19:00:32 <poelcat> #startmeeting 19:00:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 13 19:00:32 2009 UTC. The chair is poelcat. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:41 <poelcat> #chair mmcgrath jcollie 19:00:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: jcollie mmcgrath poelcat 19:00:44 <mmcgrath> ah hah, there's a poelcat among us. 19:01:01 <poelcat> i have a slight problem in that i have to leave at 25 min past 19:01:08 <mmcgrath> poelcat: so does jcollie 19:01:14 <poelcat> let's rock then! 19:01:19 <mmcgrath> so not really a problem :) 19:01:25 <poelcat> #topic tickets for the FAD 19:01:38 <poelcat> i pasted all the tickets into a text doc on gobby 19:02:00 <poelcat> i thought we could try to create a chronological list of 19:02:06 <poelcat> things we want to tackle 19:02:21 <poelcat> and note things we need to do to prepare for them that we can do in advance 19:02:24 * mmcgrath opens gobby. 19:02:28 <poelcat> any other suggested approaches? 19:02:49 <mmcgrath> worksforme 19:03:16 <jcollie> one thing that i though of today is the ability to log in using the fas voip credentials from a cell phone when using the did numbers 19:03:38 <mmcgrath> was that a requirement to be done by the end of the FAD? 19:03:54 <jcollie> maybe 19:04:12 <jcollie> it's something that could be worked on between now and then though 19:05:29 <mmcgrath> <nod> 19:05:35 * stickster apologizes for not really being available. At RDU in team meetings with Comm-Arch and this afternoon's material is pretty relevant. 19:06:27 * poelcat not quite sure how to do this 19:07:14 <jcollie> for stuff that should be done at the fad is whiteboard the control flow for conferencing/streaming/recording 19:07:56 <poelcat> jcollie: okay, so that definitely needs to be done in person? 19:08:17 <mmcgrath> so we won't actually ahve a working conferencing/streaming/recording stuff done by the end of the fad? but it will be designed? 19:08:30 <jcollie> i think it would be easier, probably easier than passing around svgs or something like that 19:08:30 * poelcat really wants to have a working system 19:08:54 <jcollie> oh, i think doing the whiteboarding won't take long 19:09:24 <poelcat> jcollie: could one of us take a shot at it in advance? 19:09:32 * poelcat is willing to try 19:09:33 <jcollie> sure 19:09:57 <stickster> What if we were to do that whiteboarding using the collaborative tools we have available on our Fedora systems? 19:10:12 * stickster thinks poelcat just went there already, and shuts up. 19:10:27 <poelcat> i'm hoping (hopefully not naively) that we can do most of the design now and then focus on DOING when we meet 19:10:35 <stickster> + 19:10:54 <poelcat> jcollie: did you want to take a shot at the whiteboarding or me? 19:11:00 <poelcat> if me, what do I need to sketch out? 19:11:41 <jcollie> well need ways for "admins" to create conference rooms 19:12:06 <jcollie> and for admins to trigger recording start/stop and conference start/stop 19:12:15 <jcollie> er streaming start/stop 19:12:53 <poelcat> jcollie: are those part of asterisk or do we have to create them from scratch? 19:13:40 <jcollie> we'll have to string pieces of asterisk, icecast, and possibly some scripts to do all this 19:14:34 <jcollie> and hopefully this can all be done from a phone keypad 19:15:00 <poelcat> jcollie: okay, so you need different use cases of what a user or admin might want to do? 19:15:34 <jcollie> well, plain users probably don't have much to do other than join a conference but yeah 19:18:25 <jcollie> that's the basics 19:19:11 <jcollie> we'll also need a web front end to all of the recordings, which can be as simple as a apache directory listing if we want 19:22:39 * poelcat had to step away and is back 19:23:28 * poelcat appologize for not being better organized today 19:23:59 <poelcat> jcollie: anything else before we depart? 19:24:12 * poelcat will try to take a stab at grouping/organizing the tickets 19:24:13 <jcollie> that'll be good for now... we can continue on list 19:24:22 <poelcat> soomehow i thought we could do that together, but maybe not 19:24:28 <poelcat> okay, 19:24:33 <poelcat> thanks for comming 19:24:35 <poelcat> #endmeeting