23:45:43 <lorip> #startmeeting 23:45:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 5 23:45:43 2013 UTC. The chair is lorip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:45:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:45:45 <becka> I don't know how 23:46:04 <becka> can anyone do that lorip 23:46:40 <lorip> ok - have I missed updates? 23:47:02 <lorip> #topic updates 23:47:13 <bcoleman> No, we were all waiting for you or Darci to start the bot. ;) 23:47:24 <becka> I just wrapped up the term, so I have nothing 23:47:57 <lorip> becka have you gotten the dev environment installed? 23:48:28 <becka> unfortunately I have not had time since the last meeting 23:48:56 <lorip> don't feel bad - I tried and ran into problems - I haven't had a chance to go back and figure out where I made a mistake 23:49:12 <becka> after I go to LA I plan on focusing some attention 23:49:35 <lorip> so, I don't have any update from last week - need to track down my maven and java build errors 23:49:49 <lorip> joanne_t or bcoleman? 23:50:24 <joanne_t> I have started the dev installation. Not finished. There are 7 build errors. 23:50:30 <bcoleman> #info I started working on the joint proposal that Matt and I want to submit to the POSSE group 23:50:51 <bcoleman> I also worked on the email to the OpenMRS team a bit more. I had hoped to have it done, but... 23:51:19 <bcoleman> I did email Greg about his contact at OpenMRS. Hopefully he can point me to the right person to get the mentoring program started. 23:51:47 <bcoleman> Little steps, but more than I would probably have accomplished without the weekly meetings. :) 23:52:08 <becka> me too bcoleman 23:52:26 <lorip> bcoleman - I just found the email I got from Greg - the person's name is Michael Downey 23:52:56 <bcoleman> Ok, he was quite active in the University meetings we sat in on 23:53:02 <bcoleman> and his name is all over the wiki 23:53:31 <lorip> Greg reached out to a person he knew who forwarded the email to Michael - Michael wrote a very nice email to Greg and said to have people contact him directory if they had questions 23:54:00 <lorip> Are you going to attend the IRC tomorrow afternoon? If so, you could verify with Greg that he hasn't heard anything else... 23:55:06 <bcoleman> I just noticed that there is an Internships link under resources on the wiki. 23:55:42 <bcoleman> Cool, then I will send the email to Michael when it is ready 23:55:44 <bcoleman> thanks 23:55:54 <bcoleman> yes, I will be at the meeting tomorrow 23:56:17 <lorip> sounds good 23:56:25 <lorip> joanne_t what kind of build errors are you getting? I'm wondering if we are having the same issues or no 23:56:34 <lorip> oops, I meant not 23:57:32 <joanne_t> I have errors in a package "openmrs-tools" in a file "ShouldTaglet.java" I think it's a java path problem. I was in the middle of working on it when I joined the meeting. 23:58:15 <lorip> some of my problems are from maven, sounds like you are ahead of me... what version of Eclipse are you running? 23:58:38 <joanne_t> Um, Kepler… let me check. 23:59:19 <lorip> I'm running kepler too - did you copy the two folders over for the plug ins? 00:00:14 <joanne_t> I should give a little detail… I got a Windows laptop from the dept. at school. Today, I began installation from scratch. So everything is "latest," except for Java, because the openers wiki recommends JDK 1.6. 00:01:18 <joanne_t> I am generally not used to installing stuff on windows (it's been years) so it was a little slow. I don't know what version of Eclipse. Where do I find the version? 00:01:27 <lorip> ok - I did the same thing except I installed maven 3.0.5 instead of the latest 00:01:45 <lorip> if you downloaded the latest, it is kepler, same as mine 00:02:43 <joanne_t> Ok. I didn't "install" maven in the traditional sense. I used the "Eclipse Marketplace" to install the plugins that are specified in the install doc. 00:03:38 <lorip> do you didn't follow the video which had you install maven before downloading and configuring eclipse? 00:04:40 <joanne_t> I followed a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PogABUDYqE&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL592C71CB8FE3E117 00:05:16 <joanne_t> However, there are parts that are outdated, like the stuff regarding subversion. I didn't know there was another video. 00:05:17 <lorip> I used #link http://connect.iu.edu/p92tlhh3513/ 00:05:51 <lorip> which was from the OpenMRS university - I think it is good and it is what Darci & Michelle used 00:06:14 <joanne_t> Oh. Thanks. I'll have to look. Mine is from OpenMRS University too. 00:06:21 <lorip> this video doesn't talk about subversion, so it must be more recent than what you saw 00:06:45 <lorip> I shouldn't say "must", I should have said "perhaps"?? 00:07:35 <joanne_t> I didn't see your video in the wiki. It's not easy when there are lots of documents/videos that aim to do the same thing. They get outdated, but are not removed from the wiki. 00:08:05 <lorip> I don't recall where darci found this one 00:08:32 <lorip> anything else or are we good for this week? 00:08:57 <joanne_t> I am prepared to have the student in my IS spend 2 weeks or more getting the environment set up. It's all ok with me, as long as he learns. 00:09:42 <becka> I willnot be here next week, so I will see everyone tomorrow at the POSSE IRC then again in two weeks :-) 00:09:47 <lorip> I hope he is more successful that I am :) 00:10:12 <joanne_t> ha! We'll see. You and I are installing on Windows. He'll be using Mac. 00:10:31 <lorip> have a nice vacation becka! 00:10:39 <becka> Thank you. 00:10:55 <joanne_t> bye becka! 00:11:02 <becka> bye all 00:11:08 <bcoleman> g'nite 00:11:16 <lorip> good night! 00:11:24 <lorip> #endmeeting