17:00:01 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2013-07-29 17:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 29 17:00:01 2013 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:03 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 17:00:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:00:09 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 17:00:17 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:00:18 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:00:31 <LoKoMurdoK> .fas lbazan 17:00:31 <zodbot> LoKoMurdoK: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 17:00:39 <sesivany> cwickert, aeperezt, tuanta: ping 17:00:51 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 17:00:51 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 17:01:11 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:01:12 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:02:57 <sesivany> guys, I'd like to make this meeting a quick one. We're just 2 days away from GUADEC 2013 and I as an organizer don't know what to do first. 17:03:49 <sesivany> ok, let's start. 17:04:04 <sesivany> #topic CC holder for APAC 17:04:17 <sesivany> tuanta: any updates there? 17:04:34 <tuanta> nope 17:04:47 <tuanta> I have not got response from Kushal 17:05:09 <sesivany> tuanta: maybe he's no holidays... 17:05:14 <sesivany> /s/no/on 17:06:22 <sesivany> tuanta: if he doesn't reply this week, just ping him again. 17:06:33 <tuanta> ok, I will do that 17:06:39 <sesivany> if there are no updates, let's move on. 17:07:25 <sesivany> #topic FUDCon LATAM 2013 in Cusco 17:07:34 <sesivany> aeperezt: any updates there? 17:07:41 <sesivany> is everything on track? 17:07:46 <aeperezt> sesivany, well yes 17:08:03 <LoKoMurdoK> ! 17:08:07 <sesivany> aeperezt: are the sponsorships already granted? 17:08:16 * cwickert is here, sorry for being late 17:08:29 <sesivany> LoKoMurdoK: just speak, there are just a few of us, no need to follow the protocol. 17:08:35 <LoKoMurdoK> sesivany: ok 17:08:45 <LoKoMurdoK> When they go to buy the airfares to fudcon Peru? the more we delay may be changes in ticket prices ... 17:08:49 <aeperezt> sesivany, yes sponsoships are granted now we need only to paid for tickets 17:09:17 <sesivany> aeperezt: what are the dates? 17:10:11 <sesivany> aeperezt: it's around Sept 20th, right? 17:10:21 <LoKoMurdoK> sesivany: 26 to 30 17:10:30 <LoKoMurdoK> sesivany: sorry to 29 17:10:56 <sesivany> I may sound strange, but I wouldn't be surprised if OSAS was waiting for the Q3 which starts in Sept. 17:10:58 <aeperezt> sesivany, but as we talk with Ruth all credit cards are at max do to Flock 17:10:59 <aeperezt> so we probably have to wait until that passed 17:11:00 <aeperezt> he recomendation for now is that everyone who can buy their own ticket 17:11:00 <aeperezt> and get reimburment 17:11:01 <aeperezt> later 17:11:01 <aeperezt> we solve one of the bigges issue with hotel reservations 17:11:02 <aeperezt> thanks to Neville 17:11:15 <sesivany> because they are pretty much out of budget for Q2 due to Flock. 17:11:52 <sesivany> aeperezt: yes, Flock is the reason. 17:12:14 <aeperezt> sesivany, we got a green light to use latam credit card to pay for Fudcon as that is not max out but that also do not have much limit 17:12:44 <aeperezt> so it is what it is 17:13:17 <aeperezt> Fudcon dates were planned with time if the tickets get expesives do to the delay 17:13:38 <aeperezt> I think OSAS will need to support that as we planned and worked with time 17:13:56 <sesivany> I hope that you'll get some local crowd interested in the conference. 17:14:45 <aeperezt> sesivany, well we have alredy confirmed some people from Lima as attendies and also people from Cusco 17:15:06 * cwickert scratches his head 17:15:13 <aeperezt> some of them are not sponosr so it is looking good 17:15:20 <sesivany> aeperezt: if there is anything I can help with, let me know. 17:15:38 <aeperezt> sesivany, can we use your credit card :-) 17:15:47 <LoKoMurdoK> aeperezt: +1 17:15:47 <cwickert> sesivany doesn't have one 17:15:49 <sesivany> aeperezt: I'd like to spread the word about it on our social media accounts (FB and G+) 17:16:03 <cwickert> ! 17:16:07 <aeperezt> sesivany, go ahead 17:16:14 <sesivany> yeah, I've asked for one a year ago, so did cwickert :) 17:16:20 <sesivany> cwickert: just speak 17:16:21 <aeperezt> the event is on facebook and g+ 17:16:30 <cwickert> sesivany: can you make me admin on Facebook btw? I am admin on G+, but not on facebook 17:17:14 <sesivany> cwickert: sure, I'm going to do that right now. 17:18:05 <cwickert> thanks 17:18:17 <sesivany> cwickert: done 17:19:19 <sesivany> aeperezt: ok, I'll spread the word about it on our accounts. 17:19:43 <sesivany> #action sesivany to promote FUDCon LATAM 2013 on FB and G+ accounts. 17:20:03 <aeperezt> sesivany, thanks 17:20:06 <sesivany> ok, let's move on. 17:20:09 <LoKoMurdoK> :-) 17:20:24 <sesivany> #topic FAmSCo at Flock 17:20:37 <sesivany> Flock is less than two weeks away... 17:21:17 <sesivany> there will be 4 members there. Are we going to do some session, cwickert? 17:21:25 <tuanta> yes, I got visa sa as well as flight ticket 17:21:47 <cwickert> sure 17:21:58 <tuanta> I would like to invite all of you to session to discuss about Regional annual planning 17:22:13 * cwickert wants to attend 17:22:25 <tuanta> cool 17:22:31 <tuanta> hope to see you all 17:22:49 <sesivany> do we need to reserve a room for a session? or it's the way "first comes first served"? 17:23:10 <sesivany> i haven't seen any schedule of sessions for the last day. 17:23:19 <tuanta> I register that session 17:23:25 <tuanta> for all of us 17:24:21 <sesivany> tuanta: thanks a lot, I'm really busy nowadays. I'll be happy if I send the presentation slides before the deadline. 17:24:37 <tuanta> so do I :) 17:25:34 <sesivany> my schedule for the next two weeks is funny: I'll be very busy with GUADEC till the 8th, then I need to quickly pack my stuff and run to the airport to be at Flock on the 9th :) 17:26:01 <sesivany> so if someone can organize the session, it will be very appreciated :) 17:26:40 <tuanta> :) 17:27:56 <sesivany> ok, do you have anything else to discuss today? As I said I would appreciate if the meeting was a quick one. 17:28:51 <sesivany> #topic openfloor 17:30:24 <sesivany> next week, I'll try to attend, but I don't know if the GUADEC organization will allow me. 17:30:37 <sesivany> aeperezt: please be ready to chair if I don't show up. 17:30:56 <aeperezt> sesivany, will do 17:32:17 <sesivany> we'll see what time tuanta will get for the session. If it's suitable for aeperezt and LoKoMurdoK, we might skip the meeting and do the session instead (via IRC or some conference tool). 17:32:44 <sesivany> #action tuanta to reserve a room for FAmSCo session. 17:33:03 <tuanta> action done! :) 17:33:10 <sesivany> tuanta: great :) 17:33:50 <sesivany> ok, if there is nothing else, I'll end the meeting. 17:34:14 <aeperezt> sesivany, I was going to ask if you can include us on the meeting maybe we do a hang out on it 17:34:44 <sesivany> aeperezt: yeah, Hangout is a good idea. 17:35:07 <sesivany> aeperezt: we'll explore the options. Hangout would be nice, IRC is always doable. 17:35:29 <aeperezt> sesivany, right so tuanta has that small task 17:37:31 <sesivany> ok, let's end the meeting. tuanta, when you have the reservation, please let others know in the famsco mailing list. 17:37:37 <sesivany> #endmeeting