06:01:48 <tagoh_> #startmeeting i18n 06:01:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 22 06:01:48 2014 UTC. The chair is tagoh_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:01:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:01:48 <tagoh_> #meetingname i18n 06:01:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:01:49 <tagoh_> #topic agenda and roll call 06:01:49 <tagoh_> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2014-01-22 06:02:19 <tagoh_> shall we have i18n meeting now 06:02:25 <epico> hi 06:02:26 <dueno> hi 06:02:33 <tagoh_> not too much topics to discuss today I suppose though 06:02:52 <paragan> hi 06:03:44 <anish__> Hi! 06:03:48 <juhp> hi 06:04:01 <fujiwarat> hi 06:04:18 * juhp just remembered his action item from 2 weeks ago :-( 06:05:04 <mfabian> Hi 06:05:29 <pravins> hi 06:06:04 <tagoh_> okay, let's get started. 06:06:21 <tagoh_> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:06:39 <tagoh_> no yet decided any schedule for f21. 06:07:26 <tagoh_> #info #29: Fedora 18 bugs cleanup (tagoh) 06:07:26 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/29 06:07:55 <tagoh_> dunno if we should try to keep this open until all of f18 bugs triaged, but we still have 12 bugs open in f18 06:08:11 <skore> hi 06:08:23 <juhp> well I think it is ok to keep it open 06:08:41 <juhp> I was going to look at more... 06:09:46 <tagoh_> okay, are there anything we want to discuss for that? 06:10:04 <juhp> 4 of the bugs belong to i18n-team 06:10:56 <tagoh_> right I have two and needinfo now 06:11:39 <juhp> aha 06:11:52 <tagoh_> reminds me I was about to add another cell in the agenda to show you bugs without needinfo, but anyway. 06:12:13 <juhp> what was the conclusion on the ibus bug? 06:12:22 <juhp> tagoh_, cool 06:13:04 <juhp> tagoh_, or maybe separate out needinfo bugs? 06:13:55 <tagoh_> aha. if there are any cases we want to take a look at needinfo bugs separately 06:15:08 <tagoh_> or both? 06:16:11 <tagoh_> all, new, needinfo, without-needinfo. 06:16:15 <tagoh_> too much? 06:16:28 <juhp> hmm yeah dunno 06:16:42 <juhp> as you say maybe needinfo is good 06:16:59 <juhp> ah without hmm 06:17:10 <juhp> maybe both then?? 06:17:34 * juhp dreams again about an bz app... 06:17:41 <tagoh_> hm, okay 06:18:07 <tagoh_> will update later 06:19:01 <juhp> (or: all, new-withoutneedinfo, needinfo?) 06:19:39 <tagoh_> aha 06:20:12 <tagoh_> assuming one is working on bugs when assigned? sounds good 06:20:19 <tagoh_> anyway 06:20:55 <tagoh_> anything else for f18? 06:21:44 <tagoh_> would be nice to triage them by this week or before next meeting 06:22:09 <tagoh_> if not particular bugs we want to talk, let's move on. 06:22:44 <tagoh_> #info #25: Bugs Corner (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:22:44 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/25 06:23:01 <tagoh_> any other bugs we want to focus? 06:24:42 <juhp> .bug 869117 06:24:46 <zodbot> juhp: Bug 869117 Many identical entries are shown in input sources in “gnome-control-center region” when “Show all installed input sources” is on in gnome-tweak-tool - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=869117 06:24:51 <juhp> mfabian, this fixed in f19? 06:25:00 <juhp> (f18 bug) 06:25:06 <mfabian> Just looking at this right now ... 06:25:18 <mfabian> Checking f20. 06:27:21 <juhp> (ah yeah I was just trying f20) 06:27:42 <juhp> mfabian, if it only affects f18 we can close it anyway 06:31:20 <tagoh_> hm, anything else? 06:33:11 <tagoh_> #info #26: proposal: move to using IMEs for ASCII/Latin input (i18n@lists.fedoraproject.org) 06:33:11 <tagoh_> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/26 06:33:19 <tagoh_> no updates right? 06:33:37 <juhp> apologies 06:33:49 <tagoh_> okay 06:33:51 <juhp> I realised I have not discussed this in detail yet with fujiwarat.... 06:34:28 <juhp> I will do that this week - without internal buy in there seems less point to pursue it 06:34:38 <juhp> fujiwarat, does it sound ok? 06:35:03 <fujiwarat> Yes, it's nice. 06:35:07 <juhp> ok 06:35:28 <juhp> away even if it will first be for f22 it may also be okay - let's see 06:35:36 <juhp> anyway will try to keep it moving now 06:35:42 <tagoh_> thanks 06:35:50 <tagoh_> #topic Open Floor 06:36:03 <tagoh_> anything else we want to discuss in the meeting? 06:37:08 <pravins> thanks mfabian for next release of ibus-typing-booster. I tested it with Amandeep (punjabi) so he only facing issue of AltGr now 06:37:43 <mfabian> pravins: did you try backspace as well? 06:37:50 <mfabian> to reopen the preëdit? 06:38:03 <mfabian> I wonder how well that works for Indian languages ... 06:38:04 <pravins> mfabian: yes, its working nice now 06:38:15 <mfabian> It works fine for Latin, not so sure about Indian. 06:38:47 <mfabian> I am still thinking about the arrow keys, they are very complicated. 06:38:48 <anish__> mfabian, i tried it for English but it seems that it did not work for me 06:38:51 <pravins> it is working as expected for Indic as well. The only different between Latin and Indian is we need to Delete complete syllable now 06:39:19 <mfabian> anish__: what was the problem? 06:39:51 <anish__> mfabian, ibus-typing-booster-1.2.7-1.fc20.noarch i am using this version 06:39:52 <mfabian> Maybe you tried in an application which does not support surrounding text like gnome-terminal? 06:40:07 <mfabian> 1.2.7 is too old, 1.2.9 is needed. 06:40:33 <anish__> ahh is it i have updated using yum update, i will try again 06:40:35 <anish__> thanks 06:40:38 <mfabian> And one needs to test in some program which supports surrounding text, for example gedit. 06:41:03 <anish__> hmm 06:43:19 * anish__ testing latest version 06:43:49 <tagoh_> thanks. anything else? 06:44:44 <anish__> mfabian it works thanks 06:48:04 <tagoh_> okay, if not, let's close the meeting 06:48:21 <tagoh_> thanks everyone for the meeting! 06:48:24 <tagoh_> #endmeeting