15:01:40 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 15:01:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 16 15:01:40 2018 UTC. 15:01:40 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:40 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:01:46 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:01:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:01:50 <lruzicka> .hello2 15:01:51 <adamw> #topic Roll call 15:01:51 <zodbot> lruzicka: lruzicka 'Lukáš Růžička' <lruzicka@redhat.com> 15:01:56 <adamw> who's around for qa fun again? 15:01:58 <adamw> hi lukas 15:02:03 <Southern_Gentlem> .hello 15:02:03 <zodbot> Southern_Gentlem: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 15:02:13 <Southern_Gentlem> .hello Southern_Gentlem 15:02:14 <zodbot> Southern_Gentlem: Sorry, but you don't exist 15:02:18 * jlanda is in phone 15:02:30 <Southern_Gentlem> .hello jbwillia 15:02:34 <zodbot> Southern_Gentlem: jbwillia 'Ben Williams' <vaioof@gmail.com> 15:03:47 * kparal is here 15:04:00 * pwhalen is here 15:04:20 <adamw> Southern_Gentlem: it's always humiliating to be existentially insulted by a robot, isn't it 15:05:02 <adamw> how's everyone doing this fine summer <MORNING/AFTERNOON/EVENING (PLEASE DELETE ONE)>? 15:05:13 <adamw> er...delete two. go ahead and delete two. 15:06:37 <Southern_Gentlem> adamw, and giving the robot the bird can only lead to further problems down the road 15:06:42 <adamw> all dead, apparently? excellent, finally i can complete my masterplan for turning the fedora QA team into an evil plot for world domination 15:06:58 <pwhalen> heh, hot! another heatwave on this side of Canada 15:06:59 <lruzicka> :) 15:07:10 <adamw> aw, shoot, one survived? /me locks southern_gentlem in with the laser sharks 15:07:11 <lruzicka> hot in here, too 15:07:41 <jlanda> i have two children running around my desk till september, so "fine" here 15:07:53 <adamw> pwhalen: heatwave in eastern canada...so it's above freezing then? :P 15:08:15 <Southern_Gentlem> will be good here when the humidity is back down to human levels 15:08:22 <adamw> (lil' canadian weather humour for you there, folks. you're welcome.) 15:08:24 <pwhalen> well above, been steady 35-40C 15:09:12 <adamw> yikes, well that seems excessive. 15:09:20 <adamw> allllrighty folks, let's get rolling 15:09:24 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:09:41 <adamw> "kparal to follow up with lruzicka on modularity test case" - any news? 15:10:11 <kparal> not only I forgot about this, I don't even remember what it was about :) 15:10:36 <lruzicka> adamw: I was not present last meeting due to PTO, this somehow slipped 15:10:52 <kparal> lruzicka: were all your proposed server test cases approved, do you remember? 15:11:02 <adamw> let me read the logs 15:11:19 <lruzicka> adamw: There was one which was approved, the second one was not until now, I suppose 15:11:27 <kparal> I believe you complained about some test cases not being approved yet, and I mentioned it in the last meeting 15:11:43 <adamw> ok, so kparal mentioned you were waiting on a test case to be 'approved', sgallagh said he thought they all were, kparal looked through the archives and didn't find any that weren't approved either 15:11:52 <adamw> then we set the action item for him to 'follow up' with you 15:11:58 <kparal> and I just did! 15:12:01 <adamw> :P 15:12:05 * kparal pats himself on the back 15:12:09 <lruzicka> adamw: Aha, so I will go and publish the one I have not published yet 15:12:21 <lruzicka> good to know :) 15:12:24 <kparal> well, make sure it got approved 15:12:25 <sgallagh> lruzicka: Which was the one you were unsure of? 15:12:33 <sgallagh> I can give it a quick look right now. 15:12:34 <adamw> so...i guess if there's a case you think is still 'not approved', i guess send a follow-up to the list? otherwise if it does seem to be approved, just go ahead and push it 15:12:38 <lruzicka> sgallagh: let me find it 15:13:00 <adamw> #info "kparal to follow up with lruzicka on modularity test case" - this is being followed up live in this very meeting! how exciting. 15:13:17 <sgallagh> ;-) 15:14:21 <lruzicka> sgallagh: This one: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Lruzicka/Testcase_SSO_with_GSSAPI 15:15:16 * sumantro is here and late 15:15:26 <jlanda> he was here 15:15:46 <sgallagh> lruzicka: I'd like to see a few minor changes to that 15:15:59 <adamw> ok, can we follow up on the list then? 15:16:09 <sgallagh> In particular, I'd prefer to see us set up the client via realmd (either at the CLI or via Cockpit) 15:16:30 <adamw> #action lruzicka and sgallagh to discuss changes to proposed SSO GSSAPI test case on server@ list 15:16:35 <sgallagh> ack 15:16:41 <lruzicka> ok 15:17:57 <adamw> sumantro: ahoy, are you around? 15:18:11 <sumantro> yes 15:18:13 <sumantro> I am 15:19:25 <adamw> alrighty, we have a couple of action items from last week 15:19:26 <adamw> "sumantro to look into organizing DNF 3.0 test day(s)" 15:20:03 <sumantro> adamw no one followed up on the ticket, I will start mailing them 15:20:10 <adamw> thanks 15:20:18 <adamw> i believe they were mostly on PTO this last week which could explain iut 15:21:11 <sumantro> we had a FMW test day wil about ~20 people. Note to self is to test the test day app before calling next time 15:21:12 <adamw> #info "sumantro to look into organizing DNF 3.0 test day(s)" - sumantro filed a ticket but did not hear from DNF folks yet, he will try to follow up with them this week 15:21:23 <adamw> sumantro: that topic's coming up in a bit... 15:21:36 <adamw> the other action item check-in is "sumantro to check on qa group membership request backlog" 15:21:43 <sumantro> done 15:22:06 <sumantro> also couple of folks mailed me personally who work for RH Pune and I got them sponsored 15:22:49 <adamw> alright, thanks 15:22:57 <adamw> #info "sumantro to check on qa group membership request backlog" - this has been done 15:23:20 <adamw> #topic "Fedora 29 status (DNF 3, Python 3.7, mass rebuild, binutils...)" 15:23:33 <adamw> so, we've got quite a lot going on in F29 land recently 15:24:22 <adamw> #info BIOS boot is broken when installing from Rawhide 20180714.n.0, pjones is looking into that 15:24:30 <adamw> (we'll have bugs filed soon i believe) 15:24:49 <pjones> I think I'll have a build going in ~5m 15:25:26 <jsmith> :-) 15:26:07 <adamw> so, on the DNF 3 front 15:26:34 <adamw> is anyone here having major problems with DNF 3? there've been at least some cases reported to the list / bugzilla of DNF just failing to run at all after the update 15:27:28 * kparal haven't played with f29 much yet 15:27:44 <adamw> wuss 15:27:50 <adamw> :P 15:28:23 <jsmith> adamw: No problems here... 15:28:31 <jlanda> no problemes here 15:28:34 <jsmith> adamw: Unlike kparal, I've been using it a ton :-) 15:28:40 <adamw> .fire kparal 15:28:40 <zodbot> adamw fires kparal 15:28:41 <adamw> .hire jsmith 15:28:42 <zodbot> adamw hires jsmith 15:29:04 <adamw> the truck convoy will be along with your workload shortly, jsmith 15:29:05 <jsmith> adamw: Get in line :-p 15:29:27 <lruzicka> adamw: I have to reinstall my pc, will openqa work on f29? 15:29:31 <adamw> alright, so, i was hoping to see if we can figure out any of the reported issues a bit if anyone who was experiencing them was here, but never mind 15:29:40 <adamw> lruzicka: i, er, do not know. it works on 27 and 28. 15:29:45 <adamw> i don't usually test it on rawhide. 15:29:48 <adamw> (or branched0 15:30:06 <lruzicka> adamw: So I'd rather stick to 28 then 15:31:04 <adamw> probably best, yeah 15:32:39 <adamw> #info DNF 3 is in Rawhide and seems to be generally working, but some testers have reported severe issues with it, we will need to triage those 15:32:41 <pjones> ... okay it'll be after lunch. 15:32:54 * adamw throws a protein bar at pjones 15:33:50 <adamw> one thing I did catch in DNF 3 is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1601108 , it can sometimes cause NetworkManager not to start on boot, fun bug. 15:34:15 <adamw> that's being fixed soon I hope, for now, just be aware that if you're running rawhide, sometimes NetworkManager might not come up on boot, just do 'systemctl start NetworkManager' to get it going. 15:34:37 <adamw> gah sorry 15:34:40 <adamw> that's the EL bug 15:34:51 <adamw> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1600823 15:34:55 <adamw> is the Fedora one. 15:35:12 * pwhalen has hit that one, thanks 15:37:35 <adamw> #info Python 3.7 is in Rawhide and mostly that's worked out fine now, however we still haven't got a libreoffice rebuild for it through as the i686 build is failing (for non-python-related reasons) 15:37:45 <adamw> x86 list is aware of that and trying to figure it out 15:42:05 <adamw> there's also a new binutils which seems to have been causing some problems with building some packages 15:42:12 <adamw> has anyone run across that at all? 15:44:53 <adamw> i guess we'll just have to keep an eye on it, then 15:45:21 <adamw> #info trouble has also been reported with building several packages with a new binutils, that is under investigation: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1599521 etc. 15:45:33 <adamw> any other notes on f29 current status? 15:45:42 <adamw> oh, and the mass rebuild is running, i believe 15:45:50 <adamw> #info F29 mass rebuild is underway 15:46:18 <adamw> oh, hum 15:46:20 <adamw> #undo 15:46:20 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by adamw at 15:45:50 : F29 mass rebuild is underway 15:46:21 <adamw> #undo 15:46:21 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by adamw at 15:45:21 : trouble has also been reported with building several packages with a new binutils, that is under investigation: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1599521 etc. 15:47:09 <adamw> #info trouble was reported rebuilding several packages with a recent binutils: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1599521 etc. this was claimed to be fixed in binutils-2.30.90-3.fc29 , and the mass rebuild was started on 2018-07-12 15:47:45 <nirik> the mass rebuild finished last night. ;) 15:48:36 <adamw> thanks nirik 15:50:11 <adamw> #topic Test Day status 15:50:18 <adamw> sumantro, how are we looking on test days? 15:52:20 <Sumantrom> Hey Adam, the test day went great with about 20 people 15:52:30 <Sumantrom> This was the FMW test day 15:52:49 <Sumantrom> We will have the next one shortly 15:53:35 <adamw> what's the next one, and when? 15:53:41 <adamw> and what was the wiki page for the FMW one? 15:54:24 <Sumantrom> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2018-07-12_Fedora_Media_Writer 15:54:52 <Sumantrom> The next one will be kernel or virtualization I will post shortly 15:55:38 <adamw> thanks 15:55:57 <adamw> #info most recent Test Day for Fedora Media Writer went well, with 20+ attendees: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2018-07-12_Fedora_Media_Writer 15:56:11 <adamw> #info next Test Day will be for kernel or virtualization, stay tuned to test-announce@ for an announcement from sumantro 15:56:15 <adamw> thanks sumantro! 15:56:20 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:56:32 <adamw> any other business, folks? note the blocker review meeting will start in ~3 minutes in #fedora-blocker-erview 15:56:38 <adamw> *#fedora-blocker-review 15:57:41 <Sumantrom> Adamw np!! 15:59:13 <lruzicka> Let's meet for the blocker bug meeting. :) 15:59:41 <adamw> ok, thanks for coming out, folks 16:00:39 <adamw> #endmeeting