11:57:17 <CyrusYzGTt> #startmeeting 11:57:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 14 11:57:17 2011 UTC. The chair is CyrusYzGTt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:57:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 11:57:19 <BadGirl> [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki 11:58:40 <CyrusYzGTt> #chair gbraad gbraad-china kital zodbot 11:58:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt gbraad gbraad-china kital zodbot 12:00:26 <CyrusYzGTt> #chair gbraad gbraad-china kital zodbot tiansworld 12:00:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt gbraad gbraad-china kital tiansworld zodbot 12:09:00 <Devil_Wang> 开始了 吗 ? 12:09:03 <Devil_Wang> 开会 12:09:14 <Devil_Wang> 基本上没人 嘛 12:09:41 <CyrusYzGTt> #chair gbraad gbraad-china kital zodbot tiansworld 12:09:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt gbraad gbraad-china kital tiansworld zodbot 12:15:38 <CyrusYzGTt> #chair gbraad gbraad-china kital zodbot tiansworld kaio 12:15:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt gbraad gbraad-china kaio kital tiansworld zodbot 12:15:48 <kaio> hi 12:15:50 <kaio> .fasinfo 12:15:50 <zodbot> kaio: (fasinfo <username>) -- Return information on a Fedora Account System username. 12:16:08 <kaio> .fasinfo kaio 12:16:09 <zodbot> kaio: User: kaio, Name: Caius Chance, email: me@kaio.net, Creation: 2008-09-10, IRC Nick: kaio, Timezone: Australia/Brisbane, Locale: en, Extension: 5114286, GPG key ID: 17BEFCFA, Status: active 12:16:13 <zodbot> kaio: Unapproved Groups: art 12:16:17 <zodbot> kaio: Approved Groups: freemedia cvsl10n famsco cla_fedora cla_done fedorabugs hgflies packager cla_redhat ambassadors l10n-commits @packager-zh 12:16:49 <kaio> 我朋友的家整間被水浸了。 12:17:15 <CyrusYzGTt> 哇~~!水族箱? 12:18:53 <yuliang> 前来围观IRC聚会 12:19:01 <tiansworld> kaio, 澳洲降水很严重? 12:19:14 <kaio> tiansworld☺ 嗯 12:19:55 <CyrusYzGTt> 那可是 拉呢娜現象 12:23:14 <kaio> 她現在家沒了 12:24:43 <CyrusYzGTt> kaio§ 那妳就救助她, 12:24:58 <tiansworld> kaio, 政府会不会有补偿? 12:25:11 <kaio> CyrusYzGTt☺ 她朋友接濟了她 12:25:14 <kaio> tiansworld☺ 不知道 12:25:39 <kaio> #idea Australia Brisbane 被大水浸了 12:26:21 <CyrusYzGTt> kaio§ 落雨大,水浸街 12:27:10 <kaio> CyrusYzGTt☺ 水灞放水 12:27:31 <kaio> 我現在的同事也有幾個不能上班 12:27:39 <CyrusYzGTt> kaio§ 她不會是住地下室的吧? 12:27:54 <kaio> CyrusYzGTt☺ 她家的地勢比較低可能 12:28:21 <kaio> 我的房在山坡上,倒希望不會山泥... 12:28:57 <CyrusYzGTt> kaio§ 。。。。。。紀人尤天 12:29:50 <kaio> CyrusYzGTt☺ 雨是停了,不過我朋友的家也是停雨兩天後才浸的。 12:30:29 <kaio> 我和她的地區這兩天還晴朗得完全回復了的樣子,哪知道... 12:31:04 <CyrusYzGTt> 搬家 12:42:40 * gbraad-china just arrived home. some person thought he was ligang and parked in front of a bus (as he claimed he was hit) 12:43:37 * CyrusYzGTt 哈哈,這是對某些現象的諷刺 12:46:27 <kaio> XD 12:46:36 <kaio> "李剛停車法" 12:47:06 <kaio> gbraad-china☺ I dont have meeting topics today 12:48:24 <lovenemesis> hi all 12:49:37 <yuliang> hi from one of all 12:49:56 <yuliang> 今晚没有主题? 12:50:03 <CyrusYzGTt> #chair gbraad gbraad-china kital zodbot tiansworld kaio lovenemesis 12:50:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: CyrusYzGTt gbraad gbraad-china kaio kital lovenemesis tiansworld zodbot 12:50:19 <kaio> yuliang☺ 你有沒有主題? 12:50:20 <kaio> lovenemesis☺ hi 12:50:32 <yuliang> 没有,我是来围观的 12:50:37 <CyrusYzGTt> 自由討論,或者自己給個主題 12:50:52 <kaio> lovenemesis☺ 我嘗試把 bbs 數據庫導出,不過沒有成功轉移系統。 12:51:13 <kaio> lovenemesis☺ 我把它放在 vps 上 12:51:25 <yuliang> Discuz? 12:52:00 <kaio> yuliang☺ 不是 BBS 的系統是 vbulletin 12:52:21 <yuliang> kaio: 哦,没用过~ 12:52:31 <kaio> 現在累積了一年多的貼文,換 BBS 系統不靠譜。 12:52:39 <yuliang> 不过你的笑脸是怎么打出来的呢? 12:54:16 <yuliang> 我倒觉得,BBS 的精华在于讨论,旧贴很少有再翻看的了 12:54:28 <gbraad-china> I haven't been able to prepare myself either as these last 3 days I have been home after 23:00 each day 12:55:06 <gbraad-china> will post about my talks with harish to the mailinglist instead 12:55:21 <gbraad-china> at least lovenemesis and tiansworld received some information about it already 12:57:06 <CyrusYzGTt> gbraad-china§ beacuse all chinese are ready for China year 12:57:33 <gbraad-china> no problem 13:00:27 <lovenemesis> sorry , it's not easy to type a lot on my phone . my laptop was down mythologically this morning 13:02:17 * gbraad-china has nothing to add. discussion will be done on the mailinglist instead 13:03:23 <tiansworld> gbraad-china, the Chinese glossary now can't be accessed easily, I don't know the place where functions like google DOCS, so we can move it to 13:04:15 <lovenemesis> move to wiki perhaps 13:05:16 <lovenemesis> the ultimate choice 13:05:41 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, it's hard for editing 13:06:06 <CyrusYzGTt> ....最終選擇,還是終極選擇? 13:06:21 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, needs register and some of wiki knowledge 13:06:51 <tiansworld> also no sort feature 13:07:53 <lovenemesis> wiki is capable of simple table , but it could take quite a lot time to contest manually 13:08:01 <tiansworld> 少了排序功能,很容易造成编辑重复等问题 13:08:28 <tiansworld> 所以我还是觉得wiki做这个不行 13:09:01 <lovenemesis> we left no choice ... 13:09:45 <gbraad-china> tiansworld, so the decision is simple. loose some functionality to make it accessible again. 13:09:45 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, :( 13:09:54 <yuliang> 其中的文本要是高度格式化的,不妨做个维基辅助工具,用表单的样式来填写,然后自动填充维基句法符号,按某个索引字段的排序插入维基页面里 13:11:09 <tiansworld> yuliang, wiki 可以这么干? 13:11:44 <lovenemesis> like a pre text processor ? 13:12:24 <CyrusYzGTt> tiansworld§ 參考這個 http://tuxfinder.com/LDP/index.html http://oreilly.com/linux/command-directory/ 13:12:24 <yuliang> tiansworld, 现在的维基我还没有发现过这个功能,不过如果要添加的内容格式固定的话应该可以这么干吧 13:12:26 <BadGirl> The Linux Documentation Project 13:12:27 <tiansworld> gbraad, lovenemesis ,yuliang , another problem, do we need to manually input the text to wiki? or just it can be imported? 13:13:05 <tiansworld> yuliang, 其实没什么格式,只是为了避免重复,需要一个排序功能 13:13:42 <lovenemesis> how about convert it to multiple POs ? so that it can be used as Translation memory . 13:13:47 <yuliang> tiansworld, 其实我都不知道 Chinese glossary 是什么,只是提到维基我比较感兴趣,呵呵 13:14:24 <tiansworld> yuliang, 稍等 13:15:27 <lovenemesis> meanwhile , the PO host with recent Transited provides online edit 13:16:11 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, sounds great, in that case, we need to update pot file frequently in order to add new terms, 13:17:22 <lovenemesis> we could put pot on wiki . 13:17:39 <yuliang> tiansworld, 好的。刚才我在查资料,还处在看大家聊天然后查资料学习的阶段 13:17:50 <tiansworld> yuliang, https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Av2Nh83ucp7fdE8zV3hRbk9QU2ZFdlBJbjdmZXV2dEE&hl=en_GB#gid=0 13:17:59 <lovenemesis> there's a tool to convert media wiki to pot 13:18:06 <BadGirl> Welcome to Google Docs 13:18:07 <yuliang> tiansworld, THX 13:18:24 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, it worth to try 13:18:50 <gbraad-china> worth a try, but also not bad. from the wiki we can also point to reference usages of a term 13:19:14 <gbraad-china> at least hosting of the po files can be done on fedora hosted 13:19:33 <lovenemesis> or anywhere we want . 13:19:45 <tiansworld> so, how to import that file to wiki? is there any tools? 13:20:17 <gbraad-china> anywhere? I believe lovenemesis and tiansworld can make the best decision about this ;-) 13:20:30 <CyrusYzGTt> tiansworld§ connect was reset..... 13:20:34 <lovenemesis> afaik, we have to do it manually 13:21:28 <lovenemesis> I want to make pot decentralized for safety 13:22:02 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, gbraad if manually, that would be a real great work XD , 300 terms now 13:22:10 <lovenemesis> so anywhere means multiple copies 13:22:44 <gbraad-china> lovenemesis, base this on git 13:22:46 <gbraad-china> ;-) 13:23:22 <gbraad-china> and yes, 300 terms... has to be done, as now it would be a wasted effort since it is not easy to access 13:23:35 <lovenemesis> possible :-) 13:23:41 <tiansworld> CyrusYzGTt, find the accessing way by yourself :D 13:23:56 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, it can be exported to html, csv 13:24:25 <gbraad-china> csv would be most useful I presume 13:24:28 <CyrusYzGTt> tiansworld§ ...was broken ... 13:24:28 <tiansworld> also plain text 13:25:44 <lovenemesis> csv please 13:27:55 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, you can just download it from docs.google.com when you on your computer 13:28:31 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, if you can save it in your phone, then I will send it to you now 13:29:13 <tiansworld> gbraad-c1ina, anyone can download the file from google now 13:29:27 <yuliang> me 13:29:57 <yuliang> seems like the best way to access Gdocs is to buy a ssh or vpn account 13:30:46 <gbraad-c1ina> yuliang this is the reason why I want this document to live in a different place. 13:31:13 <yuliang> i see 13:31:46 <lovenemesis> thanks ,I can download it myself once I get my laptop back to work , or buy a new one 13:31:47 <tiansworld> gbraad-c1ina, lovenemesis next step is to put it in wiki 13:32:06 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, hard disk problem? 13:33:12 <lovenemesis> nope, MB problem. doesn't even turned on 13:33:49 <gbraad-c1ina> tiansworld I will create a fedora hosted with git repository. includes a small wiki implementation, but best of all a VCS. 13:34:11 <tiansworld> lovenemesis, warranty exceed or not? 13:34:21 <gbraad-c1ina> i will if this is what you want 13:34:32 <tiansworld> gbraad-c1ina, that will be great 13:35:19 <tiansworld> gbraad-c1ina, i just want it to be a powerful reference for translation 13:35:41 <tiansworld> gbraad-c1ina, as long as we can make it easy editing 13:37:55 <gbraad-c1ina> tiansworld same as I want. 13:42:40 * gbraad-c1ina has to be off now. lets continue this discussion on the mailinglist 13:42:58 <lovenemesis> good. kick off is done 13:43:00 <gbraad-c1ina> kaio I think the meeting can be stopped? 13:44:32 <kaio> gbraad-c1ina☺ yes. I am about to bed for morning basketball tomorrow 13:45:01 <kaio> gbraad-c1ina☺ you can #endmeeting 13:45:02 <lovenemesis> wow , water basketball? :-P 13:45:09 <CyrusYzGTt> #endmeeting