14:09:22 <bexelbie> #startmeeting fedora-docs 14:09:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 16 14:09:22 2017 UTC. The chair is bexelbie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:09:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:09:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-docs' 14:09:25 <bexelbie> #topic Roll Call 14:09:36 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:09:37 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:09:51 * pbokoc 14:10:00 <shaunm> .hello shaunm 14:10:01 <zodbot> shaunm: shaunm 'Shaun McCance' <shaunm@gnome.org> 14:10:29 <bexelbie> I'll give a min for others to join, however, I suggest we dispense with the regular agenda 14:10:57 <pbokoc> I was just about to suggest something along those lines 14:11:06 <bexelbie> has anyone talked to randomuser in the last week or two? 14:11:12 * bexelbie keeps missing him online 14:11:39 <mayorga> .hello mayorga 14:11:40 <zodbot> mayorga: mayorga 'Eduardo Augusto Mayorga' <e@mayorgalinux.com> 14:11:45 <bexelbie> o/ 14:12:11 <bexelbie> shaunm, wanna lead us off? 14:12:19 <bexelbie> #topic Topic based writing 14:13:29 <shaunm> bexelbie: honestly, I don't have much to report. 14:13:55 <bexelbie> What are the next steps? 14:14:27 <shaunm> between me working on a different project, the holidays, the lack of doc meetings for the last month, and randomuser being busy with other things, there's been no progress 14:14:51 <bexelbie> ok 14:14:57 <pbokoc> we've talked about modularity and topics in RH, because we've been working on something similar for a while now. It's not much (we basically have some implementation details down but we're missing the big picture, at least from my POV) 14:15:08 <shaunm> should I just take a doc on myself? 14:15:17 <bexelbie> shaunm, if that is a good next step, yes. 14:15:32 <bexelbie> I haven't seen any discussion on the ml so I wasn't sure if there were conversations I hadn't seen 14:15:37 <shaunm> what I wanted to do was to coach somebody else through one document, but that seems to have led us into a schedule mismatch hell 14:15:52 <pbokoc> I have a mail ready that I was supposed to forward to fedora-docs like 2 weeks ago; I wanted to expand on it a bit before sending it out but I can't seem to get to it between my usual responsibilities 14:16:00 <shaunm> discussion on this mostly happened in an irc meeting in late december 14:16:02 <pbokoc> so I suppose I'll just send it and talk more about it later... 14:16:34 <mayorga> ! 14:16:44 <bexelbie> shaunm, perhaps it would be useful to send a summary email out and then we can figure it out 14:16:47 <bexelbie> go for it mayorga 14:16:54 <bexelbie> with this small group, no need for formality 14:17:02 <bexelbie> pbokoc +1 to send it 14:17:19 <mayorga> I was wondering if the Installation Guide has already been taken for conversion… 14:17:29 <mayorga> Otherwise, I'd like to help with that. 14:18:32 <pbokoc> mayorga, the problem with the install guide is that the sources are also being used within anaconda as built-in help, and I'll have to figure out how to preserve that post-conversion 14:18:35 <shaunm> Installation Guide isn't a good test bed for topic-oriented 14:19:37 <pbokoc> another problem is, we should ideally have some kind of a "map" of topics we want to cover, separated by type (procedure/reference/concept - more on that in the mail I'll send to docs@ shortly) 14:20:13 <pbokoc> and their relationships (how do they link to each other), and their priorities... but that's going to be a pretty monumental undertaking 14:20:14 <bexelbie> mayorga, would you be willing to work on a different book? 14:20:21 <mayorga> bexelbie: Sure. 14:20:21 <bexelbie> shaunm, you and mayorga are close in timezone, I think 14:21:16 <shaunm> are we? I'm US eastern 14:21:27 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 14:21:28 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 14:21:30 * mayorga on UTC-6. 14:21:31 <linuxmodder> late 14:22:05 <linuxmodder> re: randomuser he was in fedora the other day 14:22:08 <shaunm> so, yeah, one hour off 14:22:27 <bexelbie> linuxmodder, cool - I keep missing him ty 14:22:36 <bexelbie> shaunm, mayorga does this represent a way forward? 14:22:47 <linuxmodder> bexelbie, same here but I log channels and remember seeing him in passing 14:23:01 * linuxmodder reading scrollback 14:23:36 <mayorga> bexelbie: Yeah… But what book would be good then? :-) 14:23:45 <linuxmodder> shaunm, re: install-guide why not? 14:24:41 <Southern_Gentlem> the sys-admin guide would be good to get out of draft 14:25:10 <linuxmodder> been looking at that one in bursts Southern_Gentlem 14:25:37 <linuxmodder> if someone else that is not necesarily tech but great editor wants to tag team it with me 14:25:58 <linuxmodder> or the security-guide 14:26:04 <shaunm> linuxmodder: because the material is inherently mostly linear, so it doesn't really exercise the differences 14:26:21 <linuxmodder> well fair enough then 14:26:37 <mayorga> Yeah, makes sense to me. 14:27:18 <linuxmodder> anyone wanna tag team sys-admin or security-guide with me 14:27:36 <shaunm> not that it shouldn't be done. if anybody wants to work on it, by all means do it 14:28:35 <bexelbie> shaunm, sounds like between mayorga and linuxmodder you've got folks wanting to do this 14:28:42 <mayorga> linuxmodder: sys-admin sounds great! 14:29:03 <mayorga> Let's team up. 14:29:16 <shaunm> \o/ 14:29:26 <linuxmodder> bexelbie, I only have issues with timing 14:29:33 <linuxmodder> mayorga, noted 14:29:49 <linuxmodder> I'll git pull the latest commits and get on it 14:30:03 <linuxmodder> #action linuxmodder + mayorga to work on sys-admin guide 14:30:12 <bexelbie> linuxmodder, are you and shaunm approaching topics the same way ? 14:30:19 <bexelbie> + mayorga to above 14:30:26 <linuxmodder> bexelbie, meaning ? 14:31:19 <linuxmodder> I'm more a technical edit type I don't have aversion to editing for grammar and such but its not my first choice if that is what you mean 14:31:56 <shaunm> mayorga: so what does your schedule look like for working on this stuff 14:32:09 <shaunm> I'd like to be side-by-side with you on irc whenever you're able to put in time 14:32:14 <bexelbie> shaunm, can you explain your goals and how we can work with a technical edit at the same time? 14:32:30 <bexelbie> linuxmodder, I am in favor of a technical edit for sure - but we also need to think about topics 14:32:39 <bexelbie> less grammar and more style, pending what shaunm says 14:32:47 <bexelbie> which doesn't mean we shoudl block either 14:33:13 <linuxmodder> bexelbie, lost me 14:33:21 <mayorga> shaunm: I'm on college break for one more month so I'm flexible. One hour a day could be fine. 14:33:32 <linuxmodder> by technical I mean best practice and relevant to the SUPPORTED Version 14:33:43 <mayorga> bexelbie: Got it. 14:33:58 <bexelbie> linuxmodder, I am hoping shaunm will add stuff here 14:34:05 <linuxmodder> bexelbie, so what other topics did you have in mind for adding to sys-admin 14:34:18 <bexelbie> linuxmodder, it is breaking the book into topics - it is what shaunm is working on 14:34:22 <linuxmodder> or a add/remove kind of review 14:35:00 <linuxmodder> ah then shaunm let me know how oyu wanna break it out then I'll review content for technical sanity I hate doing breakouts 14:35:14 <bexelbie> shaunm, ^^ 14:35:48 <shaunm> yeah, trying to figure out how to explain without flooding irc 14:36:18 <shaunm> the general goal is that you have standalone topics, each of which addresses a specific thing a user wants to accomplish 14:36:58 <linuxmodder> shaunm, as a full breakout that sources the sys-admin guide itself ? 14:37:14 <linuxmodder> like a wiki link inside in a 'read more' fashion? 14:40:02 <bexelbie> shaunm, ? 14:40:45 <shaunm> generally, one page addresses one thing, and you try to minimize relying on any specific reading order. if there is required reading for a topic, you call it out explicitly. for any given topic, assume the reader landed there from a google search and that they've never seen any other page of your documentation 14:42:37 <pbokoc> http://everypageispageone.com/ 14:43:18 <linuxmodder> shaunm, right I get that and agree that is what it should be but not seeing how that is not the case or not enough so presently 14:43:34 <linuxmodder> I personally feel some of the content is too vague presently 14:44:15 <shaunm> that may be 14:44:30 <shaunm> and some of the content is perfectly fine as standalone topics right now 14:45:12 <linuxmodder> I agree but the present structure of docs.fp.o as that is seems less than intuitive 14:45:13 <shaunm> I feel like we're getting into actually doing the work in this meeting 14:45:23 <linuxmodder> that imo is the major issue 14:45:40 <linuxmodder> brainstorming not doing 14:47:55 <linuxmodder> bexelbie, shaunm mayorga so tentatively we wanna skim for the eachpage is page one logic then content update/ purge outdated ? 14:48:18 <bexelbie> This is my understanding, but shaunm is the expert here 14:50:22 <shaunm> I would usually start with establishing user goals and letting topics flow out of that, and then going back to existing material to see what it can provide, or if it has material you forgot 14:51:01 <shaunm> but that's difficult to do piecemeal over irc. it's better done in a sprint, which we probably can't pull off right now 14:51:33 <shaunm> so starting from existing material is probably the most expedient route on the table 14:51:43 <linuxmodder> shaunm, then maybe a poll on users@ and a few other mls for say 1-2 weeks asking for : what you wanna see in docs guide $guide" then hit the docs with the updates /edits 14:52:28 <linuxmodder> or update the content as is to ensure its current release friendly and then do the above mailing 14:54:00 <bexelbie> we could also work on getting something we can do a test publish from 14:54:24 <shaunm> sure, format conversion is fairly mechanical 14:56:09 <bexelbie> so - in our last few minutes 14:56:17 <bexelbie> shaunm, linuxmodder mayorga do you have a plan for moving forward with work? 14:57:16 <linuxmodder> bexelbie, my thought was myself and someone else run thru the guide for supported version sanity then we poll internally and end-uses and update as needed 14:57:19 <shaunm> I'm going to go through the existing material and do a topic breakdown. no content, just outline. I'll send that to the list 14:57:43 <shaunm> if anybody else wants to do the same thing, we can compare our results 14:57:51 <bexelbie> shaunm, linuxmodder will you all be able to not step on each others toes? 14:57:59 <bexelbie> shaunm, mayorga you all will be working together too? 14:58:20 <mayorga> I will do my own breakdown to compare, then. 14:58:20 <linuxmodder> shaunm, we can fork it in a testing repo and use that commit changes there then PR it back to master 14:59:16 <linuxmodder> keep everything on pagure tho for sanity 14:59:16 <shaunm> and I'll try to think of a way to spur email discussion on user goals. I've honestly never had luck doing that sort of thing async, but try try again, because it's something the world needs to figure out how to do 14:59:37 <linuxmodder> shaunm, indeed 14:59:41 <bexelbie> cool 14:59:54 <bexelbie> Thank you all I look forward to seeing the email and I will try to chime in as well 15:00:02 <bexelbie> anything else before I close this meeting? 15:00:04 <linuxmodder> anyone opposed to a common edit repo for commits in this phase? 15:00:16 <bexelbie> linuxmodder, use the existing pagure repos, imho 15:00:26 <bexelbie> if you really need a separate branch, do so 15:00:39 <linuxmodder> branch makes more sense actually 15:00:45 <bexelbie> but master is for the next release so it should be fine to commit against, with ideally complete commits 15:00:45 <shaunm> when in doubt regarding conflicts with me, just commit your stuff and make me deal with it 15:00:45 <linuxmodder> nmfm 15:00:55 <bexelbie> then lets pull a branch 15:00:56 <mayorga> I agree with a separate branch. 15:01:17 <linuxmodder> branch it as stg or something 15:01:51 <linuxmodder> and then mention it in the ml as a running branch for end-users and insiders to chip in if desired 15:02:05 <bexelbie> +1 15:02:46 <bexelbie> Any other business/questions? 15:02:53 <linuxmodder> nfm 15:02:59 * mayorga has nothing to add. 15:03:48 <bexelbie> #endmeeting