#fedora-meeting-1: FUDCon EMEA 2012
Meeting started by shaiton_ at 18:00:44 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- funding (shaiton_, 18:04:25)
- https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/query?milestone=Paris+2012%3A+Travel+Subsidies+Requested&group=status
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Paris_2012_budget
- ACTION: shaiton_ to
see about OWF signage (shaiton_,
- ACTION: local team to
detail a bit more :) see ^ (shaiton_,
- ACTION: shaiton to
set up a spreadheet doc to handle budget. Would then be reported to
the wiki. (shaiton_,
- https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/338
doesn't say anything about how much plane tickets are, etc. (rbergeron,
- https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/wiki/FundingRequest
- We are going through all subsidies request on
next Monday, the 20th at 20:00UTC. Please join and comment your
ticket if needed. (shaiton_,
- If your ticket doesn't have specific $ amounts,
please update! (rbergeron,
- ACTION: shaiton to
post the reminder to few ML at least by Monday.. (shaiton_,
- hotel (shaiton_, 18:52:10)
- Keep in mind that you would be able to cancel
your reservation for FREE until the Dday-1!! (even the Dday before
6pm i think) (shaiton_,
- if you are waiting for a roomate, please fill
it on the the table ^ (shaiton_,
- design (shaiton_, 18:58:14)
- https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/233
- ACTION: open a ticket
to the board to ask for the topic of policy for event ( global
policy, not just for 1 event ) (misc,
- other tasks (misc, 19:16:12)
- Open Floor (shaiton_, 19:17:08)
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An1TeHVqOhP6dHAyX1ZYUUtFc2c1VnJhaHRJam9sZGc
Meeting ended at 19:22:49 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- shaiton_ to see about OWF signage
- local team to detail a bit more :) see ^
- shaiton to set up a spreadheet doc to handle budget. Would then be reported to the wiki.
- shaiton to post the reminder to few ML at least by Monday..
- open a ticket to the board to ask for the topic of policy for event ( global policy, not just for 1 event )
Action items, by person
- shaiton_
- shaiton_ to see about OWF signage
- local team to detail a bit more :) see ^
- shaiton to set up a spreadheet doc to handle budget. Would then be reported to the wiki.
- shaiton to post the reminder to few ML at least by Monday..
- open a ticket to the board to ask for the topic of policy for event ( global policy, not just for 1 event )
People present (lines said)
- shaiton_ (92)
- rbergeron (84)
- misc (33)
- eseyman (19)
- Southern_Gentlem (11)
- zodbot (4)
- suehle (1)
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