19:00:52 <stickster> #startmeeting Fedora Insight 19:00:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 11 19:00:52 2010 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:55 <stickster> #meetingname Fedora Insight 19:00:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_insight' 19:01:01 <stickster> #topic Roll call 19:02:02 <stickster> rbergeron: pcalarco: smooge: asrob: hiemanshu: pingypingy :-) 19:02:08 <asrob> o/ 19:02:31 * jsmith is here 19:02:41 * asrob too 19:03:43 <stickster> #chair asrob jsmith 19:03:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob jsmith stickster 19:03:55 <stickster> Give me one more minute to grab a couple links I should have had ready already :-) 19:04:51 * hiemanshu is lurking 19:05:04 <stickster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight#Meeting_agenda <-- agenda 19:05:12 <stickster> Let's start by looking at last week's action items 19:05:17 <stickster> #topic Action item review 19:05:25 <stickster> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-10-28/fedora_insight.2010-10-28-18.00.html <-- last meeting's notes 19:06:21 <stickster> #info #1 -- Paul completed Footnotes module review, some problems noted (see list email) 19:06:30 <stickster> #info #2 -- Paul still owes blog post on Insight, writing it now 19:06:46 <smooge> is sort of here 19:06:47 <stickster> #info #4 -- Paul installed Feeds module but it won't activate without PHP 5.2 19:06:58 <stickster> Wonder if Sparks is around -- I think he was traveling though. 19:07:06 * Southern_Gentlem here 19:07:12 <stickster> #info #6 -- Paul talked to hiemanshu, will discuss theme status in a few minutes. 19:07:53 <stickster> So let's go through some of these topics in detail 19:08:10 <stickster> #topic Theme 19:08:39 <stickster> So hiemanshu reported this week that he can't locate the work he did on the theme in any local git branch on his system. 19:09:25 <stickster> So there's nothing to push at this point. My personal feeling is, now that we know that, let's simply start working on the current master branch and move forward. I would love to get someone from the Design team involved to help, and maybe try and get a theme together that is a better match for the main fp.o site. 19:09:28 <stickster> Thoughts? 19:11:26 <stickster> asrob: hiemanshu: ? 19:11:35 <asrob> imho let's start a sub-theme, drupal has a some great starter themes, like Zen, Fusion etc. 19:12:01 <stickster> asrob: I don't care how it's done, but it needs someone to head up the process. 19:12:19 <stickster> hiemanshu has had a lot to do recently, maybe he's interested in letting you work with someone in Design to put this together. 19:12:29 <asrob> yep 19:12:45 <pcalarco> Hi folks, sorry I'm late; a meeting ran over :) 19:12:53 <stickster> Hi Pascal! Nice to see you! :-) 19:12:58 <asrob> hi 19:13:18 <pcalarco> Hi stickster and asrob 19:14:10 <stickster> asrob: If you would like to own this topic, then I would humbly suggest that you check on the #fedora-design channel for an interested person, discuss a plan for the theme, and present it on the logistics list in a short email. 19:14:17 <stickster> Sound good? 19:14:28 <asrob> yeah 19:14:52 <stickster> (note, the above is a pretty short process, basically you guys agreeing what to do, and hopefully involving hiemanshu if he is able to help, and then *do it*) :-) 19:15:20 <stickster> #action asrob Talk to Design team about helping with the theme, then tell us on logistics list what they're going to do and how long it will take, etc. 19:15:43 <stickster> #info It would be great to have the theme match our fp.o site more closely 19:15:51 <stickster> Anything else on theme before we move on? 19:16:11 <asrob> - 19:16:39 <stickster> OK then 19:16:47 <stickster> #topic Views and book combo 19:16:52 <stickster> #chair pcalarco 19:16:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: asrob jsmith pcalarco stickster 19:17:21 <stickster> pcalarco: Tell us how it's going here. I'm a little behind because of RHEL6 release stuff this past couple of weeks, so could use a refresher :-) 19:18:11 <pcalarco> sure thing. So we've basically got the View working for FWN, and are back to the functional level for FWN that we had reached with Zikula, I'd say 19:18:42 <pcalarco> I think there perhaps are more elegant ways to do the FWN issue aggregation, but for now it works fine 19:19:28 <pcalarco> next step I'd say is theming polish and such 19:20:28 <stickster> pcalarco: Is there any indicator in an aggregated FWN "issue" (http://publictest4.fedoraproject.org/drupal/fwn/248) that would help a themer "hide" the navigation areas? Like a div class or something? 19:21:10 <stickster> Oh, I found it -- "view-fwn" 19:21:12 <stickster> Cool! 19:21:30 <stickster> #info There's a div class that we could use to tune the appearance of an FWN aggregated issue 19:21:51 <pcalarco> stickster: do you mean the nav pointers between each beat? 19:22:05 <stickster> pcalarco: Exactly, thank you -- those come from each individual node that's included in the view 19:22:08 <pcalarco> stickster: great 19:22:16 <asrob> pcalarco: is this FWN story aggregated? 19:22:32 <stickster> asrob: I shouldn't misuse that word. No, it's a view of several nodes combined into a FWN issue 19:22:41 * stickster takes 30 lashes with the wet noodle :-) 19:22:42 <pcalarco> asrob: yes, precisely 19:22:47 <pcalarco> :) 19:23:35 <stickster> pcalarco: er, maybe I got that wrong then? I should just keep quiet :-) I meant, it's not aggregated as in RSS or Feeds. It's a view of several related nodes, collected together (in the general sense of the word "aggregate") 19:23:40 <pcalarco> stickster: where did you find out about the dic? 19:23:48 <stickster> Dear hackers: Please stop hijacking my language :-D 19:24:09 <asrob> :) 19:24:11 <stickster> pcalarco: I did a Ctrl+U (view source) on the node above, and looked for a div class... it's in the first few lines of the body 19:24:14 <pcalarco> stcikster: sorry, miscommunicating; I meant to agree with what you were saying :) 19:24:29 <stickster> About 20 lines down 19:24:30 <smooge> my apologies for not being 100% here 19:24:34 <stickster> pcalarco: No worries! 19:24:38 <stickster> smooge: No worries either! :-) 19:24:47 <smooge> stickster, you said you are needing php52 19:24:55 <pcalarco> smooge: Hi smooge! 19:25:04 <stickster> smooge: Well, we'll get to that in just a sec, let me #topic so we can catch you 19:25:08 <smooge> ok sorry 19:25:39 <stickster> smooge: No problem! we probably have an oddly shaped agenda that I need to think about and correct, since this happens often -- i.e., "it's not you, it's me" :-) 19:26:12 <smooge> oh wow that reminds me of so many old dates 19:26:20 <stickster> pcalarco: One thing we might want to look at is the numerous entry paths to FWN I can see in the test instance. We have something at the top of the page, and something in the side navigation area 19:26:27 <stickster> smooge: Let's just be friends 19:26:58 <pcalarco> stickster: yes, some cleanup is warranted there too 19:27:18 <smooge> that was another one. Both are lies. It was me and we can't be friends :) 19:27:27 <stickster> pcalarco: Some of it is likely my fault from playing around where I oughtn't. :-) I'm trying to get some spare time to read Drupal books so I can be more helpful with these Views 19:28:07 <pcalarco> stickster: that's how I learn too! 19:29:22 <stickster> pcalarco: I have two comments to make on this, really. (1) It's well worth the time piddling around and seeing how various things work. Finding how to make new entry points and menu stuff is helpful. (2) If we can get a designer involved with asrob they may be able to help us figure out how to make a better looking front page that exposes FWN in a specific way, then we can configure the system to match it. 19:30:24 <pcalarco> stickster: agreed on both points 19:30:53 <asrob> okay 19:31:21 <stickster> OK pcalarco, how about I #action you to look at what's going on there, and see if you can figure out something useful for next meeting -- how we can make the newest collected issue View appear as a direct link somewhere? 19:32:08 <pcalarco> stickster: that sounds like a good next goal, thx; I can commit to working on that 19:32:14 <stickster> #action pcalarco Figure out how we can make a link for FWN that will take the reader straight to the latest issue 19:32:15 <stickster> Awesome! 19:32:37 <stickster> Anything else on views then? If not, we'll talk about Feeds 'n' PHP for smooge and asrob 19:32:54 <asrob> - 19:33:41 <smooge> ok 19:33:44 <stickster> #topic Feeds, PHP requirements 19:33:57 <pcalarco> +1 19:34:16 <stickster> #info asrob was looking at Feeds, which has expanded functions for dealing with RSS and other stuff. However, it requires PHP 5.2 which EL-5 ain't got. 19:34:58 * hiemanshu is around now 19:35:00 <smooge> no 5.6 will have php53 but I do not how to get them to interact with php5.1 on the same box 19:35:27 <smooge> 6.0 has php-5.3 but that will require a bit of playing with to deal with also. 19:35:30 <stickster> smooge: So what you're saying is php53 is parallel installable? 19:35:38 <stickster> Under EL 5.6 that is 19:35:44 <smooge> stickster, supposedly 19:35:55 <stickster> Ah, OK 19:36:02 <smooge> I do not know how much configuration is needed ot make it work 19:36:16 <stickster> .whoowns php 19:36:18 <smooge> and what affect it has on application servers to have two different engines running at the same time 19:36:19 <zodbot> stickster: jorton 19:36:22 <hiemanshu> parallel installing php isnt really a good idea 19:36:37 <stickster> hiemanshu: Can you quantify that for us? 19:37:06 <hiemanshu> stickster: you will need to make a lot of edits to the drupal conf, plus there is a change of mixing of modules 19:37:17 <hiemanshu> s/drupal/httpd/ 19:37:28 <hiemanshu> it can be made to work, but not generally a good idea 19:37:41 <smooge> that is what I figured. I think we will need to look at having a 'dedicated' set of php53 boxes whether they are RHEL-5 or RHEL-6 19:37:50 <smooge> thanks for the info hiemanshu 19:38:15 <makfinsky> Virtual machines? 19:38:33 <stickster> smooge: I guess it makes sense to look at whether an EL-6 box would be easier than mixing PHP on a 5.x box. 19:38:44 <hiemanshu> stickster: +1 19:38:56 <stickster> makfinsky: I think we're running on VM guests already, but yeah :-) 19:39:16 <smooge> correct we do things in vm's for most of our infrastructure 19:39:19 <hiemanshu> maybe a couple of EL-6 boxes would work 19:39:42 <stickster> #info Drupal is smart enough to know when we've got the requirements installed, and won't let us turn on a module requiring them if they're not there. 19:40:11 <makfinsky> I think that'd be easier than parallel install on php on a single system. RHEL6 VM's that is. 19:40:31 <stickster> hiemanshu: They certainly would, but that takes some cycles from either Smooge or someone on the Infra team to be comfortable putting RHEL6 systems into their production mix. 19:40:34 <stickster> (or publictest mix even) 19:40:46 <smooge> publictest is easy 19:40:57 <smooge> well by next week it will be easy 19:41:18 <smooge> skvidal is downloading el6 for us to do this 19:41:34 <skvidal> with some help from some rhn folks 19:41:36 <hiemanshu> if we have a single EL-6 box ready in publictest, I can move it over 19:41:37 <skvidal> I got our syncing working again 19:41:41 <stickster> Well, we've got that going for us then :-) Smooge, do you think you'd be able to put something up for next Thursday's meeting to which we could move our DB? 19:42:14 <stickster> Or is that too aggressive? 19:43:03 <smooge> hiemanshu, we have some I would like to do a fresh build for this 19:43:29 <smooge> I would like to keep pt's one per project because they tend to fester :) 19:43:35 <smooge> skvidal, thanks 19:43:53 <skvidal> smooge: I'm also working to simplify some of it 19:43:57 <smooge> stickster, I think we can get a pt box by next Monday/Tuesday at latest 19:44:23 <smooge> stickster, I will then work on getting the minimal puppet for it with you so that it has all the stuff you want installed on it. 19:44:23 <hiemanshu> smooge: that sounds great 19:44:36 <smooge> Then we can work well from there and figure out how to do EL6 app servers 19:44:41 <smooge> and EL5 app servers 19:45:02 <stickster> Yup, sounds good 19:45:29 <stickster> #action smooge Get publictest box on RHEL6 up by next meeting so we can start working with it (newer PHP, etc.)( 19:46:00 * hiemanshu will test EL-6 to get a hang of it 19:46:24 <stickster> Cool 19:48:03 <stickster> OK, that brings us to... 19:48:06 <stickster> #topic Packaging 19:48:17 <stickster> Sparks isn't around, but I did finally finish reviewing the Footnotes module 19:48:55 <stickster> #info One problem found in Footnotes -- bundled TinyMCE. However, it looks like the WYSIWYG portion of the module, which is completely optional, can simply be %exclude'd 19:49:16 <stickster> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=642858 <-- review 19:49:50 <asrob> bundled tinymcre? :O 19:50:52 <stickster> I know that Sparks was reviewing another module, I think it was Flexifilter. 19:51:27 <stickster> If we want Feeds, that needs to be packaged and reviewed too. asrob: You might want to try taking that on -- the packaging bit 19:51:37 * stickster can review it, and promises to be faster about it this time 19:51:52 * hiemanshu can help review if needed 19:52:05 <asrob> okay, I will try but I am absolutely beginner in packaging :) 19:52:14 <stickster> Also, we need to get in touch with Jon Ciesla and find out what he thinks of our idea of setting a virtual provides in Fedora's "drupal" core package, so it provides "drupal6 = 6.<X>" and we can use that for all modules in both Fedora and EPEL 19:52:23 <hiemanshu> asrob: I can help if you need packaging help 19:52:31 <asrob> hiemanshu: ok, thanks 19:52:47 <stickster> #action stickster Contact limb (Jon C) and get his feedback on a 'drupal6 = 6.X' virtual Provides in the Fedora drupal package 19:52:59 <stickster> #action asrob hiemanshu Work together on packaging Feeds 19:53:09 <stickster> That's all I've got for this session 19:53:18 <stickster> #topic All other business (open floor!) 19:53:33 <hiemanshu> stickster: so back to the theme, should we get new mockups made? 19:53:54 <hiemanshu> so we know where we want to get to 19:54:00 <stickster> hiemanshu: I was suggesting that, since we haven't gone far, and there's no extra work coming in right now, it's a great time to consider doing that. 19:54:30 <hiemanshu> I will ping mizmo and #fedora-design for that 19:54:39 <stickster> asrob said he would talk to Design about it, but it would be great if you wanted to collaborate with them too 19:55:08 <stickster> hiemanshu: asrob: Of paramount importance: Let's not lock up the work in one place. Make a separate branch for it, and commit + push *often* 19:55:26 <asrob> stickster: okay 19:55:30 <stickster> That's absolutely essential in a collaborative environment 19:55:37 <hiemanshu> stickster: sure, I wont repeat mistakes 19:55:40 * hiemanshu is still learning 19:55:44 <stickster> hiemanshu: We've all been there :-) 19:56:59 <stickster> Nothing else? 19:57:03 <stickster> If so, we'll close in 60 19:57:05 <asrob> stickster: is fpo mockup available anywhere? 19:57:09 <pcalarco> nothing here 19:57:27 <stickster> asrob: Yes, I'm certain it's available in a few places -- go to #fedora-design and ask mizmo, and I'm sure she can point you in the right direction 19:57:35 <stickster> Tell her I sent you :-) 19:57:44 <asrob> stickster: okay, thanks 19:58:28 * hiemanshu has nothing 19:58:35 <stickster> Well thanks for coming everyone! 19:58:37 <stickster> #endmeeting