01:06:53 <aeperezt> #startmeeting Fedora-Latam 01:06:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Dec 11 01:06:53 2018 UTC. 01:06:53 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 01:06:53 <zodbot> The chair is aeperezt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:06:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:06:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 01:07:10 <aeperezt> #chair potty 01:07:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt potty 01:07:51 <aeperezt> #chair blackfile yosef7 yn1v[m] davisclick 01:07:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt blackfile davisclick potty yn1v[m] yosef7 01:08:38 <galoget> Hello! o/ 01:08:48 <blackfile> hi 01:08:56 <potty> hi 01:08:57 <davisclick> Hi 01:08:57 <blackfile> .fas blackfile 01:08:58 <x3mboy> Hi 01:08:58 <zodbot> blackfile: blackfile 'Luis Manuel Segundo' <luis@blackfile.net> 01:09:02 <x3mboy> .hello2 01:09:03 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 01:09:04 <bt0> .fas bt0dotninja 01:09:05 * bt0 from Mexico 01:09:05 <galoget> .fas galoget 01:09:06 <zodbot> bt0: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 01:09:09 <zodbot> galoget: galoget 'Galoget Latorre' <fedora.ecuador@gmail.com> 01:09:10 <davisclick> .fas davisclick 01:09:12 <zodbot> davisclick: davisclick 'Davis Alvarez' <alvarez.davis@gmail.com> 01:09:19 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 01:09:20 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 01:09:30 * aeperezt Panama 01:09:31 <potty> .hello potty 01:09:34 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 01:09:42 * potty Panama 01:09:52 * x3mboy Chile 01:10:03 <yosef7> .fas josereyesjdi 01:10:04 <zodbot> yosef7: josereyesjdi 'Jose A. Reyes H.' <josereyes.jdi@gmail.com> 01:10:59 * blackfile Panama 01:11:29 <aeperezt> Hello everyone 01:11:45 <x3mboy> Hi 01:11:45 <aeperezt> is there enought people to have a meeting 01:11:48 <bt0> hi 01:11:56 <potty> I think so 01:12:04 <aeperezt> any particular topics 01:12:06 <douglax[m]> .fas douglax 01:12:08 <zodbot> douglax[m]: aacosta 'Alejandro Acosta' <alxacostaa@gmail.com> 01:12:15 <aeperezt> are there any issue in pagare pending 01:12:22 * douglax[m] from México 01:12:34 <aeperezt> hey douglax[m] tiempo sin verlo por aqui 01:12:43 <bt0> o/ douglax 01:13:11 <x3mboy> It shouldn't, since most budget and swag request tickets are being handled by the mindshare committee 01:13:48 <aeperezt> ok 01:14:06 <douglax[m]> There's been crazy days but I'm planning to attend the meetings more frecuently 01:14:06 <aeperezt> any other subject? 01:14:09 <aeperezt> or topic 01:14:25 <x3mboy> Yes 01:14:27 <aeperezt> nice douglax[m] same here 01:14:32 <x3mboy> I have a topic to discuss 01:14:34 <aeperezt> chair x3mboy 01:14:40 <aeperezt> #chair x3mboy 01:14:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt blackfile davisclick potty x3mboy yn1v[m] yosef7 01:15:06 <x3mboy> #topic @fedoralatam on Telegram 01:15:36 <aeperezt> good 01:16:03 <x3mboy> Like several of you noted, a few days ago, an issue cause a hot discussion because the topic of the channel was changed without any notification to anyone 01:16:39 <aeperezt> yes, notice that 01:17:02 <x3mboy> The topic was related to the election, and it was 'promoting' latam nominees 01:17:50 <x3mboy> Since I was an admin, and the discussion got really hot, I made the mistake of changing it bsck 01:17:57 <x3mboy> Back* 01:18:37 * douglax[m] wouldn't consider that a mistake 01:19:20 <x3mboy> Several days later, the group's name and profile picture was changed again without consulting, and there was when I decided to left the group, even when I was an admin 01:20:07 <x3mboy> The following discussion led to 'No usage of the TM (logo and name), then no need to adhere to the CoC' 01:20:38 <aeperezt> well that telegram group has been an issue from the start, I did left it years ago when with no question to anyone they added a bot to the IRC channel 01:20:50 <jhoanir> o/ 01:21:23 <x3mboy> So, for us as ambassador, my proposal is to unbridge the channel with #fedora-latam and stop promoting it as the place of fedora latam ambassadors 01:21:35 <x3mboy> jhoanir, goes ahead 01:22:49 <aeperezt> joined recently again, the issue to me is that it is not an official channel and some people in it behave not properly to Fedora CoC 01:23:10 <aeperezt> jhoanir, goes ahead 01:23:44 <x3mboy> The problem is that the creator (the guy with the blue star, in his own words) doesn't want to behave according the CoC 01:24:38 <aeperezt> x3mboy, yes agreed with you 01:25:04 <jhoanir> Please we need to be more cautious because our behavior may guide to newcomers to go out or get involved in the project, that's my thought 01:25:32 <aeperezt> to me if the people of latam want to have an official telegram channel they need to agreed with the CoC in it 01:26:03 <yosef7> +1 jhoanir 01:26:19 <potty> +1 01:26:45 <x3mboy> I'm working with the council to make telegram groups official, and of course one of the main requirement is to agreed and behave according to the CoC 01:27:07 <davisclick> +1 01:27:10 <x3mboy> Just to be fair ANY telegram channel is official 01:27:20 <x3mboy> Not even the @fedora one 01:27:55 <x3mboy> But, we are misleading people, and as jhoanir said, newcomers are both, being discouraged and misled 01:28:12 <aeperezt> x3mboy, correct 01:29:03 <x3mboy> So, my proposal is vote to unbridge yhe channel and stop using it as a place to discuss ambassador stuff, and stop promoting it with end users and newcomers 01:29:13 <x3mboy> Can we call a vote about this? 01:29:37 <jhoanir> all of us spent every kind of resources to get newcomers and this people is invaluable into the project 01:30:09 <jhoanir> anyone can give a chair? 01:30:23 <x3mboy> #chair jhoanir 01:30:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt blackfile davisclick jhoanir potty x3mboy yn1v[m] yosef7 01:30:40 <jhoanir> thnks! 01:30:52 <bt0> Can we split the proposal? for unbridge and so on and so for 01:31:41 <aeperezt> x3mboy, I think you are on the right track, how ever we need to open a broaden discussion about this matter before making a decision 01:32:08 <x3mboy> Ok, if you want to 01:33:05 <x3mboy> I have nothing to discuss, anything in that group represent what a Fedora ambassador is, how a Fedora Ambassador should behave and mainly what the Fedora Project is 01:33:25 <x3mboy> That's why I left 01:33:32 <aeperezt> x3mboy, +1 01:33:49 <srkraken> .FAS srkraken 01:33:50 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 01:34:03 <bt0> hi srkraken++ 01:34:03 <zodbot> bt0: Karma for srkraken changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 01:34:21 * srkraken from México 01:34:50 <srkraken> Hi bt0++ 01:34:50 <zodbot> srkraken: Karma for bt0dotninja changed to 8 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 01:35:05 <aeperezt> my opinion is that we need more people on that loop rewarding this matter, and if a new fedora latam channel is open it should be under that agremment 01:35:20 <blackfile> welcome srkraken 01:35:41 <blackfile> +1 aeperezt 01:36:03 <aeperezt> x3mboy, we can have a vote about the matter here 01:36:04 <x3mboy> Ok. B 01:36:15 <aeperezt> been to options 01:36:24 <aeperezt> *two 01:37:17 <x3mboy> Sorry, last message was sent without finishing it 01:37:43 <x3mboy> Ok. How should we proceed? 01:38:01 <aeperezt> yes, if you like 01:38:38 <douglax[m]> Please remind us of the options we're voting for 01:39:10 <bt0> I need to be the devil's lawyer here, itamar is not present and it's important know their point of view 01:39:26 <x3mboy> Devil's advocate* 01:39:43 * bt0 is not saying than itamar is the devil 01:39:54 <aeperezt> bt0, that is in part why I want to delay the decision 01:39:59 * bt0 right x3mboy :D 01:40:22 <x3mboy> Ok, so should we ask in a ticket to vote to next week? 01:40:28 <bt0> +1 01:40:33 <jhoanir> +1 01:40:40 <douglax[m]> +1 01:40:48 <x3mboy> I don't want to create a ML thread about it, because is going to be a... 01:40:51 <x3mboy> You know... 01:41:15 <aeperezt> +1 01:41:29 <bt0> yes, we understand 01:42:25 <x3mboy> #agreed create a ticket to vote about unbridging the IRC channel #fedora-latam from the telegram group @fedoralatam 01:43:02 <blackfile> +1 01:43:21 <x3mboy> #action x3mboy will create the ticket tonight or tomorrow morning 01:43:32 <yosef7> +1 01:43:37 <davisclick> +1 01:44:01 <aeperezt> well any other topic? 01:44:10 <bt0> me 01:44:18 <x3mboy> Not from me 01:44:33 <x3mboy> Bring it on bt0 01:44:37 <bt0> #topic RP29 01:45:08 <bt0> we need more release parties 01:45:30 <jhoanir> ! 01:45:34 <bt0> go ahead 01:46:34 <jhoanir> guys, we are really exited about the whole Fedora Team in Ecuador, the last saturday we celebrate another RP in Ibarra 01:47:01 <bt0> awesome 01:47:30 <blackfile> congrats jhoanir 01:47:33 <jhoanir> and right now, the team of Fedora UPS (Universidad Politecnica Salesiana) have their firts talk about the next RP too 01:47:36 <aeperezt> nice 01:47:42 <x3mboy> Awesome! 01:47:57 <x3mboy> Congrats to jhoanir and the Ecuador's team 01:48:50 <jhoanir> the team is using IRC channel #fedora-ec and bridged @FedoraEC in Telegram 01:49:37 <jhoanir> we need 2 things, support with more swags and <100$ budget for the last event on Ibarra 01:49:55 <jhoanir> we are working on the event report 01:50:09 <jhoanir> EOF 01:50:11 <bt0> cool, mindshare is waiting it 01:50:38 <x3mboy> We have 10 minutes 01:50:45 <x3mboy> Should we open the floor? 01:50:49 <aeperezt> yes 01:50:52 <bt0> +1 01:51:00 <aeperezt> +1 01:51:08 <x3mboy> #topic Open Floor 01:51:58 <x3mboy> I want to comment 2 things. First, publicly congratulate bt0 as new Mindshare member, in representative of CommOps. 01:52:13 <x3mboy> This is a great example of work being recognised 01:52:17 <bt0> \o/ 01:52:40 <davisclick> Qué bien! 01:52:46 <aeperezt> excelent 01:53:02 <x3mboy> And 2, remeber everyone that elections are open, and we have until December 20th to vote. 01:53:56 <x3mboy> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting 01:54:04 <aeperezt> great meeting 01:54:13 <aeperezt> x3mboy++ 01:54:14 <zodbot> aeperezt: Karma for x3mboy changed to 7 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 01:54:26 <x3mboy> EOF 01:54:45 <aeperezt> jhoanir++ 01:54:45 <zodbot> aeperezt: Karma for jhoanir changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 01:55:10 <aeperezt> douglax[m]++ 01:55:37 <blackfile> aeperezt++ 01:55:44 <aeperezt> if notting else will close the meeting 01:55:51 <blackfile> ok 01:56:08 <aeperezt> any one wants to email the logs? 01:56:47 <douglax[m]> I guess I could do that 01:57:04 <aeperezt> thanks douglax[m] 01:57:14 <aeperezt> #endmeeting