16:00:25 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 16:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 13 16:00:25 2023 UTC. 16:00:25 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:00:25 <zodbot> The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 16:00:29 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:00:37 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 16:00:50 <pboy> .hi 16:00:52 <zodbot> pboy: pboy 'Peter Boy' <pboy@uni-bremen.de> 16:01:26 <adamw> ahoyhoy 16:03:44 <pboy> Hi. Obviously missing a lot of people today ? 16:03:49 <adamw> seems like it... 16:05:30 * kparal is here 16:05:44 <adamw> ahoyhoy 16:06:38 <adamw> well, we're a bit thin today, it seems... 16:07:06 <kparal> how many? 16:07:18 <adamw> you, me, and pboy 16:07:18 * coremodule is here, late. 16:07:22 <adamw> everyone else is fired 16:07:24 <pboy> This is a common phenomenon after the time change. 16:07:26 <adamw> too late! 16:07:29 <adamw> true. 16:07:40 <coremodule> how was the vacay 16:07:42 <coremodule> ? 16:09:50 <adamw> good! 16:11:18 <adamw> well, let's roll through the agenda quickly, I guess 16:11:22 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:11:41 <adamw> #info no action items from previous meeting 16:11:46 <adamw> anyone aware of anything to follow up on? 16:12:30 <kparal> nope 16:12:57 <adamw> #topic Fedora 39 and Fedora 40 check-ins 16:13:10 <adamw> #info Fedora 39 was released last week, the release seems to be going over well 16:13:24 <adamw> #info thanks to kparal for working on the common issues and everybody for all the testing of this release 16:15:27 <kparal96> irc is atrocious 16:15:52 <adamw> #info also thanks to kparal96 (and kparals 2 through 95) 16:16:08 <kparal96> that was my secret, oh well 16:16:41 <adamw> #info Fedora 40 seems mostly fine at this point, except for an annoying bug (possibly in mesa?) which is causing frequent failures in some openQA GNOME tests...now I'm back from vacation I'll be looking into that 16:17:12 <adamw> if anyone asks, failures of desktop_printing or desktop_update_graphical are very likely to be blips that just need restarting, i or lruzicka or kparal can restart them 16:17:39 <pboy> And we still have the SBC issues 16:19:02 <adamw> they're being worked on upstream, it seems. 16:19:56 <pboy> The arm-image-installer part it our pwn, I guess 16:20:10 <pboy> and the LVM issue as well 16:21:30 <kparal> so, this might be a stupid question, but I noticed that ARM nightlies were no longer nominated for testing in test-announce. Nor RCs. Shouldn't they have been? 16:22:07 <kparal> eh, IoT nightlies, to be more precise, I think 16:23:25 <adamw> kparal: an iot 40 compose was nominated this morning 16:23:52 <adamw> there's no difference between nightlies and 'RCs' for IoT (all IoT builds are technically candidates) 16:24:32 <adamw> the last 39 compose nominated was 20231025.1. 16:24:52 <adamw> so it's working, but not nominating very often...i don't remember if there's intentionally a different heuristic for IoT, tbh. i'll have a look. 16:26:52 <kparal> ok 16:27:01 <adamw> okay, moving on... 16:27:17 <adamw> #topic Communications overhaul: Discourse and Matrix? 16:27:29 <adamw> so let's not make any hasty decisions as there aren't many people here... 16:27:39 <adamw> but a propos of IRC being atrocious, this! 16:28:22 <adamw> i think it would be a good idea to make matrix the official chat for us, including moving meetings back there now the bot's probably ready, and (possibly more controversially) move async discussion from the mailing list to discourse 16:29:07 <adamw> debate me! 16:29:19 <pboy> agree with matrix part for meeting. But disagree regarding mailing lists 16:31:11 <pboy> Discourse is too cluttered and too unstructured. 16:31:25 <adamw> it has plenty of tools for structure 16:31:33 <adamw> for mailing list-ish behaviour you just use tags 16:31:52 <adamw> https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/tag/quality-team 16:32:09 <pboy> Hm, maybe didn't found them yet 16:32:40 <kparal> +1 to matrix and discourse, +1 to dump irc 16:33:24 <adamw> i don't really have a plan for doing a mailing list transition yet, would have to think that over 16:33:30 <adamw> just wanted to flag up that i'm intending to propose it at least 16:33:39 <adamw> matrix should be much easier 16:33:57 <kparal> I'd first try to push everybody to discourse and see if it works for us before abandoning our mailing list 16:34:11 <kparal> matrix can be switched for irc instantly 16:34:25 <kparal> once zodbot is rewritten, of course 16:34:35 <adamw> i think that's more or less done already, i just need to check in 16:36:45 <kparal> do you think there'll be some official global deprecation of irc, or will it be up to individual teams? 16:37:00 <kparal> I'd prefer the former 16:37:15 <adamw> #info adamw is planning to propose making matrix the official team chat for all purposes (including meetings as soon as the matrix bot is usable) and moving from mailing lists to discourse for async discussion. will send more detailed proposals out later 16:37:18 <adamw> not sure about that 16:37:37 <adamw> i think there's still sort of an idea the bridge might come back at some point and make the problem go away again, but don't know how realistic a prospect that is 16:40:01 <kparal> the sad part is that Matrix was never even announced in Fedora. Maybe this is the best time to remedy that... 16:40:09 <adamw> hum, it wasn't? 16:40:16 * kparal just checked the announce list 16:44:11 <adamw> hmm 16:44:13 <adamw> https://fedoramagazine.org/join-the-conversation/ seems to exist 16:45:26 <adamw> so, that seems to have been the announcement 16:45:37 <kparal> ok :) 16:46:30 <kparal> I expected something in the announce list, but let's not get stuck on that 16:47:36 <adamw> #topic Test Day / community event status 16:47:47 <adamw> i guess sumantro isn't around 16:48:13 <adamw> #info we are in the kernel 6.6 test week, so please help out with that: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2023-11-12_Kernel_6.6_Test_Week 16:48:54 <adamw> #info the call for Fedora 40 Test Days is out: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/test@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/M2RH5A5CZEAEKX3UFW6JEKU6DEYXLXHE/ 16:49:13 <adamw> please go ahead and propose any test days that would be useful for F40 16:50:16 <adamw> #topic Open floor 16:50:19 <adamw> any other business? 16:50:41 <kparal> nothing here 16:51:59 <luna_> sorry was out with mom and ate early birthday dinner for my birthday on Friday so missed the meeting, but helping out with the kernel 6.6 testing as much as i can 16:53:27 <adamw> awesome, thanks luna! 16:54:09 <The_Exorcist> I'm in Hyderabad, India now. Is there anything I can do here? 16:54:29 <The_Exorcist> hi luna_ 16:54:36 <luna_> hey The_Exorcist 16:55:23 <The_Exorcist> I hope and wish all is well with F40 16:55:48 <luna_> its still in very early stage in Rawhide as its not releasing in April-May 2024 if i remember correctly 16:55:57 <adamw> The_Exorcist: nobody from india is here today i don't think 16:56:45 <The_Exorcist> fine, I'm just checking.. 16:56:45 <luna_> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2023-11-12_Kernel_6.6_Test_Week guess this week Kernel 6.6 for Fedora 39 and 38 is being tested 16:57:08 <luna_> only on Fedora 39 it seems 16:57:50 <adamw> yes, we noted that 16:58:07 <adamw> alrighty then, guess that's all 16:58:12 <adamw> thanks for coming, folks! 16:58:18 <luna_> so The_Exorcist you can help test a new kernel if you have some spare time and feel like it 16:58:42 <luna_> thx sorry for being late, will catch up with the log 16:59:08 <The_Exorcist> I'm not carrying my PC..! 🙄 16:59:25 <luna_> The_Exorcist: maybe you can access your PC before Sunday evening hopefully 17:00:05 <The_Exorcist> no, not until after 5th Nov. 17:00:29 <luna_> 5th Nov was last week :p 17:01:08 <The_Exorcist> sorry Dec, that's next month. 17:01:22 <luna_> ah alright then its too late, but i am sure there will come up more stuff to test in the future 17:01:41 <The_Exorcist> my mind is little stuck with Oct.. 17:02:22 <The_Exorcist> sure, I'll be there for that luna_ 17:15:01 <adamw> #endmeeting