#meeting-1:fedoraproject.org: Fedora Council

Meeting started by @jflory7:fedora.im at 14:02:28 UTC

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: Present: @jflory7, @dcantrell, @moralcode, @ffmancera, @bookwar, @jonatoni, @blackwell, @mattdm (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:05:22)
  2. TOPIC:Team news and community announcements (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:06:09)
    1. INFO: +Present: @t0xic0der, @amoloney (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:06:21)
    2. INFO: The F40 Release Party is happening this weekend on Friday and Saturday. Join us for a weekend of celebration for the last release of Fedora! 🎉 Register now to get an invite to the Matrix room (which we are using for the first time over Hopin). (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:07:21)
    3. LINK: https://pretix.eu/fedora/f40-party/ (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:07:23)
    4. INFO: Fedora Week of Diversity is June 17th - 22nd and the organisers are looking for content (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:10:23)
    5. LINK: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/join-us-in-crafting-a-video-for-fedora-week-of-diversity/116728 (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:10:34)
    6. INFO: Elections for Council, Mindshare, FESCo & EPEL are live until May 31st (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:11:05)
    7. LINK: go vote!! https://elections.fedoraproject.org/ (@amoloney:fedora.im, 14:11:12)
  3. TOPIC:Ticket review (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:15:47)
    1. LINK: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issues (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:16:34)
  4. TOPIC:#492: New Initiative: Fedora bootc (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:17:58)
    1. LINK: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/492 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:18:04)
    2. LINK: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-council-tickets-ticket-492-new-initiative-fedora-bootc/116062 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:18:21)
    3. LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/DNFAndBootcInImageModeFedora (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:19:37)
    4. AGREED: +7/+0/-0 for bootc Initiative, four absent members. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:27:38)
    5. INFO: +1 from Sumantro in the ticket, making it +8 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:28:03)
    6. AGREED: The Initiative is officially approved! (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:29:43)
    7. INFO: Welcome Jason Brooks as the newest member of the Fedora Council. 🎉 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:29:55)
    8. ACTION: mattdm schedule meeting with Jason and Sumantro to hack on the logic model (@mattdm:fedora.im, 14:30:59)
    9. ACTION: @jflory7 @amoloney Collaborate on onboarding @jasonbrooks to the Fedora Council (FAS, mailing list, Pagure, docs, etc.) (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:31:50)
    10. ACTION: @jasonbrooks Write a self-introduction to be incorporated into the Fedora Council docs later, as an Initiative lead (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:32:07)
    11. ACTION: @jflory7 Review @ffmancera's Council Docs PR (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:33:30)
  5. TOPIC:#486: Discuss and decide on a Fedora Council policy on the use of AI-based tooling for contributions (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:33:49)
    1. LINK: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/486 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:33:55)
    2. LINK: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-council-tickets-ticket-486-discuss-and-decide-on-a-fedora-council-policy-on-the-use-of-ai-based-tooling-for-contributions/108051 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:35:10)
    3. ACTION: @jflory7 Set up time with @amoloney next week to design a Miro exercise on AI/ML questions in Fedora for the Council to go through together (@jflory7:fedora.im, 15:00:42)
    4. IDEA: Run a exercise with the Fedora Council to help us get unified on which question/challenge on AI/ML is most important for Fedora to answer today, then focus on how we build/execute our answer to that question. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 15:01:21)
  6. TOPIC:Open floor (@jflory7:fedora.im, 15:01:28)
    1. INFO: @bookwar: On the but slightly relevant topic, as it seems we don't get to Open Floor today :) As I announced in Council channel, I want to run a Survey again, this time in July. So I have a "Call For Questions". If you want to ask Fedora community about something as a part of the Survey, please send PRs to Council Docs https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs/blob/main/f/council/modules/ROOT/pages/procedures/survey/questions.adoc before June 20. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 15:01:38)

Meeting ended at 15:02:22 UTC

Action items

  1. mattdm schedule meeting with Jason and Sumantro to hack on the logic model
  2. @jflory7 @amoloney Collaborate on onboarding @jasonbrooks to the Fedora Council (FAS, mailing list, Pagure, docs, etc.)
  3. @jasonbrooks Write a self-introduction to be incorporated into the Fedora Council docs later, as an Initiative lead
  4. @jflory7 Review @ffmancera's Council Docs PR
  5. @jflory7 Set up time with @amoloney next week to design a Miro exercise on AI/ML questions in Fedora for the Council to go through together

People present (lines said)

  1. @jflory7:fedora.im (160)
  2. @amoloney:fedora.im (41)
  3. @mattdm:fedora.im (39)
  4. @t0xic0der:fedora.im (26)
  5. @zodbot:fedora.im (19)
  6. @dcantrell:fedora.im (15)
  7. @jbrooks:matrix.org (13)
  8. @bookwar:fedora.im (10)
  9. @sumantrom:fedora.im (7)
  10. @ffmancera:fedora.im (6)
  11. @moralcode:fedora.im (4)
  12. @jonatoni:fedora.im (2)
  13. @meetbot:fedora.im (2)
  14. @blackwell:fedora.im (1)
  15. @nhanlon:beeper.com (1)