#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2014-10-21
Meeting started by sesivany at 16:00:17 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (sesivany, 16:00:22)
- robyduck sent regrets, he is on his way to
FUDCon LATAM. (sesivany,
- FOSCo and outreach representative in the Council (sesivany, 16:07:25)
- cwickert will be nominated as FAmSCo outreach
for the Fedora council (cwickert,
- The general consensus in FAmSCo is that FOSCo
is something we want in the future. We just don't have consensus on
when. Whether it should start with the next elections or later when
other changes settles down. (sesivany,
- F21 media (sesivany, 16:39:20)
- https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/422
Meeting ended at 17:08:30 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- sesivany (81)
- cwickert (58)
- tuanta (56)
- masta (13)
- Southern_Gentlem (9)
- zodbot (5)
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