06:30:43 <paragan> #startmeeting i18n 06:30:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 25 06:30:43 2018 UTC. The chair is paragan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:30:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:30:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:30:43 <paragan> #meetingname i18n 06:30:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:30:43 <paragan> #topic agenda and roll call 06:30:44 <paragan> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2018-04-25 06:31:02 <tagoh> hi 06:31:03 <fujiwarat> hi 06:31:10 <suanand> hi .. 06:31:12 <vishal_vr> hi 06:31:48 <bhavin192> .hello 06:31:48 <zodbot> bhavin192: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 06:32:11 <mfabian> ☺ 06:32:12 <epico> hi 06:32:41 <paragan> #chair tagoh fujiwarat suanand vishal_vr bhavin192 mfabian epico pravins 06:32:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 epico fujiwarat mfabian paragan pravins suanand tagoh vishal_vr 06:33:00 <paragan> thanks for joining this meeting 06:33:07 <paragan> let's first have a look at the F28 schedule 06:33:17 <paragan> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:33:18 <paragan> #info 2018-05-01 Fedora 28 Final Release (GA) (Preferred Target) 06:33:18 <paragan> #info 2018-05-08 Fedora 28 Final Release (GA) (Target #1) 06:33:55 <paragan> we are in F28 Final freeze 06:34:14 <paragan> #info https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/28/final/buglist 06:34:32 <paragan> above is list of current blocker or FE bugs 06:35:29 <paragan> I see F28 Final RC1 request has been filed by releng 06:35:40 <paragan> we can expect RC1 by tomorrow 06:36:18 <paragan> also I don't see any issues related to i18n packages now 06:36:31 <paragan> we have reverted our fonts changes for Final F28 release 06:37:17 <paragan> anyone want to discuss anything related to Fedora 28 schedule 06:37:54 <juhp> hi 06:38:00 <paragan> #chair juhp 06:38:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins suanand tagoh vishal_vr 06:38:41 <paragan> we have also Fedora 29 release schedule available on Fedora wiki 06:38:43 <paragan> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/29/Schedule 06:39:07 <juhp> sorry I missed the start - any blockers? 06:39:24 <paragan> juhp, https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/28/final/buglist 06:39:32 <paragan> juhp, no for us 06:42:00 <juhp> thanks 06:42:05 <paragan> let's move to tickets 06:43:10 <paragan> #topic Outstanding issue 06:43:18 <paragan> #info #96: Revert Changes for CJK default fonts to Noto (tagoh) 06:43:19 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/96 06:43:53 <paragan> tagoh, this is already completed right? 06:43:59 <tagoh> we can close this now, yes 06:44:46 <paragan> tagoh++ epico++ thanks for helping with this ticket 06:44:46 <zodbot> paragan: Karma for pwu changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 06:46:13 <paragan> #topic No assignee issues 06:46:13 <paragan> #info #78: package Liberation Classic Font in Fedora (pnemade) 06:46:13 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/78 06:46:44 <paragan> pravins, any updates here? 06:47:39 <juhp> after some recent discussions wondering if we need more discussion around the future of Liberation wrt to Libreoffice etc 06:48:28 <juhp> Though I heard indirectly that Libreoffice likes and prefers liberation-fonts as a free opensource project perhaps 06:50:06 <juhp> I heard pravins made an upstream release of liberation-narrow-fonts 06:50:47 <paragan> yeah it looks like this is that release -> https://github.com/liberationfonts/liberation-sans-narrow/releases 06:51:38 <paragan> do we then package this font in Fedora? 06:52:20 <paragan> I mean in rawhide as we moved Liberation to next version 2.0 06:53:54 <paragan> or maybe we can wait for few more days to see if anyone really needs it in Fedora rawhide 06:56:53 <paragan> I think let's continue discussing on this later on or maybe in ticket comments 06:57:24 <paragan> next ticket 06:58:04 <juhp> okay - I think probably we could package it for f29 yes 06:58:35 <paragan> okay 06:58:36 <paragan> #info #83: Tracker for Fedora 28 Changes (pnemade) 06:58:36 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/83 06:58:56 <paragan> We have worked on this ticket and this is already done so closing it now. 07:00:17 <paragan> #action close this ticket 07:00:51 <paragan> next ticket 07:00:59 <paragan> #info #85: Docs Beats for Fedora 28 (pnemade) 07:00:59 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/85 07:01:17 <paragan> #info The final writeup we got for Fedora 28 is this -> https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/release-notes/raw/f28/f/en-US/desktop/I18n.adoc 07:01:34 <paragan> #info And when Fedora 28 gets released the html version of doc beats will be https://docs.fedoraproject.org/f28/release-notes/desktop/I18n.html 07:01:47 <juhp> great 07:02:09 <juhp> who wrote it? 07:02:32 <paragan> juhp, fujiwarat and me 07:02:43 <juhp> great 07:02:51 <juhp> paragan++ fujiwarat++ 07:02:51 <zodbot> juhp: Karma for pnemade changed to 5 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 07:02:54 <zodbot> juhp: Karma for fujiwara changed to 2 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 07:04:15 <paragan> maybe we can wait till it gets released before closing this ticket 07:04:49 <pravins> paragan: for liberation fonts, i have split project in upstream. We can now package liberation-sans-narrow separately in rawhide. 07:05:13 <pravins> thanks juhp for providing comments 07:06:15 <paragan> pravins, thanks for the update 07:06:40 <paragan> next ticket 07:06:43 <pravins> i will do latest release of liberation-fonts 2.00.1 soon. 07:06:57 <juhp> 2.00.2? 07:07:31 <pravins> yes, this is since i have done some improvement/bug fixes after the release but never done latest release. 07:07:43 <pravins> I will do this release and then new maintainer can take over from it :) 07:09:06 <paragan> okay 07:10:06 <paragan> #info #95: change this meeting to another day (petersen) 07:10:06 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/95 07:10:38 <paragan> I think if we need to choose between Mon and Fri then let's choose Mon as our new day for i18n meetings 07:10:53 <paragan> as we are on final release of F28, 07:11:27 <paragan> Proposal is to start new meetings from 14th May 0530 UTC time 07:11:49 <paragan> if anyone is not having any objection then we will use this as our new timing. 07:12:51 <suanand> +1 07:13:10 <vishal_vr> +1 07:13:13 <bhavin192> +1 07:13:22 <juhp> did anyone respond to whenisgood? 07:13:34 <paragan> only Pravin and tagoh 07:13:38 <juhp> okay 07:13:47 <paragan> http://whenisgood.net/k2xbeie/results/ie7zirq 07:16:37 <juhp> tagoh: I don't understand the responses :) 07:16:45 <juhp> anyway I don't mind Monday 07:17:07 <paragan> you just need to take mouse pointer over any time 07:17:21 <paragan> and it will show who can make it and who cannot 07:18:18 <juhp> yeah 07:18:25 <tagoh> hm, was there any choice on non-wed? that's maybe my mistake. any time is fine for me. 07:18:28 <paragan> looks like Tue got 3 votes now 07:18:59 <juhp> Maybe better everyone update their votes? 07:19:10 <paragan> I really don't want to wait more 07:19:17 <paragan> if we can get voting now then good 07:19:40 <paragan> the whenisgood is open since last 18 days 07:20:14 <juhp> probably any day is fine so we can just decide 07:20:47 <juhp> So next meeting in 2.5 weeks? 07:21:25 <paragan> ah I see responses getting added there now 07:21:59 <paragan> and the new day is Tue now 07:22:05 <juhp> Wonder if there is a better site now... 07:22:29 <paragan> not sure but WG and Council are also using this for voting 07:23:17 <juhp> paragan: good 07:24:12 <juhp> 15th May? 07:24:14 <paragan> so now 6 can make on Tue 07:24:24 <juhp> okay about 3 weeks from now 07:24:24 <paragan> yes then 15th May 07:24:53 <paragan> I think there are no pending issues on us for F28 07:25:00 <paragan> so we should be good 07:25:18 <paragan> should I mark 15th May as our next meeting then? 07:25:19 <juhp> +1 07:25:37 <tagoh> +1 07:25:53 <suanand> +1 07:26:00 <bhavin192> +1 07:26:01 <vishal_vr> +1 07:26:27 <paragan> I think most votes are for 15th May Tue 07:26:28 <mfabian> +1 07:27:10 <paragan> #agreed i18n Bi-weekly team meeting moving from Wednesdays to Tuesdays now. The next meeting will be on 15th May. 07:27:33 <pravins> +1 07:27:47 <paragan> #topic Open Floor 07:28:01 <pravins> Can we plan hackathon in flock 2018. 07:28:01 <paragan> anything else to discuss here? 07:28:27 <juhp> I opened a ticket about getting rid of language support groups in comps... we can discuss next time 07:28:28 <pravins> Flock theme has changed a bit from this year. Trying to move from talks to do kind a conference. 07:29:29 <juhp> I think it is a nice idea 07:29:37 <paragan> +1 07:30:19 <paragan> I think we can discuss on hackathon offline also and once we get something we can report a ticket and track it there 07:30:41 <pravins> paragan: can we have a ticket for it and then we can simply add hackathon topics to it and then we can work with Wiki and other stuff. 07:30:42 <paragan> juhp, sure we will discuss in next meeting that comps ticket 07:30:59 <pravins> paragan: agree, lets work on ticket first and then finalize something. 07:31:32 <paragan> pravins, can you please report a ticket? 07:31:49 <paragan> we all can add topics there 07:31:50 <pravins> paragan: sure, let me do it :) 07:32:34 <juhp> thanks 07:32:38 <paragan> if nothing more to discuss lets close the meeting 07:33:25 <paragan> #endmeeting