19:00:30 <stickster> #startmeeting Fedora Activity Day - Fedora Talk 2009 19:00:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 6 19:00:30 2009 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:45 <stickster> #chair poelstra 19:00:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: poelstra stickster 19:00:51 <stickster> (Just in case John shows up late.) 19:01:16 <stickster> Give me a second while I get the agenda on the Fedora Moonbase Alpha 85" LCD HUD 19:01:26 <jds2001> heh 19:01:44 <stickster> #topic roll call 19:01:46 * stickster 19:01:50 * jds2001 19:02:26 * jcollie + 19:02:41 <stickster> OK, I haven't heard from jsmith today, but he tends to be busy midday. 19:02:57 <stickster> #topic Travel 19:03:05 <stickster> OK, I think everyone here has travel details nailed down, right? 19:03:14 <jcollie> yep 19:03:24 * stickster has a big van and will serve as DD and chauffeur as needed 19:03:46 <stickster> Moving right along then 19:03:54 <stickster> On to John's agenda! 19:03:59 <stickster> #topic Asterisk version 19:04:22 <jcollie> i think that 1.6.2 is the only viable version 19:04:33 <stickster> So John posed the best questions: What package version of Asterisk will we use at the FAD? Is that the one that will be used on Fedora Infrastructure on F11? 19:04:40 * mmcgrath is here 19:04:45 <jcollie> it doesn't require 3rd party patches or kernel modules 19:04:48 <stickster> Hi mmcgrath, thanks for joining! 19:04:51 <mmcgrath> I don't care what version we use, as long as it is on pace to be in Fedora proper. 19:05:08 <jcollie> 1.6.2 has already been committed to f-13 19:05:13 <mmcgrath> there we go 19:05:22 <stickster> jcollie: I think I saw a message you sent to f-devel-l about a compilation problem? 19:05:24 <mmcgrath> jcollie: so with that, do you want to use rawhide, epel or F-X on the OS? 19:05:43 <jcollie> mmcgrath: i'd say F-11 or F-12 19:05:45 * mmcgrath welcomes newcommer Ac-town 19:05:57 <mmcgrath> jcollie: If you have no preference lets plan on F-12 19:06:06 <jcollie> fine by me... 19:06:08 <Ac-town> :) 19:06:16 <stickster> jcollie: Is it building OK on F-12 currently? 19:06:45 <jds2001> we would need it in the infra repo 19:06:47 * stickster wants to be sure that people can run an instance locally now, whether via VM or otherwise 19:06:48 <jcollie> yeah it builds in devel, which is identical to F-12 at this point 19:06:53 <stickster> jcollie: Awesome 19:07:11 <jds2001> since aiui, you're not planning on 1.6.2 for F-12? 19:07:26 <jcollie> maybe, if they release a final version 19:07:41 <jcollie> rc3 is supposed to come out today or tomorrow 19:08:00 <jcollie> digium typically does up through rc4, but the timing is variable 19:08:45 <jds2001> so they've committed to no dates? :( 19:08:47 <jcollie> but i'd probably stick with 1.6.1 to prevent rel-eng and qa any heartburn 19:08:58 <jcollie> no, not that i know of 19:09:08 <jds2001> ok, that's fine, we can do 1.6.2 in the infra repo if we have to 19:09:14 <jds2001> mmcgrath: do you agree? 19:09:36 * jds2001 doesn't like speaking for others :) 19:09:40 <stickster> So, anyone can yum install Asterisk 1.6.2 from that repo onto a F-12 machine? 19:09:48 <jds2001> yep 19:10:13 <stickster> jcollie: And when you say "stick with 1.6.1," you're talking about the package rolled out to general users in the F-12 and previous releases 19:10:28 <jds2001> http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org has various and sundry repos for stuff. 19:10:37 <jcollie> yeah F-12 and previous will stick to 1.6.1x 19:10:40 <stickster> OK 19:10:59 <stickster> #agreed The general Fedora repos for F-12 and previous will stay on Asterisk 1.6.1 19:11:14 * stickster waits for mmcgrath's confirmation 19:11:25 <mmcgrath> sorry, fighting with somethin. 19:11:48 <mmcgrath> I'm fine with that if it works for jcollie 19:11:57 <jcollie> works for me 19:11:58 <stickster> #agreed The Infrastructure repo will include Asterisk 1.6.2, which anyone can add to their F-12 box and install the package for testing/development. 19:12:32 <stickster> OK, so jcollie, I'm going to set the action item for you to complete any packaging/handoff needed to make sure that's ready by... when? This weekend? 19:12:38 <jcollie> sure 19:12:48 <stickster> The sooner it's in the sooner the FAD attendees can install and start learning, developing, poking, etc. 19:12:55 <stickster> jcollie: Awesome. 19:13:07 <jds2001> you just need to get it to mmcgrath or someone to throw it in that repo 19:13:28 <stickster> #action jcollie to ensure Asterisk 1.6.2 is available in Infrastructure repo before this Saturday, 2009-10-10. 19:13:36 <stickster> OK 19:13:54 <stickster> And I think we also agreed that F-12 would be the underlying OS 19:13:57 <stickster> Correct? 19:14:03 <jcollie> yep 19:14:04 <stickster> #topic Underlying OS 19:14:30 <stickster> #agreed The underlying OS for F-Talk will be F-12, running the infrastructure repo's pkg of Asterisk 1.6.2.x 19:14:41 <stickster> Wow, we're like a speeding train! I love it! 19:15:10 <jcollie> yeah baby yeah! 19:15:29 <stickster> #topic Up-front work 19:15:48 <stickster> OK, this has been said a couple times, and nothing like re-iterating to make sure everyone is in agreement 19:15:55 * jds2001 needs to go buy a copy of the asterisk book tonight 19:16:08 <stickster> jds2001: I may be able to get jsmith to send you a copy 19:16:34 <stickster> I'll send some email right after this, and we should know quickly... if 24 hours wait time doesn't hurt you 19:16:41 <jds2001> nope 19:17:00 <jcollie> hopefully everyone can get a test asterisk system set up and can connect a SIP softphone to it and play with the demos 19:17:23 <stickster> #agreed The more we can learn and set up before we get together, the faster we can get to work on Friday morning. 19:17:40 * jds2001 also needs to buy a headset - any recommendations? 19:17:49 <stickster> jds2001: I recommend the Logitech Premium USB headset 19:17:58 <stickster> It's usually $30-40 19:17:59 * mmcgrath also has a logitech premium USB 19:18:03 <jcollie> i use a cheap labtec one we had laying around at work 19:18:10 <stickster> jds2001: Talk to me after the meeting about that subject 19:18:58 <jcollie> getting a softphone up and working is key, esp trying to fight with microphones & audio etc 19:19:07 <stickster> It works perfectly with all my Linux so far, incl. F-9, F-10, F-11, and pre-F-12 19:19:25 <jcollie> ext 1002 on the current f-talk is an echo channel 19:19:41 <stickster> I've been using Twinkle, but Ekiga also seems to work in F-12 with F-Talk 19:19:50 <stickster> jcollie: Oh, we have echo available now? 19:20:02 * mmcgrath just tested it 19:20:04 <stickster> #info Fedora Talk now has an echo service on ext. 1002 19:20:05 <mmcgrath> seems to work fine. 19:20:08 <stickster> Superb! 19:20:14 <stickster> That's a ticket cleared if I'm not mistaken ;-) 19:20:28 <stickster> jcollie: Did you do that? 19:20:51 <jds2001> that has been there forever iirc 19:20:57 <jcollie> yeah, it's been there a while 19:20:57 <jcollie> i think that there are a couple of other extensions that are good for playing around with, but i don't recall them 19:21:04 <jcollie> stickster: i may have 19:21:08 <stickster> Oh, I had no idea -- I think there's an open Infrastructure ticket on it 19:21:15 <jds2001> btw, is there value in rebuilding asterisk2 to rawhide now? 19:21:18 <stickster> #agreed jcollie is super-awesome regardless of whether he set up echo himself or not :-) 19:21:28 * jcollie blushes 19:21:55 <jds2001> so we can hit the ground running with something in infra? 19:22:01 <jcollie> yeah i'd go ahead and rebuild asterisk2, i don't think that there's anything worth saving 19:22:23 <mmcgrath> actually it's been rebuilt just recently so it's in a prestine condition anyway 19:22:33 <jcollie> ah excellent 19:22:34 <jds2001> oh, is it rhel though? 19:22:35 <stickster> It would probably be helpful to do that now... If we need to fix a problem, we have time to do it before the FAD 19:22:38 <mmcgrath> it was a rawhide box that was horribly messed up and had security patches not applied so we blew it away. 19:22:43 <mmcgrath> jds2001: it can be whatever we want it to be. 19:22:45 <jds2001> oh, ok 19:22:52 <mmcgrath> we should probably have just turned the thing off :) 19:23:18 * stickster thinks setting it up as a pre-F12 with Asterisk-1.6.2 would be a good idea at this point. 19:23:33 <stickster> Is there someone who wants to take that task? 19:24:05 <stickster> Basically a Rawhide install, then add Asterisk 1.6.2 once it's ready, hopefully by Saturday 19:24:16 <mmcgrath> meh, I'll do it now. 19:24:19 * jds2001 can do everything except rebuild it :) 19:24:22 <stickster> mmcgrath: awesome! 19:24:36 <jds2001> looks like F11 right now 19:24:36 <stickster> #action mmcgrath to build asterisk2 as a F-12 box 19:25:02 <stickster> So the idea would be 19:25:06 <stickster> oops 19:25:28 <stickster> So am I right that this box will be F-12, and we'll put current Asterisk on it for now, then update to 1.6.2 when that's ready in the infrastructure repo? 19:25:44 <stickster> And we'll be using a config on it equivalent to what's on the active Fedora Talk (presumably asterisk1)? 19:26:03 <jcollie> that's what we'll start with 19:26:04 * stickster appreciates everyone talking slowly for his benefit :-D 19:26:27 <stickster> excellent. 19:26:57 <stickster> #agreed mmcgrath's rebuild of asterisk2 will include asterisk-1.6.1 right now, and will be updated when 1.6.2 is available in the infra repo 19:26:58 <mmcgrath> stickster: corect 19:27:03 <stickster> suh-weet! 19:27:16 <mmcgrath> I don't know if the current asterisk1 configs (RHEL5) will work on asterisk2 (rawhide) 19:27:19 <mmcgrath> but they'll be there. 19:27:41 * stickster has no idea of what differs between them -- what's the current asterisk on RHEL5? 19:28:03 <jcollie> i think we're using a really old 1.6.0.x 19:28:05 * stickster wishes jsmith were around, he probably could tell us the discrepancies in his sleep 19:28:13 <stickster> OK 19:28:22 <stickster> So we'll just have to deal with that in stride then. 19:28:26 <jds2001> [jstanley@asterisk1 ~]$ rpm -q asterisk 19:28:26 <jds2001> asterisk- 19:28:30 <stickster> whoa. 19:28:32 <stickster> OK 19:28:45 <jcollie> heh older than i thought 19:28:53 <stickster> #info asterisk1 box is using asterisk-, so config differences may be an issue. We'll need to look at that 19:29:36 <stickster> mmcgrath: If you let us know on the list when the build is done, we can set to work figuring out what's broken. 19:30:09 <stickster> That way, within the next week or so we'll know we have a working set of configs at least for 1.6.1, in the hopes that they don't need to change much for 1.6.2 19:30:15 <stickster> Does that make sense? 19:30:20 * stickster hopes someone will stop him if not 19:30:38 <jcollie> sounds good to me 19:30:44 <stickster> jcollie: cool, thanks 19:30:53 <stickster> OK, any other setup/config topics we need to discuss? 19:31:09 <mmcgrath> .members sysadmin-tools 19:31:10 <zodbot> mmcgrath: Members of sysadmin-tools: @ausil huzaifas jsmith jstanley kevin laxathom @mmcgrath nigelj poelstra +ricky santosp smooge tgalyean 19:31:18 <mmcgrath> FYI ^^ those are all the people with access atm. 19:31:30 <jcollie> we should probably discuss which web streaming server we're going to use 19:31:34 <stickster> mmcgrath: I'll apply for that group, I think I'll probably need it to help. yes? 19:31:40 <mmcgrath> yup yup 19:31:49 * poelcat appears 19:31:55 <stickster> Hi poelcat! 19:32:05 <jcollie> and i just re-applied for sysadmin, once that's approved i'll apply for sysadmin-tools 19:32:07 <stickster> #action stickster to apply for sysadmin-tools to gain access to asterisk2 19:32:57 <stickster> poelcat: We are just finishing up on the #3 topic from your agenda, which is setups/configs needed 19:32:59 <poelcat> stickster: thanks for driving the bus 19:33:06 <poelcat> excellent 19:33:07 <mmcgrath> bummer, looks like both rawhide and F12-Alpha don't build on RHEL5 xen 19:33:08 <stickster> No problem my brotha 19:33:22 <stickster> poelcat: You are listed as co-chair, feel free to take over 19:33:25 <jcollie> ouch :( 19:33:36 <stickster> *facepalm 19:33:39 * mmcgrath attempts some voodoo 19:33:45 <poelcat> mmcgrath: that's nothing new 19:33:45 <jcollie> istr we had that issue before 19:33:46 <stickster> That voodoo that you do so well? 19:34:11 <stickster> OK, this is probably something we can work out in #f-admin after this meeting's over 19:34:40 <stickster> Are there any special considerations any of us would need to know when installing Asterisk on a personal laptop for testing? 19:34:49 <stickster> Or is it just, install and go to town? 19:35:31 <jcollie> yeah it's pretty simple, i'd just install 'asterisk' and 'asterisk-sounds-core-en-ulaw' to get started 19:35:44 <stickster> Okeydokey. 19:35:48 * stickster does that right now. 19:36:09 <poelcat> does that wrap up #3 ? 19:36:22 * poelcat still getting up to speed 19:36:28 <stickster> I think it might 19:36:31 <stickster> #info To get started, do 'yum install asterisk asterisk-sounds-core-en-ulaw' 19:37:10 <stickster> poelcat: Want to change topic? It's all you man 19:37:12 <poelcat> #topic Getting to know Asterisk, etc. 19:37:14 <stickster> :-) 19:37:27 <poelcat> why didn't topic change? 19:37:30 <stickster> "Getting to know alllll about u....law" 19:37:44 * jcollie retches ;) 19:37:55 <stickster> poelcat: Might be a topic lock on this channel. No biggie, zodbot will still record it properly. 19:37:59 <poelcat> okay 19:38:22 <poelcat> Can anyone recommend chapters we should read in advance or other helpful URLs 19:38:41 * stickster is in the same boat with poelcat and needs recommendations too. 19:38:47 <poelcat> so the newbies (me) can be more familiar with the env, etc. before coming? 19:38:50 <jcollie> i don't have the asterisk book, but i think that the important topics will be extensions, SIP, and the asterisk manager interface 19:39:14 * mmcgrath treated it as a bathroom book and learned as I.... went. 19:39:23 <poelcat> lol 19:39:35 <poelcat> we'll try not to read too much into that ;-) 19:39:37 <stickster> poelcat: I have the 2d ed 19:39:40 <jcollie> is this the book we're using? http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596510480 19:40:01 <poelcat> yeah, there is a free pdf download 19:40:09 <mmcgrath> stickster: I have the 2nd ed as well. 19:40:15 <poelcat> on another part of o'reilly's site 19:40:30 <mmcgrath> If you're brand new to asterisk. I'd say more important then any single chapter is understanding how asterisk works, how it's config files work, etc. 19:40:42 <jcollie> looks like chapters 4, 5 and 10 19:40:44 <mmcgrath> and learning about extensions, sip and the AMI is a good way to do that. 19:40:52 <stickster> Yeah, I remember jsmith saying the book was free as in speech. 19:40:58 <stickster> Looks like chapter 6 is probably not bad reading either 19:40:59 <poelcat> #action: poelstra to find link to pdf version of O'Reilly Asterisk book 19:41:21 <poelcat> #action: read chaps: 4, 5, 10, and 6... test on Monday! 19:41:30 <jcollie> http://downloads.oreilly.com/books/9780596510480.pdf 19:41:32 <poelcat> any other tips/suggestions? 19:41:38 <mmcgrath> http://www.the-asterisk-book.com/ 19:41:48 <poelcat> #info book download link http://downloads.oreilly.com/books/9780596510480.pdf 19:41:50 <mmcgrath> that may not be it actually. 19:42:04 <mmcgrath> yeah, my link is not the right link :) 19:42:31 <stickster> I think poelcat's is good 19:42:43 <stickster> Yup 19:42:57 <poelcat> okay... driving on 19:43:03 <stickster> Excellent -- jds2001, I'll still ask jsmith about a dead-tree copy for you if you like 19:43:12 <poelcat> #topic Open tickets 19:43:26 <poelcat> any thoughts on how to divy these up or best tackle them? 19:43:52 <poelcat> or should we do that next week ? 19:43:59 <stickster> We have a list: 19:44:02 <stickster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Fedora_Talk_2009_game_plan 19:44:04 * poelcat could be pushing things forward too fast :) 19:44:15 <jcollie> i think a lot of those are duplicate or cover a lot of the same area 19:44:19 <stickster> poelcat: One notable thing -- the first four tickets are greatly coincident 19:44:25 <stickster> jcollie: *jinx :-) 19:44:38 * poelcat reaches for the dictionary 19:44:45 <stickster> poelcat: And I think we found out earlier that ticket #1634 is now closed 19:45:14 <jcollie> maybe next week we can do a whiteboard session and merge all of these ideas together 19:45:27 <poelcat> jcollie: great idea... like gobby? 19:45:32 <jcollie> poelcat: yeah 19:45:45 * stickster removes ticket #1634 from list 19:46:00 <poelcat> #action next meeting create a text dump of all the tickets into one gobby document 19:46:06 <jcollie> is the gobby server still up and running? 19:46:25 <stickster> poelcat: Hey, that might help us sort out a list of requirements we could work from 19:46:28 <poelcat> #action consolidate tickets into a few main tickets and create game plan from there 19:46:31 <mmcgrath> jcollie: should be, yeah 19:46:53 <poelcat> stickster: great point... could cover both 19:47:08 <brunowolff_> Can someone make the nonsecret parts of the current Fedora talk config public? 19:47:18 <stickster> Is there any part of it that's secret? 19:47:30 <mmcgrath> AFAIK none of it's private. 19:47:32 <jds2001> i think the did config and stuff 19:47:32 <jcollie> if you have sysadmin access all the config should be in puppet 19:47:39 <mmcgrath> might want to look and make sure there's no passwords in there. 19:47:42 <stickster> jds2001: Oh, that makes sense, thanks. 19:47:46 <brunowolff_> I am running the F12 1.6.2 that Jeff linked to in email and can confirm it works. 19:47:56 <poelcat> brunowolff_: excellent, thanks for doing tha 19:47:57 <poelcat> t 19:47:58 <stickster> poelcat: I think "did" is the stuff where it hooks to our wonderful service providers 19:48:11 <brunowolff_> I am not part of the infrastructure team. 19:48:11 * stickster gives a totally unnecessary explanation for the benefit of those reading the log 19:48:39 <poelcat> how can we summarize brunowolff_'s request and action it? 19:48:42 <brunowolff_> I'd like to duplicate the fedora talk setup if I can. I may not figure out the developer authentication, but I'd at least like 19:48:47 <brunowolff_> to get a base system up. 19:49:28 <jcollie> once my access to puppet1 and asterisk1 is restored i'll put a sanitized git repo on my fp.o space with the configs 19:49:41 <jds2001> brunowolff_: i can get it for you. 19:49:45 <stickster> jcollie: Your awesome rating is going up by the minute. 19:49:47 <brunowolff_> Actually I meant the F11 version. I am going to do the F12 version next. 19:50:09 <brunowolff_> I was only part way through doing that. 19:50:23 <stickster> #action jcollie to provide a sanitized git repo of the Fedora Talk asterisk configs in his fedorapeople.org space 19:50:24 <poelcat> #action jcollie will put sanitized git repo of FedoraTalk config on his people space and reply to list with location 19:50:27 <poelcat> lol 19:50:30 <stickster> oh, sorry john 19:50:35 <poelcat> np 19:50:46 <poelcat> moving on ? 19:51:08 * stickster is good with that 19:51:12 <jcollie> movin' on 19:51:13 <poelcat> #topic next meetings 19:51:32 <poelcat> Can we use this time/day slot for the next two weeks to keep syncing up like this? 19:51:43 <poelcat> i was only here for part of it, but it seems pretty valuable :) 19:51:54 <stickster> This time should work for me for the next two weeks. Next week I'll be in Raleigh but I have some flexibility on Tuesday. If things look different I'll let the list know and maybe we can try meeting in the evening instead 19:51:55 <jcollie> +1 from me 19:52:07 <stickster> IOW, +0.8 19:52:12 <poelcat> brunowolff_: mmcgrath jds2001 other interested parties? 19:53:37 <brunowolff_> I probably show up late again. 19:54:28 <stickster> poelcat: Looks like we'll stick with this time, then 19:54:37 <poelcat> okay 19:54:47 <poelcat> #topic anything else? 19:54:56 <jcollie> web streaming software? 19:54:57 <stickster> poelcat: I covered an AOB earlier, which was just making sure travel was set. 19:55:15 <stickster> would that be icecast? 19:55:18 <poelcat> #action: keep meeting at 19:00 UTC for next two tuesdays to plan Asterisk FAD 19:55:30 <jcollie> icecast is one possibility... flumotion is another 19:56:01 <poelcat> jcollie: has any initial work been done in Fedora or a particular direction started in? 19:56:01 <jcollie> flumotion is pretty cool but controlling it from a custom web app is an unknown quantity 19:56:24 * poelcat wondering if we have any inhouse expertise in either? 19:56:47 <jcollie> poelcat: not really... i messed with flumotion a bit a while back but i never got as far as setting up new web streams on the fly 19:57:08 <poelcat> what did herlo use for FUDCon? 19:57:10 * stickster notes flumotion uses Python, Twisted, GStreamer 19:57:12 <jcollie> thomas vandersiechele(sp) packages is and is one of the developers 19:57:13 <stickster> poelcat: icecast, I believe. 19:57:36 <poelcat> jcollie: could you start a thread on this and cc herlo? 19:57:45 <stickster> And thomasvs 19:57:45 <poelcat> i think he is planning to participate remotely so that should be good 19:58:27 <stickster> poelcat: jcollie has a bunch of tickets, is this one I could take? 19:58:33 <stickster> s/tickets/action items/ 19:58:36 <poelcat> stickster: go for it :) 19:58:38 <stickster> k 19:58:42 <stickster> hit me caped crusader! 19:58:53 * stickster has nothing further 19:59:13 <poelcat> #action stickster to start mail thread about streaming technology we should pursue... cc thmoasvs and herlo in discussion 19:59:23 <poelcat> anything else before we wrap? 19:59:32 <jcollie> my thoughts are we start out with whatever is easiest to get running and then work on what's cooler 19:59:55 <poelcat> makes sense to me :) 20:00:33 <poelcat> okay if no futher topics closing in 30 seconds 20:00:33 * jds2001 sorr 20:00:53 * stickster notes jds2001 has been heroically doing double duty between this meeting and a $DAYJOB duty 20:01:04 <jcollie> i can't think of anything else at this time 20:01:07 <jds2001> sorry 20:01:07 <stickster> Thanks everyone for coming and participating! 20:01:13 <stickster> jds2001: No worries mate 20:01:47 <poelcat> thanks everyone! 20:01:50 <poelcat> #endmeeting 20:02:04 * poelcat thinks I never became chair? 20:02:26 <jds2001> oh, you are if you're poelstra :) 20:02:29 <stickster> #endmeeting