14:00:54 <Sparks> #startmeeting Security Team Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Security_Team_meetings 14:00:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 26 14:00:54 2015 UTC. The chair is Sparks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:58 <Sparks> #meetingname Fedora Security Team 14:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_security_team' 14:01:00 <Sparks> #topic Roll Call 14:01:01 * Sparks 14:01:04 <bvincent> .fas bvincent 14:01:05 <zodbot> bvincent: bvincent 'Brandon Vincent' <Brandon.Vincent@asu.edu> 14:01:09 <Sparks> jsmith: PING 14:05:08 <Sparks> jsmith appears to be on the road today 14:05:22 <Sparks> bvincent: This promises to be a short meeting... 14:05:38 <Sparks> #info Participants are reminded to make liberal use of #info #link #help in order to make the minutes "more better" 14:05:45 <Sparks> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:05:51 <Sparks> #info Thursday's numbers: Critical 1, Important 45, Moderate 354, Low 162, Total 562, Trend -15 14:05:55 <Sparks> #info Current tickets owned: 161 (~29%) 14:06:00 <Sparks> #info Tickets closed: 239 14:06:23 <Sparks> bvincent: Got anything ticket-wise to discuss? 14:06:39 <bvincent> Not really. I haven't had much time recently. 14:06:46 <Sparks> Yeah, me neither. 14:06:54 <Sparks> #topic Open floor discussion/questions/comments 14:06:58 <Sparks> Anyone have anything? 14:08:39 <Sparks> #action Sparks needs to close all tickets of archived packages. 14:08:54 <Sparks> #undo 14:08:54 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by Sparks at 14:08:39 : Sparks needs to close all tickets of archived packages. 14:09:02 <Sparks> #action Sparks needs to CLOSE WONTFIX all tickets of archived packages. 14:10:20 <Sparks> bvincent: Got anything else? 14:10:32 <bvincent> Nope. 14:11:56 <d-caf> Still meeting? 14:12:08 <Sparks> bvincent: Okay, well thanks for coming. I'm going to try to follow up on some of the unowned IMPORTANT tickets this morning. 14:12:14 <Sparks> d-caf: Yep. 14:12:22 <d-caf> sorry snow delay 14:12:27 <bvincent> Sparks: Great. 14:13:34 <Sparks> d-caf: Yeah, ditto. 14:13:49 <d-caf> Miss anything important? 14:13:56 <Sparks> d-caf: Not really 14:14:54 <d-caf> Ok, I have to do another push to see if I can get mainteners to respond to packages, but so far slow going.. :-( 14:19:26 <Sparks> d-caf: Yes. The trend is down from earlier this month. 14:21:36 <Sparks> Okay, anyone have anything else before we close? 14:22:59 <Sparks> Well, on that note, then, I'll go ahead and close the meeting. Thanks for coming today! 14:23:09 <d-caf> Thanks 14:23:14 <Sparks> #endmeeting