23:46:19 <lorip> #startmeeting 23:46:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 12 23:46:19 2013 UTC. The chair is lorip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:46:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:46:28 <lorip> #topic updates 23:46:39 <joanne_t> Ok, I'll go, lol 23:46:47 <lorip> #info I haven't had time to work on anything, so nothing is new with me 23:48:40 <joanne_t> #info I followed the Rafal videos, and they worked perfectly. I have the development system up and running. I checked out my first bug, and fixed it. My intention is not to commit it, rather I will keep it opened and have my IS student work on it as his first bug. Hopefully, since I've already fixed it, I'll be able to guide him effectively. 23:49:04 <lorip> that is awesome! congrats! 23:49:30 <joanne_t> Thanks, it felt great! I feel I'm all set for a little while. 23:49:38 <joanne_t> hi fuzzybunny 23:49:45 <lorip> hi fuzzybunny 23:49:52 <fuzzybunny> hello! 23:50:09 <fuzzybunny> Sorry I am late, karate ran long 23:50:29 <lorip> joanne_t - no problems with the dev environment? I guess I'll start from scratch again - which video did you use? 23:50:37 <lorip> no worries fuzzybunny! 23:50:45 <joanne_t> #info So, I think I have a solid 3-4 weeks (maybe more) of activities for the fall. Then, depending on how my student progresses, we'll steer the course as appropriate. 23:51:00 <joanne_t> I used the video that you sent me last meeting. 23:51:26 <lorip> did you use the most recent versions of things, like maven and eclipse? 23:52:31 <joanne_t> No problems with the dev environment, latest versions of maven and eclipse. The only part of the video that didn't match was a menu item in Eclipse for sharing with a team (?) Did you see that discrepancy? 23:52:55 <lorip> yes - how did you deal with that? 23:53:36 <joanne_t> I skipped it… I'm not sure what the implication of skipping it is. Some git thing, I think. 23:54:04 <joanne_t> However, even with skipping it, I was able to get the code, no errors, and get the web app running. 23:54:19 <lorip> ok, I must have done something stupid, will start from scratch (again...) 23:54:31 <joanne_t> fuzzybunny did you get the web app running? 23:54:34 <fuzzybunny> yes 23:54:58 <joanne_t> Did you find any patients in the database? 23:55:31 <fuzzybunny> i can't remember, i would have to look 23:56:00 <joanne_t> One of the first thing I looked for when I had the web app running, was to look up patients. 23:56:04 <joanne_t> There were none. 23:56:37 <joanne_t> Then I peaked into the MySQL db, and saw thousands of what appeared to be patients. This is something I'm kind of confused about. 23:56:49 <fuzzybunny> It's been a awhile, let me look into it and I'll get back with you. 23:57:05 <joanne_t> thanks 23:57:31 <joanne_t> Ok, well that's about it for me. 23:57:46 <lorip> you made great progress joanne_t! 23:57:51 <fuzzybunny> i've been working on trying to build a previous version to work on a bug and then I took off a week, but I'll look into it and get back to you 23:58:06 <joanne_t> Thanks, once the dev was working, it just kept moving. 23:58:24 <lorip> what do you mean by a previous version - is this a bug that is currently fixed? 23:58:51 <fuzzybunny> yes, the bug doesn't exist in the current version 23:59:39 <lorip> why did you take this approach? 00:00:15 <fuzzybunny> because the issue said it needed to be fixed in a previous version 00:00:55 <fuzzybunny> https://tickets.openmrs.org/browse/TRUNK-3987 00:00:58 <lorip> I'm wondering why you are working in a previous version, not the current version - do you think it will be easier to get a handle on things? 00:01:12 <lorip> #link https://tickets.openmrs.org/browse/TRUNK-3987 00:01:25 <joanne_t> Oh, so the previous version is still being used, so bugs are still being reported for it? 00:01:26 <fuzzybunny> no, only working on it for the bug fix 00:01:29 <fuzzybunny> tes 00:01:32 <fuzzybunny> oooops, yes 00:01:40 <joanne_t> ok 00:01:54 <lorip> oh - that makes sense! 00:02:30 <fuzzybunny> it's been a good learning experience for me, especially with understanding the process of using git and github and the upstream and origin 00:03:01 <fuzzybunny> i've been keeping a log of what i've learned, my process for trying to make sense of the process 00:03:07 <joanne_t> I find that learning git properly is imperative. 00:03:28 <fuzzybunny> i think there is a steep learning curve, but something worth learning 00:03:49 <lorip> fuzzybunny - the log sounds cool - I will try to do the same once I get through the dev environment setup 00:04:41 <joanne_t> Yes. One thing I needed to do was sync my fork with recent changes to the master branch ( I don't know if I'm saying that right) I found the following helpful: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork 00:05:07 <lorip> #link https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork 00:05:18 <joanne_t> thanks lorip! 00:06:14 <fuzzybunny> now that does it locally, on your machine, right? the reason i ask is that I've been doing that, but it doesn't seem to update the fork in github, have you had a similar experience? 00:06:53 <joanne_t> Yes, locally. That's what I want. Not ready to commit it until my student works on it this fall. 00:07:31 <fuzzybunny> so that's the process, right, when you finally commit your fork on github will then be updated? 00:07:47 <joanne_t> That's my interpretation. 00:08:11 <fuzzybunny> that's what i thought 00:08:15 <fuzzybunny> still trying to make sense of the whole process 00:08:41 <joanne_t> The articles on #link https://help.github.com have visuals. It makes it easier to comprehend the branches. 00:08:54 <fuzzybunny> thanks, i'll take a look 00:09:33 <lorip> anything else? 00:09:52 <fuzzybunny> no 00:10:00 <joanne_t> not for me 00:10:23 <lorip> ok - thanks for taking the time to check in - are both of you around next week? 00:10:32 <fuzzybunny> i am 00:10:54 <joanne_t> I think so. My vacation begins next week, so if I'm not around, I'll send an email. 00:11:09 <lorip> sounds good - have a good night, I'll end the meet bot 00:11:15 <lorip> #endmeeting