14:03:58 <suehle> #startmeeting 14:03:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 29 14:03:58 2014 UTC. The chair is suehle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:04:07 <suehle> #meetingname Flock planning 14:04:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'flock_planning' 14:05:41 <suehle> I'm in the middle of nowhere in Arkansas attempting to be on PTO, so I'd like to do this as quickly. :) 14:06:02 <suehle> The one topic I have that's not on the agenda of to-dos from last week. 14:06:08 <suehle> #topic Last Flock flight 14:06:42 <mhroncok> Last Flock flight? 14:06:51 <suehle> Kushal is one of the people who had visa rejection problems. His flight needs to be rebooked, but there's not an available flight on the same airline. 14:07:06 <suehle> Thus if we rebook him (~$1700), he'll have a free flight at some point in the future. 14:07:45 <mhroncok> do we have the money available? 14:07:57 <suehle> This seems unfair to other contributors to me, and we really don't have the money, but I also hate to tell him he can't come because his visa was denied. 14:08:28 <mhroncok> what if he only can use the free flight to attend other Fedora event? 14:08:59 <suehle> I've asked him a few times if he can use it for something, and he first said no, and now he says it can only be used on the original itinerary, although the travel agent says it can be used on any of their flights. 14:09:24 <langdon> suehle: did it get booked through an agency? they can usually lean on the airline to get a refund if it is for a "good reason" 14:09:36 <suehle> langdon, apparently visa rejection is not a good reason 14:09:43 <suehle> ts24 booked this one for us. 14:09:52 * langdon grumbles about the state of things 14:10:41 <langdon> suehle: well.. hmm.. our travel dept got them (delta/ts24) to refund one of mine because of a bad connection setup.. but maybe thta is a "good reason" 14:11:17 <suehle> I think if they (it's two people) could, they would have by now. We've been going around about it for a while. 14:11:31 <langdon> suehle: :( 14:12:39 <suehle> OK, so I see there's consensus about my dilemma being a dilemma. :) 14:12:45 <mhroncok> :D 14:12:57 <mhroncok> the importaant question is, can we afford it? 14:13:00 <suehle> Let's go through the other things as quickly as we can. 14:13:05 <suehle> mhroncok, parniky booked? 14:13:10 <mhroncok> booked 14:13:20 <suehle> awesome 14:13:24 <mhroncok> pub booked 14:13:28 <suehle> I assume gnokii is on signage as expected 14:13:44 <suehle> So I think we're good 14:14:10 <jreznik> ops, sorry, I'm late 14:14:20 <mhroncok> there are maps and stuff for the parties in the brochure 14:15:41 <jreznik> mhroncok: the pub invoice is now being processed by Terka 14:15:59 <mhroncok> +1 14:16:03 <jreznik> she's going to fill that form by herself, so no need to worry (same for boat) 14:16:17 <jreznik> and we now have prague pirate party badge! 14:16:25 <mhroncok> I've seen it 14:16:48 <jreznik> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/275 14:17:09 <mhroncok> anything more for the social events? 14:17:12 <jreznik> so I hope it's covered, I'm regularly checking it with her as sesivany asked me 14:18:53 <mhroncok> #topic Video recording and streaming 14:19:01 <suehle> Do you guys need me for anything else? I'd like to leave the hotel, but I probably won't have signal to stay on. 14:19:19 <mhroncok> suehle: just one thing 14:19:32 <mhroncok> when you send anything to em by post, give me the trackign number please 14:19:40 <mhroncok> jreznik: I'll need a laptop form Red Hat Brno 14:19:55 <suehle> mhroncok, as soon as I have one, I will 14:19:57 <mhroncok> jreznik: already on tuesday, with at least i5 and USB3 14:20:05 <jreznik> mhroncok: file ticket 14:20:19 <jreznik> or I can ask IT guys but ticket will be needed 14:20:32 <mhroncok> jreznik: in flock trac? or in some RH system? 14:20:34 <jreznik> I hope we are over the lack of laptops 14:20:39 <jreznik> mhroncok: service desk 14:20:40 <suehle> mhroncok, oh hey, it did come while I was out of signal . 14:20:40 <suehle> www.dhl.com/cgi-bin/tracking.pl?AWB=3712597210 14:20:55 <mhroncok> suehle: great, thanks 14:21:26 <jreznik> do we need another camera from RH? Radek asked me today 14:21:42 <jreznik> (also if we need something to carry to Prague, he will go by car then) 14:21:44 <mhroncok> I guess we don't need any cameras 14:22:18 <jreznik> one laptop? or more? 14:22:21 <mhroncok> one 14:23:08 * jreznik is pinging it guys 14:23:31 <mhroncok> great 14:23:47 <mhroncok> i guess that's all? 14:24:10 <suehle> I think so 14:24:38 <suehle> #endmeeting