14:00:07 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 9 14:00:07 2013 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:08 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:08 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:00:30 * pkovar is here 14:00:48 * yruseva here 14:00:53 * pbokoc 14:00:59 * jhradilek is here. 14:01:06 * lnovich is here 14:02:07 * randomuser yawns, pours more coffee 14:02:10 * jjmcd 14:04:18 <randomuser> I don't think we have any action items, so let's dive into guides 14:04:26 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:04:59 <randomuser> pbokoc, the installation guide is probably the most important just now, how are things coming along? 14:05:15 <pbokoc> no change on the Installation Guide still, and yes, I know it's pretty bad :) there just wasn't time to do anything, but after today I'm finally free, so I'll have a week to devote to it 14:05:40 <randomuser> awesome 14:06:03 * jreznik_ is lurking 14:06:04 <pbokoc> thank god we don't really have any new features that will require big changes 14:06:46 <randomuser> pbokoc, i think the only significant feature is thinp lvm support in anaconda, and that may or may not be shipped 14:06:51 <pbokoc> anyway, if anyone has time and wants to help out, here's a bug list: http://red.ht/1aO7Xdr 14:07:21 <randomuser> #info pbokoc is doing an installation guide sprint this week 14:07:26 <pbokoc> randomuser, exactly. And it doesn't need a whole lot of documentation, because support during the installation will be limited in every case 14:07:45 <randomuser> #info check the list of bugs to see if you can help out 14:07:46 <pbokoc> like, no overcommiting storage during the install, if people want that, they can set it up afterwards 14:07:55 <lnovich> BY the way has anyone tried to do a fresh install of F20? 14:07:58 <randomuser> #link http://red.ht/1aO7Xdr 14:08:54 <randomuser> lnovich, I have 14:09:13 * randomuser has been running f20 for 6 weeks or so 14:09:24 <lnovich> unless i got the wrong version / image is boxes now replacing virt-manager? 14:09:57 <randomuser> lnovich, GNOME comes with boxes by default, but I wouldn't call it a replacement 14:10:21 <lnovich> color me confused but I wasn't sure boxes actually works 14:10:45 <randomuser> I haven't tried it, tbh, but I'm sure others have 14:11:04 <lnovich> so to get virt manager you need to install it separately - ok will make sure to mention that 14:11:33 <lnovich> randomuser can you send me a link to the right package? 14:12:00 <lnovich> for Fedora20 14:12:04 <randomuser> lnovich, it might fit to touch on boxes in the quickstart guide, but imo the virt guide should still cover virt-manager, virsh 14:12:22 <pbokoc> just "yum install virt-manager" should work, shouldn't it? 14:12:32 <lnovich> yes it will 14:12:35 <randomuser> lnovich, yeah, i'm not sure what kind of link you're looking for? 14:12:42 <lnovich> as long as you yum install libvirt 14:13:02 <lnovich> link to the package that will be F20GA 14:13:19 <lnovich> some kind of .iso file 14:13:30 <randomuser> `yum install @virtualization;systemctl {enable,start} libvirtd` ? 14:13:58 <pbokoc> oh right, I get what you mean, but I'm not sure if even the devs know which package will actually be in GA at this point 14:14:11 <randomuser> http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/ 14:14:18 <lnovich> thanks! 14:14:39 <randomuser> no, there shouldn't be any change in the lineup of packages on the media at this point 14:15:14 * Sparks is here 14:15:35 <randomuser> lnovich, what are you working on that is so concerned about the packages on the shipped media? 14:16:13 <lnovich> i am writing the virt guides and want to make sure things remain as i thought they are supposed to be 14:16:45 <randomuser> yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about writing for people that refuse to install extra packages :P 14:17:28 <randomuser> lnovich, to you have a bug list / todo list for the virt guides as well? 14:17:31 <lnovich> not worrying at all 14:17:54 <lnovich> huge list - why? 14:18:43 <randomuser> lnovich, you could share your list and maybe get some help 14:18:49 <lnovich> I am planning to get most of the work done a bit late but it will get done 14:19:15 <lnovich> finishing an important deadline for work first and then will go to Fedora 14:19:36 <randomuser> ok, cool 14:19:47 <lnovich> It may take an additional 2-3 weeks 14:19:53 <lnovich> if that is ok 14:20:32 <randomuser> worksforme thanks 14:21:40 <randomuser> is there a todo list for the sysadmin guide? 14:22:25 <randomuser> I was thinking the other day how useful a command line task checklist would be, if it meshed with git 14:23:45 <jjmcd> randomuser, I think there might be one 14:24:04 <pbokoc> didn't jhradilek make one at some point? Not meshed with git, but still 14:24:40 <pbokoc> http://w2do.blackened.cz/ :3 14:24:51 <randomuser> well, by "meshed" i mean distributable with 14:24:52 <jjmcd> There are a boatload of command line check list packages. I *thought* I recalled one that interfaced with git, but of course, none of them work in a way that I find useful 14:25:52 <randomuser> yes, it would have to be simple enough for me 14:26:05 <randomuser> thanks, pbokoc, i'll play with that 14:26:54 * jjmcd has a bash script that rummages through my local bz to make a daily reminder list 14:27:47 <randomuser> anything more on guides before we move on to FAD then open floor ? 14:29:43 <randomuser> #topic Docs FAD 2014 14:29:50 <randomuser> Sparks, are you around for this? 14:29:52 <Sparks> Yes 14:30:06 <randomuser> yay 14:30:19 <Sparks> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_FAD_2014 14:30:40 <randomuser> so far, i think we should talk about mentoring, onboarding, product alignment 14:30:41 <Sparks> #info If you haven't signed up to attend and are planning on coming please do so today. 14:31:55 <Sparks> #info If you need funding to go to the FAD do so today so I can start my fund request. 14:32:03 <Sparks> randomuser: +1 14:32:15 <randomuser> have you looked at the whenisgood results, Sparks ? 14:32:34 <Sparks> randomuser: I have a blog post in my head that I want to get out and then I want to bring that to the Docs list for discussion regarding finding work. 14:32:54 <Sparks> randomuser: I don't seem to have the link up in my tabs right now. 14:33:07 <randomuser> i'll send it to you 14:33:18 <Sparks> ...but it appeared, last time I looked, that the end of February was looking better than others. 14:33:33 <randomuser> yeah, i think it is 14:34:13 <Sparks> jjmcd: Will you be able to join us? 14:34:23 <randomuser> i probably can't do anything in the first six weeks of the year 14:34:47 <jjmcd> Not willing to drive at that time of year, but if we ar working on ARG and if RH will spot the plan ticket, yeah 14:35:15 <Sparks> jjmcd: Yeah, I wouldn't drive. I think we've got funding but won't be sure until I apply for it. 14:35:47 <jjmcd> Need to look at the dates, too, but I'll sign up, do the whenisgood and we'll see how it works out 14:36:22 <Sparks> #link http://whenisgood.net/docsfad2014 14:36:33 <jjmcd> yeah, got it up 14:36:58 <jjmcd> For me, Feb doesn't look very good but let me take a closer look at the cal and see what might be moved 14:37:52 <Sparks> Does anyone have any questions regarding the FAS? 14:38:09 <Sparks> randomuser: Can you update the goals of the FAD? 14:38:38 <lnovich> does anyone know how to get funding? 14:38:44 <Sparks> yes 14:39:01 <Sparks> lnovich: Right now it involves going to rbergeron and saying "we need funding". 14:39:20 <randomuser> Sparks, yeah, i'll try and reason out some goals 14:39:35 <lnovich> i got approval to go if i can get funded 14:39:53 <Sparks> lnovich: Put it on the wiki page. 14:40:20 <lnovich> the wiki page was a bit confusing - not finished when I saw it 14:40:34 <Sparks> lnovich: What's confusing? 14:41:41 <lnovich> the budget table is where i should add my info correct? 14:41:51 <Sparks> lnovich: Yes. 14:41:57 <lnovich> and this table is for BOTH raleigh and Brno? 14:42:01 <Sparks> lnovich: Yes 14:42:08 <lnovich> ok that is what I wasn't sure about 14:42:20 <Sparks> lnovich: Yeah, it's all the same bucket of money. 14:43:28 <Sparks> lnovich: I've got pricing for hotel in Raleigh so you'll need to give me the cost for Brno (or hit up someone's couch). 14:43:28 <lnovich> ok adding my name 14:44:38 <Sparks> randomuser: That's all I've got. I'll apply for funding later today/tomorrow morning. 14:44:57 <randomuser> great, thanks Sparks 14:45:10 <randomuser> #topic Open floor discussion 14:46:20 <jreznik> guys, is there anything you still need for final f20 I can help? 14:47:07 <randomuser> jreznik, i can't think of anything offhand 14:47:30 <jreznik> ok :) 14:48:23 <Sparks> Anyone heard anything else about moving the backend for docs.fp.o to Publican 3? 14:49:31 * randomuser heard we're supposed to just stop using publican 14:49:49 <lnovich> ?? 14:50:06 <randomuser> no, only joking, calm down lnovich 14:50:09 <Sparks> hahahahaha 14:50:09 <jjmcd> Switching to Word for Windows 8? 14:50:19 <pbokoc> well, jhradilek ran off to get some food, and he's probably the only one who knows anything 14:50:21 <Sparks> jjmcd: I hear it's what all the cool kids are using. 14:50:39 * Sparks thinks rudi is doing the work. 14:50:43 <pbokoc> ah yes, I've missed Word ever since I started at Red Hat 14:50:44 <jjmcd> I guess I'm just un-cool 14:51:10 <Sparks> pbokoc: Wow 14:51:25 <Sparks> jjmcd: Me too. I can't tell you the last time I've had to endure a Microsoft product. 14:51:34 * jjmcd has been in a lot of goto meetings lately and getting reminded just how painful Word was 14:51:53 <lnovich> funny - i never used word for tech writing - only framemaker 14:52:25 <Sparks> lnovich: Yeah, I don't think Word is supposed to be used for anything other than... well, for anything. 14:52:32 <pbokoc> me neither, but I was a journalist in past life 14:52:35 <jjmcd> hehe - most of the time back when I worked for a living it was VAX Document - no so different 14:52:40 <pbokoc> (well, I used OpenOffice, but still) 14:53:57 <randomuser> so, LotusNotes then? 14:54:13 <jjmcd> well, that was back in the runoff days 14:55:26 * jjmcd has actually been toying with writing a Geniac emulator - that was my first "computer" 14:57:57 <randomuser> thanks for coming, everyone 14:58:12 <jjmcd> out to salt the driveway - thanks randomuser 14:58:16 <randomuser> I'm going to end the meeting in a moment unless there are any last minute issues 14:58:20 <randomuser> #endmeeting