14:06:20 <giannisk> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2016-03-16 14:06:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 16 14:06:20 2016 UTC. The chair is giannisk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:06:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:06:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_2016-03-16' 14:06:24 <giannisk> #meetingname famsco 14:06:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 14:06:30 <giannisk> #chair giannisk cwickert potty 14:06:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert giannisk potty 14:06:35 <giannisk> #topic Roll Call 14:06:38 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 14:06:38 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 14:06:40 <cwickert> .fas cwickert 14:06:44 <zodbot> cwickert: cwickert 'Christoph Wickert' <christoph.wickert@gmail.com> 14:06:49 <potty> .fas potty 14:06:50 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. MartÃnez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> - radhakrishnanpotty 'S.Radhakrishnan' <radhakrishnanpotty@hotmail.com> 14:07:06 <giannisk> #info gnokii, mailga, lbazan, tuanta send regrets 14:07:19 <giannisk> #info no quorum reached 14:07:43 <cwickert> #info cwickert just released some mails from gnokii from the moderation queue, please read them on famsco list 14:07:48 <cwickert> #action gnokii to change his famsco list subscription to his desired address so mails don't end up in moderation all the time 14:08:18 <decause> .hello decause 14:08:18 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 14:08:25 * giannisk waves at decause 14:08:47 * decause waves 14:08:55 <giannisk> Anything in particular to be discussed for today? 14:09:03 <cwickert> how about 390? 14:09:13 <giannisk> Seeing as most of the "issues" have already been mentioned on the ML 14:09:22 * giannisk is having a look on 390. 14:09:37 <giannisk> oh yes 14:09:48 <cwickert> .famsco 390 14:09:48 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/390 14:10:01 <giannisk> #info Ticket #390 - [Proposal] Change decision making policy to lazy consensus 14:10:40 <giannisk> I do agree that the 72hr timeframe might be too short, as you guys have already suggested. 14:10:45 <cwickert> +1 14:11:00 <potty> +1 14:11:05 <giannisk> On the other hand, I believe that 1w might be too long. 14:11:14 <giannisk> We could go for something in between. 14:11:19 <potty> 5 days? 14:11:24 <giannisk> Like 4 or 5 days, yes. 14:11:29 <cwickert> giannisk: is anything that urgent that it cannot wait a week? 14:11:43 <giannisk> cwickert: that's relative, it depends 14:11:44 <cwickert> I mean, if we all agree, we can even have it quicker 14:12:21 <giannisk> some issues, like budget requests for example, might require a shorter timeframe to respond 14:12:27 <decause> if it is a week, isnt that the same as the meeting? 14:12:35 <potty> Thats my point 14:12:47 <cwickert> decause: that was my rationale behind it 14:12:48 <giannisk> ^what decause said 14:12:48 <potty> Having a week is like have the frame to decide in two meetings 14:12:55 <cwickert> make sure there is at least one meeting in the meantime 14:13:06 <cwickert> because at the moment we are having a split-brain situation 14:13:12 <giannisk> but on the other hand, we are not be able to vote during most of the meetings, as we fail to reach quorum 14:13:31 <cwickert> on the one hand there is the meeting, on the other hand trac and the ml, but there is not much interaction between both hands 14:13:52 <decause> i will support any strategy that helps break gridlock 14:14:16 <cwickert> so I want to make sure that both sides, means the people in the meeting and those who cannot make it and communicate via trac/list, have enough time 14:15:12 <giannisk> I think that 4d or 5d is a good timeframe that should work for all people. 1w might be too long, as we are already supposed to have meetings every week. 14:15:31 <giannisk> And hopefully, we're going to find a better time and day for our meetings, so that more people will be able to join. 14:15:36 <cwickert> giannisk: we will have a hard time finding a meeting slow that works for anybody 14:15:48 <potty> I think 5 days and members con vote on the meeting or in trac 14:15:50 <cwickert> every single FAmSCo I served on had this problem 14:16:04 <giannisk> cwickert: we have to try harder 14:16:05 <cwickert> s/slow/slot 14:16:12 <cwickert> giannisk: I cannot try harder 14:16:30 <cwickert> I am already getting up earlier in the morning in order to do mail 14:16:40 <cwickert> I already have to take off-time to make it to this meeting 14:16:50 <cwickert> btw: I have to leave soon as I have another meeting 14:17:12 <cwickert> "try harder" is easy to say for some people, but hard to make for others 14:17:52 <decause> this is why ticket voting is so important 14:18:12 <decause> we must be able to make decisions 14:18:14 <potty> decause: +1 14:18:16 <cwickert> jflory7 suggested 3 days and we all agree this is too short. This might work for him as a student, but I doubt it will work for him once he has a full-time job and a family 14:18:36 <potty> Perhaps decisions will not be taken on meetings but on trac 14:18:58 <cwickert> decause: well, you are on Red Hat's payroll, but please don't forget that everybody else here is a volunteer 14:19:00 <decause> 72 hours is what is used by the council and the WGs, afaik 14:19:20 <decause> those are not "all students" 14:19:29 <giannisk> potty: based on the current situation, they definitely need to be taken to the trac 14:19:32 <cwickert> decause: and how many none-RH people are in the WGs? is any WG lead by a community member? 14:19:35 <decause> i hear you though 14:19:45 <decause> more than 0 14:19:49 <giannisk> meetings, for the time being, serve merely as places to conduct discussions, but not to make decisions 14:20:44 <cwickert> +1 14:20:57 <cwickert> I think we have improved quite a lot with trac recently 14:21:08 <potty> +1 14:21:10 <cwickert> #390 has comments from most members 14:21:11 <giannisk> Do the three of us agree here that all votings from now on have to take place on trac? 14:21:14 <giannisk> cwickert: true 14:21:18 <cwickert> I think we should continue this road 14:21:22 <potty> +1 14:21:24 <cwickert> +1 14:21:34 <cwickert> (that was for "in trac") 14:21:36 <decause> redhatters who work on fedora also have other fulltime responsibilities too, for the record, and its not fair to assume they dont have other committments 14:21:45 <giannisk> #action giannisk to reach out to the rest of FAmSCo, ask for all votings to take place on trac 14:22:13 <giannisk> decause: that's totally true 14:22:14 <cwickert> giannisk: we want to make sure we have all votes recorded, and I think this only works in trac 14:22:32 <decause> everyone in FOSS does this balancing act 14:22:46 <potty> Action could be update the ticket 390 with the conclusion we reached here 14:22:50 <potty> Also with our votes 14:22:56 <potty> And ask other members to vote 14:23:19 <potty> Not to discuss... Just vote 14:23:24 <giannisk> #action giannisk to update ticket #390 w/ the conclusion that has been reached during this meeting 14:23:29 <jflory7> potty++ 14:23:35 <giannisk> I cannot #agree, as no agreement has been made yet 14:23:53 <jflory7> There's enough votes in the ticket where the votes from the meeting could reach quorum, right? 14:23:59 <potty> Understood 14:24:29 <giannisk> jflory7: most of us agree w/ your proposal, we just need to settle on a timeframe 14:24:49 <jflory7> The idea behind my ticket wasn't just that voting has to happen in Trac, but that it can happen in the official channels listed, even if there is not a technical quorum. If the time limit is reached and there's, say, only two votes, it would still be a valid vote. That's what my thoughts were. 14:25:02 <jflory7> giannisk: Right, acknowledged. Best to get everyone on board for an agreed time limit 14:25:08 <cwickert> jflory7: first of all thanks for your propsal 14:25:26 <cwickert> jflory7: most of us seem to agree, but we want a longer timeframe 14:25:43 <cwickert> and I still think it is a horrible idea to vote in mail 14:25:53 <cwickert> because it is really hard to find the vote in a thread 14:25:54 <jflory7> I can understand that with things like FAmSCo, such as with a FAD / FUDcon vote where a lot of money is being discussed 14:25:58 <giannisk> jflory7: yeap, I get that; the three of us here agree that, given the current situation, the best place to conduct votings should be the trac, as it's easier to have an overview of votes 14:26:11 <cwickert> so having all votes in one place is crucial I think 14:26:12 <giannisk> ^what cwickert said above 14:26:17 <jflory7> Having it in the Trac would definitely be the easiest way in my opinion 14:26:37 <jflory7> Meetings can also be a valid place as long as the meeting happenings are transcribed to tickets in some form. 14:26:39 <cwickert> jflory7: so with some small adjustments, your proposal will pass I think 14:26:50 <jflory7> Awesome :) 14:27:00 <jflory7> Looking forward to seeing what comes of it. 14:27:00 <giannisk> jflory7++ 14:27:01 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for jflory7 changed to 37 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:27:18 <cwickert> jflory7: right, but when votes are transferred to trac, we should definitely link the minutes 14:27:25 <jflory7> cwickert: Agreed. 14:27:28 <cwickert> and mention who voted for what 14:27:35 <cwickert> not that people vote twice :) 14:27:48 <giannisk> cwickert: I will be one of the people that will take care of that 14:28:21 <giannisk> Anything else in particular for today? 14:28:35 <cwickert> #info consensus among the present FAmSCo members that would like to switch to lazy consensus but with some adjustments on time frame and recording votes. 14:28:50 <giannisk> We have been good progress recently and I'm extremely happy about that. 14:28:58 <cwickert> #action giannisk to reach out to the list to finalize the discussion on #390 14:29:02 <cwickert> ok, giannisk? 14:29:10 <giannisk> cwickert: yeap, totally 14:29:14 <cwickert> coo, thy 14:29:16 <cwickert> thanks 14:29:23 <giannisk> We have started becoming more active on the ML and on trac. 14:29:28 <potty> :) 14:29:29 <giannisk> cwickert: np 14:29:34 <cwickert> ! 14:30:01 <cwickert> 1. I realize that my inactivity has led to some of the problems and I'd like to apologize 14:30:01 <giannisk> cwickert: feel free 14:30:39 <cwickert> 2. as some of you know, I recently joined SUSE. This will however not change my commitment to Fedora. The Fedora Project is and will be my family. 14:30:45 <cwickert> eof 14:31:05 <giannisk> no worries cwickert 14:31:47 <giannisk> Anything else for today? 14:31:57 <potty> No 14:32:27 <cwickert> not from me 14:32:49 <potty> cwickert++ 14:32:49 <zodbot> potty: Karma for cwickert changed to 5 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:32:49 <potty> giannisk++ 14:32:57 <giannisk> As you have seen, I have posted on the FAmSCo list regarding the current leadership of the committee. And members have already started voting. We have three viable options, as cwickert had already mentioned. 14:33:15 <cwickert> #topic FAmSCo Leadership 14:33:24 <giannisk> We will be awaiting for votes from the rest of the members and see what to do next. 14:33:53 <potty> Lets continue like this 14:34:04 <cwickert> speaking of votes... 14:34:47 <cwickert> #action If you haven't voted yet, please vote for a new meeting time at whenisgood.net/new-famsco-meeting/ 14:35:01 <potty> No more leadership breaks 14:35:10 <potty> Jajaja 14:35:59 <giannisk> potty: please submit your vote/thoughts on the mailing list thread as well 14:36:14 <potty> Ok 14:36:26 <giannisk> #action potty to respond to the mailing list thread regarding the famsco leadership 14:36:47 <cwickert> potty: question: would you be willing to become chair? 14:37:06 <potty> cwickert: yes 14:37:09 <cwickert> I mean, if not, the option to reopen the election and let me vote for you is mood 14:37:14 <cwickert> cool, thanks potty 14:37:39 <cwickert> and to make this clear: Being FAmSCo chair is not a cool title but a lot of work 14:38:03 <cwickert> it means sitting on trac, sending out meeting minutes and whatnot 14:38:08 <potty> Indeed 14:38:25 * mailga around... scrolling back the conversation. 14:38:42 <cwickert> when I was chair, I always made sure we had enough information anywhere and everything closely connected, e.g. a discussion about a ticket was linked into that ticket 14:38:52 <cwickert> so this is a lot of paperwork if you will 14:39:34 * giannisk waves at mailga 14:40:01 * mailga waves to all FAmSco here. 14:40:18 <giannisk> mailga: will you be available for the rest of the meeting? 14:40:28 <giannisk> cwickert: will you be also? 14:40:33 <cwickert> as someone who has served on FAmSCo for years, I'd like to stretch how important it is to record all our decisions. finding something in meeting logs is very, very hard (if not impossible). so trac and the wiki ftw 14:40:43 <mailga> giannisk: I came back just for that. Yes I am. 14:41:33 <cwickert> giannisk: tuanta asked me to, but I'm not sure if I have enough time to do all of this. and it depends on the question if we have new elections or not. If the majority of FAmSCo decides to not start all over again, that's fine for me. 14:42:21 <giannisk> cwickert: I meant if you will be available for the rest of the meeting 14:42:46 <giannisk> cwickert: but yes, concerning the elections, I'm totally fine w/ either of these options as long as the majority of FAmSCo reaches an agreement 14:42:53 <cwickert> giannisk: only 10 more minutes or so, we have a meeting here 4 14:43:25 <giannisk> cwickert: alright, so no much time go back to the previous topics and start voting 14:43:49 <cwickert> we don't have a quorum anyway, let's just all vote in trac 14:43:55 <cwickert> as an exercise :) 14:44:00 <giannisk> mailga: when you have the time, please respond to #390 w/ your thoughts. I will update the tickets w/ current views stated here. 14:44:11 <cwickert> thank you giannisk 14:44:25 <giannisk> cwickert: with mailga, we would, but yeah, let's start taking things to the trac 14:44:47 <linuxmodder> .hello corey84 14:44:48 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'None' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 14:45:15 <giannisk> I think we're good for today. mailga, anything in particular you would like us to discuss? 14:45:22 <mailga> giannisk: ok. 14:45:50 <mailga> giannisk: not at all. I'm fine with today. :-D 14:46:25 <giannisk> Alright, if we don't have anything else for today, I will be ending the meeting in three minutes then. 14:48:33 <giannisk> Thanks everyone for being here. 14:48:39 <mailga> giannisk: I replied yet at #390 (comment #3). Is it enough? 14:48:55 <potty> Thank you! 14:49:32 <giannisk> mailga: cwickert, potty and me agreed that 3d will be a very short timeframe; we could settle on something longer 14:49:58 <decause> official proposal here for lazy consensus? 14:50:37 <giannisk> I will update the ticket afterwards, include our thoughts and ask people to follow up w/ the discussion. 14:50:41 <decause> we have 4, lets propose a longer timeframe now and approve it 14:51:02 <cwickert> decause: we haven't agreed on a timeframe yet, but we support the idea 14:51:14 <cwickert> decause: the final bits will be discussed on the mailing list 14:51:28 <decause> ive heard 5 days, and one week. choose one? 14:51:39 <cwickert> and I expect a longer discussion there as gnokii is against lazy consensus 14:51:55 <decause> we need to decide on other tickets that have been waiting 14:52:04 <decause> this is the firat quorum in a month 14:52:09 <decause> take it now 14:52:17 <cwickert> decause: I suggest to start with 7 days, we could still make it shorter if necessary 14:52:29 <cwickert> 7 days is already a great improvement over the gridlock we had 14:52:55 <decause> whatever the limit, lets just make sure we can make progress 14:52:58 * cwickert needs to run, another meeting, see you 14:53:02 <decause> agreed 14:53:04 <potty> Bye 14:53:26 * decause really hoped we could settle this now 14:53:59 <giannisk> decause: we will try our best to improve the responsiveness of the committee, we have already seen progress over the last two weeks or so 14:54:19 <mailga> I'm fine with cwickert_afk comment #5 time frame 1 week). I'm replying in the the ticket. 14:55:17 <decause> in theory, ticket voting will still need a quorumed in person vote... im not confident we'll get one again soon 14:56:46 <decause> proxy voting will help for next meeting to get in person agreement 14:57:18 <giannisk> decause: all of us, except one person, have already agreed on the lazy consensus proposal -> we now just need to settle on a timeframe 14:57:49 <decause> giannisk: yes I'm happy about that. 14:57:52 <decause> however 14:58:19 <decause> getting everyone in the same place to approve it is what im concerned about 14:58:36 <decause> after that, we can move freely 14:59:04 <giannisk> decause: why would we need to do that? Seeing as all votes are "collected" in the ticket. 14:59:07 <decause> lets make aure its settled by next meeting, we almost had it today 14:59:19 <giannisk> decause: I'm sure it will 14:59:49 <decause> giannisk: ok, if ticket voting is bimdimg, then wonderful! 15:00:01 <giannisk> decause: it definitely is :) 15:00:22 <giannisk> I think that would be all for today. 15:00:42 <decause> we still need lazy consensus because ticket voting is not a given 15:01:03 <decause> thanks all for your work to resolve this 15:01:24 <decause> council and leadership will be pleased 15:01:35 <giannisk> Thanks everyone for being here today. And thanks for helping us resolve these "issues". 15:01:43 <decause> lets take it the last mile next time 15:01:54 <giannisk> Ending the meeting in one minute. 15:01:57 * mailga is sorry for being late 15:02:03 <giannisk> mailga: no worries 15:03:02 <giannisk> #endmeeting