13:58:52 <suehle> #startmeeting 13:58:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 10 13:58:52 2014 UTC. The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:58:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:59:05 <suehle> #meetingname Flock planning 13:59:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'flock_planning' 13:59:21 <jreznik> suehle: thanks for starting! 13:59:23 <suehle> #chair jwb spot 13:59:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwb spot suehle 13:59:37 * adimania says hi 13:59:39 <sgallagh> .hellomynameis sgallagh 13:59:40 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 13:59:44 * spot has a 10:30, but I'll stick around until then 14:00:05 <sesivany> .hellomynameis eischmann 14:00:06 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 14:00:19 <jwb> hi 14:00:27 <jreznik> hi guys 14:00:45 <suehle> I'll start with my biggest concern right now, which is the evening events. More specifically, how much they're going to cost. 14:01:25 <jreznik> not sure miro is here, I'll try to ping him 14:01:41 <jreznik> but if we prepare a list for him, what we need... 14:02:10 <mitzie> hi guys 14:02:21 <suehle> The last email I saw about it was spot asking about the boat. 14:02:22 <sesivany> well, I heard about the steam boat idea, that would probably be pricy, but there are definitely cheaper options. 14:02:57 <jreznik> ah, I'm blind, I read rooms, not evening events.... 14:03:12 <spot> We need to know what the costs are for "the pub", Klub Lávka, and the boat (to know if it is feasible or not). 14:03:32 <spot> Miro is supposed to be getting those answers, but... we haven't heard back yet. 14:03:43 <jreznik> spot: I'm trying to ping him 14:03:48 <sesivany> ok, let me find out. 14:04:04 <spot> sesivany: if you need me to forward you the specifics, i can. 14:04:04 <suehle> We also need to talk about lunch options. There was demand last year that all food be paid for, but if we're paying for all of the travel requests, I don't think that's possible without some serious sponsors support that we don't have yet. 14:04:10 <jreznik> Lavka - I think OpenSUSE event was there, so we can try to ask them, how much it was 14:04:25 * spot notes that we're already tracking for less sponsorships than last year. :/ 14:04:38 <spot> Google declined to sponsor, which is a big hit. 14:04:48 <jreznik> suehle: for lunch, I think we can make it for 80-100 CZK with daily menus - so 4-5 USD 14:05:26 <suehle> times 200 people times four days is $4,000 14:05:33 <sesivany> student cafeteria will be closed during summer which is a good thing actually because they cook horrible meals. 14:06:01 <jreznik> we were thinking about trying to use mealtickets (so it would be more convenient in the style of charleston) but the answer from the company behind meal tickets was... so if we would be able to sponsor meals, I'll check with our facilities for direct contact 14:06:21 <jreznik> sesivany: yeah, thanks gods it's closed... 14:06:30 <suehle> #action jreznik to look into lunch options 14:06:31 <sesivany> there is small cafeteria right in the building, next to the big lecture rooms, it might be sufficient. 14:06:48 <sesivany> it works as buffet. 14:07:13 <jreznik> maybe we can use it and order some kind of catering instead of daily menus 14:07:30 <sesivany> jreznik: the food there was ok 14:07:36 <spot> jreznik: can you look into the options there? 14:07:57 * spot sees suehle tagging you with it, just want to make sure you're okay with that. :) 14:08:02 * pingou notes that #topic has not been set 14:08:08 <sesivany> I also explored the idea of meal tickets. They are widely accepted because companies use them as benefits. 14:08:13 <suehle> He said he was going to check with the facilities. 14:08:23 <suehle> pingou... kind of an open agenda today was the plan 14:08:36 <jreznik> suehle: it would be easiest way, I tried to contact the company directly and they were not very friendly :( 14:08:39 <pingou> suehle: #topic flock planning? :) 14:08:50 <suehle> OK, sure 14:08:53 <suehle> #topic flock planning 14:08:55 <sesivany> the problem is that they are tax-deductable and Red Hat's HR said no because it would be too complicated to issue them for non-redhatters. 14:09:23 <jreznik> sesivany: aha, I was afraid of it :( 14:10:08 <jreznik> so let me contact the company again if they are able/willing to offer it as non tax-deductable offer 14:10:49 <sesivany> that would be a good option because there are many restaurants around and people could go anywhere any time. 14:11:23 <jreznik> and it's easy to use, same as that card last year 14:12:30 <jreznik> let me check it again, already actioned for it, so :) 14:12:44 <sesivany> but I'm not sure if they can be issued without the status of tax-deductable benefit. 14:13:39 <jreznik> I did not get clear answer from that guy and after reading his reply, I was annoyed a bit :D 14:13:54 <jreznik> so yeah, we will check catering options 14:14:27 <suehle> Who would like the action of figuring out what the options are for the evening events or what's already been found out? spot? 14:14:27 <spot> Next item: AV 14:14:45 <spot> suehle: i think if the options we have turn out to not be affordable, i will find more. 14:14:57 <suehle> Yeah, but when are we going to know what options we have? 14:15:11 <spot> suehle: uhh, i've already told miro and now sesivany what they are 14:15:18 <suehle> With costs? 14:15:27 <spot> no, they need to get costs for me 14:15:28 <suehle> I'm trying to budget over here. 14:15:30 <jreznik> well, I don't think we really need luxurious event and there are many options in prague 14:15:32 <suehle> That's what I want to know. 14:15:33 <spot> because my czech is non existent 14:15:58 <jreznik> spot: even I prefer Miro as he lives in Prague, I can help with my Czech skills :) 14:16:08 <number80> Ahoj ! 14:16:42 <suehle> Here's the thing. Last year spot was insistent that people be able to eat only food we had paid for if they so desired, that everything be funded. But without knowing how much we're going to spend on lunches and coffee and evening events, I'm afraid that either one of those things or somebody's flight is going to get bought. 14:16:45 <sesivany> suehle: a really generous party for 500 ppl at DevConf cost about $8-10k this year in Brno. 14:16:49 <suehle> And it's going to be whichever gets bought first. 14:17:06 <sesivany> suehle: I suppose it will be similar in Prague, but let me find out. 14:17:24 <jreznik> suehle: personally I prefer more people funded over free food 14:17:45 <spot> #action sesivany will get quotes for evening events at the pub, Lávka, and a boat with food. 14:18:18 <jreznik> so for lunch - expect that $4000 14:18:38 <spot> fyi: "the pub" is the name of the venue, not me being vague. 14:18:47 <sesivany> Miro also proposed U Fleků which is one of the most famous pubs in Prague, a very large place. LinuxCon Europe party took place there, but it would probably be one of the more expensive options. 14:19:07 <jreznik> spot: the pub could be cheap 14:19:09 <spot> yeah, we both ruled out U Fleků. too expensive, only one beer. 14:19:20 <suehle> We have about $5,200 for room space, $50,000 in subsidy requests, now about $4,000 in lunches. That leaves $10,800 for /everything else/. 14:19:38 <sesivany> spot: for how many people should it be? 14:19:51 <spot> suehle: we're saying 200? 14:19:57 <suehle> Evening events, t-shirts, badges, lanyards, bags, speaker gifts (which is obviously the first thing to go). 14:20:11 <suehle> spot, that's the estimate I went with last year when we had 140 register, and it turned out to be about right. 14:20:12 <spot> suehle: bluehost offered to provide lanyards 14:20:57 <sesivany> t-shirts is another thing I'd like to discuss today. 14:21:05 <jreznik> t-shirts - we can make one for 3 euros 14:21:23 <sesivany> yes, I have a cheap and quality vendor. 14:21:47 <sesivany> but I would need some plan for it soon, artwork, type of t-shirt, color,... 14:21:48 <jreznik> (200 pcs, 2 colors, 140g - last quote for akademy from the company sesivany has contact) 14:22:16 <sesivany> it's better to give them several weeks to produce it if we need a certain type and color. 14:22:29 <jreznik> it's about the time for design team ticket :) 14:22:41 * spot will open the design team ticket 14:22:48 <sesivany> and please no black t-shirts :) 14:22:58 <jreznik> thanks spot 14:23:00 <sesivany> it's like a plague :) 14:23:14 <spot> Anyone opposed to the same gray we had last year? 14:23:14 <jreznik> sesivany: +1, I really like last year's t-shirt 14:23:34 <suehle> Why don't you let the design team come up with color suggestions? 14:24:01 <sesivany> suehle: sure, it was just a little suggestion :) 14:24:02 <suehle> The blue 10th anniversary ones were nice (if crazy small) 14:24:05 <spot> suehle: works for me, but if everyone is "no black shirts", we should say that. 14:24:17 <Southern_Gentlem> the thing is if you use black or white thats one less color you have to print 14:24:32 <suehle> Southern_Gentlem, that depends on the design 14:24:53 <jreznik> I don't mind any color if it's not black :) 14:25:03 <jwb> i like red. 14:25:17 <jreznik> maybe we should prepare some themes ideas for design team as locals 14:25:25 <jwb> but right now, this is almost a literal definition of bikeshedding. we should stop it and just let people do their jobs. 14:25:32 <spot> agreed. 14:25:36 <sesivany> the thing is that I have like 15 Fedora t-shirts and 13 of them are black. That's why I really liked the last Flock's and the anniversary one has been also very popular because it's blue. 14:25:37 * spot is doing the ticket now 14:26:34 <sesivany> the vendor can also produce other promotional materials for reasonable prices. 14:26:38 <jreznik> ok, we should let it now for design team and push them a bit 14:26:50 <sesivany> bags, stickers,... 14:29:30 <jreznik> another thing on my list - flock is close, we have list of speakers so for people who need visa, we should prepare invitation letters 14:29:47 <sesivany> jreznik: already being taken care of 14:29:53 <jreznik> sesivany: cool 14:29:56 <suehle> Jiri volunteered to do it, and I sent him the list of all the names. 14:30:26 <sesivany> we're already sending out the letters. 14:31:46 <jreznik> ok 14:32:30 <suehle> spot wanted to talk about AV, but he left, so I guess that can wait until next week. Anybody else have things they're dying to discuss? 14:33:05 <jreznik> spot: could you obtain the api key for flock2014 shed? it's needed to download schedule to the format our mobile apps do use... se in this case, we should be able to prepare at least android/jolla/bb10 apps instead of paying that guidebook 14:33:29 <jreznik> suehle: sure, let's do it next week 14:33:33 <sesivany> ah, mhroncok is here. 14:33:38 <mhroncok> hi 14:33:40 <jreznik> mhroncok: hey! 14:33:46 <mhroncok> sorry, I completly forgot 14:33:50 <sesivany> mhroncok: any updates about social events? 14:33:57 <mhroncok> not really 14:34:26 <mhroncok> sorry, I'm digged under a pile of school papers 14:34:43 <sesivany> mhroncok: ok, any updates in general? 14:34:52 <jreznik> do you have at least contacts to the places, so we can try to reach them? 14:34:59 <suehle> jreznik, I can send you the API key 14:35:00 <mhroncok> jreznik: I have 14:35:17 <mhroncok> jreznik: I have lins :) 14:35:21 <mhroncok> links 14:35:29 <jreznik> mhroncok: ok, mail pls :) 14:35:32 <jreznik> suehle: thanks 14:35:47 <mhroncok> my finals are 18th of june 14:36:06 <mhroncok> if iit caint wait after that, I'l delegate 14:36:08 * sesivany just sent an inquiry for a boat event. 14:36:15 <mhroncok> if it can wait, I'll do it then 14:36:34 <jreznik> mhroncok: suehle needs it for budget and it's high prio thing 14:36:56 <mhroncok> ok, I'll send e-mail to you and sesivany 14:37:20 <jreznik> mhroncok: thanks 14:38:05 <mhroncok> so I need to dfelegate social events 14:38:08 <mhroncok> *delegate 14:38:31 <mhroncok> and prepare the contarct for the venue 14:38:45 <suehle> Please send the contract to me 14:39:24 <mhroncok> Ruth Suehle: ok. we need to send an official order form 14:39:37 <mhroncok> will use red hat czech (it should be easier) 14:39:56 <suehle> You mean the purchase order? 14:40:11 <suehle> The contract also has to be approved by business affairs 14:40:13 <sesivany> mhroncok: yeah, but Red Hat Czech doesn't have such a form, already checked. 14:41:06 <mhroncok> sesivany: I have literally no idea how it should look like, but I send something today 14:41:33 <mhroncok> who can add room numbers to sched? 14:42:11 <mhroncok> and systemd guys want to reserve a room for sunday afternnon 14:42:43 <suehle> jwb, can you take that? 14:43:16 <jwb> yeah 14:43:35 <suehle> #action jwb room numbers in sched and systemd room 14:44:44 <mhroncok> #action mhroncok send email to jreznik and sesivany about social events 14:45:03 <mhroncok> #action mhroncok get the contract for the venue ASAP 14:45:57 <mhroncok> anything else from me? 14:46:00 <sesivany> mhroncok: use the generic order form I sent you, add Red Hat info and the subject of order and that should be enough. 14:46:04 <jreznik> we will try to check social events tomorrow, rhel 7 release party starts in a few moments :) 14:46:18 <sesivany> mhroncok: if they need Red Hat's stamp I can get it for you. 14:46:40 <mhroncok> sesivany: I'll check 14:48:04 <sesivany> ok, anything else? 14:48:10 <sesivany> I think we can end the meeting. 14:48:43 <jreznik> yep, party time :) 14:48:55 <mhroncok> ok, sorry guys for being so not very resonsive 14:49:00 <mhroncok> will be better next week 14:49:22 <jreznik> mhroncok: good luch with school! 14:49:53 <suehle> #endmeeting