14:06:28 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:06:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Sep 14 14:06:28 2015 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:06:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:06:30 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:06:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:06:30 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:06:33 <randomuser> ahem 14:06:48 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 14:06:48 <zodbot> linuxmodder: 'linuxmodder' Not Found! 14:07:06 * Sparks 14:07:08 <linuxmodder> .fas linux-modder 14:07:08 <zodbot> linuxmodder: 'linux-modder' Not Found! 14:07:13 <randomuser> yay Sparks ! 14:07:17 <linuxmodder> .fas corey84 14:07:17 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'Corey Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 14:07:23 * zoglesby is here 14:07:34 <Sparks> randomuser: I just wanted to beat zoglesby in the door 14:08:25 * smccann is here 14:08:48 * grundblom is here 14:08:51 * grundblom derp 14:10:16 <randomuser> #topic follow up on action items 14:10:37 <randomuser> #info randomuser sent announcement of beats closing, gave i18n a few courtesy days 14:11:06 <randomuser> #info lnovich sent mail re: bugfix meetings, minimal response received 14:11:13 <randomuser> #info mail was read 14:11:32 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:11:44 <randomuser> any new writers, or reports of them, for today? 14:14:25 <randomuser> sounds like not 14:14:27 <randomuser> #topic Publishing 14:14:29 <randomuser> I have some core functionality working, probably; extracting metadata from docbook and rst docs on the command line and exporting to json 14:15:04 <randomuser> also, I wrote dockerfiles for the buildbot stuff so you can play along locally if you like 14:15:58 <pkovar> /me is late 14:16:01 <randomuser> next, I'll figure out some way to put the ... less native metadata needed into docbook, and start on doing stuff with the metadata 14:16:08 <randomuser> welcome, pkovar 14:18:36 <randomuser> no questions? 14:18:47 <randomuser> I'll move on 14:18:56 <randomuser> #topic Release Notes 14:19:15 <randomuser> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-docs-tasks.html 14:19:27 <randomuser> #info Beats are closed on wiki 14:19:46 <randomuser> #info time to migrate beats to git 14:20:41 <grundblom> ah! so now is the time to edit the releasenotes on docbook 14:20:54 <randomuser> yes 14:21:11 <randomuser> you've got a head start :) 14:21:24 <grundblom> file it under oops! 14:23:13 <randomuser> #link https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/docs/release-notes.git 14:23:33 <randomuser> What else can I say at this point? We need to knock it out. 14:24:01 <smccann> so do we each edit a chapter in git? not sure how it works for beat writers 14:24:51 <randomuser> You could take one beat at a time, sure 14:25:48 <randomuser> the formal process I think is that the assigned beat writer does their own beat, but we don't *really* work that way. So it's best to communicate as you work, and push/pull often. 14:27:22 <randomuser> alright, let's move on 14:27:38 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:28:13 <randomuser> anyone have blockers for branching and updating their guides? 14:28:54 <smccann> not sure who might be doing the virt getting started? I lost track of that conversatino 14:28:58 <smccann> conversation even 14:29:23 <randomuser> afaik noone has volunteered 14:29:43 <randomuser> If you're comfortable with the content's applicability to F23, go ahead and branch it 14:29:44 <smccann> lol well I was wondering if kirsti, lnovich, or grundblom were still editing it etc 14:30:14 <grundblom> I made some edits to it from the last time I was able to attend lnovich's office hours 14:30:40 <grundblom> but other then that, I added some screen shots and updated it for interface changes in F22 14:31:12 <smccann> ok. I'll send out email to see what the other two feel is its general status 14:31:42 <randomuser> #action smccann to rally virt-getting-started-guide to f23 readiness 14:32:01 <randomuser> what about other guides? 14:33:55 <randomuser> Sparks, I see a lot of interesting bz traffic on the defensive coding guide; think any of those folks would like commit access? 14:34:46 <Sparks> randomuser: I'm not sure. I haven't been following. 14:34:59 * Sparks will take a look 14:35:15 <randomuser> thanks. 14:35:43 <randomuser> I'm assuming you or the Security Team own that, until proven otherwise :P 14:36:50 <Sparks> ha! 14:37:47 <randomuser> I'll give us one more minute for guide issues 14:38:53 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:39:01 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:39:10 <randomuser> there are bugs. 14:39:41 <linuxmodder> I'd consider it been to busy to really look at it Sparks 14:40:46 <randomuser> anyone have a bug they'd like to discuss? 14:41:44 * randomuser infers no 14:41:51 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor Discussion 14:42:16 <randomuser> everyone is quiet today :/ 14:43:26 <randomuser> oh, Capesteve dropped off, that explains the lack of heckling and inappropriate comments 14:43:34 <pbokoc> I said a thing and timed out 14:43:42 <Capesteve> sorry 14:43:50 <Capesteve> in two meetings 14:43:50 <randomuser> pbokoc, it didn't come through, what did you say? 14:44:46 <pbokoc> oh, just that I'm gonna start committing to relnotes finally, I have some stuff from the installer team and I'll grab some change bugs too 14:44:46 <randomuser> oh! The libxml2 bug has been fixed, all versions of Fedora should have an updated version of publican in -testing soon 14:44:54 <pbokoc> oooooooh 14:44:56 <randomuser> pbokoc++ 14:44:59 <pbokoc> only took like 6 months, too! 14:45:14 <pkovar1> yes, you can give karma to publican packages in testing! 14:45:17 <pkovar1> so please do 14:48:40 <randomuser> If there's nothing else... 14:49:43 <randomuser> #endmeeting