14:06:45 <jreznik> #startmeeting 14:06:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 1 14:06:45 2014 UTC. The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:06:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:07:00 <jreznik> #meetingname Flock planning 14:07:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'flock_planning' 14:07:10 <jreznik> #topic Roll call 14:07:19 <mhroncok> .fas churchyard 14:07:20 <jreznik> #chair mhroncok sesivany spot 14:07:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: jreznik mhroncok sesivany spot 14:07:20 <zodbot> mhroncok: churchyard 'Miro Hrončok' <mhroncok@redhat.com> 14:07:21 <spot> well, there was no smoke that i could see, so i'm going with fake. :) 14:07:23 <sesivany> .hellomynameis eischmann 14:07:25 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 14:08:06 <jreznik> spot: and a few burned hackers working on the last commit :) 14:08:19 <jreznik> #info stickster offline June 27 - July 14 14:08:33 <jreznik> #info #info suehle offline June 28-July 5 14:08:35 <jreznik> #undo 14:08:35 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by jreznik at 14:08:33 : #info suehle offline June 28-July 5 14:08:40 <jreznik> #info suehle offline June 28-July 5 14:08:51 <jreznik> it's from the last meeting, my pto was cancelled :) 14:09:36 <jreznik> ok, so let's start - any topics? 14:09:49 <mhroncok> just wrote an email about PM club 14:09:50 <jreznik> t-shirts order 14:09:53 <sesivany> t-shirts please 14:10:00 <mhroncok> ok, go tshirts 14:10:19 <jreznik> and we should sort out budget for social events - it's month away to book it... 14:10:27 <jreznik> #topic t-shirts 14:10:38 <jreznik> #link https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/330 14:10:54 <jreznik> so the design is final, sesivany got the quote for t-shirts 14:11:33 <jreznik> we need final decision to order it (and how many? strictly based on registration page?) 14:11:53 <spot> jreznik: i think we'll have to wait for ruth to get back to do that. 14:12:15 * spot thinks that's going to be the answer to most of today's queries. 14:12:44 <spot> design looks nice though. :) 14:12:52 <jreznik> ok, I hoped you'd be more in budget too 14:13:08 <jreznik> yeah, I really like the design, sad Golem was no go :( 14:13:15 <jreznik> it would be even better 14:13:18 <sesivany> spot: I'm not sure if it can wait till the next week, if we want specific colour and specific t-shirt we should order it as soon as possible. 14:13:51 <sesivany> the vendor doesn't have that particular t-shirt in stock, they have to order it from their supplier, then print them, then deliver them to Brno,... 14:14:20 <spot> sesivany: okay, let me try to figure out if i can do this without suehle 14:14:26 <mhroncok> sesivany: deliver to prague directly might be better 14:14:48 <sesivany> spot: she seemed to agree with the quotes. 14:14:57 <jreznik> mhroncok: doesn't matter, we will have cars 14:15:01 <spot> yeah, it's not her signoff we need, she has the budget control. 14:15:24 <mhroncok> jreznik: yes, but if the price for delivery to brno and prague is the same, why make ourselves more trouble 14:15:46 <sesivany> mhroncok: yes, sure. 14:17:17 <sesivany> I'm just saying that we should order them really soon because we request specific color and t-shirt and have specific requirements and that's not something they can easily do in 14 days. 14:18:08 <spot> send me the quotes? 14:18:17 <jreznik> it's on the list 14:18:40 <sesivany> spot: look for Conference T-shirt 14:19:01 <spot> Did we get actual written quotes? 14:19:02 <jreznik> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/flock-planning/2014-June/000460.html 14:19:27 <jreznik> and newly proposed t-shirts https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/flock-planning/2014-June/000476.html 14:20:13 <spot> What's the pricing for the newly proposed shirts? 14:20:27 * spot apologizes for being out of the loop here, i've been very busy on other items lately 14:20:32 <sesivany> spot: no, but it's a vendor that has produced many t-shirt orders for us, I trust them, they're reliable. And the price is what we will pay. 14:22:00 * spot will work up the counts and send it over to sesivany to order 14:22:04 <sesivany> spot: the only difference is that the new color has women's cut which was required. Unisex cut is the same price. Women's cut is more expensive, but I guess we will order just around 10 of them. 14:22:28 <spot> sesivany: i'll do that as soon as the meeting is over today. 14:22:34 <sesivany> I think jreznik already did that, right? 14:22:56 <jreznik> sesivany: what? 14:23:12 <jreznik> ah, count 14:23:18 <spot> we ordered some extra last year and that worked out well 14:23:19 <jreznik> I did it based on registration form 14:23:38 <spot> jreznik: if you have those counts already, can you send them to me? 14:23:40 <jreznik> so maybe take that numbers and add a few extra to every size 14:23:45 <jreznik> spot: sure 14:24:24 <sesivany> spot, add some extra and send me the final counts and I'll order it. 14:24:30 <spot> sesivany: i will do that. 14:25:14 <spot> what's next, evening stuff? 14:25:22 <jreznik> spot: check email 14:25:48 <jreznik> I hope it's correct :) 14:26:23 <jreznik> #action spot to work on final count of t-shirts and send it to sesivany 14:26:43 <sesivany> #action sesivany to order conference t-shirts 14:27:02 <jreznik> sesivany: damn, faster :) 14:27:09 <mhroncok> and ship them to the venue directly 14:27:26 <jreznik> #info the order has to be done asap, so the vendor can order what we want 14:27:35 <jreznik> #info to ship it to prague 14:27:40 <jreznik> mhroncok: any address? 14:27:51 <jreznik> is that all for t-shirts? 14:28:04 <sesivany> I guess so 14:28:14 <jreznik> #topic social events 14:28:30 <mhroncok> #info address to ship anything to the venue: Miroslav Hrončok, Katedra softwarového inženýrství, FIT ČVUT, Thákurova 9, 160 00 Praha 6, CZech Republic 14:28:54 <jreznik> so similar issue - we need suehle for budget but also we should book it asap as it's month away... 14:29:15 <jreznik> I sent two more options to the list today, mhroncok already answered one is no-go :) 14:29:33 <suehle> If someone will email me all of the budget options, next week we'll have all the flights booked and will know what we have left. 14:30:01 <spot> suehle: i'll send you a summary email 14:30:16 <spot> sesivany: email with shirt counts sent to you 14:30:49 <sesivany> suehle: ok, I think we need to book it no later than last week. It's still high season and places get booked soon. 14:31:29 <jreznik> we can put it together 14:31:47 <spot> jreznik: not until you know how much budget we have left. 14:31:54 <mhroncok> how do we stand with social events at all? all the previous options are of the table? 14:32:02 <spot> which we simply won't know until the flights finish booking 14:32:02 <jreznik> spot: I mean offers we received 14:32:15 <spot> jreznik: ah, yes. i think i have all of that in email too 14:32:25 <spot> but i won't fight over who does the summary. :) 14:33:18 <jreznik> spot: I can provide you more details, for lavka at least 14:33:36 <spot> jreznik: then go ahead and make a summary email and send it to me and ruth? 14:33:54 <jreznik> yeah, sure, we can do it with sesivany for all options 14:34:23 <spot> Nothing is off the table right now, but we should could use a few more sponsorships. 14:34:32 <spot> Especially since Google is out this year. :/ 14:34:39 <spot> s/should/sure 14:34:51 <jreznik> #action jreznik to summarize social events offers and send it to spot and suehle 14:34:57 <jreznik> spot: the same for akademy this year 14:35:24 <mhroncok> #action mhroncok to bump etnetera about the possible sponsorship 14:35:51 <spot> #topic Keynotes 14:36:03 <spot> we've locked in one keynote, we have one left to fill 14:36:08 * spot is working on some possibilities 14:37:42 <spot> that's all for that, right now. :) 14:38:00 <spot> #action spot will find second keynoter. 14:38:15 <jreznik> any ideas anyone? 14:38:38 <mhroncok> who's the first one? 14:39:21 <spot> Sean Cross from Novena 14:41:02 <sesivany> btw are we going to need any other swag than just t-shirts? 14:41:19 <spot> sesivany: that all depends on budget 14:41:27 <spot> #topic Non-shirt swag 14:41:49 <spot> we will need conference guides printed (I assume) 14:41:51 <mhroncok> brochures with schedule and map of the venue? 14:42:18 <jreznik> #info we will need conference guides printed 14:42:21 <spot> last year ryan lerch made the master for us, we should see if he is willing to do it again 14:42:57 <sesivany> I'd like to give away this map: http://www.use-it.travel/cities/map/2013_prague/ 14:42:59 <jreznik> it would be nice if he could do it for us 14:43:13 <sesivany> it looks great and I find it actually very useful. 14:43:32 <sesivany> but it's for B2 format which can't be printed on normal office printer. 14:43:59 <sesivany> we would have to have it produced, but I guess it would be like $.25 a piece. 14:44:15 <jreznik> how is "no nonsense" license compatible with Fedora allowed licenses? :) 14:45:11 <sesivany> jreznik: no nonsense? 14:45:21 <mhroncok> sesivany: right bottom corner 14:45:24 <jreznik> sesivany: see that plan's license :) 14:45:47 <sesivany> I see CC-BY-SA 14:45:51 <sesivany> left bottom corner 14:46:09 <mhroncok> sesivany: that's just for the map from osm 14:46:10 <jreznik> yeah, it's there, this one was funny one :) 14:46:27 <sesivany> ah ok 14:46:32 <jreznik> I'd say we should make everything in Fedora no-nonsense license :) 14:47:18 <sesivany> jreznik: what about lunches? 14:47:40 <mhroncok> #topic Food 14:47:58 <mhroncok> jreznik: the price in you email is for 1 lunch? 14:48:04 <sesivany> that's actually the biggest issue now. 14:48:55 <jreznik> yeah, it's pretty expensive... 14:49:13 <jreznik> and again it depends on budget left 14:49:38 <sesivany> yeah, but we don't have to wait with options for the budget. 14:49:43 <sesivany> we need to have them ready. 14:50:00 <jreznik> I'm not saying not, my options is on the list 14:50:06 <mhroncok> #action mhroncok call to masyrokova kolej for lunch options 14:50:24 <mhroncok> #undo 14:50:24 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by mhroncok at 14:50:06 : mhroncok call to masyrokova kolej for lunch options 14:50:27 <sesivany> this option is clearly out of question. No one is going to pay $20 for lunch. 14:50:34 <mhroncok> #action mhroncok call to masarykova kolej for lunch options 14:51:04 <spot> Yeah... $20 for lunch is not going to work. :/ 14:51:33 <sesivany> we have to find something around $5. 14:52:38 <sesivany> we will ask a guy who supplies our office with food and also provides snacks at DevConfs, he is pretty cheap. 14:52:54 <sesivany> Prague might be out of his reach, but it's worth the try. 14:52:55 <jreznik> sesivany: if you want boxes/catering, expect more than five 14:53:26 <jreznik> but with our local guy, it could be possible 14:53:36 <spot> i'm guessing the meal cards never worked out? 14:53:50 <mhroncok> nope, legal reasons 14:54:22 <jreznik> spot: no :( 14:54:30 <jreznik> it would be the best option 14:54:33 <sesivany> spot: no, we have meal tickets that are accepted everywhere, but it's a tax-deductable benefit which is pretty much impossible to get for non-employees. 14:54:46 <spot> okay. so we just need to know what our options are 14:54:58 <spot> as soon as we know what the post-flight budget is, we'll make the decision 14:55:12 <jreznik> spot: that's why I called that friend but it's a bit more expensive than I thought it will be 14:55:38 <sesivany> mhroncok: try to ask around. 14:55:49 <mhroncok> when I call to masarykova kolej, how many ppl should I mention? 250? 14:56:08 <sesivany> mhroncok: there might be a restaurant which is willing to make lunches for us and is big enough, I don't know... 14:56:31 <mhroncok> #action mhroncok to check restourants in the area 14:57:04 <sesivany> and if we have bag lunches on site we also think of stuff like where it will be served, where people will eat it etc. 14:57:46 <jreznik> sesivany: well, you will eat it somewhere :) it usually worked pretty well 14:58:11 <jreznik> or it does not have to be one pub, but maybe more we can send folks for lunch menus 14:58:38 <jreznik> with the price of lunch menu, it will be still ok without sponsoring 14:58:45 <sesivany> jreznik: yes, but if we order Pavel Suchy we need to give him some space and tables to serve it. Since we can't have anything in the lobby of FIT building it might be a little problem too 14:59:00 <jreznik> sesivany: I meant boxes 14:59:04 <jreznik> phone call 15:00:09 <mhroncok> having a place for teh catering on teh venue wasnt part of the deal and won't work I guess.. so we have 2 options -> go somewhere or bring boxes 15:01:14 <mmaslano> do you plan to continue? should I use different channel for meeting? 15:02:06 <sesivany> mmaslano: give us one minute. 15:02:31 <sesivany> jreznik: should I end the meeting or you'll do it? 15:02:57 <sesivany> ok, looks like we're out of time. Thanks for attending, everyone. 15:02:59 <mhroncok> spot: could you ping me after the meeting? 15:03:03 <sesivany> #endmeeting