13:00:31 <zsun> #startmeeting FZUG 13:00:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 9 13:00:31 2017 UTC. The chair is zsun. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fzug' 13:00:31 <BadGirl> [2010-08-20 22:18:24] Posted by z/odbot@fedora-zh already: MeetBot - Debian Wiki 13:00:36 <zsun> #topic Roll Call 13:00:41 <zsun> .hellomynameis zsun 13:00:42 <zodbot> zsun: zsun 'Ziqian SUN (Zamir)' <sztsian@gmail.com> 13:03:05 <zsun> anyone online? 13:11:03 <teleboto> [lichs] 看样子是没人了?😂 13:11:50 <teleboto> [lwr1242] ?? 13:12:03 <teleboto> [lichs] 好消息是 Fedora 26 Beta 确定发布日期了 13:12:21 <teleboto> [lichs] 6 月 13 日 13:12:22 <zsun> 呃 13:12:24 <teleboto> [lwr1242] 刚升完F25😂 13:12:32 <zsun> 都在tg啊 13:12:51 <zsun> #topic Open Floor 13:13:07 <teleboto> [lichs] 懒得开 IRC 了😀 13:14:54 <zsun> 你们先聊 13:15:08 <zsun> 我有点急事在接家里电话 13:23:59 <zsun> 好了 13:24:15 <teleboto> [lichs] 其实似乎没有什么事情 13:24:20 <zsun> 确定6.13Beta也意味着,估计一个月后就该26了 13:24:21 <zsun> 嗯 13:24:24 <zsun> 所以我直接自由讨论 13:24:25 <zsun> 了 13:25:28 <teleboto> [zsun_remote] 这样子26的发行派对又落到学生们暑假去了 13:34:43 <zsun> 我刚刚掉线了 13:36:01 <teleboto> [lichs] 如果在暑假还可能有机会去 13:42:45 <teleboto> [zsun_remote] 看届时计划了 13:42:57 <teleboto> [zsun_remote] 初步估计会在红帽北京办公室举办 13:43:19 <teleboto> [zsun_remote] (永远的备选场地 13:47:30 <zsun> 如果没问题就结束会议了 13:47:41 <teleboto> [lichs] OK 13:47:46 <zsun> #endmeeting