18:29:46 <suehle> #startmeeting 18:29:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 5 18:29:46 2013 UTC. The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:29:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:30:12 <suehle> #meetingname Fedora marketing team 18:30:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing_team' 18:30:16 <suehle> #topic roll call 18:30:25 <Croberts> croberts here 18:30:31 <jzb> jzb here 18:32:03 <nb> .hellomynameis nb 18:32:06 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 18:32:14 <suehle> OK then! 18:32:20 <suehle> #topic Fedora Magazine 18:32:34 <suehle> To recap, there used to be this email called Fedora Weekly News, content implied. 18:32:49 <suehle> Nobody sent one for a really long time, so we started Fedora Magazine (fedoramagazine.org) instead. 18:33:20 <suehle> The idea was that it would host a)minutes of board and other important meetings, b)announcements, like of voting, and c)technical stories and whatever else seemed relevant to the audience 18:33:30 <suehle> The reality is that nobody was super devoted to it, and I got Flock-ed. :D 18:34:18 <suehle> What would be great is if you two (croberts and jzb) who have volunteered to put a little effort into it could come up with an editorial calendar and plan, perhaps to involve recruitment (FWN had beats) so that this thing gets populated with content on a plan that's not "Ruth finds and/or hunts it down" 18:35:19 <jzb> suehle: how do we get credentials to put stuff up on the site? 18:35:26 <Croberts> It definitely has potential 18:35:36 <suehle> jzb, I'll add you both right now 18:35:51 <jzb> and do we have anyone in charge of reviewing, editing, and publishing content? 18:36:16 <Croberts> suehle: I saw a group in the FAS system for Fedora Magazine, I also applied for the Marketing group 18:36:37 <mitzie> I am a new Marketing member and I would like to get involved a bit in the magazine 18:36:42 <suehle> mitzie, great! 18:36:55 <suehle> Croberts, It can work with your FAS login, but for now I'll just get yo uguys in there. 18:37:12 <suehle> mitzie, have you sent an intro to the marketing list? 18:37:24 <mitzie> yes, I have 18:37:45 <suehle> What email address do you guys want associated with your accounts? 18:37:46 <mitzie> but I am not approved in the group 18:37:55 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 18:37:58 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@outlook.com> 18:38:12 <Croberts> jzb: after the meeting can you ping a good email so we can collaborate together for the magazine 18:38:14 <suehle> I'm not actually sure who does those approvals... 18:38:21 <jzb> suehle: jzb@zonker.net, natch 18:38:26 <Croberts> suehle: croberts@cintrixhosting.com 18:38:47 <jzb> Croberts: should we use the marketing mailing list? 18:39:07 <Croberts> jzb: that would probally be best 18:39:14 <suehle> +1 18:40:03 <suehle> OK, you should both have account emails. 18:40:11 <suehle> mitzie, setting you up now 18:40:38 <jzb> suehle: it's yelling at me that it needs to be updated :-) 18:40:51 <suehle> No doubt. 18:40:52 <jzb> suehle: is the WP instance owned by someone to manage updates? 18:41:15 <suehle> I'm trying to remember... I think mizmo set it up. 18:41:24 <suehle> I'll go ping her 18:42:12 <suehle> I also don't mean to suggest I don't want to be involved any more, just that if I'm the only one who's ever posting, it's going to keep going about like this. :) 18:43:08 <Croberts> I think me and jzb and mitzie can make this something good for our community 18:43:21 <Croberts> as well as you suehle 18:43:25 <suehle> sweet! 18:43:38 <suehle> But yeah, I think taking it to the list is a good idea. 18:43:40 <jzb> suehle: I'd expect you might keep an eye on the Pi beat... 18:43:47 <suehle> jzb, indeed 18:45:00 <suehle> I'll attempt to come up with the wiki page we had started for the project too... it seems to have been eaten by the wiki grue 18:45:07 <suehle> #topic Get Involved Guide 18:45:16 <suehle> I have a note that somebody suggested updating this, which is an excellent idea 18:45:18 <suehle> #link Update this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Get_Involved_Guide 18:45:45 <suehle> If some of you who are newer have input, even better, since to those who have been around, it's not the same. 18:46:05 <Croberts> suehle, I can update some of that on that page, I have been going through on the docs wiki page updating things 18:46:30 <suehle> Croberts, you might be my new best friend :) 18:46:31 <mitzie> Didn't know about the page.. Nice work :) Definitely interested 18:46:33 <nb> suehle, looks like we need to get you made a sponsor for marketing 18:46:34 <nb> bjensen @mchua @nman64 quaid rbergero 18:46:38 <nb> that's who is currently 18:46:42 <Croberts> :) 18:46:45 <EvilBob> What? 18:46:51 <jzb> oh, my - yes, it's been unloved for a while 18:46:52 <suehle> nb, that would be handy :) 18:46:54 <nb> EvilBob, marketing group in FAS 18:47:09 <nb> EvilBob, can you sponsor Croberts and mitzie and jzb? and i'll ping nirik or someone to make suehle a sponsor 18:47:11 <suehle> I am suffering from smiley excess today. Here, everyone, have some more smileys. :) :) :) 18:47:13 <EvilBob> I add people who have applied after they actually do something 18:47:24 <Croberts> :) 18:47:54 <EvilBob> Lots of people apply and say they are going to get involved but never do. 18:48:44 <mitzie> I agree with evilbob 18:49:54 <EvilBob> ABout once a month I look through apps and purge those that applied a year ago and never did anything and add those that have actually stepped up. 18:50:19 * EvilBob has slacked on this a little this summer. 18:51:18 <EvilBob> I filed Croberts' application email this morning so I don't lose it. 18:51:36 <Croberts> EvilBob: thank you 18:52:19 <EvilBob> The FAS group really does not give you any ability to just get stuff done that I am aware of. 18:52:29 <suehle> Not that I know of either. 18:52:40 <suehle> Not super critical, but it's nice to feel included. 18:54:25 <Croberts> I will definitely start to get the wiki page updated, to something modern and current 18:54:32 <mitzie> So what about the get involved guide? 18:54:38 <mitzie> It needs update? 18:54:48 <suehle> yeah, it just hasn't been touched in if I remember about three years 18:54:58 <jzb> suehle: 5 18:55:00 <jzb> :-) 18:55:02 <suehle> Five! Fantastical. 18:55:12 <suehle> No worries, nothing's changed in five years 18:55:12 <EvilBob> way too many people just apply for every group they can find. That is why I hold off on adding people. 18:55:35 <suehle> #topic Open floor/recap 18:55:46 <suehle> #action jzb and croberts to take Fedora Magazine discussion to marketing list 18:56:02 <suehle> #action croberts (and jzb?) poking the Get Involved Guide with a sharp stick 18:56:08 <suehle> #info No meeting next week because FLOOOOCK. 18:56:09 <mitzie> Will follow on the discussion about the magazine on the list 18:56:31 <suehle> #action mitzie on the Fedora Magazine train as well :) 18:56:50 <suehle> Anything else we need to cover? 18:57:05 <jzb> suehle: I'll also take a look at GIG, but probably not this week... 18:57:07 <mitzie> Also, will try this week to add some links to the guide 18:57:21 <EvilBob> Croberts and mitzie just poke me in a month if work is progressing and you still want group membership. I does look good when people look you up to know who you are and what you are about. 18:57:22 <mitzie> will not actually change anything, but links will make it a lot easier 18:57:43 <EvilBob> s/I/It 18:58:28 <Croberts> evilbob: Will do 18:59:03 <EvilBob> Croberts and mitzie I'm almost always on IRC and bjensen@fedoraproject.org is my email. 18:59:21 <Croberts> since it sounds like me, mitzie and jzb want to work on the wiki page. How do we want to divide it up so we are not stepping on each other 18:59:28 <EvilBob> And WELCOME ABOARD! 18:59:31 <EvilBob> ;) 18:59:38 <suehle> +10 18:59:52 <Croberts> Thank you :) I am excited to start helping out with the Marketing team. 18:59:55 <nb> +100 19:00:00 <mitzie> :) 19:00:21 <EvilBob> Croberts: sectioning a page is helpful then you can edit an area without locking the whole page 19:00:47 <mitzie> I can add some stuff on the Translating section 19:01:06 <jzb> Croberts: shouldn't be too large a problem as long as we're all working in the wiki. As EvilBob says, as long as you're working in sections, it should be fine unless two people are trying to work on a section simultaneously. 19:01:25 <jzb> mitzie: groovy. Definitely not my area. :-) 19:01:45 <Croberts> Awesome, sounds good. 19:01:46 <mitzie> No problem, as I am a translator for the Greek team already 19:02:19 <nb> are any of you going to Flock? 19:02:40 <Croberts> nb: I am 19:02:45 <jzb> nb: yeah 19:02:50 <nb> great, perhaps we can meet 19:02:52 <jzb> nb: I suspect suehle will be there 19:02:58 <nb> and i know suehle is going :) since she is flock staff :) 19:03:04 <suehle> There is a marketing hackfest, so I'll see you all there. :) 19:03:08 <jzb> woot 19:03:14 <Croberts> Awesome 19:03:44 <Croberts> when is the hackfest? 19:03:51 <Croberts> I didnt see it on the schedule site 19:04:09 <jzb> http://flock2013.sched.org/ 19:04:16 <jzb> http://flock2013.sched.org/event/c9c39c9313e98e81d0339b60e71e19a0 19:04:44 <Croberts> thank you 19:05:01 <suehle> Monday 19:05:35 <jzb> suehle: ? 19:05:41 <suehle> The hackfests are Monday 19:05:41 <jzb> Sched says Friday 19:05:44 <nb> Tatica is doing it! I should go! 19:05:44 <suehle> Oh 19:05:51 * suehle is drunk or something 19:06:02 <suehle> You know how that coffee is. 19:06:09 <tatica> what am I doing?!?!?! 19:06:22 <jzb> suehle: Monday's general hackfests, so I expect we can do spillover for Monday 19:06:26 <suehle> You're on the schedule for a marketing hackfest. 19:06:28 <suehle> jzb, indeed 19:06:30 <tatica> suehle, drunk? 19:06:37 <jzb> I doubt we'll tackle all Fedora marketing plans in 2 hours :-) 19:06:38 <tatica> why am I missing the most interesting meetings? 19:06:49 <tatica> jzb, plan is possible; do everything not 19:06:54 <suehle> jzb, we certainly can 19:07:03 <tatica> but the lack of a plan is what keep us doing the same 100 times every year 19:07:13 <jzb> is the drinking Friday or Monday? 19:07:17 * jzb wants to be prepared. 19:07:20 <suehle> Well, we did one at FUDCon in Kansas, but the people who came evaporated. 19:07:22 <tatica> lol 19:07:24 <suehle> jzb, the drinking is always 19:07:41 * jzb packs a second pair of drinking pants 19:07:57 <tatica> lol 19:08:03 <suehle> Friday at Blind Tiger Pub, Saturday at Mynt, Sunday at the aquarium 19:08:09 <suehle> Monday at wherever we decide to drink :) 19:08:27 <tatica> dear lord help me drink 19:08:53 <tatica> which one of those is the formal one? Mynt? 19:10:57 <suehle> It's not formal, great gravy 19:11:12 <suehle> Everybody freaked out because I said the words "dress code." It basically just says "don't be a slob." 19:11:27 <suehle> But I just checked with the guy because of the number of freakouts, and he said since we have it reserved until 10, just wear what you want. 19:11:54 <suehle> OK, I think we've successfully wrapped up this meeting and then some. :) 19:11:56 <suehle> #endmeeting