13:03:03 <zsun> #startmeeting FZUG 13:03:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 5 13:03:03 2016 UTC. The chair is zsun. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:03:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:03:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fzug' 13:03:04 <BadGirl> [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki 13:03:04 <zsun> .fas zsun 13:03:04 <zodbot> zsun: zsun 'Ziqian SUN (Zamir)' <sztsian@gmail.com> 13:03:18 <zsun> #topic Roll Call 13:03:26 <zsun> #chair Pany trustywolf 13:03:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pany trustywolf zsun 13:03:43 <zsun> #chair tonghuix kital 13:03:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pany kital tonghuix trustywolf zsun 13:04:09 * zsun 刚刚断网了几分钟 13:04:39 <zsun> 有topic么 13:07:50 <trustywolf> 翻译姿势学习中 Orz 13:08:21 <zsun> trustywolf: 赞 13:10:36 <zsun> #info topic remaining action item 13:10:53 <zsun> #info how to reactive the community 13:11:12 <zsun> #chair tiansworld 13:11:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pany kital tiansworld tonghuix trustywolf zsun 13:12:03 <zsun> any topics for today? 13:12:11 <zsun> 有其他话题么 13:14:36 <trustywolf> 是否有建议的软件翻译优先级吗?我发现我似乎更喜欢翻译docs 13:15:20 <zsun> #topic remaining action item 13:16:00 <zsun> trustywolf: 先过一遍待办事项,然后聊翻译 13:16:16 <trustywolf> OK 13:16:23 <zsun> #info zsun reimburse customs duty for Fedora 24 DVDs 13:16:41 <zsun> 我这儿,Fedora 24 光盘的税在等待报销。 13:17:35 <zsun> #info long term action: Fedora "Onepager" for guides 13:18:09 <zsun> 去年商量做一页式的入门指南,尚无进展 13:19:02 <zsun> #info We will stop import swags (DVDs, stickers etc.) from APAC due to new regulations 13:20:03 <zsun> 由于新的关税/行邮税制度,我与Gerard等人商量了一下觉得以后不能再从APAC“进口”物资了 13:20:12 <zsun> 还是自己做吧。 13:20:18 <zsun> 这个事情还需要与APAC讨论 13:21:45 <zsun> 话说 @tonghuix 如果有时间参加APAC IRC Meeting,去提一下这个事情。 13:22:02 <zsun> #topic Localization 13:22:31 <zsun> @tiansworld 13:23:42 <zsun> 唔。。 13:23:44 <zsun> 好吧 13:23:55 <zsun> trustywolf: 你说的doc是指? 13:24:23 <trustywolf> 就是Fedora的官方文档 13:25:05 <trustywolf> docs.fedoraproject.org 13:26:01 <tiansworld> hi 13:26:08 <zsun> tiansworld: hi 13:26:21 <zsun> 刚好 trustywolf 13:26:54 <zsun> 刚好他有疑问。(09:14:36 PM) trustywolf: 是否有建议的软件翻译优先级吗?我发现我似乎更喜欢翻译docs 13:27:22 <zsun> trustywolf: 话说我在zanata里没找到docs:-( 13:28:33 <tiansworld> sorry, I use a remote desktop to access my fedora 24. I am having trouble with the input method switch. So please forgive me using English at the moment 13:28:45 <zsun> tiansworld: fine 13:28:45 <trustywolf> zsun: https://fedora.zanata.org/version-group/view/docs?dswid=4123 13:28:57 <BadGirl> Zanata: Groups - docs 13:29:09 <zsun> trustywolf: thanks 13:30:12 <zsun> trustywolf: 所以你是在groups分类找到的。而我是在projects里寻找 13:30:22 <tiansworld> The docs related are separated into different component, some of them don't have the definite name with 'doc' 13:31:23 <tiansworld> you can try to search the project directly by typing the keyword in the search box at the top of the window, for example 'release notes', 'installation guide' 13:33:36 <tiansworld> The docs are very 'large', which means they always include a lot of strings to translate. Many documents will change its content when the new release is going to public 13:37:19 <tiansworld> You can try to translate some of them, this will help you to be familiar with Zanata platform 13:38:35 <zsun> FYI, FAD APAC时我了解到,当前社区关注翻译比例时,参考的是Groups-Main下的各个语言的比例 13:38:37 <trustywolf> 嗯嗯 我主要是想在自己学习的过程中帮助到更多后来者 13:38:49 <zsun> https://fedora.zanata.org/version-group/view/main?dswid=8943 13:39:01 <BadGirl> Zanata: Groups - main 13:39:17 <tiansworld> when speaking priority, its release related 13:39:27 <zsun> 所以如果按照这个统计口径来看,docs翻译情况受关注程度就低于main了 13:40:38 <tiansworld> If the next release is going to publish, then we should focus on the related software components 13:41:11 <tiansworld> for instance, Fedora 25 may be released in this winter, 13:42:28 <tiansworld> when its components are freeze, it's our time to localize them. 13:43:33 <tiansworld> The component may include firewalld, selinux related, the installer anaconda and so on. 13:43:58 <zsun> 在这里面我觉得安装(anaconda)相关的应该更加重要一些。 13:44:37 <tiansworld> yes, it's the installer, the first software that the user will meet. 13:45:55 <trustywolf> 嗯嗯 感觉日本在这技术文档的翻译方面很强,翻译组的负责人貌似有一位日裔? 13:45:58 <tiansworld> Most of the projects in zanata contain several different branches 13:46:30 <trustywolf> jflory7 貌似和我提到过她 13:47:49 <zsun> trustywolf: Fedora日本语的本地化似乎不止是因为当地社区力量强大,似乎红帽的本地化团队中热衷于参与社区翻译的日本人也很突出 13:48:39 <tiansworld> They are release related, if Fedora 25 is going to publish, then we should focus on the branch Fedora 25, not the branch Fedora 22 or earlier, because they will end their lives. 13:50:06 <tiansworld> That is the basic priority for the L10n. Hope you guys understand it well, cause I am trying to use English.to explain it. 13:50:30 <zsun> tiansworld: I think I can get your point. 13:50:36 <trustywolf> tiansworld: 嗯嗯 这个我在wiki上读到了 优先跟进将要发行的版本 13:50:52 <tiansworld> trustywolf@ yes, 13:51:48 <tiansworld> But you can keep your eyes on your favourite project(s) always, 13:52:04 <zsun> 话说,似乎最近增加了不少新词条。7月9日我在APAC会议上记得当时zh_CN翻译比例已经是90%以上。现在又降低到了88.% 13:52:12 <tiansworld> we also are responsible for the bug fix. 13:53:16 <tiansworld> We may make bugs during translation, so it's our responsibility to fix them. 13:54:16 <trustywolf> 嗯嗯 proofreading 13:55:08 <tiansworld> zsun@ the master branch is always in development, they update often and our complete rate decreases 13:55:28 <zsun> tiansworld: get it. 13:55:41 <tiansworld> trustywolf@ No exactly, proofreading and bug fix are two different thing, but for one common purpose 13:55:53 <tiansworld> s/No/Not 13:56:51 <trustywolf> get it 13:56:57 <zsun> tiansworld: bugzilla上zh_CN的QA Contact是trans-zh_CN是么 13:57:10 <zsun> 或者干脆没有区分语言,统一是trans@ 13:57:37 <tiansworld> The proofreading is the work during the translation, sometimes reviewers can't find all the mistakes, this is why we need bug fix 13:57:48 <tiansworld> zsun@ I think it's language related 13:58:38 <tiansworld> zsun@ I can receive the zh_CN L10n bugs notification, since I am the coordinator I think. 14:01:56 <zsun> tiansworld: 我看了下列表,似乎是会直接assign给你 14:02:06 <tiansworld> zsun@ yes 14:02:46 <tiansworld> zsun@ I guess every of you can get the notification. But I never tried to know how to do that. 14:03:28 <tiansworld> But the assign is me;) 14:03:53 <zsun> tiansworld: 在每一个被标记为Chinese Simplified 的bug里,Bugzilla自动在cc里添加了trans-zh_CN 14:04:10 <zsun> 刚搞清楚的;-) 14:05:07 <zsun> 我们时间差不多了。今天先到这儿? 14:05:51 <tiansworld> OK, meeting should simple but useful 14:06:00 <zsun> tiansworld: agree 14:06:15 <zsun> 至少我们可以尝试恢复每周的会了 14:06:21 <trustywolf> ok 14:06:34 <zsun> #endmeeting