12:00:07 <banas> #startmeeting Ask Fedora Revamp discussion 12:00:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 25 12:00:07 2015 UTC. The chair is banas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:12 <banas> #chair suchakra 12:00:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: banas suchakra 12:01:00 <banas> suchakra: you want to explain the background so far, our progress etc? 12:01:44 <suchakra> banas: yes 12:02:02 <suchakra> so, the situation is as follows.. 12:02:17 <suchakra> In last design fad in Boston we started with the idea of redesigning Ask Fedora 12:02:20 <suchakra> as it looks pretty off 12:02:35 <suchakra> So, some mockups were made 12:02:55 <suchakra> banas and I started working on initial designs - starting from mobile versions of the websites 12:03:07 <suchakra> and then to a responsive desktop version 12:03:39 <suchakra> this is the result till now: http://sarupbanskota.github.io/askfedora-frontend/ 12:04:14 <suchakra> the repo is still private, we will make it public as soon as we have reached a minimum showable state 12:04:31 * suchakra wonders if that is a word in english 12:04:45 <banas> haha :) 12:04:48 <suchakra> That is the story so far 12:05:05 <suchakra> I have setup some infra 12:05:15 <suchakra> which AnuradhaW knows already and has used it 12:05:26 <suchakra> to setup openshift instance. Good job 12:05:27 <banas> yep, although we might want to revisit our own work and see if we want to bring in some framework for the frontend. 12:05:36 <banas> cool, sounds good 12:05:46 <suchakra> banas: I agree 12:06:09 <suchakra> as banas suggested, we will not resort to just CSS tuning but instead aim for making a framework 12:06:43 <banas> right, so AnuradhaW - quick question, have you involved with any Python/Django development previously? 12:06:49 <suchakra> I did a rough version of the plan initially as well : http://suchakra.in/random/redesign-plan.txt 12:08:10 <banas> yep, that was a pretty neat starting plan, we'll have to do some revisions to it though 12:08:11 <AnuradhaW> Well actually no. I was developing web sites using PHP, Javascript, HTML and CSS. Yet I can master Python and DJango within the next couple of weeks. 12:08:37 <suchakra> banas: agreed 12:08:42 <banas> well, mastering a framework will take time, which is okay. 12:08:52 <banas> I'm concerned with the integration job 12:09:05 <banas> I think we're better off doing the frontend stuff in a separate repo 12:09:12 <banas> and then pulling it on to the main askbot 12:09:19 <banas> (like we are doing it now) 12:09:35 <suchakra> thats what i thought as well 12:09:54 <banas> so as long as you can find your way around where to keep your views etc and how to organize your assets (css/js/images etc) 12:09:59 <banas> you're covered. 12:10:23 <banas> I think kushal will be able to better help though. 12:11:30 <suchakra> banas: yes i am sure Kushal will help 12:11:38 <banas> yup, cool. 12:12:13 <banas> AnuradhaW, have you thought of a tentative timeline about how you want to go about working on various parts of the redesign? 12:12:14 <AnuradhaW> Okay, I think I'll be able able to handle that and really appreciate the help. And talking about the frontend as you have said I have started creating an interface for the User Profile page in askbot. You can view a screen shot here https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Askfedora_userpage.png 12:13:02 <suchakra> C'est cool! 12:13:06 <suchakra> Its cool 12:13:16 * banas grumbles over sad internet 12:13:50 <banas> I already have suggestions but pretty cool work :) 12:13:59 <suchakra> Anuradha I have a few suggestions apart from design 12:14:37 <suchakra> we should aim for better management of sharing stuff 12:14:57 <AnuradhaW> Yes actually I'm going to include the timeline in the GSoC application today itself. I'm first going to study the pages flow of the current AskBot and I was doing it in the morning and noted down few suggestions as well. 12:15:22 <banas> suchakra: how about that kanban board you had set up the other day? 12:15:28 <suchakra> for example, we need to have a place where we can share images, variations etc 12:15:48 <suchakra> http://libreboard.com/boards/p84nznPLpjcc4LHd9/askfedora-redesign 12:15:51 <banas> we can actually start storing stuff on a glittergallery instance 12:16:08 <suchakra> banas: wohooo! 12:16:11 <suchakra> seriously? 12:16:44 <suchakra> you guys can join libreboard 12:16:50 <banas> yeh, looking at the fixes that are taking place, I think so - besides that will allow us to report more bugs etc 12:16:57 <banas> TheMonster: yeah? 12:16:59 <suchakra> and then i can add you in this kanban board 12:17:11 <banas> yep, for now lets use libreboard 12:17:29 <TheMonster> banas: when do you want it ready? 12:18:15 <banas> it will be a while before we starting working full time on it, but whenever you think the basics are fine enough for us to start using :) 12:18:55 <banas> we can actually use an instance privately until some security-specific stuff is resolved 12:19:11 <TheMonster> oh that's cool 12:19:33 <TheMonster> if you can use private one, then I can make an instance before the coding period starts 12:19:43 <TheMonster> or do you want it before the community bonding as well? 12:19:54 <banas> no, coding period sounds good 12:20:01 <banas> we'll stick to libreboard until then 12:20:09 <banas> fair, suchakra? 12:20:20 <suchakra> banas: yes, fair 12:20:27 <banas> great, that's sorted 12:20:31 <TheMonster> for a full featured with private support, I'm thinking of before midterm evaluations(Although you might as well have it before coding period starts but I can't promise) 12:20:52 <banas> haha no fire, take your time :) 12:21:02 <suchakra> (I just hope libreboard does not shit itself down prematurely) 12:21:10 <suchakra> /s/shit/shut 12:21:13 <suchakra> apoligies 12:21:28 <suchakra> /s/apoligies/apologies 12:21:31 <banas> lol, another typo :P 12:21:43 <banas> okay, we can work that out over email later 12:22:02 <suchakra> One more question 12:22:30 <suchakra> The GSoC proposal needs to be submitted as a doc on melange as well. isn't it? 12:22:43 <banas> yes, which is why 12:22:52 <banas> send that thing right away, you can update it eventually 12:22:58 <banas> and we'll evaluate the thing on the wiki 12:23:10 <banas> (at least i prefer the wiki, but i'm not syre that's the norm) 12:23:11 <suchakra> yes, AnuradhaW please take a note of this ^^ 12:24:12 <AnuradhaW> Okay, does that mean in the melange submission apart from the link to the wiki page we need to upload a doc as well? 12:24:36 <banas> no, he meant the proposal on melange itself 12:24:54 <banas> do it before the deadline to avoid any surprises 12:25:06 <AnuradhaW> Ah okay I got it. I'll do it as soon as possible. 12:25:18 <suchakra> yes, thats what i was pointing at. submit it asap. it can be updated later 12:25:23 <banas> cool. now for your proposal writing purposes 12:25:33 <banas> let me link to some stuff 12:26:01 <banas> i'm not sure i can stick around to explain each thing right now, but you'll probably understand more about it when you read them 12:26:26 <banas> AnuradhaW: have you used a css preprocessor before? like sass/less? 12:27:38 <AnuradhaW> Well no but I have heard of Saas which is a some what high level language than css as of my knowledge. 12:27:56 <suchakra> Its the hipster version of CSS 12:28:02 <suchakra> lol 12:28:02 <banas> cool, then check out this kickass set slides by Una 12:28:06 <banas> #link http://una.github.io/sass-for-devs/#/ 12:28:10 <banas> #undo 12:28:10 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7dc37d0> 12:28:20 <banas> #link Slides on sass: http://una.github.io/sass-for-devs/#/ 12:28:48 <suchakra> cool, zodbot spews out memory addresses as well :) 12:29:09 <banas> for a "mixin" library with sass (you'll learn more about it when you go through sass docs), check out compass 12:29:20 <banas> #link compass mixins and more: http://compass-style.org/ 12:29:55 <banas> and depending on whether we want to also throw in a grid system, check out susy, that plays well with sass + compass 12:30:03 <banas> #link susy grid for compass http://susy.oddbird.net/ 12:30:25 <suchakra> AnuradhaW: Sass looks like preprocessor macros to me in C 12:30:35 <suchakra> so its really nothing complex 12:30:35 <banas> we don't *have* to use any or all of them, just pointers for you to read more and accordingly asses the time you want to spend on stuff 12:31:08 <suchakra> So its essentially makes managing code and styles easily 12:31:20 <suchakra> banas: am i right sensii? 12:32:02 <banas> yep, pretty much 12:32:25 <banas> you'll get the hang of it, i'm sure :) 12:32:37 <AnuradhaW> Okay, I got it. I'll go through every thing you have said and learn Saas and susy using the links provided. Thanks for the links. 12:32:38 <banas> so.. that's about tools, and the timelines. 12:32:52 <banas> yeh, don't worry about learning everything at once. 12:33:01 <banas> for now, just stick to whatever you were doing 12:33:05 <banas> that will serve as warm up 12:33:26 <banas> plus we can take out useful parts of your stylesheets and apply it to the final thing 12:33:26 <AnuradhaW> Okay got it :) 12:33:31 <suchakra> AnuradhaW: Question 12:33:51 <suchakra> do you use open source tools in daily life? 12:34:43 <suchakra> like inkscape for image processing etc? 12:35:04 <suchakra> open compilers, and editors etc? 12:35:38 * banas would like to point out that suchakra is pretty awesome with inkscape :) 12:36:31 <suchakra> I meant drawing and not "image processing" 12:37:06 <suchakra> The main idea is to not just finish the job but to have long term contribution in the open source community 12:37:19 <AnuradhaW> Yeah I have heard Inkspace is a great mock up making tool. I use Moodle a lot because our university lecturers are encouraging to use moodle as it is our learning management system in our university. 12:37:40 <suchakra> It is perfectly Ok to not be involved with community, but a strong push and affinity towards open source stuff 12:37:46 <AnuradhaW> And also I have a user account in wiki media as well. 12:38:37 <suchakra> Ok 12:39:10 <suchakra> ok so thats enough for the day 12:39:39 <suchakra> I have to brush, rush and run to the lab 12:39:43 <banas> yup, sounds like it. 12:39:51 <banas> and i need to see the doc. 12:39:52 <suchakra> AnuradhaW: do you want to add anything? 12:40:29 <AnuradhaW> I actually wanted to engage in wikimedia foundation and resolve bugs and contribute yet after I found about the Fedora design team I was over excited to join the design team of fedora as I love UX/UI and it's me dream of becoming a UX Engineer. 12:41:05 <banas> sure, we'll get you in touch with some ux folks on the design team eventually. 12:41:23 <AnuradhaW> Thank you very much. 12:41:38 <banas> great. so if everyone is done, can we close? 12:41:44 <suchakra> Lets kick the bucket now then 12:41:55 <banas> #endmeeting