12:00:06 <hgowtham> #startmeeting Gluster Bug Triage 12:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Dec 13 12:00:06 2016 UTC. The chair is hgowtham. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'gluster_bug_triage' 12:00:08 <hgowtham> #topic Roll call 12:00:15 <hgowtham> #info agenda: https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bug-triage 12:00:45 * jiffin is here 12:00:56 <hgowtham> hello jiffin 12:01:02 <jiffin> hgowtham: hi 12:01:07 <hgowtham> :) 12:01:17 * Saravanakmr is here 12:01:21 * ankitraj here 12:01:54 <hgowtham> kkeithley? 12:02:32 <sanoj> /me here 12:02:42 <hgowtham> welcome sanoj 12:02:58 <hgowtham> okay. lets start. 12:03:10 <hgowtham> #topic Next week’s meeting host 12:03:54 <hgowtham> jiffin, ankitraj Saravanakmr sanoj ? who is ready? 12:04:40 <kkeithley> _o/ 12:04:56 <hgowtham> hello kkeithley 12:04:57 <jiffin> kkeithley: is ready 12:05:01 <jiffin> :) 12:05:05 <Saravanakmr> :) 12:05:28 <hgowtham> kkeithley, are you ready to host next week's bug triage? 12:05:56 <kkeithley> since daylight savings ended I can't be here on time :-)( 12:05:58 <kkeithley> :-( 12:06:04 <kkeithley> I take my wife to the train 12:06:47 <hgowtham> oh okie. how about ankitraj jiffin or sanoj. as Saravanakmr hosted it last week. any of you guys fine with it? 12:06:57 <ankitraj> me take 12:07:05 <hgowtham> ankitraj, thanks :) 12:07:16 <ankitraj> hgowtham, :) 12:07:25 <hgowtham> #info ankitraj to host the bug triage on 20th December 12:07:40 <hgowtham> moving to next topic 12:07:53 <hgowtham> #topic Action items 12:08:07 <hgowtham> #topic jiffin will try to add an error for bug ownership to check-bugs.py 12:08:29 <hgowtham> #action ndevos need to decide on how to provide/use debug builds 12:08:44 <hgowtham> As ndevos is unavailable i have moved it to next week. 12:09:23 <hgowtham> jiffin, any updates on that? or shall i move it to next week? 12:11:00 <hgowtham> let jiffin reply when he is back. we will move to next topic 12:11:08 <hgowtham> #topic Group Triage 12:11:14 <hgowtham> #info you can find the bugs to triage here in https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/gluster-bugs-to-triage 12:11:16 <jiffin> hgowtham: nope :) 12:11:26 <hgowtham> #info http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Bug_triage 12:11:35 <hgowtham> jiffin, okay (y) 12:11:41 <hgowtham> #action jiffin will try to add an error for bug ownership to check-bugs.py 12:12:02 <hgowtham> let start triaging 12:12:08 <hgowtham> s/let/lets 12:21:09 <hgowtham> we are done with the triaging 12:21:22 <hgowtham> #topic Open Floor 12:22:26 <hgowtham> kkeithley, Saravanakmr, sanoj, jiffin, ankitraj anything to discuss? 12:22:32 <Saravanakmr> none from me 12:22:51 <hgowtham> Saravanakmr, :) 12:23:15 <ankitraj> end the meeting :) 12:23:39 <hgowtham> okay. ending the meeting thanks for attending :) 12:23:44 <hgowtham> #endmeeting