#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2019-04-29)
Meeting started by bowlofeggs at 15:00:00 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (bowlofeggs, 15:00:06)
- #2088 F31 Change – “dnf --best” as default behavior (bowlofeggs, 15:03:47)
- AGREED: ask for a
response from jmracek and punt till next week (+6, 0, -0)
- #2096 F31 System-Wide Change: BuildRequires generators (bowlofeggs, 15:19:14)
0, -0) (bowlofeggs,
- #2114 What is the scope of Modularity? (bowlofeggs, 15:23:07)
- https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/modularity/making-modules/adding-new-modules/
still mentions it. (nirik,
- AGREED: FESCo forbids
the addition of new default stream settings without FESCo approval
until further notice while we work out the buildroot problems. (+7,
0, -0) (bowlofeggs,
- ACTION: mhroncok to
file a bug on the modularity Taiga describing the use cases we need
to keep in mind when writing those (modularity default streams)
rules (mhroncok,
- #2115 Missing PkgDB features should be implemented (bowlofeggs, 16:10:24)
0, -0) (bowlofeggs,
- ACTION: mhroncok will
file a council ticket (bowlofeggs,
- Next week's chair (bowlofeggs, 16:17:49)
- ACTION: jforbes will
chair next week's meeting (bowlofeggs,
- ACTION: mhroncok will
chair in two weeks if we remember this #action line (bowlofeggs,
- Open Floor (bowlofeggs, 16:19:12)
- ACTION: somebody to
remember what bowlofeggs #actioned (zbyszek,
- http://testdays.fedorainfracloud.org/events/64
- ACTION: mhroncok to
file a releng or infra ticket about cronjob for FTBFS weekly
bugzilla reminders (mhroncok,
Meeting ended at 16:28:35 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mhroncok to file a bug on the modularity Taiga describing the use cases we need to keep in mind when writing those (modularity default streams) rules
- mhroncok will file a council ticket
- jforbes will chair next week's meeting
- mhroncok will chair in two weeks if we remember this #action line
- somebody to remember what bowlofeggs #actioned
- mhroncok to file a releng or infra ticket about cronjob for FTBFS weekly bugzilla reminders
Action items, by person
- bowlofeggs
- somebody to remember what bowlofeggs #actioned
- jforbes
- jforbes will chair next week's meeting
- mhroncok
- mhroncok to file a bug on the modularity Taiga describing the use cases we need to keep in mind when writing those (modularity default streams) rules
- mhroncok will file a council ticket
- mhroncok will chair in two weeks if we remember this #action line
- mhroncok to file a releng or infra ticket about cronjob for FTBFS weekly bugzilla reminders
People present (lines said)
- bowlofeggs (112)
- mhroncok (87)
- nirik (56)
- sgallagh (45)
- zbyszek (38)
- bookwar (26)
- jforbes (26)
- zodbot (18)
- ignatenkobrain (9)
- bcotton (4)
- mboddu (1)
- otaylor (0)
- contyk (0)
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