17:07:34 <dustymabe> #startmeeting fedora cloud WG 17:07:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 24 17:07:34 2016 UTC. The chair is dustymabe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:07:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:07:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_wg' 17:07:42 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:07:43 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:07:45 <vvaldez> .hello vvaldez 17:07:46 <zodbot> vvaldez: vvaldez 'Vinny Valdez' <vvaldez@redhat.com> 17:07:54 <trishnag> .hello trishnag 17:07:54 <zodbot> trishnag: trishnag 'Trishna Guha' <trishnaguha17@gmail.com> 17:07:59 <dustymabe> welcome vvaldez! 17:08:03 <coremodule> .hello coremodule 17:08:05 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com> 17:08:14 <dustymabe> coremodule: \o? 17:08:17 <dustymabe> \o/ 17:08:22 <jbrooks> .hello jasonbrooks 17:08:23 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <JBROOKS@REDHAT.COM> 17:08:26 <walters> .hello walters 17:08:27 <zodbot> walters: walters 'Colin Walters' <walters@redhat.com> 17:08:42 <walters> jbrooks, i see you've gone all MIT DOMAIN NAME on us! 17:08:50 <dustymabe> :) 17:08:51 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 17:08:52 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 17:08:58 <jbrooks> I don't know how to de-caps that 17:09:43 <dustymabe> #chair vvaldez trishnag coremodule jbrooks walters maxamillion 17:09:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: coremodule dustymabe jbrooks maxamillion trishnag vvaldez walters 17:10:20 * dustymabe is going to find items from last meeting 17:10:49 <dustymabe> #topic previous meeting action items 17:10:52 <dustymabe> * kushal to start off the atomic workgroup discussion on mailing list 17:10:54 <dustymabe> * rtnpro will add test workflow (and test cases) for testing fedora-motd 17:10:56 <dustymabe> on F24 atomic image 17:10:58 <dustymabe> * kushal to write to infra for permission to update Autocloud tests 17:11:00 <dustymabe> while in freeze 17:11:02 <dustymabe> * gholms to test updated cloud-init on f24 for f25 17:11:32 <kushal> but I am called in :) 17:11:39 <dustymabe> #chair kushal 17:11:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: coremodule dustymabe jbrooks kushal maxamillion trishnag vvaldez walters 17:11:48 <kushal> really sorry for that starting the mail thread on wg renaming. 17:11:54 <kushal> But I sent out the mail. 17:12:02 <dustymabe> kushal: yep, just saw it 17:12:10 <kushal> also waiting for another +1 for FBR 17:12:13 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 17:12:14 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 17:12:18 <dustymabe> #chair sayan 17:12:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: coremodule dustymabe jbrooks kushal maxamillion sayan trishnag vvaldez walters 17:12:22 <sayan> sorry for being late here 17:12:24 <dustymabe> FBR? 17:12:33 <kushal> Freeze break request :) 17:12:49 <dustymabe> what does the freeze break enable? 17:13:06 <dustymabe> is gholms around today? 17:13:36 <kushal> dustymabe, i need permission to update the tests, tomorrow is a holiday 17:13:43 <kushal> will do that update on Friday 17:14:00 <dustymabe> ok 17:14:11 <dustymabe> gholms and rtnpro are away today 17:14:28 * kushal goes back to the corner to get some dinner 17:14:38 <dustymabe> #info kushal started wg renaming discussion on the mail list - https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/4MWAV7K43GMEM6MP7GUUIVVXVA3G6OG5/ 17:14:54 <dustymabe> #action rtnpro will add test workflow (and test cases) for testing fedora-motd on F24 atomic image 17:15:18 <dustymabe> #action gholms to test updated cloud-init on f24 for f25 17:15:41 <dustymabe> #info kushal needs one more +1 for FBR to update autocloud tests while in freeze 17:15:50 <dustymabe> did I cover everything? 17:16:39 <dustymabe> ok moving on to meeting items 17:16:59 <dustymabe> imcleod is not around so won't talk about #136 vagrant boxes fixups 17:17:17 <dustymabe> #topic #125 Fedora-Dockerfiles examples for Kubernetes 17:17:25 <dustymabe> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/125 17:17:46 <dustymabe> I think jberkus is at linuxcon 17:17:48 <dustymabe> so... 17:17:56 <dustymabe> will wait 15 seconds and then move on 17:18:33 <dustymabe> #topic #147 Don't overwrite download location for 2 week atomic images 17:18:42 <dustymabe> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/147 17:19:21 <dustymabe> maxamillion is managing this 17:19:53 <dustymabe> he was going to monkey patch things to get them to a better state - everything needs a rewrite, but no time for that right now 17:20:09 <dustymabe> i'm going to assume it is in the same state it was last time 17:20:17 <maxamillion> it's on my TODO list, I had hoped to get to it last week but just didn't ... it's still on my list of things to actively work on as I'm able to 17:20:45 <dustymabe> maxamillion: and we appreciate everything you do - your expectations of yourself are higher than anyone elses 17:20:58 <dustymabe> moving on... 17:21:06 <dustymabe> #topic #153 design, deploy and document Fedora OpenShift Playground (FOSP) 17:21:13 <dustymabe> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/153 17:22:14 <maxamillion> dustymabe: <3 17:22:17 <dustymabe> misc: scollier 17:22:22 <dustymabe> anything on this? 17:22:36 <maxamillion> dustymabe: sorry for the lag time, I'm also on two meetings right now ... one irc and one on bluejeans :) 17:22:58 <vvaldez> I was talking to scollier about this ticket, I will take a look and see if I can help out here 17:22:59 <dustymabe> maxamillion: that happens 17:23:05 <dustymabe> vvaldez: that would be great 17:23:10 <maxamillion> dustymabe: indeed it does 17:23:59 <dustymabe> vvaldez: if you could sync with scollier and misc to see how you could help 17:24:05 <misc> dustymabe: yep 17:24:15 <vvaldez> dustymabe: will do 17:24:26 <dustymabe> and jberkus :) 17:24:29 <misc> so I ddeployed the VM, now I am trying to make the ansible-openshift repo to work 17:24:52 <misc> I didn't had time to work after monday however, and so far, still blocked on some cert issue likely related to DNS 17:25:30 <misc> (and still need to push a few commits I did, but I am unwilling to push all untested stuff i write before validating them) 17:25:38 <dustymabe> thanks misc 17:26:47 <dustymabe> #action vvaldez to talk with misc, scollier, jberkus about how he can help with FOSP (#153) 17:27:01 <dustymabe> #topic #155 Decide on post-GA update cadence for various deliverables 17:27:06 <dustymabe> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/155 17:27:25 <dustymabe> jbrooks: maxamillion: we had a discussion about this last time 17:27:34 <dustymabe> or maybe it was two weeks ago 17:27:40 <dustymabe> did we reach concensus 17:27:42 <dustymabe> ? 17:27:44 <jbrooks> I think both 17:27:55 <jbrooks> maxamillion sent out a msg to the list w/ a proposal 17:28:13 <jbrooks> looking for the link 17:28:54 <dustymabe> jbrooks: yeah I missed it 17:29:01 <dustymabe> some searching didn't show up anything 17:29:08 <jbrooks> Oh, it was the releng list 17:29:13 <dustymabe> k 17:29:17 <maxamillion> I dropped it in the original ticket for it 17:29:19 <maxamillion> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/B73P6EDFVKZCMHJ75LBOWUMOJTI34N7N/ 17:30:24 <maxamillion> but yeah, I think the plan from the rel-eng ticket #6313 is the direction everyone wants to go so we can probably close cloud ticket #155 with that information 17:31:05 <dustymabe> wow - lots of discussion there in that thread 17:31:14 <dustymabe> from a quick read I think that was what we wanted 17:31:39 <jbrooks> +1 17:32:16 <dustymabe> ok can we update our ticket #155 with that information? 17:33:18 <dustymabe> I'll update the ticket 17:33:21 <dustymabe> moving on 17:33:37 <dustymabe> is kushal still around? 17:33:45 <dustymabe> #topic #167 Decide a process about failed tests for Autocloud 17:33:54 <dustymabe> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/167 17:34:33 <dustymabe> i think he was here but he left 17:34:38 <dustymabe> trishnag: do you know? 17:35:20 <trishnag> dustymabe: kushal was online. I guess he is afk for having dinner 17:35:31 <dustymabe> I think for this ticket it would be nice to stop the release for a failing test 17:35:33 <trishnag> Not sure though 17:35:46 <dustymabe> but we must make sure we have resources to fix issues when they arise 17:35:51 <dustymabe> otherwise we'll just block release forever 17:36:42 <trishnag> dustymabe: Right user-journal should get logged 17:36:55 <dustymabe> ok i'll add comments to the ticket 17:37:18 <dustymabe> moving on... 17:37:20 <trishnag> dustymabe: Sure. I will talk to kushal tomorrow if he is not around now. 17:37:24 <dustymabe> #topic #168 Put OpenShift Origin in Container with Fedora Base 17:37:30 <dustymabe> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/168 17:39:40 <dustymabe> ok I guess no one has anything for that 17:39:46 <walters> one thing that's really nice about CentOS CP is it pulls from upstream automatically 17:40:17 <walters> although i'm not sure it's as rigorous about source tracking 17:40:27 <dustymabe> ok 17:41:04 <maxamillion> this appears to be part of Project FAO https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/ProjectFAO -> http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fao_installation_notes 17:41:13 <maxamillion> but just not labeled as such? or maybe I'm missing something 17:41:43 <walters> yeah, looks like it 17:42:04 <maxamillion> I'm +1 for it :) 17:42:20 <nzwulfin> it looks like everything cascades from this Dockerfile https://github.com/tdawson/origin/blob/2016-centos-images/images/base/Dockerfile.centos7 ? 17:42:51 <dustymabe> can we update the ticket with this information? 17:43:10 <maxamillion> I guess I don't know what about ticket #168 we're targeting ... are we voting on doing it or not doing it? do we need people to work on it? just chatting about it? status update? 17:43:42 <nzwulfin> " 17:43:55 <dustymabe> well scollier opened the ticket 17:43:55 <nzwulfin> sorry 17:44:08 <dustymabe> so maybe we can add the information in the ticket and also ask the same questions there 17:44:10 <dustymabe> so he can respond 17:44:25 <misc> IIRC, scott is away for 1 or 2 weeks 17:44:38 <dustymabe> misc: maybe, but he might see email in the meantime 17:45:16 <maxamillion> sounds good 17:45:19 <maxamillion> I'll add notes 17:45:20 <dustymabe> maxamillion: do you mind updating the ticket? 17:45:22 <dustymabe> thanks! 17:45:28 <dustymabe> #topic open floor 17:45:35 <dustymabe> gholms: there was an action item from you from last meeting 17:45:39 <dustymabe> about cloud-init 17:45:41 <nzwulfin> i'll add some too once i see maxamillion's update 17:45:54 <dustymabe> any update on that 17:46:14 <jbrooks> Is it too early to start thinking about the next Atomic Test Day? I'd like to collab w/ CentOS again on this 17:46:26 <gholms> Nothing yet, no. I tried messing around with building F25 images and got sidetracked. 17:47:33 <maxamillion> nzwulfin: update is in 17:48:18 <nzwulfin> maxamillion: cheers thanks 17:48:22 <dustymabe> jbrooks: not too early 17:48:25 <dustymabe> let's schedule it 17:49:00 <jbrooks> when do you think makes sense? 17:49:06 <trishnag> +1 on Atomic test day 17:49:53 <dustymabe> jbrooks: much closer to fedora 25 release? 17:50:13 <jbrooks> With f24, it was about a month before scheduled release, 6 weeks from actual 17:50:14 <dustymabe> but I guess we can really do test days more regularly 17:50:21 <dustymabe> since we release more often 17:50:38 <dustymabe> TBH we have had several fumbles with F24 17:50:45 <dustymabe> with the tree moving locations 17:50:49 <jbrooks> Yeah, +1 to that, I'd like to start having some scheduled office hours type thing for atomic 17:50:57 <dustymabe> even now the ISO images are built with the wrong tree 17:51:06 <dustymabe> maxamillion: walters ^^ 17:51:12 <dustymabe> I sent an email about this last night 17:51:14 <jbrooks> Where we can get together and work on stuff, and field Q's, and check the ask sites and whatnot 17:51:58 <dustymabe> yeah jbrooks I would love that - just hope I can actually break away and be a real contributor on the day of 17:52:15 <jbrooks> Yeah, that's why a rolling thing might be workable 17:52:23 <dustymabe> gholms: I re-actioned you on that item for next week 17:52:26 <dustymabe> hope that is ok 17:52:31 <gholms> Thanks 17:52:35 <jbrooks> It can sometimes be hard when it's two test days a year, more or less 17:53:05 <walters> dustymabe, i think that's for #fedora-releng right? 17:53:34 <dustymabe> walters: TBH sometimes I don't know who to tell 17:53:49 <dustymabe> I'll send it there way and see what comes back 17:53:56 <dustymabe> their* 17:54:06 <walters> dustymabe, i think the thing that causes pain here is bodhi is distinct from pungi 17:54:34 <dustymabe> *cough* bowlofeggs *cough* 17:54:52 <dustymabe> bowlofeggs might be able to help us with stuff like that in the future 17:55:09 <walters> mostly with RPMs it doesn't matter much, but the server-side identity matters a lot more with ostree 17:55:54 <bowlofeggs> hahahaha 17:56:17 <dustymabe> ok so I'll see if I can take that up with releng 17:56:25 <dustymabe> anyone have anything else for today's meeting? 17:56:37 <nzwulfin> documentation? 17:56:44 <maxamillion> dustymabe: jbrooks: +1 17:57:07 <nzwulfin> we keep talking about re-writing stuff but never get our roundtuits 17:57:27 <dustymabe> nzwulfin: yeah - I would actually love to completely rewrite our kickstarts 17:57:31 <dustymabe> a lot of old cruft in there 17:57:36 <jbrooks> me too 17:57:38 <nzwulfin> yep 17:57:52 <dustymabe> ok closing meeting now 17:57:56 <nzwulfin> we're getting tickets against teh getting started for CAH7 when I wrote it on F22 17:58:26 <dustymabe> #endmeeting