18:00:31 <stickster> #startmeeting Fedora Insight (Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda) 18:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 28 18:00:31 2010 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:35 <stickster> #meetingname Fedora Insight 18:00:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_insight' 18:00:39 <stickster> #topic Roll call 18:00:44 * stickster :-) 18:00:52 * rbergeron 18:01:10 * Sparks_too . 18:01:22 * asrob too 18:01:37 <stickster> I don't believe pcalarco will make it today, q.v. his message to the list 18:01:51 <stickster> #chair rbergeron Sparks_too Sparks asrob 18:01:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks Sparks_too asrob rbergeron stickster 18:02:21 <stickster> #info Test site remains at: http://publictest4.fedoraproject.org/drupal/ 18:02:26 <stickster> Is hiemanshu here? 18:02:33 <rbergeron> I haven't seen him around 18:04:09 <stickster> OK, let's get started then :-) 18:04:17 <stickster> #topic Action item review 18:04:48 <stickster> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-10-21/fedora-meeting.2010-10-21-18.06.html <-- last week's notes 18:04:55 <stickster> I see three action items but only one of them is assigned. 18:05:26 <stickster> asrob: Could you tell us a bit about what you worked on last week? 18:06:27 <asrob> stickster: yes, but I did not work on last week, Paul did not say anything 18:06:48 <asrob> just I added myself to cmsadmin group that he suggested to me 18:06:57 <stickster> asrob: You mean me? (stickster = Paul Frields) 18:07:24 <asrob> I know 18:08:00 <stickster> asrob: OK, so just so I understand -- you're waiting for cmsadmin membership then? 18:08:07 <asrob> stickster: yes 18:08:19 <stickster> OK, my goof for not seeing that in my email then 18:08:27 <stickster> asrob: I've just sponsored you 18:08:32 <asrob> thx 18:08:39 <stickster> Sorry for that -- please feel free to email the list or ping people if you don't get a response 18:08:52 <stickster> Sometimes we miss the automatic notifications, and it's never bad to be persistent 18:08:52 <asrob> ok 18:08:59 <asrob> ;) 18:09:48 <stickster> OK, I'm not sure how the other review came out, so let me re-tag myself with some work 18:10:13 <Sparks_too> stickster: What packages still need to be reviewed? 18:10:23 <stickster> Sparks_too: Working on it, hang on 18:10:33 <stickster> #action stickster review Footnotes module (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858) 18:10:40 <stickster> I'm working on that one now, about 1/3 done 18:10:54 <stickster> I sent a note to the list to ask about a packaging detail 18:11:11 <stickster> #info Advanced Help module still needs a review once someone packages it 18:11:56 <Sparks_too> #info flexifilter review complete 18:12:02 <asrob> stickster: if I would like to help with theming then do I add myself to theme group as well? 18:12:19 <stickster> Sparks_too: Doesn't that package have the same potential issue with Requires that I posted to the list? 18:12:31 <stickster> In other words, the package is going to fail to install on EPEL 18:12:41 <Sparks_too> stickster: Hmmmm.... 18:13:08 <Sparks_too> stickster: I was so confused by all the conversations that were had... I think he'll need a new flexifilter package for EPEL 18:13:29 <stickster> We need to get deconfusified on this stuff before reviews are complete, though 18:13:43 <stickster> Otherwise we risk making users' lives harder 18:14:01 <Sparks_too> stickster: I agree and I thought that was what was decided 18:14:16 <stickster> Sparks_too: That we'd have separate spec files for EPEL? 18:14:25 <Sparks_too> That a second package would be made specifically for EPEL 5/6 and F15 18:14:27 <stickster> Maybe I'm the one who's totally confused :-\ 18:14:36 <stickster> So a completely different specfile? 18:14:53 <Sparks_too> Unfortunately 18:15:06 <Sparks_too> I wish we could have just gotten Drupal fixed in F14/13 18:15:08 <stickster> I guess I don't understand the need for one since we have conditionals to help 18:15:21 <stickster> You can have the package set things differently using an %if statement 18:16:04 <Sparks_too> Okay. Are the other packages by the same packager? 18:16:09 <stickster> Well, let's go over that in a few minutes 18:16:11 <smooge> sort of here sorry 18:16:13 <stickster> And get through review first 18:16:32 <stickster> #action stickster Do a big-picture blog post of where we are and what we need people to help us with, esp. getting some more Drupal intermediate-to-expert folks or at least people who are willing to learn *and have time to do so* 18:16:46 * stickster needs to get his time machine set up so he can write something this week 18:17:14 <stickster> #action pcalarco define new node for top-level FWN issues page 18:17:22 <Southern_Gentlem> stickster, if you do i will come down and borrow it so i can help more as well 18:17:32 <stickster> Southern_Gentlem: you're on :-) 18:18:04 <stickster> #action stickster install Feeds module so we can try it out 18:18:13 <stickster> #undo 18:18:13 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2b523393cc90> 18:18:33 <stickster> No, that was right ;-D 18:18:34 <stickster> #action stickster install Feeds module so we can try it out 18:18:38 <Southern_Gentlem> ? 18:18:58 <stickster> #topic Package details 18:19:12 <Southern_Gentlem> are these modules you are packageing available for public consumption? 18:19:13 <stickster> OK, Sparks_too -- package stuff 18:19:24 <stickster> Southern_Gentlem: Absolutely 18:19:32 <stickster> They're all from drupal.org contributed modules 18:19:47 <Sparks_too> stickster: I understand what you are saying and I wasn't aware that was an option. 18:19:52 <stickster> Other than the AuthFAS one, which comes from here: http://fedorapeople.org/gitweb?p=pfrields/public_git/drupal-authfas-6x.git;a=summary 18:20:17 <Southern_Gentlem> yes are these rpms in the repos or in testing? 18:20:35 <Sparks_too> The biggest problem is going to be the package naming schemes that differ between Fedora and EPEL and RHEL 18:20:36 <stickster> Southern_Gentlem: Some are in review in Bugzilla, the rest will follow when we know we want to install them 18:21:15 <stickster> Sparks_too: Well, in the package review that I did, here's how the naming was set up 18:21:30 <stickster> The module package was called 'drupal6-footnotes' 18:22:06 <stickster> I assumed that was going to stay the same for all branches, since our package system relies upon that 18:22:24 <stickster> So in F-13/F-14/F-15/EL-5/EL-6... it will have that name 18:22:28 <stickster> Sparks_too: With me so far? 18:22:48 <Sparks_too> Yes. flexifilter is named drupal6-flexifilter, now 18:23:19 <stickster> Or is that where I'm going wrong? Is it Sven's intention to make a separate module drupal-footnotes module (note, no "6") for use on Fedora, and this review is purely for EPEL? 18:23:58 <Sparks_too> No, both will be named drupal6... just the dependencies will be different, AFAIK 18:24:09 <stickster> OK, that's where I think things would be a lot easier to just have one spec file 18:24:17 <stickster> I mean, it really is up to the maintainer, but you can do this: 18:24:24 <stickster> %if %{?fedora} 18:24:29 <stickster> Requires: drupal >= 6.0 18:24:31 <stickster> %endif 18:24:34 <stickster> %if %{?rhel} 18:24:39 <stickster> Requires: drupal6 >= 6.0 18:24:40 <stickster> %endif 18:25:04 <stickster> And if Fedora changes the way it works in F-15, you can cover that too, using '%if 0%{?fedora} >= 15' 18:25:22 <Sparks_too> Okay. I'll put that in the ticket. 18:25:26 <gholms> Will it be drupal6 for both el5 and el6? 18:25:51 <stickster> gholms: That I do not know, but I would think so -- because el5 already has 'drupal' in it and we don't want to inflict a bunch of obsoletes pain on anyone 18:27:22 <stickster> OK, I guess this is still confusing. 18:27:47 * Sparks_too thought it was drupal6 on el5 and el6 18:27:47 <stickster> Sparks_too: If you're as confused as I am, can you write an email to the list asking for someone to write out the plan, in short simple statements we dunces understand? :-) 18:28:06 <Sparks_too> .whoowns drupal 18:28:10 <stickster> limb 18:28:10 <zodbot> Sparks_too: limb 18:28:16 <stickster> You're slow, zodbot. 18:28:23 <stickster> limb also owns drupal6. 18:28:25 <Sparks_too> Okay, I'll make sure to include him as well 18:28:45 <stickster> Sparks_too: And if you're NOT as confused as I am, feel free to say so in the email... I'm happy to be the dunce 18:28:56 <Sparks_too> I think we'll both be sitting in the corner 18:28:57 <stickster> I just want to know how to do this review properly 18:29:11 <stickster> In my experience, having one spec file that you can maintain easily from the git master is the best way to go 18:29:19 <stickster> Rather than having different ones for different branches 18:29:26 <stickster> *but* 18:29:32 <stickster> totally the maintainer's call 18:30:14 <Sparks_too> stickster: I agree 18:30:19 <stickster> OK, the review is really my big target for right now. 18:30:25 * Sparks_too scribes message to logistics@ 18:30:53 <stickster> #action Sparks_too write email to logistics to get someone to explain the packaging decisions in full to us dunces :-) 18:31:05 <stickster> Like everyone here, I'm swamped coming up to the F-14 release 18:31:53 <stickster> Plus I have a lecture to give tonight in DC, and a big internal meeting (not Fedora related) next week to prep for -- so I'm a bit behind. I expect things to let up slightly next week, at least enough that I can get back to doing some Insight work. 18:32:10 <stickster> asrob: I'll install the Feeds module so you can play around with it and show us its capabilities. 18:32:22 <asrob> stickster: ok ;) 18:32:28 <stickster> asrob: Remember that whatever settings we change or feed configurations we make, need to be *documented* on the wiki 18:32:36 <stickster> So we can repeat our work if necessary, and the community can use it too 18:33:13 <stickster> #action stickster email Hiemanshu to ask where our theme push is 18:33:27 <stickster> I'm going to go to open floor if that's OK with everyone 18:33:47 <asrob> ok 18:33:53 <stickster> #info Everyone's focused on F-14 right now but next week we will be cranking up the engines again 18:34:02 <stickster> #topic All other business (AOB) - open floor 18:36:16 <stickster> I made a tiny bit of progress on FWN presentation in a single node 18:36:26 <stickster> But I think pcalarco was going to try something more functional 18:36:46 <stickster> I see on the site there's a link at the top now for FWN 247 18:36:52 <asrob> I am going to help in views 18:37:07 <stickster> asrob: That's excellent 18:37:20 <stickster> asrob: I think a View can be exported in some sort of serialized format, is that right? 18:37:24 <asrob> yes 18:37:43 <stickster> asrob: We can record that on the wiki, either pasted in a <pre>...</pre> block, or attached as a file 18:38:52 <asrob> ok 18:39:03 <stickster> asrob: Do you know if there's a way to filter nodes in a View based on count? As in, the first of a series? 18:39:56 <asrob> stickster: like this? http://nxd.asrob.net/galeria-lista 18:40:16 <asrob> this is a views, it has some gallery 18:41:14 <stickster> asrob: Not quite what I was thinking -- What I meant is, can I have a View only report the most recent node out of the results? 18:42:11 <asrob> I think yes 18:42:15 <stickster> Oh, I think I found it 18:42:18 <stickster> "Items to display" 18:42:35 <stickster> So if I have them in order with the newest first, and use "items to display" = 1, that would be just the most recent item 18:43:27 <asrob> imho yes, but i need to check 18:45:16 <stickster> OK, I have nothing further for today 18:45:34 <stickster> #info Feeds module has been installed now 18:45:49 <stickster> #undo 18:45:49 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x2b5235c4ba90> 18:45:50 <stickster> Whoops. 18:46:15 <stickster> asrob: Looks like Feeds requires PHP >= 5.2. That means it won't work until we get our instance running on EL-6. <-- smooge 18:46:32 <asrob> :( 18:46:47 <stickster> We'll look further at this next week. 18:46:56 <asrob> ok 18:47:16 <stickster> asrob: It would be great if you could research our options there, and report them to the logistics list. Can you do that? 18:47:54 <smooge> ugh 18:48:01 <smooge> ok that is going to be a while. 18:48:08 <stickster> smooge: Yeah, I figured as much. 18:48:28 <smooge> or we go to a multi-app mapping 18:48:35 <asrob> stickster: I think yes, I can but I have a problem with FakeFAS account 18:48:41 <asrob> I got an error message 18:48:45 <stickster> smooge: I'm still not clear on what the requirement is for Feeds. I know it's cool, but we want to not get in the habit of letting coolness drive what we install 18:49:04 <smooge> I would need to talk to abadger and mmcgrath on if that would be feasible 18:49:15 <stickster> asrob: Let's meet over in #fedora-mktg and we can handle that problem. 18:49:26 <asrob> ok 18:49:50 <stickster> #action asrob See if we have any alternatives or if there's a way to use Feeds *other* than upgrading to EL-6 18:50:06 <asrob> I am on it ;) 18:50:32 <stickster> #action smooge Find out if EL-6 upgrade is feasible, or maybe an approximate ETA, with the understanding that we want to stay requirements driven, not module driven 18:50:45 <stickster> OK, that'll do it for today then. 18:50:48 <stickster> Closing in 30 18:51:39 <stickster> 10 18:52:06 <stickster> #endmeeting