17:00:04 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2013-03-25 17:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 25 17:00:04 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:06 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 17:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:00:13 <sesivany> #topic Roll call 17:00:20 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:00:20 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:00:20 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 17:00:24 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 17:00:31 <sesivany> hi tuanta! 17:00:41 <tuanta> hi sesivany :) 17:01:12 <sesivany> hope there will be more of us, last time the quorum was so so. 17:01:35 <tuanta> :) 17:01:36 <sesivany> aeperezt, nb: ping 17:01:46 <aeperezt> sesivany, pong 17:02:05 <sesivany> great, now we need one more. 17:02:09 <tuanta> Christoph seems busy today? 17:02:13 <aeperezt> sesivany, cwicket mention that he will be a bit late but he will join the meeting 17:02:30 <tuanta> cool 17:02:34 <sesivany> ok, let's wait a few more minutes for others. 17:03:15 <tuanta> ok 17:04:32 <aeperezt> ok 17:05:09 <sesivany> the current meeting agenda is at https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/9 17:05:16 <sesivany> but there is nothing new. 17:05:29 <sesivany> ok, let's start with announcements. 17:05:34 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 17:06:07 <sesivany> anyone got an announcement? 17:06:44 <sesivany> I've got some news about fudcons... 17:07:28 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:07:30 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:07:49 <aeperezt> sesivany, great 17:07:49 <sesivany> looks like there really will be the superfudcon instead of fudcons na and emea. 17:08:41 <sesivany> so most likely: no fudcon emea and no fudcon apac this year, it's reduced to the superfudcon and fudcon latam. 17:09:04 <sesivany> maybe rbergeron can tell us more if she's around. 17:09:47 <tuanta> great news! 17:09:53 <aeperezt> sesivany, great news 17:09:53 <sesivany> I think it's still too early to announce it officially, but I just wanted to let you know. 17:10:06 <tuanta> ping nb 17:10:32 * cwickert is sorry to be late 17:10:34 <sesivany> cwickert: great, welcome! 17:10:43 <sesivany> so we have a quorum. 17:11:25 <tuanta> cool :) 17:11:27 <sesivany> cwickert: I was just saying to others that fudcon emea most likely won't happen as rbergeron told me. 17:13:05 <sesivany> another announcement is that rbergeron and rsuehle are working on the Fedora budget for this fiscal year, so we're promised to have feedback on our drafts soon. 17:13:15 <sesivany> at least I hope it will be soon. 17:13:19 <cwickert> sesivany: you mean because of the global FUDCon or because we don't have any bid? 17:13:35 <sesivany> cwickert: because of the global fudcon 17:13:47 <cwickert> ack 17:14:35 <sesivany> cwickert: the idea is to have a global fudcon in the US and expand devconf.cz a bit to server as a gathering event for Fedora ppl in Europe. 17:16:15 <sesivany> #info the Fedora budget for FY14 is being worked on and we should know details soon. 17:16:36 <cwickert> ? 17:16:47 <sesivany> cwickert: go ahead 17:17:04 <cwickert> any update on the FY13 budget? Did rsuehle get back to us? 17:17:30 <cwickert> I am pretty sure she doesn't have all the data she needs, but she didn't tell us what she needs either 17:17:36 <cwickert> or did I miss something? 17:17:55 <sesivany> cwickert: you mean the budget for the current fiscal year or for the last one? 17:18:29 <cwickert> the current is FY14 and the budget is being worked on 17:18:32 <cwickert> I mean the last one 17:18:35 <cwickert> FY13 17:18:42 <sesivany> cwickert: no, she didn't. 17:19:06 <cwickert> #action cwickert to nag rsuehle about a summary of the FY13 budget 17:19:21 <sesivany> cwickert: on her defence, I must say that financial reporting really sucks in Red Hat. Fedora is not the only one who has problems to get data back from the financials. 17:20:07 <cwickert> I think she needs data from us in first place, but lets see 17:20:08 <sesivany> cwickert: I think the only fast and reliable way we will be to track expenses ourselves. 17:21:30 <tuanta> we can track ourselves (actually, we have done that) but those are not official numbers (just references) 17:22:44 <sesivany> tuanta: that's right, but that's what many ppl in Red Hat do, too, because it's sometimes the only way to track expenses. 17:23:03 <sesivany> our financial reporting is simply too slow. 17:23:25 <sesivany> any other comments or announcement? 17:23:54 <tuanta> financial reporting is a big work, especially in a public company like Red Hat 17:24:54 <sesivany> tuanta: we'll see what rsuehle will come up with, now you can just nag her, we can do much about it. 17:25:03 <sesivany> let's move on... 17:25:03 <tuanta> yes 17:25:54 <sesivany> #topic Ticket #329 17:26:02 <sesivany> .famsco 329 17:26:02 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/329 17:26:11 <sesivany> tuanta: do you have any updates about this? 17:26:39 <sesivany> IMHO it's a hot candidate for closing 17:26:42 <tuanta> I have tried to contact them but no luck 17:26:53 <tuanta> I think it's better to close it now 17:26:59 <sesivany> it doesn't belong to FAmSCo any more and there are no udpates. 17:27:06 <tuanta> then we can re-pen it anytime if necessary 17:27:33 <sesivany> tuanta: can you please close it then? 17:27:39 <tuanta> s/re-pen/re-open 17:27:45 <tuanta> ok, I will do 17:28:54 <sesivany> #info the ticket number #329 is going to be closed because it doesn't belong to famsco trac and there are no updates from the creator. 17:29:34 <tuanta> done. it's closed. 17:30:13 <sesivany> cwickert: is #255 something you'd like to keep open permanently or was it just a one-time matter? 17:30:28 <cwickert> .famsco 255 17:30:28 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/255 17:30:46 <sesivany> #topic Ticket #255 17:31:10 <cwickert> you can close it 17:31:18 <cwickert> or remove the meeting keyword 17:31:30 <cwickert> I'll set it again when I have rephrased the guidelines 17:31:38 <cwickert> does that work? 17:32:00 <tuanta> +1 17:32:06 <sesivany> cwickert: the meeting keyword is not there, it was just about closing. We can keep it open then. 17:32:09 <aeperezt> +1 17:32:22 <cwickert> sesivany: can you please use better topics? It's easier to find somehting in the meeting minutes 17:32:37 <cwickert> I don't care, if you want to close it, go ahead 17:32:54 <sesivany> cwickert: ok :) 17:33:45 <sesivany> #topic F18 release party dinner award 17:33:51 <sesivany> .famsco 326 17:33:51 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/326 17:34:06 <sesivany> tuanta: any updates in APAC? 17:34:24 <tuanta> actually no 17:34:28 <sesivany> tuanta: I know we set you a deadline, I just want to know if there is any progress. 17:34:38 <tuanta> we will have some more updates after this weekend meeting 17:34:50 <cwickert> I think buddika wrote a mail to the ambassadors list 17:34:55 <sesivany> tuanta: ok 17:35:04 <cwickert> buddhike I mean 17:35:30 <sesivany> Why I opened this topic was also to discuss what we will have for F19. Because we need some time to prepare it. 17:35:38 <sesivany> F19 is not as far as it may seem. 17:36:41 <sesivany> in EMEA it was kinda fail, 2/3 winning parties refused the award money. The Russians can't receive money from foreign subjects and the Italians say they'd prefer more swag next time instead of money for dinner. 17:37:40 <tuanta> yes, cwickert buddhike did that 17:38:01 <tuanta> :) 17:38:07 <tuanta> sesivany :) 17:38:16 <tuanta> we are stuck there? :) 17:38:41 <sesivany> my idea is to make t-shirts for organizers. In EMEA, it would work because I send packages to most release parties, so I can just include a t-shirt for the organizers as a sign of appreciation. 17:38:58 <sesivany> but I don't know if it'd work in APAC and LATAM. 17:39:18 <sesivany> if we meant more shipping, it'd be too costy. 17:40:11 <sesivany> any opinions on this? 17:40:22 <sesivany> aeperezt, tuanta: especially you 17:41:04 <tuanta> shipping is more complicated in APAC 17:41:32 <tuanta> tax and fee may differ from countries 17:41:32 <aeperezt> shipping will also be complicated on LATAM 17:41:33 <sesivany> tuanta: do release parties receive any packages with swag? 17:42:12 <tuanta> no, at this moment, organizers produce swag and media themselves 17:42:23 <aeperezt> there are some countries in latam were that can be problematic 17:42:23 <tuanta> we are trying to change this 17:43:14 <sesivany> it'd be great to ask the community what they think it'd be the best appreciation for release party organizers. 17:43:25 <sesivany> can you bring it up at your regional meetings? 17:43:28 <tuanta> yes 17:43:46 <tuanta> sure 17:44:16 <sesivany> we may come to a conclusion that different things work for each region. 17:44:36 <tuanta> yes 17:44:54 <tuanta> but we can certainly exchange ideas 17:45:21 <sesivany> #action every famsco member to discuss at regional meetings how we should appreciate release party organizers. 17:46:37 <sesivany> ok, let's move on... 17:46:52 <sesivany> #topic RH Community Credit Card holder for APAC 17:46:58 <sesivany> .famsco 333 17:46:58 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/333 17:47:07 <sesivany> that's a damn lucky number :) 17:47:29 <sesivany> tuanta: any updates here? what is it hanging on? 17:47:55 <sesivany> I see we have one candidate. 17:48:08 * nb is here 17:48:25 <sesivany> nb: welcome 17:48:30 <tuanta> cwickert: have you got any updates on #333? 17:48:55 <tuanta> did you contact to KageSenshi? any luck? 17:49:04 <sesivany> what worries me a bit is: "Less active recently, due to $dayjob." on his user's page. 17:49:04 <cwickert> yes 17:49:17 <cwickert> He did respond to me, hold on 17:49:50 <cwickert> Holding APAC Community Card does sound interesting, but I'm not 17:49:53 <cwickert> oops 17:50:16 <cwickert> dammit, cannot c&p 17:50:32 <tuanta> sesivany: from my side, I contacted to KageSenshi and in his response, he needs to see the agreement with Red Hat before going forward 17:50:35 <cwickert> here is what he wrote me: http://fpaste.org/BqvV/ 17:50:49 <cwickert> there is two problems 17:51:09 <tuanta> oh :( 17:51:09 <cwickert> 1. he is afraid to become the single point of failure 17:51:20 <cwickert> I think there is nothing we can do about it 17:51:30 <tuanta> yes 17:51:36 <cwickert> because I doubt RH Finance will be giving out 2 or more cards 17:51:42 <cwickert> right? 17:51:52 <tuanta> +1 17:52:02 <cwickert> the other problem is that he is very busy sometimes 17:52:06 <sesivany> cwickert: APAC will be lucky to get one, I've been waiting for months already :-/ 17:52:07 <tuanta> just one per region is enough 17:52:29 <cwickert> I think we can have kital take over if something is really urgent 17:52:51 * herlo apologizes for being late... 17:52:51 <cwickert> but for me the question is if we should ask KageSenshi or Ankur 17:52:54 <tuanta> we still need a CC holder in APAC 17:53:07 <cwickert> I mean, Kagesenshi is nothing but honest 17:53:13 <cwickert> and I appreciate that 17:53:27 <cwickert> opinions? 17:53:36 <cwickert> I think we should write a mail to both of them 17:53:42 <cwickert> and then let them deal with it 17:53:49 <sesivany> I don't know David Ramsey, Ankur Sinha personally, but they both seem reliable and long-term contributors. We might consider them too. 17:53:50 <cwickert> dies Ankur work for RH? 17:53:50 <tuanta> +1, that's one of the most important issues 17:54:03 <cwickert> s/dies/does 17:54:10 <tuanta> no 17:54:40 <cwickert> ok, how about we write both Ankur and Izhar and then let them decide? 17:54:56 <cwickert> Ankur recently contacted me about how to improve the APAC community 17:54:57 <tuanta> yes, and also David Ramsey 17:55:01 <cwickert> so he is very active 17:55:29 <tuanta> dramsey is so active too 17:55:30 <cwickert> #action cwickert to write a mail to all of them, this time over the famsco distribution list so it is transparent 17:55:34 <cwickert> ok? 17:55:45 <tuanta> +1 17:55:45 <sesivany> cwickert: +1 17:55:49 <cwickert> ok 17:56:20 <cwickert> #info kital just received new money, so if anything in APAC is urgent, assign the ticket to jsimon please 17:57:07 <sesivany> cwickert: it means they topped up his limit or his credit card bill was just cleared and he can spend the usual limit? 17:57:59 <cwickert> sesivany: usual I think 17:58:50 <sesivany> cwickert: since I spend many emea expenses directly now, I think the limit was ok for now. 17:58:54 <tuanta> cool 17:59:42 <sesivany> any other issues to discuss today? 17:59:58 <sesivany> I don't have anything else. 18:00:17 * nb wishes red hat finance was quicker 18:00:29 <aeperezt> nb we all do 18:00:42 <tuanta> that's enough from my side 18:00:50 <aeperezt> same here 18:00:53 <sesivany> #topic Openfloor 18:01:11 <sesivany> if you have anything random, let's discuss it in openfloor. 18:01:25 <sesivany> otherwise I'll end the meeting in a few minutes. 18:01:35 <aeperezt> sesivany, I have a ticket on Latam from Peru 18:01:57 <sesivany> aeperezt: yes, how is the preparations for fudcon latam going? 18:02:05 * cwickert has nothing on his mind 18:02:24 <aeperezt> latam ambassadors aproved it is 260 dls but we need send it by wire transfer 18:02:54 <aeperezt> I have ask Ruth Sue and Robin if they can confirm that is posible with no reponse so far 18:03:29 <aeperezt> sesivany, about Fudcon we starting to work with the university detailing organization details 18:03:40 <sesivany> aeperezt: wire transfer are problems, but I was told that there is some way to do them. 18:03:43 <aeperezt> but we are start working on that 18:04:04 <nb> so do we know if we are having megafudcon yet? 18:04:04 <nb> and when? 18:04:14 <sesivany> aeperezt: currently I can't give you any other advice other than keep nagging rsuehle and rbergeron about it. 18:04:23 <aeperezt> sesivany, that is what I know but need to confirm that 18:04:54 <aeperezt> sesivany, that i'm doing 18:05:41 <cwickert> nb: we know it will happen, I think spot said it's probably in August or so 18:05:45 <sesivany> nb: I think it's fairly safe to say there will be the megafudcon, but I'm afraid it's too early to say where. 18:05:56 <cwickert> NA, that's sure 18:06:05 <sesivany> nb: yes, definitely the US. 18:06:33 <spot> We're still trying to nail that down, as soon as we can, we'll let you know. 18:06:42 <spot> The loose plan is for it to be US this year, and EMEA next year. 18:07:11 <nb> nice 18:07:44 <sesivany> spot: thanks for the info, any ideas about date? June, July, August? 18:08:38 <spot> July/August 18:09:10 <tuanta> cool 18:09:19 <sesivany> spot: please, just try to avoid Aug 1-8. It's going to be GUADEC in Brno. There will be a lot of Fedora desktop contributors and a lot of other fedorans from Brno organizing it. 18:09:30 <spot> We know about GUADEC, do not plan to overlap. 18:09:38 <sesivany> spot: ok, cool. 18:10:03 <spot> We just hope people will be willing to do two big conferences close to each other. :) 18:11:05 <sesivany> spot: yes, this summer will be busy :) 18:11:40 <sesivany> but devconf.cz and FOSDEM are also close and devconf.cz still manages to attract quite a lot of people. 18:12:33 <sesivany> ok, let's end the meeting not to have it endless. 18:12:48 <sesivany> thank you, everyone, for coming and see you next Mon! 18:13:12 <sesivany> #endmeeting