22:58:34 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors Latam meeting 2016-08-20 22:58:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Aug 20 22:58:34 2016 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:58:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:58:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_latam_meeting_2016-08-20' 22:58:43 <echevemaster> #meetingname fedora-latam 22:58:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 22:58:49 <echevemaster> #topic Roll Call 22:58:57 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 22:59:01 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 22:59:05 * echevemaster Venezuela, Colomnbia 22:59:06 <x3mboy> .fas x3mboy 22:59:06 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 22:59:15 * x3mboy Venezuela - Chile 22:59:30 <kovalevsky> .fas kovalevsky 22:59:31 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky 'Kiara Navarro' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com> 22:59:39 * kovalevsky Panamá 22:59:40 <xmrbrz> .fas xmrbrz 22:59:42 <zodbot> xmrbrz: xmrbrz 'Bruno Roberto Zanuzzo' <brunorobertozanuzzo@gmail.com> 22:59:43 * xmrbrz Brazil 22:59:43 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 22:59:44 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <a.soliard@gmail.com> 22:59:49 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 22:59:50 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 22:59:50 <chinosoliard> ** from Argentina 22:59:52 * itamarjp Brazil 23:00:00 * chinosoliard from Argentina 23:01:46 <echevemaster> Hi everyone, today the only ticket we have on the trac is about the swag, last week was deadline however was decided move the deadline for this week 23:01:56 <echevemaster> lets start 23:02:19 <echevemaster> #topic Swags for Fedora Latam 23:02:41 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:02:42 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:02:54 <echevemaster> alexove: we're discussing the swag's ticket 23:02:57 * alexove Peru 23:03:03 <chinosoliard> o/ 23:03:05 <chinosoliard> ! 23:03:13 <alexove> Si lo se 23:03:48 <echevemaster> ok, please read the ticket and decide if the amounts are OK or not. 23:03:59 <chinosoliard> !!!!! 23:04:05 <echevemaster> chinosoliard: go ahead 23:04:37 <douglax> .fas douglax 23:04:38 <zodbot> douglax: aacosta 'Alejandro Acosta' <alxacostaa@gmail.com> 23:04:53 * douglax México 23:05:14 <chinosoliard> Sorry, I couldn't edit the wiki, I copy&paste Richzendy and tatica row, and that numbers are "goods" but maybe we can decrease t-shirt quantities 23:05:35 <chinosoliard> I post a comment at the ticket yesterday 23:05:47 <chinosoliard> I'm so sorry, I really forgot to edit 23:06:05 <echevemaster> anyways, we'll take into account chinosoliard 23:06:06 <itamarjp> chinosoliard++ 23:06:06 <chinosoliard> That change will decrease the ticket amount 23:06:43 * alexove está en la via publica y no podra escribir en inglés y tampoco hacer calculos 23:06:45 <echevemaster> there are questions for alexove or bernardo? 23:07:43 <alexove> ! 23:08:13 <yosef73> .hello 23:08:13 <zodbot> yosef73: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 23:08:13 <echevemaster> alexove: go ahead 23:08:22 <alexove> Si pueden ver en el ticket, el costo es alto en los tshirts y los usb 23:08:34 <em3rson_> . Fas em3rson 23:08:34 <zodbot> em3rson_: em3rson 'Emerson Santos' <em3rson@linuxmail.org> 23:08:36 <yosef73> .fas josereyesjdi 23:08:40 <zodbot> yosef73: josereyesjdi 'Jose Reyes' <josereyes.jdi@gmail.com> 23:08:47 * em3rson_ Brazil 23:08:49 <alexove> Para los tshirt no hay remedio el costo es el que es 23:09:03 <kovalevsky> I understand that part, about the tshirt. 23:09:19 <alexove> Para los usb hay la alternativa de comprarlos por ebay 23:09:33 <kovalevsky> The printed usb for me are it's not something essential. 23:09:34 <alexove> O por internet porque el previo es más barato 23:10:04 <kovalevsky> What about the import into Peru? 23:10:06 <alexove> Pero por el peso y costo de la compra puede estar sujeto al pago de impuestos 23:10:11 <echevemaster> maybe we can think about USBs after 23:10:46 <chinosoliard> yeah! 23:10:48 <kovalevsky> For me everything looks okey except that the amount of money that we're going to spend in usb it's not really need it, from my perspective. 23:10:55 <echevemaster> how many is cheaper on Ebay alexove? 23:10:55 * potty salute everyone 23:10:58 <kovalevsky> So for me +1 23:11:03 <chinosoliard> for example, in .ar, I'll have problems to "import" USB Sticks 23:11:27 <kovalevsky> alexove, what it's the card size? 23:11:28 <alexove> Es decisión del pleno, aprobar el monto actual, reajustar la cantidad de cosas (posponer una semana más) o quitar cosas 23:11:42 <echevemaster> I agree with kovalevsky, from me +1, without USB 23:11:54 <chinosoliard> I agree with kovalevsky too 23:12:05 <echevemaster> chinosoliard: react with your vote 23:12:13 <potty> ! 23:12:19 <echevemaster> potty: go ahead 23:12:25 <potty> Do not forget to check financials here... 23:12:25 <kovalevsky> There is no way where we can decrease the amount, I mean, decreasing the size maybe ? 23:12:31 <potty> What is the amount? 23:12:39 <chinosoliard> +1 without usb (And I'm proposing decrease t-shirt quants for arg, and maybe more stickers, bottons, etc) 23:12:47 <potty> And what is the current problem? 23:12:49 <kovalevsky> potty, the amount regard to? 23:12:53 * mribeirodantas Brazil 23:12:58 <mribeirodantas> .fas mribeirodantas 23:12:59 <zodbot> mribeirodantas: mribeirodantas 'Marcel Ribeiro Dantas' <ribeirodantasdm@gmail.com> 23:13:01 <potty> kovalevsky: USD to spend 23:13:04 <kovalevsky> the problem is that the usb are to expensive. 23:13:09 <alexove> Echevemaster: pega el link del ticket 23:13:09 <echevemaster> 3391 23:13:11 <kovalevsky> 5.97 per unit 23:13:15 <kovalevsky> it's huge 23:13:23 <chinosoliard> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/359 23:13:25 <kovalevsky> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/359 23:13:26 <echevemaster> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/359 23:13:36 <potty> thank you. Give a minute to review it please. 23:14:29 <potty> done. 23:14:40 <echevemaster> T-shirt prices are good for me 23:14:40 <alexove> Ahora, tengan en cuenta de que aun asi el monto es alto como para poder pagarlo nosotros y pedir reembolso 23:14:49 <potty> My inputs: 1) remove usb 2) review the total amount of tshirts 23:14:57 <potty> Another important thing here. 23:15:02 <alexove> Necesitaremos el dinero por adelantado 23:15:12 <potty> alexove: 23:15:13 <alexove> EOF 23:15:26 <potty> Do your provider is able to receive direct credit-card payment? 23:15:31 <echevemaster> potty: is possible? 23:16:02 <deadrat> and do we still use DVDs? I 've hardly seen anyone use it in last year. Are those necessary? 23:16:17 <potty> Time before Neville was able to pay directly (of course the ticket was previously approved) the total value of the ticket directly to the provider, avoiding giving reimbursements or in-advance. 23:16:18 <alexove> Bernardo hizo las cotizaciones y yo solo cuadre las cosas 23:16:27 <kovalevsky> deadrat, there are still used, so. 23:16:39 <alexove> Es muy posible que ninguno acepte tarjeta de crédito 23:16:53 <chinosoliard> deadrat, I've only asked for 10 dvds, that I will use when someone ask for it 23:16:57 <potty> everyone: i think we should reduce the quantity of items to the most useful for this FY 23:17:03 <echevemaster> atleast in South and Central america deadrat 23:17:13 <potty> remember we don't have as much budget as we wanted 23:17:13 <alexove> ! 23:17:21 <echevemaster> go ahead alexove 23:17:24 <kovalevsky> potty, that's a good point 23:17:35 <potty> another thing: if we focus on pay this we will loose neville focus on paying fudcon air tickets 23:17:38 <alexove> Tengan en cuenta que sin swags para eventos post-FUDCon 23:17:39 <echevemaster> we can decrease Printed DVD 23:17:46 <deadrat> haha.. okay folks.. cool then.. I noticed 1500 DVDs on the link you have shared.. I don't even know what exactly is being discussed.. 23:18:05 <alexove> Eof 23:18:05 <echevemaster> deadrat: is swag for all latam. 23:18:06 <deadrat> sorry to just barge in.. :P 23:18:13 <echevemaster> np :P 23:18:23 <deadrat> echevemaster .. Thanks. 23:18:35 <itamarjp> potty++ 23:18:35 <zodbot> itamarjp: Karma for potty changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:18:46 <itamarjp> I think buying fudcon tickets is the priority now 23:18:56 <kovalevsky> itamarjp, ++ 23:19:01 <echevemaster> ok. please, decide if we'll decrease the amounts 23:19:17 <echevemaster> or we move this decision for the next week 23:19:23 <potty> These are my 2 cents here. You know I support this initiative but we have to consider those 2 factors: 1) total budget required for this 2) availability of neville to pay this (remembering fudcon is near and have to buy tickets) 23:19:24 <kovalevsky> Ok, for me, I would remove the usb items. 23:19:26 <echevemaster> and yes, I agree with Itamar 23:19:30 <potty> decrese the amounts 23:19:55 <potty> eof 23:19:55 <itamarjp> if we would like to buy swags we should ask Ruth or other people to buy tickets 23:19:55 <echevemaster> ok, please decide what amounts will be decreased 23:20:15 <chinosoliard> as I said before, when I send that mail, I just want to produce stickers, bottons, etc... Not t-shirts 23:20:24 <echevemaster> Ruth is not the people in charge anymore, if I'm not wrong itamarjp 23:20:27 <potty> ! 23:20:33 <echevemaster> potty: go ahead 23:20:36 <kovalevsky> We need to be clear about how the peru guys are going to receive the payment, as well 23:20:44 <chinosoliard> but that t-shirts are in a very good price... so, the problem here, is the quantity 23:21:41 <potty> My suggestions: 1. Have only 1-size of button. 2) Decrease printed-DVD to 750. 3)Remove printed-USB at all 23:21:48 <itamarjp> lets define how much money we have available then after that define amount of t-shirts 23:21:53 <echevemaster> ok. 23:22:01 <potty> EOF 23:22:05 <echevemaster> please first buy Fudcon tickets 23:22:08 <chinosoliard> potty++ 23:22:10 <alexove> Chinosoliard: los tshirts no los considero un problema porque pueden pasar como prendas tuyas 23:22:13 <echevemaster> and after the tickets be bought 23:22:26 <alexove> ! 23:22:27 <echevemaster> see if could be bought the swag 23:22:29 <echevemaster> alexove: 23:22:31 <echevemaster> go ahea 23:22:38 <chinosoliard> no hay forma de que justifique 50 remeras iguales, nuevas, como mías!!!! 23:23:02 <potty> btw 4) Reduce lanyards to 200 23:23:07 <alexove> Echevemaster saben cuanto es la línea de crédito de la tarjeta? 23:23:15 <itamarjp> chinosoliard ++, el maximo para alfandega es 20. 23:23:19 <echevemaster> 3000 per month 23:23:25 <alexove> Se van a gastar casi 10k 23:23:40 <alexove> Y ya estaba septiembre, no va a alcanzar 23:23:49 <echevemaster> limit is per month 23:23:53 <chinosoliard> por eso echevemaster quería hacerlo rápido 23:24:01 <echevemaster> indeed 23:24:10 <alexove> Por eso, son 10k en dos meses serian 5k por mes 23:24:11 <potty> ! 23:24:16 <echevemaster> potty: go ahead 23:24:16 <potty> I know the limit 23:24:19 <chinosoliard> well... we need to decrease the ticket amount 23:24:32 <potty> Nobody asked me.. But remember, still financials guy for latam (?) 23:24:45 <potty> Limit is USD3000 23:25:22 <alexove> Yo sugiero posponer este tema una semana más, y REVISEN A CONCIENCIA la pagina de wiki 23:25:23 <echevemaster> sorry potty, I only asnwer to alexove because he asked 23:25:48 <alexove> Y tengamos en cuenta que no podemos sobrepasarnos de 3k 23:25:48 <potty> it is ok 23:26:07 <echevemaster> alexove: if the decision is moved to the next week, we don't have time to produce it 23:26:12 <echevemaster> that is it. 23:26:29 <alexove> En Lima lo hacen rápido 23:26:50 <chinosoliard> 6973 - 3582 = 3391 23:26:53 <echevemaster> it's not for Lima, it's by the limit of the credit card 23:26:53 <alexove> Demoraran máximo 10 días 23:27:05 <chinosoliard> Amount - USB Sticks = 3391 23:27:28 <echevemaster> and the fudcon tickets should be bought 23:27:35 <potty> chinosoliard: I would like to reduce it a bit lower by removing unnecessary stuff 23:27:55 <chinosoliard> potty, obviusly, we can reduce DVDs 23:27:56 <alexove> Potty: +1 23:28:14 <echevemaster> potty: Do you know if all the fudcon tickets will be bought for Neville? 23:28:25 <echevemaster> or there are Redhat people in charge? 23:28:41 <potty> echevemaster: the idea is that Neville buy all the fudcon tickets 23:28:55 <echevemaster> ok there is a problem here. so 23:28:56 <potty> So we do not have to depend directly on RH people 23:29:19 <echevemaster> only we have two months to buy tickets 23:29:24 <echevemaster> the limit is 3000 23:29:26 <potty> yes 23:29:32 <chinosoliard> :-/ 23:29:34 <potty> that's another topic my friend, but yes 23:29:36 <chinosoliard> oh oh 23:29:42 <potty> i understand your doubt 23:29:43 <echevemaster> in theory we can spend 6000 23:29:53 <echevemaster> and not 10000 23:30:03 <echevemaster> yes, that is my doubt 23:30:05 * alexove piensa que va ha haber un gran problema aquí, hay que hacer reembolos aquí 23:30:11 <echevemaster> if we buy the swag 23:30:18 <potty> i got to go 23:30:23 <potty> sorry for early leaving friends 23:30:29 <potty> any inquiry do not doubt to ping me 23:30:31 <echevemaster> there is not money for flights 23:30:45 <echevemaster> ok potty go ahead 23:30:49 <echevemaster> thanks 23:31:05 <echevemaster> ok, I think we have to ask neville if this is possible to do 23:31:16 <chinosoliard> yes, and quickly 23:31:33 <chinosoliard> itamarjp, can we decrease some numbers for brazil? 23:31:36 <echevemaster> and if not, leave this buy for now 23:31:45 <itamarjp> chinosoliard, all of them to zero. 23:31:55 <chinosoliard> itamarjp, ¬¬ 23:32:07 <echevemaster> ok, moved for the next week 23:32:10 <alexove> Sería cosa de conversar con jzb si puede comprar los tickets de avión como hacia Ruth 23:32:23 <chinosoliard> we can decrease to 500 dvds, and that will not change too much the total ticket amount 23:32:42 <echevemaster> #action Ask to neville about we can buy swag with the current limit of the credit card 23:32:58 <echevemaster> anyone has a topic to bring to the meeting? 23:33:05 <itamarjp> echevemaster, my suggestion is fudcon tickets first. 23:33:29 <chinosoliard> itamarjp, +1 23:33:31 <echevemaster> itamarjp: I agree with you, I'll only ask to neville if both things are possible to do 23:34:06 <echevemaster> Again, anybody has a topic to discuss? 23:34:17 <echevemaster> ok. 23:34:19 <alexove> Por mi parte le escribiré a jzb para ver si de puede hacer algo al respecto 23:34:29 <itamarjp> alexove +1 23:34:32 <echevemaster> who is jzb ? 23:34:44 <alexove> El que maneja la plata 23:34:51 <echevemaster> Joe 23:35:04 * alexove le preguntó a Ruth ayer 23:36:09 <echevemaster> I'd prefer discuss this with neville and then if apply that him discuss with jzb 23:36:18 <echevemaster> #topic OpenFloor 23:36:48 <alexove> De todos modos le ire preguntando para ahorrar tiempo 23:36:56 <alexove> Tenemos tiempo y números el contra 23:37:01 <kovalevsky> I don't have any topics. 23:37:04 <chinosoliard> alexove, +1 23:37:06 <echevemaster> May I close the meeting? 23:37:11 <chinosoliard> echevemaster++ 23:37:13 <chinosoliard> alexove++ 23:37:16 <chinosoliard> kovalevsky++ 23:37:16 <zodbot> chinosoliard: Karma for sophiekovalevsky changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:37:18 <chinosoliard> itamarjp++ 23:37:21 <echevemaster> thanks for attend 23:37:30 <chinosoliard> potty++ 23:37:33 <echevemaster> #endmeeting