17:00:03 <sesivany> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2014-02-17 17:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 17 17:00:03 2014 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:05 <sesivany> #meetingname famsco 17:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 17:00:10 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 17:00:20 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 17:00:20 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 17:01:06 <sesivany> aeperezt, LoKoMurdoK, robyduck: ping 17:01:43 <LoKoMurdoK> .fas lbazan 17:01:44 <zodbot> LoKoMurdoK: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 17:01:46 * LoKoMurdoK here 17:02:05 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 17:02:05 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 17:02:46 <sesivany> aeperezt: looks like the changes after elections haven't come through yet, so you're still a member. 17:03:04 <aeperezt> sesivany, well yes 17:03:08 <aeperezt> looks like 17:03:22 <aeperezt> :-) good I was at the computer then 17:04:22 <sesivany> not sure if we will reach the quorum today. 17:04:31 <LoKoMurdoK> :( 17:04:45 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 17:05:50 <LoKoMurdoK> sesivany: new teasurer badges :-) 17:06:30 <sesivany> LoKoMurdoK: new badges which where? :) 17:06:33 * LoKoMurdoK 17:06:36 <LoKoMurdoK> treasurer* 17:06:37 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 17:06:38 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 17:08:03 <sesivany> #info New members of FAmSCo are Neville A. Cross, Jon Disnard, and Truong Anh Tuan. The changes after elections haven't come through yet, so the old FAmSCo still operates. 17:08:18 <sesivany> robyduck: welcome, we have a quorum! 17:08:21 <LoKoMurdoK> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/244 17:08:28 <robyduck> hi all 17:08:37 <LoKoMurdoK> robyduck: :) 17:08:46 <sesivany> LoKoMurdoK: nice 17:09:00 <sesivany> LoKoMurdoK: is it already issued? 17:09:21 <LoKoMurdoK> sesivany: NA treasurer?? 17:09:35 <LoKoMurdoK> NA not have? 17:09:41 <sesivany> LoKoMurdoK: no one, they haven't appointed any one yet. 17:10:04 <LoKoMurdoK> sesivany: ok 17:10:36 <sesivany> LoKoMurdoK: EMEA - me, APAC - tuan, LATAM - aeperezt 17:11:05 <sesivany> #info New Fedora badge for regional treasurers: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/244 17:11:22 <sesivany> ok, let's get down to business... 17:12:04 <sesivany> #topic Fedora Global Budget 17:12:32 <sesivany> as you may have noticed I sent rsuehle our regional budget proposals. 17:13:09 <robyduck> yes 17:13:10 <sesivany> in the discussion we realized it might be useful to have a separate budget that would include expenses that are not region specific. 17:13:29 <sesivany> like F19 t-shirts, or 10yearsoffedora t-shirts. 17:13:50 <sesivany> or LWN.net subscription and Amazon EC2 fees. 17:14:07 <sesivany> those expenses have been covered by the NA budget so far. 17:14:47 <aeperezt> sounds good 17:14:52 <sesivany> so the proposal is to have a separate "global" budget for such expenses FAmSCo would be responsible for. 17:14:55 <sesivany> directly 17:15:02 <aeperezt> that way it can be taken from NA and 17:15:25 <sesivany> I've asked rsuehle to take all such expenses out of the NA budget. 17:15:25 <robyduck> sesivany: but the overall budget means cutting somewhere else 17:15:54 <sesivany> robyduck: sure, but we already cut somewhere else, it's just not reflected in our budgets. 17:16:14 <robyduck> yes, but you're more flexible actually 17:16:44 <robyduck> you could cut from where you see some budget will be left during the year 17:16:50 <aeperezt> robyduck, right but some how we need to count it on the budget and not affect regions 17:16:52 <sesivany> for example the t-shirts are not paid from nowhere. They're paid from our overall budget. 17:16:55 <aeperezt> so it is better that way 17:17:29 <sesivany> the budget would consist of two parts... 17:17:30 <LoKoMurdoK> good! 17:17:57 <sesivany> first part: regular payments we do anyway (Amazon, LWN.net,...). 17:18:03 <robyduck> ok, what about budgeting a smaller amount and then in the second half of the year see where we can take some extra-overall budget from? 17:19:18 <sesivany> robyduck: My idea is to take the expenses from the NA budget. It should not cut anything and add $2000 for everything else. This amount would have to be cut from the regional budgets. But it's not something drastical. 17:19:45 <sesivany> if we don't use the money on some global purpose we can always distribute it back to regions if needed. 17:19:46 <robyduck> yes, that's a good compromise 17:20:24 <aeperezt> sesivany, sounds like a good plan 17:21:05 <sesivany> do we agree with allocating $2000 to this new budget? 17:21:48 * robyduck is fine with $2000 17:21:51 <LoKoMurdoK> +1 17:22:04 <sesivany> +1 17:22:13 <aeperezt> +1 17:22:20 <robyduck> +1 17:22:52 <LoKoMurdoK> 4 :-) 17:22:53 <sesivany> ok, it's not really a bit amount and I still think that initiatives like the t-shirt campaigns are worth it. 17:24:06 <sesivany> #agreed FAmSCo agrees to allocate $2000 from the regional support budget to the new sub-budget for global activities that are not region specific. FAmSCo will be directly responsible for this budget. 17:25:07 <sesivany> #info Moreover already existing expenses that are not region specific and have been covered by the NA budget will be transfered to the new budget as well. 17:26:03 <sesivany> I don't know if you've noticed the info, but rsuehle said that she asked for the same amount we got last year. 17:26:39 <robyduck> yes, hopefully we'll get it 17:27:22 <sesivany> which is regarding the fact that we've had mixed results in spending up the budgets a success I think. 17:28:50 <sesivany> anything else to this topic? 17:29:33 <robyduck> nope, we can't do anything more for now I think 17:30:14 <sesivany> ok 17:30:25 <sesivany> #topic FUDCons 2014 17:30:41 <sesivany> aeperezt: any updates about FUDCon LATAM? 17:30:53 <aeperezt> sesivany, no 17:31:04 <aeperezt> Nicaragua team is working on it 17:31:26 <aeperezt> but they also are waiting to see if FPL agreeds with the location 17:31:31 <aeperezt> same as APAC 17:31:52 * robyduck is worried about APAC 17:32:08 <sesivany> yes, rbergeron hasn't replied to them yet. 17:32:17 <sesivany> and the event is just around the corner. 17:32:35 <aeperezt> sesivany, right 17:33:05 <sesivany> I don't know if we can't do anything about it. 17:33:17 <aeperezt> sesivany, I think APAC should start working on it 17:33:27 <aeperezt> and add all tickets to FUDCON track 17:33:44 <aeperezt> with copy to Ruth and Robyn 17:33:44 <sesivany> too bad tuan is not here today. 17:33:46 <robyduck> yes, I have the same opinion 17:33:50 <aeperezt> that way 17:33:59 <sesivany> aeperezt: that's probably the best way. 17:34:05 <aeperezt> if they need to get anything Ruth can help them out 17:34:14 <robyduck> APAC should go ahead 17:34:46 <aeperezt> as APAC credit card holder has been apointed and approved he has not get the credit card yeat 17:34:49 <aeperezt> so for now 17:35:16 <aeperezt> they need to start creating tickets if something is needed to be pay Ruth should help 17:35:33 <sesivany> #info APAC credit card holder has been approved and is waiting for the card to arrive. 17:36:11 <robyduck> also, Beijing attendees need a Visa, so the earlier they plan this the better 17:36:37 <sesivany> yeah, but FPL should give it a blessing, otherwise it's somehow semilegal. But if they is no other way... 17:36:39 <aeperezt> robyduck, yeah 17:37:09 <aeperezt> sesivany, two things 17:37:31 <aeperezt> sesivany, firts APAC has only one bid so 17:37:41 <aeperezt> if not there no fudcon 17:37:54 * masta looks in 17:38:16 <aeperezt> the other thing is FPL is not responding what we can do then 17:38:22 <masta> hey folks, sry I'm late, have another (overlapping) meeting 17:38:38 <aeperezt> welcome masta 17:39:35 <sesivany> hi masta 17:39:49 <robyduck> aeperezt: yeah, but while çATAM can delay the organizing part for another wee, APAC shouldn't. And I don't think Beijing will get a veto from Robyn. 17:40:33 <robyduck> uhmmm, hate that keyboard... :) 17:40:36 <aeperezt> robyduck, correct that is guy I'm sugesting to start working on all they need and put that in the tickets 17:40:52 <aeperezt> *why 17:40:55 <robyduck> yes 17:41:03 <sesivany> I think the one who has the final decision is rsuehle because she's sitting on the money and she replied today that rbergeron needs to express her opinion. 17:41:37 <sesivany> but if rsuehle is willing to cover the expenses, then they're good to go IMHO. 17:41:55 <aeperezt> sesivany, right 17:42:46 <robyduck> sesivany: do you think we could suggest to start with filing tickets? APAC will held no meeting for these tickets before Ruth agrees obviously 17:43:00 * AndChat|624225 here 17:43:53 <sesivany> robyduck: sure, they should proceed as far as they can now. 17:44:10 <robyduck> oh, hey masta :) 17:44:21 <masta> hey robyduck 17:44:38 * masta waves hello to the group 17:46:10 <masta> Reading up, I guess I'm not 100% sure the new folks are in FAmSCo yet. 17:46:23 <sesivany> masta: I hope the election changes will go through by the next meeting. 17:46:44 <masta> do we need to the wiki and other places to update to make it official? 17:47:21 <sesivany> masta: you need to get FAmSCo member rights in FAS, access to the mailing list etc. 17:47:24 <robyduck> FAS I think, maybe we can nag nick 17:47:57 <masta> as far as I'm concerned, became a voting member the instant the results were made public... but I'm happy to let standing process work it's way to completion. 17:48:07 <sesivany> is FAmA administrator responsible for this? 17:48:33 <sesivany> I have to admit I'm not sure who should do it. 17:49:01 <masta> sry... did not want to derail the current topic, I was just reading up.. and wanted to remark. 17:49:09 <robyduck> don't think so, FAmA is for ambassadors ML 17:49:34 <lokomurdok2> robyduck: +1 17:49:45 <sesivany> robyduck: when I became a member it was done by kital who was the FAmA admin at that time. 17:50:13 <robyduck> yeah, but Kital is maybe also Famsco admin 17:51:00 <sesivany> eh, that's something we should find out... 17:51:13 <robyduck> sesivany: well also tuanta can do, /me looked right now 17:51:29 <robyduck> or cwickert 17:51:47 <robyduck> and nb for the FAS and we should be done 17:52:15 <sesivany> someone should coordinate it. Probably the election wrangler? 17:52:38 <nb> hi 17:52:39 <robyduck> normally yes, but this time it was more a team work 17:52:47 <nb> robyduck, ? 17:52:50 <robyduck> hi nb 17:53:09 <robyduck> we were talking about the FAS FAmSCo group 17:53:12 <nb> .sponsors fas 17:53:13 <zodbot> nb: Sponsors for fas: 17:53:15 <nb> .sponsors famsco 17:53:16 <zodbot> nb: Sponsors for famsco: @cwickert @eischmann @herlo @jsimon @tchung @tuanta 17:53:29 <nb> robyduck, they can do that. I do not have permission. 17:53:42 <nb> sesivany, can do it it looks like 17:53:50 <robyduck> :D 17:54:10 <robyduck> nb: sesivany isn't aware of it 17:54:23 <nb> robyduck, if necessary, i can do the mailing list stuff 17:54:33 <nb> sesivany, go to https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/view/famsco 17:54:37 <sesivany> hups... :) 17:54:39 <robyduck> would be nice 17:54:53 <nb> then enter his fas name "parasense" in the box, then click add, then click approve or sponsor on the next screen 17:55:10 <nb> robyduck, what needs to be done? just adding masta ? to the mailing list? 17:55:15 <nb> masta, what email address do you want added? 17:55:30 <sesivany> also neville 17:55:32 <masta> nb: jdisnard@gmail.com 17:55:36 <robyduck> masta and nevile cross 17:55:54 <nb> .fas y1nv 17:55:55 <zodbot> nb: 'y1nv' Not Found! 17:56:01 <nb> .fas yn1v 17:56:02 <zodbot> nb: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 17:56:03 <sesivany> .fas masta 17:56:04 <zodbot> sesivany: mastadisasta 'Matt Stephen' <masta08@gmail.com> - stahnma 'Michael Stahnke' <mastahnke@gmail.com> - mastaiza '' <mastaizawfm@gmail.com> - parasense 'Jon Disnard' <jdisnard@gmail.com> - sebmasta '' <sebmasta@gmail.com> - musamastan 'Musa Mastan' <musamastan@yahoo.com> 17:56:20 <robyduck> sesivany: parasense 17:56:21 <nb> #action nb to add masta and yn1v to famsco mailing list 17:56:33 <nb> actually, i can't do that, a chair has to 17:56:41 <nb> can't do #action i mean 17:56:43 <nb> i can add them :) 17:56:56 <masta> nb: thanks in advance 17:57:17 <sesivany> done 17:57:36 <sesivany> I'm going to also remove bckurera and aeperezt 17:57:54 <aeperezt> :-) 17:58:05 <sesivany> aeperezt: nothing personal ;-) 17:58:18 <aeperezt> sesivany, right lol 17:59:20 <sesivany> according to fas, even nb is still a famsco member :) 17:59:23 <nb> who should be members of the famsco list? just current famsco members? 17:59:31 <robyduck> sesivany: can you mark an action for nb as above? 17:59:42 <nb> and perhaps should remove tchung? or are we leaving him for legacy reasons? 17:59:43 <robyduck> nb: yes I think so 17:59:58 <sesivany> #action nb to add masta and yn1v to famsco mailing list 18:00:02 <robyduck> nb: tchung is admin 18:00:12 <nb> robyduck, yeah, but an admin can remove them if they want 18:00:22 <nb> an admin should be able to remove another admin 18:00:38 <robyduck> we should keep admins and remove users, just to not run out of admins :D 18:00:39 <sesivany> isn't he something like init? :-) 18:00:47 <nb> herlo is listed as an admin still also 18:00:58 <nb> sesivany, admin can change owner by clicking "edit" up near the top 18:02:27 <nb> current members of mailing list are, aeperezt, luis bazan, bckurera, cwickert, david nalley, eischmann, harish, herlo, inode0, jsimon, mspevack, nb, rbergeron, robyduck, rsuehle, stickster, tuanta, twoerner, yn1v 18:02:40 <nb> does famsco want me to remove any of those? or just add the new ones 18:02:52 <sesivany> ok, I've changed the owner to me. We will have a vote about a chair for the next term, so we can change it to whoever we will elect at the next meeting. 18:03:31 <masta> sounds reasonable 18:03:48 <nb> and i have added masta to the famsco list 18:03:53 <masta> thanks sesivany 18:04:05 <robyduck> thanks nb 18:04:31 <nb> #info current members of mailing list are, aeperezt, luis bazan, bckurera, cwickert, david nalley, eischmann, harish, herlo, inode0, jsimon, masta, mspevack, nb, rbergeron, robyduck, rsuehle, stickster, tuanta, twoerner, yn1v 18:04:49 <nb> does anyone need to be removed? also, i probably should update the list of admins to include sesivany 18:04:56 <nb> currently admins of the mialing list are cwickert and kital 18:04:57 <sesivany> frankly I would only keep current famsco members in the group + maybe the FAmA admin. 18:05:05 <sesivany> to keep it clear. 18:05:24 <nb> yeah 18:05:27 <robyduck> +1 18:05:31 <nb> although it is a open list, afaik 18:05:36 <nb> so anyone can view archives i believe 18:05:44 <nb> so i don't personally see why not let anyone subscribe 18:05:46 <sesivany> nb: the list is something else. 18:06:06 <nb> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/famsco/ 18:06:17 <nb> sesivany, the famsco@lists.fedoraproject.org list? 18:06:36 <robyduck> the list is open 18:06:40 <sesivany> we agreed once that some people like inode0 or jsimon would remain members of the mailing list. 18:06:46 <nb> or famsco-members@fedoraproject.org ? 18:06:56 <nb> famsco-members only goes to members of the fas group, and has no archives 18:07:41 <robyduck> and the alias famsco@fp.o is not working (/me found it out last monday) 18:08:16 <nb> robyduck, i can fix it, although does famsco want it to go to the public mailing list, or to famsco-members@fpo which is just members of the FAS group 18:08:50 <sesivany> nb: I think just members of the FAS group. 18:08:56 <robyduck> yep 18:08:57 <nb> sesivany, ok 18:09:06 <sesivany> emails to famsco may not be meant to be public. 18:09:26 <nb> sesivany, your FAS username is eischmann, correct? 18:09:33 <sesivany> nb: yep 18:11:01 <sesivany> ok, I removed aeperezt and bckurera and added masta and yn1v, let's leave it like this to the next meeting. 18:11:20 <nb> sesivany, ok 18:11:32 <nb> sesivany, You should have a password in your FPO email for the mailing list 18:11:42 <nb> i added you as an admin (so now it is you and cwickert) 18:12:01 <sesivany> because apparently some of us started this meeting as famsco members and lost the membership during the meeting :) 18:12:05 <sesivany> and some gained it. 18:12:20 <nb> and if needed, i can help also, I'm not an admin of it, but am in sysadmin-tools, so i can use the sitepass 18:12:22 <sesivany> I wouldn't do any more voting today :-) 18:12:28 <nb> :) 18:13:21 <aeperezt> jeje 18:13:26 <sesivany> nb: thank you for helping us clear the situation. Clearing the membership of the group will be one of our topics at the next meeting. 18:14:13 <sesivany> we're a lot over time today. Is that it for today? 18:14:25 <sesivany> or do you have another topic to discuss? 18:14:32 <lokomurdok2> Nop 18:14:51 <aeperezt> ok thanks famsco see you 18:14:55 <robyduck> yes, let's finish for today 18:15:01 <robyduck> see you soon aeperezt 18:15:01 <lokomurdok2> aeperezt: :) 18:15:04 <masta> bye 18:15:41 <sesivany> aeperezt: thank's for all the work! 18:15:48 <sesivany> #endmeeting