <cwickert> ok 17:45:37 <sesivany> cwickert: but I'd like to know the plan by the end of Feb. We still need at least 6 months to plan. 17:45:45 <cwickert> agreed 17:46:19 <cwickert> #info submit your bids for FUDCon LATAM and APAC asap 17:46:39 <sesivany> cwickert: LATAm has bids, rbergeron just needs to decide. 17:46:46 * herlo prefers MEGA MEGA FUDCooooooooon! 17:46:53 <herlo> :) 17:46:57 <sesivany> cwickert: APAC needs to come up with bids, that's for sure. 17:47:03 * tuanta too :) 17:47:04 <cwickert> aeperezt: does the LATAM community have a preference? 17:47:27 <aeperezt> cwickert, no. 17:47:35 <cwickert> aeperezt: usually, you should discuss this in the regional meetings and then make a recommendation 17:47:39 <aeperezt> both locations are good for us 17:47:54 <cwickert> I mean, it's not that that rbergeron just throws a coin 17:47:57 <aeperezt> cwickert, we have go over them already 17:48:19 <sesivany> cwickert: we discussed it here some time ago 17:48:39 <sesivany> I personally liked the Peruvian bids a bit more. 17:48:43 <cwickert> ok, I don't want to further delay this meeting then 17:49:18 <cwickert> aeperezt: you might want to ask tatica for the matrix they used in earlier years 17:50:00 <sesivany> ok, another topic I'd like to discuss are Fedora media because we had some problems with them recently. 17:50:03 <aeperezt> cwickert, we follow that matrix 17:50:43 <cwickert> ok 17:50:49 <cwickert> lets move on 17:50:51 <sesivany> #topic Fedora media 17:51:31 <sesivany> I don't know if you're aware of that. But we had a problem with F18 media production because the ISO wasn't EFI/SecureBoot ready. 17:51:58 <sesivany> multidesktop live DVDs got fixed, but the installation DVD did not. 17:52:27 <sesivany> the question is if we still should produce the install DVDs and push for the fix, or just give it up. 17:52:52 <sesivany> what's your experience in other regions? do you still produce install DVDs? 17:52:54 <cwickert> can we increase the number of the live media instead? 17:53:12 <aeperezt> sesivany, latam does, specific Brasil 17:53:22 <cwickert> hold on 17:53:31 <cwickert> this only affects the multiboot images 17:53:41 <cwickert> this means dual arch dual layer DVDs 17:53:47 <sesivany> cwickert: in EMEA, we can't, it's too late, they should deliver it in two days. 17:53:49 <cwickert> the normal DVDs work fine 17:54:05 <cwickert> sesivany: so, what did you do? 17:54:22 <cwickert> did you cancel the DVDs or not? 17:54:34 <sesivany> cwickert: 4000 multidesktop live DVD for EMEA and 1000 for our office. 17:54:45 <cwickert> so only live this time? 17:54:46 <sesivany> cwickert: I cancelled the install dual arch ones. 17:54:50 <cwickert> ok, great 17:54:52 <sesivany> cwickert: yes 17:54:58 <cwickert> that's what I would have done, too 17:55:22 <sesivany> the question is if we want to go for them in the future 17:55:34 <sesivany> or just stick with live DVDs 17:55:53 <sesivany> in EMEA, only Africa asks for install DVDs. 17:55:53 <cwickert> nb: what about NA? you are doing dual arch install media, right? 17:56:59 <tuanta> we did some single layer DVDs (each per arch). they worked well. 17:57:26 <tuanta> I meant multi-desktop DVDs 17:57:48 <sesivany> tuanta: was it for F17 or F18? 17:57:56 <tuanta> F18 17:57:58 <bckurera> tuanta, agree with you, we need multi-desktop most of the time 64 bits 17:58:24 <sesivany> tuanta: and was it UEFI-compatible? 17:58:30 <tuanta> bckurera: yes, we did 80% 64-bit and 20% 32bit 17:58:39 <tuanta> sesivany: we did not test that 17:59:04 <tuanta> we will see tomorrow 17:59:40 <sesivany> tuanta: the problem is that all those kinda custom glued ISOs are not UEFI-compatible which is one of the F18 feature we promote. 18:00:08 <sesivany> we had to wait for like two weeks to get our ISO fixed by spot. 18:00:13 <tuanta> yes, I remember 18:01:14 <sesivany> herlo, nb: are you with us? 18:01:20 <sesivany> nb_ 18:02:19 <sesivany> cwickert: what's your opinion on that? I'm more for completely giving up the install DVDs. We didn't have them for F17 and we survived, we won't have now, too. 18:02:43 <cwickert> hold on 18:02:52 <herlo> sesivany: sorry, I am here. A bit slow... 18:03:00 <tuanta> sesivany: +1. multi-desktop LiveDVDs are much better 18:03:01 <cwickert> sesivany: you mean *completely* give them up or only dual arch? 18:03:32 <sesivany> cwickert: I'd produce just multidesktop live DVDs. 18:03:47 <sesivany> cwickert: no install DVDs 18:03:57 <cwickert> and we didn't have any installation DVDs with F17? 18:04:01 <cwickert> in EMEA I mean 18:04:29 <sesivany> cwickert: we did, but the bootloader was screwed, so we pull them off. 18:04:48 <cwickert> ah, right, I remember 18:05:03 <cwickert> anyway, I think this is something we should discuss with our community 18:05:24 <sesivany> cwickert: and moreover live ISOs are bigger now, so they accommodate more software such as Libreoffice for example. 18:05:34 <cwickert> well 18:05:41 <cwickert> this is going to become a problem 18:05:59 <cwickert> because we not only have bigger media 18:06:03 <cwickert> but also two new desktops 18:06:04 <sesivany> cwickert: ok, let's leave it for our meeting. I was just curious what experience they have in other regions. 18:07:03 <cwickert> I guess that if MATE and Cinnammn come up with spins, then they probably also demand being on the multi desktop live 18:07:08 <cwickert> and then we are oversized 18:07:23 <sesivany> cwickert: yeah, that's right. 18:07:52 <cwickert> but that's a different question 18:07:58 <cwickert> we need a smarter live installer 18:08:00 <cwickert> anyway 18:08:05 <sesivany> cwickert: what's on the ISO this time? still GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE, Sugar? 18:08:10 <cwickert> ack 18:08:22 <cwickert> maybe it will work if we kick sugar 18:08:35 <tuanta> now it's fine. We did one for 32-bit and the other for 64-bit arch 18:09:08 <tuanta> each ò them contains GNOME, KDE, Xfce and LXDE 18:09:17 <tuanta> for choice 18:09:40 <sesivany> yeah, but we should deal with this problem when it's on the table. So maybe somewhen around F19. 18:10:30 <sesivany> ok, we've spent enough time on this. Let's move on? 18:10:51 <tuanta> ok 18:10:56 <sesivany> I've got one more topic to discuss 18:11:42 <sesivany> #topic Methods of reimbursement 18:11:57 <sesivany> I also spoke with rbergeron about reimbursement. 18:12:18 <sesivany> the good news is that we'll have wire transfers! 18:12:29 * cwickert does the lucky dance 18:12:29 <sesivany> at least for bigger amounts 18:12:40 <cwickert> what about corporate PayPal accounts? 18:12:49 <aeperezt> sesivany, nice 18:13:05 <sesivany> cwickert: corporate account is still in the works. 18:13:14 <sesivany> don't have much information about that. 18:14:01 <sesivany> the main problem with Paypal is that sender should be able to pay the fee. 18:14:16 <sesivany> that's what kital in EMEA doesn't or can't do. 18:14:29 <bckurera> There is a fee for wire transfer right? 18:15:06 <sesivany> bckurera: yes, but it should be covered by RHT, receivers won't pay any fee unless their bank change them for incoming payments. 18:15:51 <bckurera> sesivany, so why the paypal fee annot be added to RH 18:16:02 <tuanta> banks in Vietnam often charge more about $25 for incoming :) 18:16:09 <tuanta> so I prefer PayPal 18:16:58 <sesivany> bckurera: I honestly don't know. In some accounts, we can't check that you want to pay the fee as a sender. 18:17:20 <bckurera> Really, will see 18:17:31 <sesivany> it always worked for me with private Paypal payments, but kital apparently has a problem with that. 18:17:43 <sesivany> cwickert: can you clarify that? do you know any details? 18:17:52 <bckurera> Innthat case will calculate the fee and add it to the amount sonthat receiver can pay it 18:17:58 <bckurera> :-) 18:18:35 <bckurera> I donot know we need to check this out and decide 18:18:50 <sesivany> bckurera: yeah, but the amount on the receipt has to fit, if you charge a different amount than it's on the receipt, it's a problem. 18:18:52 <bckurera> Gut i think wire is good for large amiunt rather than paypal 18:19:16 <bckurera> sesivany, I dont think it is a big problem 18:19:29 <sesivany> and I'm not sure if PayPal gives you any receipt to the fee. 18:19:45 <bckurera> We can fix it since it is a standard charge/fee 18:20:26 <sesivany> bckurera: how? 18:20:26 <cwickert> sorry, telephone 18:21:15 <cwickert> sesivany: the problem we have with PayPal is that the receipient has to pay the fees 18:21:21 <cwickert> and you always loose a little 18:21:23 <tuanta> we can refer https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/paypal-fees for PayPal fees 18:21:37 <cwickert> while this isn't a problem for smaller sums, for lager amounts it is 18:21:48 <cwickert> If you loose like 30 EUR it just sucks 18:21:54 <bckurera> sesivany, it is a flat charge, can be calculated n added as a standard fee, if we need a receipt we can use the email we are getting 18:22:03 <tuanta> I see this information: Debit/Credit card fee: 18:22:04 <tuanta> 2.9% of total amount sent plus $0.30 per transaction (the sender decides who pays this fee). 18:22:04 <sesivany> cwickert: then the wire transfers may help. 18:22:08 <cwickert> and with a corporate account this is not a problem. 18:22:37 <cwickert> sesivany: I know they were looking into corporate accounts, finance is ok with it but legal is not, as the CC holders are no employees of RH 18:23:01 <sesivany> so the plan is to go to wire transfers and corporate accounts, that would solve most of our problems with reimbursements. 18:23:19 <cwickert> corporate accounts are not set in stone 18:23:25 <sesivany> cwickert: we can discuss this with rbergeron at FOSDEM. 18:23:29 <sesivany> cwickert: I know 18:23:31 <cwickert> ok 18:23:49 <bckurera> sesivany, that is good, keep us updated 18:23:54 <sesivany> cwickert: but at least we know we want it and we'll demand it :) 18:24:00 <aeperezt> right 18:24:48 <tuanta> should mark this as a new action? 18:25:55 <sesivany> #action sesivany and cwickert to talk to rbergeron about methods of reimbursement 18:26:15 <sesivany> #topic openfloor 18:26:50 * cwickert has nothing on his mind 18:27:17 <sesivany> I just want to say that I'll be on plane about this time next week. 18:27:37 <sesivany> so if someone else can take the chairing I'll be very happy :) 18:27:45 <tuanta> just notice that APAC FY2014 budget draft has been merged into the original one at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget#Fiscal_Year_2014 18:27:49 <sesivany> probably herlo should 18:28:18 <tuanta> +1 herlo. he's vice chair 18:28:20 * herlo can likely do so, but will need help getting the meeting started 18:28:43 <tuanta> ok, I can do this 18:28:56 <sesivany> ok, are we done for today? 18:29:10 <aeperezt> think so 18:29:57 * tuanta will start the next meeting on time if herlo is late 18:30:07 <sesivany> ok, thank you, everyone, for coming! And have a good meeting next Mon! I'll read the log. 18:30:15 <sesivany> #endmeeting