14:00:59 <pingou> #startmeeting fedora-hubs 14:00:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 13 14:00:59 2016 UTC. The chair is pingou. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-hubs' 14:01:00 <radhikak> radhikak here but will be in another meeting 14:01:38 <pingou> radhikak: thanks for letting us know, feel free to ping after the meeting if you have any questions or comments 14:02:06 <pingou> a small announcement while mizmo arrives 14:02:08 <stickster> .hello pfrields 14:02:09 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 14:02:18 <pingou> we have a room at flock for a fedora-hubs hackfest: https://flock2016.sched.org/event/7ig9/fedora-hubs-meetuphackfest 14:02:24 <stickster> \o/ 14:02:37 <sayan> \o/ 14:02:46 <pingou> it's scheduled at 13:30 CEST making this 11:30 UTC and 07:30 eastern time 14:03:01 <radhikak> Sure pingou 14:03:28 <pingou> and the big question is: what will we have to show then? :) 14:04:29 <stickster> So just as a reminder... the overall goal was to be able to demo the use of at least *a* hub 14:04:52 <pingou> radhikak: stickster: do you know if mizmo is around? 14:05:20 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.pull-request.comment.added -- pingou commented on pull-request#213 of project "fedora-hubs" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/pull-request/213#comment-7156 14:05:24 <stickster> pingou: Although mizmo's not in the office today, AFAIK she expected to be online in general 14:05:39 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.pull-request.comment.added -- pingou commented on pull-request#213 of project "fedora-hubs" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/pull-request/213#comment-7157 14:05:57 <pingou> atelic: around? 14:06:03 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.pull-request.comment.added -- atelic commented on pull-request#213 of project "fedora-hubs" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/pull-request/213#comment-7158 14:06:09 <pingou> stickster: ok so let's start and see if she joins :) 14:06:17 <atelic> pingou: I'm here 14:06:27 <stickster> o/ atelic 14:06:36 <stickster> and o/ everyone else :-) 14:06:42 <atelic> stickster: o/ 14:06:43 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.pull-request.comment.added -- pingou commented on pull-request#213 of project "fedora-hubs" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/pull-request/213#comment-7159 14:06:45 <skrzepto> \o 14:06:51 <devyani7> stickster: \o 14:07:04 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.pull-request.comment.added -- atelic commented on pull-request#213 of project "fedora-hubs" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/pull-request/213#comment-7160 14:07:30 <pingou> ok so we have a tag for tickets we want to solve for flock: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issues?priority=1&tags=flock 14:07:42 <mizmo> here! sorry 14:07:45 <pingou> o/ mizmo 14:07:54 <sayan> stickster: mizmo \o 14:08:10 <devyani7> mizmo: hi :) 14:08:12 <stickster> Oh, this is great pingou 14:08:24 <pingou> stickster: all mizmo :) 14:08:34 <stickster> mizmo++ 14:08:34 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for duffy changed to 10 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:08:39 <stickster> but it is quite a list... 14:08:42 <pingou> yes 14:08:45 <pingou> thus this meeting 14:08:58 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- skrzepto commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3586 14:09:11 <pingou> I would like us to realistically estimate what can and what won't be achieved in 3 weeks= 14:09:14 <stickster> Right, let's see whether there are some things that could be trimmed while still allowing a demo 14:09:30 <mizmo> high-level we were looking at having 3 team hubs mostly functional 14:09:40 <mizmo> what we could do is trim it back to focusing on only one or 2 teams 14:09:51 <mizmo> the 3 teams we've been working on are design, commops, and translations 14:10:04 <pingou> so translations is depending on zanata, right? 14:10:17 <pingou> which makes me realized I never replied to your email :( 14:10:20 <mizmo> i think translations might be the smartest to drop bc we're still waiting on new api calls from the zanata team, and i'm not sure if they got the go ahead from their managementt o do them yet 14:10:39 <stickster> Oh crap, pingou, I think I'm the same -- I got it while at Summit and couldn't complete at the time 14:12:18 <stickster> mizmo: I dropped that ball, sorry. If they're expecting a statement for me on priority for Hubs, that's my fault. OTOH, it's not clear to me how to articulate how this matches up with customer impact (since the responsible team is a customer-focused team in RH) 14:12:19 <pingou> mizmo: I think putting translation as the 3rd hub to consider is good 14:12:31 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- skrzepto commented on ticket fedora-hubs#172: "Write down the SSE server serving fedmsg messages to the hubs" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/172#comment-3587 14:12:47 <mizmo> i got the feeling getting it done in time for flock was probably going to be hard for them anyway stickster - but we should still move forward just maybe target post flock at this point 14:12:54 <stickster> mizmo: Agreed 14:13:11 <stickster> not trying to let myself off the hook, but the time constraint is really the thing we need to focus on here 14:13:24 <pingou> clearly 14:13:39 <stickster> my experience with that dev team is it will probably take some time to work any feature through their process and priorities anyway, and 3 weeks (or even 2 months) would have been challenging to say the least 14:13:42 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- pingou assigned ticket fedora-hubs#172 to skrzepto https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/172 14:13:52 <mizmo> stickster, yeh they have a 2 week sprint cycle kind of thing going on 14:14:02 <stickster> *nod 14:14:04 <mizmo> okay so if we focus just on design and comm ops hubs 14:14:14 <mizmo> (should we take flock tag off l10n stuff?) 14:14:24 <stickster> I would think so 14:14:34 <pingou> it would help reduce that list 14:15:01 <pingou> sayan: regarding badges, did you see: https://github.com/fedora-infra/tahrir-api/pull/37 ? 14:15:02 * mizmo takes tag off 14:15:36 <sayan> pingou: I did see 14:15:47 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- duffy removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#167 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/167 14:16:15 <mizmo> ok taking flock tag off zanata widget ticket too 14:16:30 <sayan> pingou: it works on the naming of the badges, but I think we build to build relationship between a badge and series 14:16:34 <pingou> mizmo: do these ticket have a l10n tag? 14:16:36 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- duffy removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#165 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/165 14:16:41 <stickster> I saw a couple other things that might be debatable... https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/170 (mobile compatibility/testing) -- yes, definitely a good thing, but vital for Flock demo? 14:16:43 <mizmo> pingou, they dont 14:16:52 <mizmo> stickster, nope not vital, will take tag off that too 14:16:55 <mizmo> pingou, (i can add it) 14:17:02 <sayan> pingou: for a widget like this - https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/160 14:17:04 <pingou> mizmo: might be a good idea :) 14:17:08 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.added -- duffy tagged ticket fedora-hubs#165: l10n https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/165 14:17:27 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- duffy removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#170 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/170 14:17:47 <pingou> sayan: yup 14:17:49 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.added -- duffy tagged ticket fedora-hubs#167: l10n https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/167 14:18:04 <pingou> sayan: since you already have the irc widget, do you think you will have time to work on badges? 14:19:03 <sayan> pingou: I am starting my work on badges, planning to build a minimalistic one 14:19:06 <mizmo> so if we focus on commops and design, i think it might be important to support trac, which i know sucks bc its legacy but those teams both use trac heavily 14:19:21 <mizmo> that ticket is here and is tagged flock: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/174 14:19:26 <sayan> pingou: maybe next week would be the best time to say with the progress 14:19:55 <pingou> sayan: ok 14:20:06 <sayan> btw, can I remove the flock tag from this issue - https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/160 14:20:19 <pingou> mizmo: ^ 14:20:26 <mizmo> sayan, sure! go4it :) 14:20:33 <sayan> would like to concetrate on this - https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/17 14:20:57 <stickster> mizmo: I'm conflicted... I think you're right that it may be necessary. At the same time, I'm sad we are putting time into Trac, when ultimately I'd like to see it go away 14:20:58 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- sayanchowdhury removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#160 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/160 14:21:15 <mizmo> sayan, so one thing with issue #17 - is that is only for personal profiles 14:21:19 <mizmo> 160 is for team hubs 14:21:32 <sayan> mizmo: yes 14:21:48 <mizmo> if we wanted to focus on delivering a good demo of team hubs, itd be better to implement 160 (even if it's using the tag implementation instead of tree) 14:21:48 <sayan> mizmo: oh 14:21:58 <mizmo> i guess though, personal profiles are another type of hub we should focus on 14:22:09 <pingou> mizmo: 160 is: my next badges, is that on the team hub? 14:22:24 <mizmo> oh oh 14:22:27 <sayan> same question as pingou 14:22:31 <mizmo> pingou, sayan sorry i was confused youre right thats a profile one lol 14:22:33 <mizmo> carry on :) 14:22:40 <mizmo> there is a different ticket for team hub badge widget tho 14:22:45 <mizmo> it talks about the badges you can earn for a certain team 14:23:06 <mizmo> it's actually a pretty critical widget in terms of UX in that for new folks just joining a team, it suggests to them things they can do to get started 14:23:36 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- pingou commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3588 14:23:45 <sayan> mizmo: 17 is the hubs one 14:24:12 <mizmo> sayan, and i am completely backwards. i am so sorry! you're right, 17 is the right one 14:24:34 <mizmo> the badge missions in that mockup == badge paths 14:24:36 <pingou> mizmo: at least you both agree on the priority :) 14:25:09 * mizmo hasnt had her coffee yet, clearly 14:25:37 * stickster sucks down more coffee 14:25:41 <pingou> regarding trac, I wonder if we don't already have a basic one 14:27:02 <mizmo> pingou, oh? 14:27:10 * pingou checks 14:27:25 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- skrzepto commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3589 14:27:49 <pingou> mizmo: no inded, only pagure and github issues 14:27:58 <pingou> mizmo: shouldn't be too hard to make a trac one based on these 14:27:59 <mizmo> wah wah 14:28:02 <mizmo> well 14:28:07 <mizmo> okay that's good news :) 14:28:12 * pingou takes the trac one 14:28:27 * mizmo grabs the design team mockup to see what other widgets are key on there 14:28:40 <pingou> mizmo: do we still want to consolidate all the issues in one widget? 14:29:00 <mizmo> pingou, i think ultimately thats the better way to do it, but i dont think thats necessary for flock demo 14:29:10 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- pingou assigned ticket fedora-hubs#174 to pingou https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/174 14:29:22 <pingou> mizmo: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/33 I had a few questions about this one 14:29:35 <pingou> mizmo roger (and better for me :-p) 14:29:47 <mizmo> pingou, sure whats up! 14:29:56 <pingou> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/33#comment-3528 14:30:30 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- sayanchowdhury commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3590 14:31:02 <mizmo> pingou, ah good point! i think the gap would be easy to address tho, just generate an invite with a pointer to the meeting planning link that gets auto sent to the team mailing list 14:31:22 <mizmo> similar to how, for example, fedocal sends out automated meeting reminders to the team list 14:31:42 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- pingou commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3591 14:32:17 <pingou> mizmo: which means hubs grows code to send emails? 14:32:42 <mizmo> hm, ideally no 14:32:45 * stickster wonders whether we should be careful not to dive down into too many individual tickets here 14:32:46 <pingou> and we need to associate a hub w/ a list 14:32:57 <mizmo> yeh thats one of those critical things right 14:32:58 <stickster> as opposed to prioritizing the ones we have 14:33:11 <mizmo> bc how is the feed widget going to display design team messages on the design team hub if theresno association 14:33:33 <pingou> mizmo: the feed widget is to be configured in fmn :) 14:33:36 <mizmo> stickster, would it make more sense totalk high level about things that should be inthe demo and then sort out the tickets to make sure they reflect that? (and create any missing ones) 14:33:40 <pingou> well the content of the feed widget 14:33:52 <mizmo> pingou, so can fmn handle the associate between team<=>mailing list? 14:33:59 <stickster> mizmo: yeah, I'm thinking 14:34:17 <mizmo> from a UX pov we were thinking that association would be done by the hub admin in the edit hub panel (which i know doesnt exist right now but the mockups do) 14:34:17 <pingou> mizmo: we could tell in fmn to only account for mailing post coming from a dedicated list 14:34:36 <mizmo> so high level for the demo, this is the stuff i'd like us to show off - 14:34:41 <mizmo> log into hubs 14:34:49 <mizmo> click on 'design team' in the bookmarks bar 14:35:10 <mizmo> at the top of design team, see a welcome message (eg purple note at the top here http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/design-hub-idea_notes1.png ) 14:35:16 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- skrzepto commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3592 14:35:16 <mizmo> dismiss welcome message 14:35:26 * devyani7 reads the convo on #185 14:35:28 <mizmo> scroll through feed widget. things id like us to be able to show in the feed widget: 14:35:34 <mizmo> - design-team@lists.fpo posts 14:35:41 <mizmo> - planet.fedoraproject.org/design blog posts 14:35:52 <mizmo> - design-team trac ticket updates 14:36:17 <mizmo> - design-team meeting reminders 14:36:28 <mizmo> - design team meeting minutes (if possible, lower priority) 14:36:32 <mizmo> for the right hand side of the screen 14:36:38 <mizmo> i'd like us to be able to show 14:36:49 <mizmo> - counts for members / subscribers / a button to join team 14:37:07 <pingou> I think we need a 'design team hub' ticket with all this in 14:37:10 <mizmo> - list of community admins with link to community guidelines (should point to fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design for now) 14:37:24 <mizmo> - IRC / wartaa widget for #fedora-design 14:37:27 <pingou> then we can check what is there and what is to be added 14:37:35 <mizmo> - ticket widget for fedora-design trac 14:37:42 <mizmo> - badges widget for design team badges 14:37:56 <mizmo> i can copy/pasta into the design team ticket, sec 14:38:08 <mizmo> does any of the above seem like, whoah nelly we cannot possibly do this? 14:38:25 <mizmo> we could definitely stand to drop a few of these and it'd still be a solid demo 14:38:42 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- pingou commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3593 14:39:32 * stickster listens in to see what skrzepto atelic devyani7 pingou (et al.) think 14:39:34 <pingou> in the left side the main challenge with the feed widget is to add the group support to fmn 14:39:50 <skrzepto> +1 14:39:53 <pingou> we really need to start rolling out new fmn release, I see at least 3 pretty big changes 14:39:59 <pingou> - 1 the new arch for the backend 14:40:05 <pingou> - 2 skrzepto 's SSE server 14:40:08 <pingou> - 3 group support 14:40:23 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- sayanchowdhury commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3594 14:40:32 <pingou> #1 and #2 are there, just need to be merged/released/deployed (gonna take a little time already) 14:40:39 <pingou> #3 isn't started 14:40:45 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket fedora-hubs#166: "Design Team Hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/166#comment-3595 14:40:48 <pingou> on the right column: 14:41:05 <pingou> count members / subscribers / join button -> done 14:41:10 <pingou> IRC -> WIP 14:41:10 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.edited -- duffy edited a comment on ticket fedora-hubs#166: "Design Team Hub" https://pagure.io 14:41:20 <pingou> admins -> TODO 14:41:23 <pingou> links -> TODO 14:41:30 <pingou> badges -> TODO 14:41:33 <pingou> tickets -> TODO 14:42:46 <mizmo> admins + links is easily hard coded though :) 14:42:52 <mizmo> fake it till you make it! 14:42:59 <pingou> ^^ 14:43:05 <sayan> :) 14:43:13 <devyani7> :P 14:43:42 <pingou> and we shall call it the 'fixme' widget :) 14:44:44 <mizmo> mailing list posts -> working? WIP? 14:45:15 <pingou> mizmo: isn't that in fedmsg already (as in fmn and thus should already work) 14:45:17 <pingou> ? 14:45:33 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- skrzepto commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3596 14:45:46 <mizmo> pingou, i think so, but to get say design-team@lists.fpo to show up in design-team hub - we have to configure that in FMN? does that require the groups support? 14:45:59 <pingou> mizmo: yes 14:46:05 <mizmo> okay so 14:46:11 <mizmo> mailing list posts -> WIP (FMN groups support) 14:46:14 <pingou> mizmo: you should be able to set that in FMN for yourself but not yet for groups 14:46:24 <pingou> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/id?id=2016-fbad5a3e-1503-4461-acf7-6380f6d7f327&is_raw=true&size=extra-large 14:46:36 <pingou> apparently fedmsg informs there is a new message but not of its content 14:46:44 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- skrzepto commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3597 14:46:53 <pingou> so we may have to query MM3's API for it then 14:47:00 <pingou> mizmo: ok so that's design 14:47:04 <pingou> now commops? 14:47:37 <mizmo> for commops, should be very similar - i think the main difference is comm ops has the halp! widget 14:47:52 <mizmo> thats the one radhikak has been working on the design for and i think atelic got the backend done already? 14:48:04 <mizmo> in the demo the two will look different because of the content 14:48:44 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- pingou commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3598 14:48:46 <stickster> lmacken: when you get around, could be useful to review this log 14:49:20 <mizmo> it might be nice for commops to display community blog posts in the feed (similarly to how design team shows planet.fedoraproject.org/design) 14:49:32 * pingou isn't aware of the status of a halp! backend 14:49:35 <mizmo> but i dont know if we have a mechanism for that (showing a particular blog feed) 14:50:06 <mizmo> pingou, ohhh sorry im stupid and confused, plusplus 14:50:12 <pingou> is planet.fp.o/design on fedmsg/ 14:50:14 <pingou> ? 14:50:18 <mizmo> halp was the other commops widget, but i dont think we're doing that 14:50:18 <pingou> mizmo: I was wondering :) 14:50:20 <mizmo> not for flock 14:50:30 * mizmo goes ahead and grabs that coffee, clearly cannot go much longer wo 14:50:31 <pingou> ok so ++ it is 14:50:34 <mizmo> i dont know if planet.fpo/design is 14:51:20 <mizmo> im guessing probably not :-/ 14:51:21 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- skrzepto commented on ticket fedora-hubs#185: "Measure the frequency of visit of a hub" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185#comment-3599 14:51:35 <pingou> so we may need something that checks it regularly 14:51:37 <mizmo> but tahts one of those things thats not super critical either. if we drop blog feeds, fine. we can just say in demo its a possibility 14:51:48 <mizmo> honestly planet.fpo/design isnt super busy anyway. community blog is tho. 14:52:06 <mizmo> but id say value of blog feeds for flock demo is definitely towards the bottom 14:52:16 <pingou> ok 14:52:24 <mizmo> what would be more awe inspiring probably would be the meeting stuff with meeting minutes 14:52:38 <mizmo> but its probably harder too :( 14:52:42 <pingou> minutes are on fedmsg iirc 14:52:47 <pingou> at least their notif 14:52:56 <pingou> and meeting we already kinda have iirc 14:53:05 <skrzepto> can we link to the minutes instead? 14:53:49 <mizmo> skrzepto, yep, thats all the mockups show anyway is a link 14:54:06 <mizmo> itd be really slick to be able to go to a team's page and see the link for their latest minutes 14:54:19 <pingou> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/raw?category=meetbot 14:54:36 <pingou> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/id?id=2016-102fed9d-2ee6-4d64-8e77-88270cce35b2&is_raw=true&size=extra-large 14:54:41 <pingou> https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/gluster-meeting/2016-07-13/community_meeting.2016-07-13-12.00 14:54:54 <stickster> minutes++ 14:55:00 <pingou> looks like we'll need to fix the url 14:55:05 <pingou> but basically, doable :) 14:55:15 <mizmo> pingou, yep the meeting end ones would be perfect with the meetbot url 14:55:22 <mizmo> yeh i noticed that one 404s :( 14:55:42 <pingou> https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/gluster-meeting/2016-07-13/community_meeting.2016-07-13-12.00.html 14:55:46 <pingou> just missing the .html 14:56:17 <pingou> sayan: something to fix for the next fedmsg_meta update :) 14:56:40 <sayan> pingou: yes, I will be pushing a commit after this meeting 14:56:40 <mizmo> can meeting reminders be done too? 14:57:06 <mizmo> or even just a little widget on the side to say when the team's meetings are 14:57:12 <mizmo> (could just be a link to their fedocal) 14:57:20 <mizmo> both design and commops have fedocals they use 14:57:35 <pingou> there is already the fedocal widget 14:57:42 <pingou> that shows the coming meeting in a specified calendar 14:57:58 <pingou> so you could do a 'Fedora Release' fedocal widget 14:58:08 <pingou> and a 'commops' fedocal widget 14:58:14 <mizmo> okay great 14:58:20 <pingou> that's there already :0 14:58:30 <pingou> with a handy 'Add to calendar' button :) 14:58:41 <mizmo> \o/ 14:58:50 <mizmo> i haven't built it in a while and checked out whats implemented, should do that 14:59:04 <sayan> btw, I don't know the status of the meeting widget now, but it used to show a lot of future meetings. 14:59:14 <sayan> it almost takes up the right widget 14:59:18 <pingou> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/180 so I think this be dropped in favor of FMN 14:59:26 <sayan> can we limit that to maybe 2-3? 14:59:42 <pingou> I know it's not quite user-friendly (different app), but replicating FMN's UI w/ all the filters in hubs sounds like a not-so-good idea 14:59:52 <mizmo> pingou, for flock yeh, but ultimately can the config be done in hubs and use fmn as backend? 14:59:53 <pingou> sayan: +1 15:00:11 <pingou> mizmo: it would mean replicating FMN's UI in there :/ 15:00:27 <pingou> and there are a lot of rules you can add/remove to a filter 15:00:27 <mizmo> i think its an odd experience tho sending folks to another site 15:00:47 <sayan> or maybe add a scroll to all the widget with a max height 15:01:04 <mizmo> we could do a simplified version for hubs and fmn is the more powerful one, im not sure that admins are going to want so many options 15:01:06 <pingou> sayan: a property per widget rather 15:01:15 <sayan> yes 15:01:16 <mizmo> but maybe we could talk about it after flock and see how we feel then 15:01:21 <pingou> wfm 15:01:24 <stickster> mizmo: agreed 15:01:38 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- pingou removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#180 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/180 15:01:40 <stickster> I found fmn a bit bewildering, but I'm just one person 15:01:40 <mizmo> ill take the flock tag off 180 15:01:43 <mizmo> oh you got it 15:01:46 <pingou> trying to ^^ 15:01:55 <pingou> there we go 15:02:06 <pingou> sayan: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/178 15:02:31 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- pingou removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#179 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/179 15:02:37 <pingou> mizmo: for the same reason ^ 15:03:16 <sayan> mizmo: pingou: shall we integrate the fmn UI as an iframe? 15:03:17 <mizmo> wfm 15:03:37 <sayan> ^^ just a suggestion 15:03:45 <pingou> sayan: it's a possibility but we do not have SSO, so might become a little tricky 15:03:54 <stickster> Hey, I see https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/168 is actually referencing an additional Hub altogether (for Badges team) -- is this appropriate for Flock (i.e. easy to populate if the stuff for the other priority Hubs are completed)? 15:04:04 <pingou> sayan: to investigate post-flock :) 15:04:24 <mizmo> stickster, yep that one needs to be deflocked, we dropped that one a while ago 15:04:33 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- duffy removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#168 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/168 15:04:35 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- duffy removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#168 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/168 15:04:50 <pingou> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/162 should be fairly easy 15:05:10 <pingou> devyani7: maybe this would suit you better and we can leave https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185 to skrzepto ? 15:05:24 <sayan> pingou: tests in progress, there is one contributor who is working on it right now 15:05:29 * devyani7 clicks the link 15:05:41 <pingou> sayan: w/ fmn? cool! :) 15:06:01 <sayan> pingou: nope, statscache https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/178 15:06:18 <pingou> sayan: ok, so WIP for this ticket? 15:06:35 <sayan> pingou: yes 15:06:39 * stickster is in another meeting now but trying to stay tuned in here 15:06:39 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- pingou assigned ticket fedora-hubs#178 to sayanchowdhury https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/178 15:06:46 <devyani7> pingou: wfm :) 15:06:49 <pingou> sayan: still ok w/ it for flock? 15:06:58 <sayan> pingou: yes 15:07:12 <sayan> pingou: mizmo: but there is a question :) 15:07:24 * pingou has a hard-stop in 10 minutes 15:07:31 <mizmo> sure 15:07:41 <sayan> I never noticed this ticket, what is the plans for statscache and hubs? 15:08:10 <pingou> I think just including some stats in some widgets 15:08:15 <mizmo> sayan, https://github.com/fedora-infra/statscache/issues/50 basically we need it to be running and usable 15:08:59 <sayan> mizmo: yes, but would there be integration with hub? 15:09:59 <mizmo> sayan, yeh i think some widgets were going to need it (not ones for flock iirc) 15:10:22 <pingou> should we try to assign some more tickets? 15:10:25 <pingou> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issues?assignee=0&tags=flock 15:10:35 <pingou> we have 13 un-assigned tickets for flock 15:10:41 <sayan> mizmo: the focus for the ticket is to deploy stascache with some graphs :) 15:10:59 <pingou> sayan: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/27 doable for flock ? 15:11:11 <radhikak> radhikak back , reading through the meeting logs 15:11:14 <pingou> mizmo: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/33 this one I would take off the table for now 15:11:25 <mizmo> sayan, im actually confused why the statscache one is taggedf or flock 15:11:27 <sayan> pingou: no, for flock 15:11:38 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- pingou removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#27 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/27 15:11:59 <pingou> sayan: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/17 assigned to you? 15:12:22 <sayan> mizmo: also for integrating statscache we need to write plugins seperately 15:12:25 <sayan> pingou: yes 15:12:33 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- pingou assigned ticket fedora-hubs#17 to sayanchowdhury https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/17 15:13:13 <mizmo> pingou, taking 33 off seems fine 15:13:36 <pingou> radhikak: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/161 wanna play with bootstrap and css? :) 15:13:46 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.tag.removed -- pingou removed the flock tags from ticket fedora-hubs#33 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/33 15:14:29 <pingou> devyani7: assigning https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/162 to you then :) 15:14:31 <radhikak> radhikak clicks the link 15:14:31 <pingou> thanks :) 15:14:35 <devyani7> +1 15:14:37 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- pingou assigned ticket fedora-hubs#162 to devyani7 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/162 15:14:48 <mizmo> pingou, oh hey we were talking about hard coding that widget (161) - it already exists 15:15:20 <pingou> mizmo: the one that doesn't is #4 (the library) 15:15:47 <pingou> skrzepto: interested by https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185 ? 15:15:51 <mizmo> pingou, right 15:15:58 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- devyani7 assigned ticket fedora-hubs#185 to skrzepto https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/185 15:16:07 <pingou> ^^ 15:16:09 <radhikak> Seems doable , but I guess will needing a lot of pictures :P 15:16:13 <devyani7> :) 15:16:32 <mizmo> radhikak, the widget is already implemented, you just need to ellipsize the list 15:16:35 <pingou> radhikak: take a group such as packager, there will be a lot of sponsors/admins 15:16:54 <radhikak> it already exits 15:17:07 <pingou> mizmo: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/173 seems related 15:17:09 <mizmo> yeh theres some bootstrap ellipsize function i think that you could use 15:17:26 <mizmo> pingou, yep 15:17:35 * skrzepto clicks 15:18:10 <skrzepto> I suppose i can take it 15:18:15 <pingou> cool :) 15:18:51 <skrzepto> pingou, ill finish up some more functional tests for fas3 and ill get started with 185 15:19:00 <pingou> thanks 15:19:10 <mizmo> pingou, why dont we drop library widget from flock 15:20:04 <pingou> mizmo: I'm having an idea for it, I'll see what I can do and otherwise we drop it +1 15:20:16 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- pingou assigned ticket fedora-hubs#4 to pingou https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/4 15:20:26 <mizmo> pingou, okay cool :) 15:20:35 <pingou> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issues?assignee=0&tags=flock 8 left 15:20:47 <pingou> 142 and 166 cannot be assigned 15:20:47 <radhikak> Any widget available :) pingou mizmo 15:21:05 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket fedora-hubs#142: "CommOps Hub design" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/142#comment-3600 15:21:12 <pingou> radhikak: https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/169 ? 15:22:00 <pingou> mizmo: sudden though, isn't the ++ widget a 'personal' widget (as is not a team one) ? 15:22:09 <pingou> you ++ someone, not a team no? 15:22:16 <atelic> Where would the data from https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/159 come from? 15:22:22 <mizmo> pingou, ah youre right it is a personal hub widget 15:22:22 <radhikak> Seems interesting , design and implementation ? 15:22:33 <pingou> radhikak: please :) 15:22:34 <radhikak> Yes pingou you ++ a person 15:22:42 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.edited -- duffy edited a comment on ticket fedora-hubs#142: "CommOps Hub design" https://pagure.io 15:22:42 <pingou> atelic: FAS 15:22:58 <skrzepto> pingou, is ipsilon ready for that? 15:23:14 <pingou> atelic: sorry, hubs info come from hubs 15:23:30 <mizmo> radhikak, yeh 169 needs design and implementation, should be similar to www.patternfly.org/pattern-library/communication/empty-state/ 15:23:34 <pingou> the level is from FAS (admins/user...) 15:23:45 <pingou> skrzepto: we need to push puiterwijk a little further for that :D 15:23:46 <radhikak> On it then mizmo and pingou 15:23:57 <pingou> thanks radhikak 15:24:05 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- pingou assigned ticket fedora-hubs#169 to radhikamani88 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/169 15:24:14 <atelic> pingou: okay, I can probably pick that one up 15:24:17 <puiterwijk> what am I going to be pushed on? 15:25:07 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- pingou assigned ticket fedora-hubs#159 to atelic https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/159 15:25:17 <pingou> puiterwijk: having ipsilon return the user's status in a group :) 15:25:35 <puiterwijk> pingou: I see.. 15:25:52 * puiterwijk notes once more that Ipsilon doesn't get that info from FAS, so I'll need to do more FAS API calls 15:26:03 <pingou> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issues?assignee=0&tags=flock 15:26:11 <pingou> we're down to 6, but I really have to go now 15:26:18 <pingou> #chair mizmo 15:26:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: mizmo pingou 15:26:30 <pingou> can I let you finish and I'll read the backlog? 15:26:37 <mizmo> sure :) 15:27:05 <pingou> thanks 15:27:06 <mizmo> anybody up for taking this one? https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/158 15:27:11 <mizmo> it's basically a personal notification stream 15:27:35 <mizmo> so any fedmsgs that involve the user should be displayed 15:28:11 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- duffy assigned ticket fedora-hubs#161 to radhikamani88 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/161 15:28:47 <devyani7> pingou: is this doable? 15:28:50 <sayan> mizmo: I think that would be a big task 15:29:13 <pingou> sounds like a new sse feed 15:29:27 <radhikak> mizmo wasnt the issue 161 already done ? 15:29:36 <mizmo> i thought this feed already exists - eg you can subscribe to notifications that involve you and they get messaged to irc 15:29:46 <mizmo> radhikak, no it needs to be ellipisized, i thought you were going to work on that 15:29:49 * pingou gone 15:30:34 <radhikak> Oh, okay I might have interpreted wrongly then. 15:30:37 <mizmo> skrzepto, oh since you are doing 185 maybe you should take 161 then 15:30:38 <sayan> mizmo: but wouldn't all the message needs to handled differently? 15:30:53 <mizmo> wait not 185... argh 15:30:55 <mizmo> where is the number 15:31:06 <skrzepto> mizmo, i am doing 185 15:31:12 <sayan> mizmo: 158 15:31:15 <mizmo> 173 15:31:16 <mizmo> who is doing 173 15:31:26 <mizmo> were you going to do 173 skrzepto? 15:31:45 <radhikak> I thought he was doing that 15:31:51 <skrzepto> ? 15:32:08 <mizmo> is anybody up for doing 173? 15:32:10 <radhikak> 173 skrzepto 15:32:26 <mizmo> it would go with 161.... 161 is just applying what you make in 173 15:32:28 <skrzepto> radhikak, First time I'm hearing about that issue. 15:33:08 <radhikak> I already have 161 and 169 for now 15:33:25 <mizmo> radhikak, if you're going to work on 161 then maye you should take 173. 15:33:33 <skrzepto> atelic, is more versed in js maybe he would be interested 15:33:41 <mizmo> 173 is to implement an ellipsization mechanism.... 161 is just to apply ellipisization to a particular widget 15:33:50 <mizmo> atelic, would you be up for 173 :) ?? 15:34:32 <atelic> mizmo: sure I can look at this. 15:34:42 <mizmo> okay cool thanks atelic 15:34:58 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- duffy assigned ticket fedora-hubs#173 to atelic https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/173 15:35:15 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- duffy assigned ticket fedora-hubs#161 to atelic https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/161 15:35:30 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket fedora-hubs#161: "Group Owners Widget Needs Ellipsization" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/161#comment-3601 15:35:56 <mizmo> sayan, okay so to get back to 158 (the personal feed one) 15:35:56 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/158 15:36:04 <mizmo> sayan, you're saying this one is really complicated? 15:36:35 <sayan> I was just telling that because each message needs to handled seperately 15:37:22 <mizmo> so what happens when you take the messages off fedmsg to display in a page like this? what kind of handling is involved? does some kind of new thing need to be put into place? 15:38:41 <sayan> mizmo: I am talking in terms in UI 15:39:50 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.pull-request.comment.added -- atelic commented on pull-request#207 of project "fedora-hubs" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/pull-request/207#comment-7167 15:39:52 <sayan> like UI for the message from fedmsg that somebody answered my question on Ask Fedora might be different when somebody accepets my message as anser 15:40:10 <mizmo> sayan, ah yeah 15:40:29 <mizmo> sayan, well for the demo we could maybe just have raw fedmsgs for now 15:41:00 <sayan> mizmo: yes, that could be done 15:41:01 <mizmo> i dont know what kind of system would need to be in place to process the different types and format them as in the mockup 15:41:29 <mizmo> okay do you want to take it 158 then and ill note in the ticket for the demo its okay if the content is a little raw? 15:42:19 <sayan> mizmo: I am working on too many tickets already 15:42:29 <mizmo> okay, does anybody have some cycles for 158? 15:42:34 <mizmo> after 158 the only one left to assign is https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/164 15:43:24 <sayan> mizmo: for 158, will be be showing something similar to the mockup? 15:43:52 <skrzepto> dont want to throw atelic under the bus but I think he already has the fedmsg view done from sse prototyping 15:43:58 <skrzepto> correct me if im wrong 15:44:17 <skrzepto> atelic, would that be hard to convert? 15:44:38 <mizmo> sayan, for 158 yeh i think the main things are the tabs - so theres a tab that shows all of the fedmsgs, one that shows fedmsgs that are actions, one that shows mentions, and if theres a way to save them ones that have been saved 15:45:44 <sayan> skrzepto: then that would be great 15:45:57 <sayan> then 158 is almost done 15:46:03 <atelic> skrzepto: Probably not? Passing the filterd list into the templates we already have should give us most of that view minus tabs 15:46:37 <mizmo> atelic, want the ticket :) :) ? 15:47:05 <sayan> atelic: ah! great 15:47:34 <skrzepto> atelic, template as in the stream template? 15:47:53 <atelic> mizmo: sure, is there a rough priority order for these? 15:48:21 <atelic> skrzepto: I mean we have all these React templates that we can reuse from the feed 15:48:37 <mizmo> atelic, not really, some are marked high and some normal. if you want i can go through your list of tickets and give you what i think is the priority order based on UX for the demo 15:49:15 <atelic> mizmo: that would help. I want to make sure I get the higest impact tickets done first 15:49:17 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket fedora-hubs#158: "Implement 'My Stream' page (inbox for incoming notifications for logged in user)" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/158#comment-3602 15:49:28 <mizmo> atelic, sure thing, can send you prioritized list after meeting 15:49:50 <mizmo> okay so that leaves us with this one, last ticket with no assignee: 15:49:51 <mizmo> https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/164 15:50:17 <mizmo> basically it's a widget for team hubs. a list with the members of the hub in order of how recently they were active on the hub 15:50:29 * devyani7 is not sure how to track recent activity 15:50:32 <mizmo> active could mean a lot of things, could be visited the hub or was mentioned in a notification on the hub 15:50:48 <mizmo> we could push this one past flock and it'd be alright, the team hubs should have enough stuff already 15:50:56 <mizmo> ill just drop the flock tag? 15:51:05 <skrzepto> mizmo, what if we just dropped last active? 15:51:11 <devyani7> +0 :P 15:51:13 <skrzepto> the people widget is dooable 15:51:22 <sayan> skrzepto: yes 15:51:29 * devyani7 nods 15:51:31 <mizmo> skrzepto, we could do that too. let me give you the rationale for last active, maybe we could figure out a better way to get closer without the pain - 15:51:45 <mizmo> basically i wanted the people listed in the widget to be people you'd actually likely encounter on the team 15:52:01 <mizmo> eg design-team has like maybe 50 people, but there's a core group of maybe 10 of us that are really active and doing stuff 15:52:18 <mizmo> if it wasn't based on activity, im wondering what the order would be 15:52:34 <mizmo> alphabetical is definitely simple. 15:52:51 <mizmo> tenure on team maybe? but we have some active members that are newer and some old accounts where the person isnt involved much anymore 15:53:03 <mizmo> could just make it random honestly 15:53:08 <devyani7> :P 15:53:13 <mizmo> and then later on add the based on activity sort? 15:53:16 <mizmo> what do you think 15:53:22 <sayan> tenure sounds good for flock 15:53:33 <skrzepto> sayan, how do we determine tenure? 15:53:40 <skrzepto> age of account 15:53:42 <skrzepto> ? 15:53:46 <mizmo> skrzepto, if you can get their signup date from FAS? 15:53:48 <mizmo> it should be listed 15:53:52 <sayan> skrzepto: FAS account? 15:54:03 <mizmo> FAS account creation time 15:54:11 <mizmo> oh wait 15:54:13 <mizmo> oh this is trickier 15:54:18 <mizmo> bc itd have to be when they joined the team 15:54:23 <mizmo> which might be well after their acct was created 15:54:35 <mizmo> i dont know if FAS makes that available or even stores it o_O 15:54:51 <sayan> mizmo: I guess it does 15:54:51 <mizmo> well how about this 15:54:54 * sayan checks 15:54:54 <mizmo> oh it does! 15:55:02 <mizmo> ?! 15:56:03 <sayan> just checked FAS it does say when the user was added to a group 15:57:35 <sayan> maybe pingou can comment on this more 15:57:56 <mizmo> oh okay cool 15:57:57 <mizmo> well 15:58:03 <mizmo> does anybody want to take this? 15:58:10 <mizmo> its the last one and then we're done here 15:58:37 * devyani7 raises hand 15:59:02 <mizmo> \o/ 15:59:05 <mizmo> thanks devyani7 15:59:09 <devyani7> :) 15:59:17 <skrzepto> devyani7, if you need help feel free to ask me for that issue. 15:59:18 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.comment.added -- duffy commented on ticket fedora-hubs#164: "Team Hub Member List Widget" https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/164#comment-3603 15:59:31 <devyani7> skrzepto: sure thing :) thanks. 15:59:42 <fedmsg-hubs> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- duffy assigned ticket fedora-hubs#164 to devyani7 https://pagure.io/fedora-hubs/issue/164 15:59:46 <mizmo> awesome thanks everybody :) 16:00:02 <mizmo> im going to end meeting now then - atelic im going to grab lunch then send you your list in priority order 16:00:09 <mizmo> thanks for coming :) 16:00:10 <mizmo> #endmeeting