22:38:27 <aeperezt> #startmeeting 22:38:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 26 22:38:27 2013 UTC. The chair is aeperezt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:38:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:38:45 <aeperezt> #meetingname Fedora latam ambassadors 22:38:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors' 22:39:21 <aeperezt> #chair biker echevemaster alexove 22:39:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt alexove biker echevemaster 22:39:32 <aeperezt> #topic rolcall 22:39:37 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 22:39:37 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 22:39:49 * aeperezt Panama 22:40:05 <alexove> .fas alexove 22:40:05 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 22:40:12 <mribeirodantas> .fas mribeirodantas 22:40:13 <zodbot> mribeirodantas: mribeirodantas 'Marcel Ribeiro Dantas' <ribeirodantasdm@gmail.com> 22:40:16 * mribeirodantas Brazil 22:40:19 * alexove Perú 22:41:37 <aeperezt> hola todos 22:41:53 <dougsland> .fas dougsland 22:41:54 <zodbot> dougsland: dougsland 'Douglas Schilling Landgraf' <dougsland@redhat.com> 22:41:58 <dougsland> Brazil 22:41:58 <aeperezt> tenemos una agenda bastante sencilla asi que debe ser una reunion rapida 22:41:59 <dougsland> Hi! 22:42:14 <biker> .fas rugebiker 22:42:15 <zodbot> biker: rugebiker 'Ruben Guerra Marin' <rguerra.marin@gmail.com> 22:42:18 <ramilton> boa noite a todos 22:42:19 * biker Mexico 22:42:45 <geraldoweb_> geraldoweb Geraldo Dos Santos Barros- geraldoweb@gmail.com 22:44:30 <aeperezt> la agenda de hoy aunque #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/report 22:44:41 <aeperezt> la agenda de hoy aunque #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/report/9 22:45:11 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 121 22:46:16 <aeperezt> Neville no esta paro he visto correos de sobre el cambio de propietario de los dominos por lo que espero pronto tengamos cerrado ese capitulo 22:46:37 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 124 22:47:00 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: could you give us further details on this ticket 121? 22:47:13 <aeperezt> creo que ese ticket se puede cerrar ya que los administradores de la lista fueron camniados 22:47:27 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, yes 22:48:10 <mribeirodantas> What in the content of the e-mails received by Neville makes you hope this issue is about to end? 22:48:14 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, Daniel Bruno email me and Neville so he request the domain transfer 22:48:16 <mribeirodantas> I'd like we should have it clear 22:48:33 <mribeirodantas> I think we should have it clear* 22:48:46 <mribeirodantas> He requested to the previous owner? 22:49:04 <mribeirodantas> and he agreed to transfer the domain? and to whom? 22:49:04 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, yes that is what he needs to do not sure if he done that yeat 22:49:29 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, they agreed to transfer the domains to Neville 22:49:37 <mribeirodantas> Oh, ok. Great 22:49:42 <mribeirodantas> Thank you aeperezt :) 22:50:20 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, the main issue there is that domains need to be tranfer then we will set them up on a site and will request designers manteiners and all that 22:50:36 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: Oh, then I think I should let you know of sometihng 22:50:55 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, ok 22:51:07 <mribeirodantas> The last few days I got in touch with the Design team (Ian Weller, IIRC) and requested a logo with the official website (I did all teh official steps to request) 22:51:30 <mribeirodantas> I already received it, sent to Danniel-Lara and now it's in charge of him to update the image in the Google+ community so that it will be really official this time 22:51:33 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, great 22:51:59 * LoKoMurdoK here 22:52:03 <mribeirodantas> He's expecting Daniel Bruno to transfer the admin profile too so that we can remove the projetofedora.org and alter to fedoraproject.org plus updating to the new image (the ones that respect trademarks) 22:52:04 <LoKoMurdoK> .fas lbazan 22:52:04 <aeperezt> we probably do the same once the domains are under community control 22:52:05 <zodbot> LoKoMurdoK: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 22:52:09 * LoKoMurdoK Panama 22:52:12 <mribeirodantas> LoKoMurdoK: glad to see you here :) 22:52:22 <mribeirodantas> welcome and congratulations for your victory ^_^ 22:53:09 <aeperezt> that is for now we still waiting for news on the domain transfers 22:53:21 <mribeirodantas> ok :) 22:53:29 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 126 22:53:36 * LoKoMurdoK tks to all! 22:54:10 <aeperezt> ticket was created on infra we are waithing to know when is ready so we can start promoting and use it. 22:54:30 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 127 22:55:01 <aeperezt> Neville was going to close it but have not so wil closed 22:55:20 <aeperezt> #action aeperezt to close ticket 126 as it is done 22:55:42 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 129 22:56:15 <aeperezt> will keep the ticket open for now but lvaz will get stickers for fisl from sponsor 22:56:44 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 130 22:57:09 <tatica> .fas tatica 22:57:09 <zodbot> tatica: tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com> 22:57:29 <aeperezt> Neville was going to talk to rbergeron about the fad plan and see how it goes from there. 22:57:55 <mribeirodantas> Ticket 131 and 132 can be seen as one aeperezt 22:58:00 <aeperezt> #topic 131 DVD 22:58:05 <aeperezt> #undo 22:58:05 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x129a0950> 22:58:24 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 131 DVD media for fedora 19 Brazil 22:58:27 <yn1v> ! 22:58:40 <aeperezt> go ahead yn1v 22:58:58 <LoKoMurdoK> aeperezt: this ticket have reference --> ticket 70 22:59:00 <yn1v> I wrote to rbergeron , no anwser so far 22:59:15 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, no s 22:59:25 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, no two separate issues there 23:00:07 <aeperezt> LoKoMurdoK, righ the reference was added as it was last media ticket so we can compare prices 23:00:14 <LoKoMurdoK> aeperezt: and don�t have quote 23:00:14 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: oh sorry 23:00:20 <mribeirodantas> I meant 131 and 133 (Ramilton's one) 23:00:31 <mribeirodantas> 132 is obviously a different thing. I apologize 23:01:10 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, yes you are right 23:01:18 <aeperezt> 131 and 133 are the same 23:01:38 <ramilton> aeperezt e mribeirodantas - Ainda estou aguardando mais cotação para adicionar no ticket 23:01:45 <mribeirodantas> I see. 23:01:58 <ramilton> sim aeperezt 23:02:15 <aeperezt> ok so we do not have to make a desicion now, can you merge that info into one ticket 23:02:16 <ramilton> eu abri esse ticket hoje com a cotação que recebi da empresa em são paulo 23:02:52 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: I have no idea how to merge a ticket. But I can do it if you give me a link explaining how this procedure of merging works 23:03:04 <ramilton> aeperezt - ainda vou receber mais cotação.. 23:03:06 <aeperezt> and see if we can have lower price that before reference ticket 70 23:03:48 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, just add the information into one ticket looks like 133 has more already and close 131 23:04:45 <aeperezt> so we don't have to vote today about it. 23:04:45 <mribeirodantas> Ok 23:04:59 <mribeirodantas> Consider it done. I will have dinner after the meeting and then I will merge them 23:05:06 <aeperezt> we can move to ticket 132 23:05:10 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, thanks 23:05:20 <aeperezt> #topick ticket 132 23:05:26 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 132 23:06:01 <aeperezt> ramilton, can you send some stickers to mribeirodantas 23:06:19 <ramilton> sim 23:06:20 <ramilton> posso 23:06:38 <aeperezt> since he is not going to fisl please do send him and add the value of the shipping 23:06:46 <mribeirodantas> ramilton: O evento irá ocorrer dia 17 de Julho. Os planos são de fazer uma Release Party do F19 lá 23:06:48 <ramilton> mribeirodantas - me passa o seu endereço depois 23:06:52 <mribeirodantas> Você acha que chega antes? 23:07:16 <ramilton> mribeirodantas - vou ir nos correios amanha para saber se chega a tempo 23:07:23 <mribeirodantas> Ok, perfeito. 23:07:33 <mribeirodantas> Tem mais algo do tipo, além de adesivos? 23:07:44 <aeperezt> ramilton, please check on that add it to the ticket 23:08:10 <ramilton> ok aeperezt 23:08:19 <aeperezt> so now that we got the tickets review 23:08:27 <yn1v> ! 23:08:29 <aeperezt> let move to other topics not in the agenda 23:08:36 <aeperezt> yn1v, go ahead 23:08:48 <yn1v> ticket 121 domain 23:08:49 <aeperezt> #chair yn1v 23:08:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt alexove biker echevemaster yn1v 23:08:56 <aeperezt> #chair tatica 23:08:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt alexove biker echevemaster tatica yn1v 23:09:00 <yn1v> #topic ticket 121 23:09:11 <tatica> :) 23:09:18 <yn1v> el transfer esta en proceso, todo listo por mi parte 23:09:34 <yn1v> peroparece que la otra perte debe aceptarlo/aprobarlo 23:09:44 <yn1v> eof 23:09:50 <aeperezt> yn1v, perfecto please let us know if he accepted or not 23:10:01 <aeperezt> yn1v, thanks 23:10:15 <aeperezt> #topic open floor 23:10:55 <aeperezt> we are talking on famsco about event owners 23:11:04 <mribeirodantas> hm 23:11:25 * LoKoMurdoK estoy nuevamente aquí 23:11:39 <aeperezt> and in case of event owner and how they can promote who will go to his event 23:12:29 <aeperezt> it will not be a rule but when the draft is ready will show it you so we all have an idea what is an event owner and what are his responsabilities 23:12:30 <mribeirodantas> Hm 23:13:13 <aeperezt> that will give an idea on how we plan events 23:13:35 <aeperezt> for now is a draft that probably be ready on monday 23:13:48 <mribeirodantas> I think it's great to have a manual or something like that 23:14:06 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, righ it will be like guidelines 23:14:23 <mribeirodantas> Let me know when it's ready, so that I can translate into Brazilian Portuguese 23:14:58 <aeperezt> yn1v, can you add on the ticket that the request was made and you are waiting for the other part to aprove it 23:15:06 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, righ 23:15:26 <yn1v> okey 23:15:40 <mribeirodantas> translate it into* 23:15:41 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, I read on Brazil list that there is an effor to translate some wiki pages 23:15:48 <mribeirodantas> Yes. 23:15:55 <aeperezt> who is leading that 23:16:00 <mribeirodantas> I want to finish translating tha Mailing list Guidelines and the Ambassadors' FAQ by Monday 23:16:13 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: well, I started it on my own. And after firemanxbr saw I was doing a good job, he told me lvaz had this in mind 23:16:26 <mribeirodantas> so we're treating it as he's leading that, even though I'm translating whatever I think is important for people to know. 23:16:43 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, so you that is great 23:17:21 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, it will be nice if we can look the pages that are already translated so we may sugesst some 23:17:24 <aeperezt> others 23:17:28 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: by the way, I'd like to present a few "projects" that I proposed 23:17:30 <aeperezt> that could be important 23:17:36 <mribeirodantas> Maybe other people in LATAM like the idea and want to apply to their countries. 23:17:43 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, go ahead 23:18:22 <mribeirodantas> The wiki is massively used by Fedora contributors and it has several features that can turn it into a very powerful platform. I'm sure lots of people have created pages describing their efforts to do something or projects that they want to propose or things like that.. 23:18:34 * Richzendy back 23:18:38 <mribeirodantas> But whenever someone leaves the project for any reason, with time the page may be lost. Or poeple not really know *where* it is 23:18:40 <Richzendy> .fas Richzendy 23:18:41 <zodbot> Richzendy: richzendy 'Edwind Richzendy Contreras Soto' <richzendy@gmail.com> 23:19:04 <mribeirodantas> in Brazil, we used to have projects in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Pt_BR/Projetos/ like https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Pt_BR/Projetos/Censo_2013 23:19:29 <mribeirodantas> But If you visited https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Pt_BR/Projetos/ it was obviously empty, even though by intuition I thought I'd see all the projects there. So I'm new around and I knew nothing about previous projects cause there was no place to put them together 23:20:04 <mribeirodantas> So I created a wiki category ProjetosFedoraBR and now you can see every single project we're doing or proposing in here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:ProjetosFedoraBR 23:20:21 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, sounds good 23:20:26 <mribeirodantas> and well, you don't have to waste time doing the page of your project, going somehwere else to edit and add.. You just add this category and your entry will automatically be added to the Projetos page 23:20:37 <mribeirodantas> That leads to the main point of this talk, which is presenting the three pages you see there 23:21:06 <mribeirodantas> The ones that concern Fedora Ambassadors program are the first two. The first is an extent of this subject about not losing things people have done or written 23:21:14 <mribeirodantas> it's a table where ambassadors can point out *where* they're mostly contributing 23:21:26 <mribeirodantas> so that if they say they're leaving, you just go to this page and see what he was doing, so that his work won't be abandoned. 23:21:44 <mribeirodantas> You can pick it up and go from where he stopped. Be it spreading the word of fedora somewhere, presenting regular talks online or translating stuff. Whatever 23:22:18 <mribeirodantas> well, I think that's it. Thank you for allowing me to share these things aeperezt. I believe people in other countries than Brazil in LATAM may think they're good ideas and implement them in their own regions/countries. 23:23:09 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, thanks to you seems like a good idea, to keep track what we are doing 23:23:30 <aeperezt> any other comments projects? 23:24:05 <mribeirodantas> Nope 23:24:06 <mribeirodantas> :) 23:24:44 * LoKoMurdoK excellent idea and organization! good! :-) 23:24:57 <aeperezt> well if nothing we can close the meeting, next meeting will be lead by the new famsco member LoKoMurdoK 23:25:05 <LoKoMurdoK> aeperezt: :o 23:25:06 <mribeirodantas> :) 23:25:08 <LoKoMurdoK> aeperezt: tks 23:25:09 <LoKoMurdoK> jajajaja 23:25:24 <aeperezt> he have new job has to start doing it 23:25:31 <aeperezt> #endmeeting