05:30:38 <paragan> #startmeeting i18n
05:30:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 11 05:30:38 2018 UTC.
05:30:38 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
05:30:38 <zodbot> The chair is paragan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
05:30:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
05:30:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n'
05:30:38 <paragan> #meetingname i18n
05:30:38 <paragan> #topic agenda and roll call
05:30:38 <paragan> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2018-09-11
05:30:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n'
05:30:46 <pwu> hi
05:30:47 <suanand> .heelo2
05:30:51 <suanand> .hello2
05:30:53 <zodbot> suanand: suanand 'Sundeep Anand' <suanand@redhat.com>
05:30:53 <vishal_vvr> hi
05:30:59 <mfabian> ☺
05:31:00 <tagoh> hi
05:31:45 <paragan> #chair pwu suanand vishal_vvr mfabian tagoh
05:31:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: mfabian paragan pwu suanand tagoh vishal_vvr
05:33:21 <paragan> let's start our meeting
05:33:35 <paragan> #topic Upcoming schedule
05:33:47 <juhp> hi
05:33:59 <paragan> #info 2018-09-18 	Beta Release (Preferred target)
05:33:59 <paragan> #info 2018-09-25 	Beta Release (Target #1)
05:33:59 <paragan> #info 2018-10-09 	Final Freeze (*)
05:34:06 <paragan> #chair juhp
05:34:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: juhp mfabian paragan pwu suanand tagoh vishal_vvr
05:34:35 <paragan> last month we saw F29 beta freeze happened
05:34:54 <paragan> bodhi got activated for Fedora 29
05:34:56 <juhp> Yesterday in the WS meeting there was discussion about the ongoing GNOME rebase
05:35:23 <paragan> and  "Change Checkpoint: 100% Code Complete Deadline" done on 28th August
05:36:20 <paragan> has there any decision made like f29 megaupdate be merged in beta freeze repository?
05:37:09 <paragan> next schedule for f29 is beta release scheduled on 18th Sept, next week
05:37:21 <juhp> General the WG voted in favor of that - though there are some concerns about potential regressions
05:37:54 <juhp> S/General// or Generally
05:38:00 <paragan> aha
05:38:23 <paragan> good to have that Gnome update in beta release onlt
05:38:24 <juhp> Currently apparently there is a mixture of 3.28, 3.29.2 and 3.30 packages...
05:38:50 <juhp> I think so, but of course it could cause some problems but let's hope for the best
05:39:28 <juhp> Matthew and Stephen also commented in the meeting
05:40:52 <juhp> But the main thing was that in future it should be managed earlier with the exception process etc :)
05:40:57 <juhp> anyway
05:41:25 <paragan> thanks for this update
05:42:16 <paragan> I think as that update is now in f29 updatest-testing repository, we can also install that update and test it.
05:42:29 <paragan> I am already running that update and looks good to me :)
05:42:46 <paragan> some of the bugs reported in i18n test day are fixed in this 3.30 update.
05:43:03 <tagoh> aha. nice
05:44:11 <juhp> Great
05:44:34 <paragan> #info https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/29/beta/buglist
05:44:57 <paragan> looks like many are fixed and their updates are in updates-testing repository already.
05:46:14 <paragan> but still no RC iso images for Beta
05:46:39 <paragan> hopefully they will be requested and we have release by next week
05:47:36 <paragan> if nothing more to discuss on this topic then let's move to our tickets discussion
05:49:02 <paragan> #topic No assignee issues
05:49:02 <paragan> #info #99: Tracker for Fedora 29 Changes (pnemade)
05:49:02 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/99
05:49:42 <paragan> though I planned to create individual tickets for each Change, I did not get time for that and also we have already implemented 3 Changes now
05:49:50 <paragan> so let's discuss in this master ticket only
05:50:08 <paragan> I see all our 3 Changes are implemented and testable
05:50:31 <paragan> anyone have any issues with this Changes?
05:51:18 <tagoh> I didn't see any bug reports at this moment so guess it works fine.
05:51:27 <juhp> Will we discuss the Test Day later?
05:52:07 <juhp> ah yes #101
05:52:28 <paragan> yes
05:53:53 <paragan> I think we are good here as per i18n test day results as well :)
05:54:31 <paragan> #info we will close this ticket when F29 gets released
05:54:37 <paragan> next ticket
05:55:04 <paragan> #info #100: Fedora 27 Bug triaging (pnemade)
05:55:05 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/100
05:55:44 <paragan> #info The bug list for Fedora 27 is https://da.gd/xRxzJ
05:55:58 <paragan> still 36 bugs
05:56:03 <juhp> (Is "No assignee issues" a 'bug'?:)
05:56:35 <juhp> (Sorry I was puzzled by this topic sometimes)
05:56:49 <paragan> no
05:57:00 <paragan> its just that we have tickets which are yet not assigned
05:57:09 <paragan> so that gets picked first for discussion
05:57:13 <paragan> then the rest
05:57:18 <juhp> I see
05:57:38 <juhp> okay
05:57:59 <tagoh> maybe s/issues/tickets/ looks better?
05:58:38 <paragan> as we are using pagure which uses issues instead tickets
05:58:44 <paragan> we are using issues word
05:58:54 <paragan> but we may change it to use tickets in agenda
06:00:07 <juhp> Ah I own culmus-fonts ;)
06:00:41 <paragan> I think someone from QE should own / get assigned to this ticket
06:00:45 <paragan> but anyways
06:00:49 <paragan> next ticket
06:02:12 <juhp> vishal_vvr: there are a Liberation bugs there - would be good to triage them
06:02:16 <juhp> a few
06:03:09 <vishal_vvr> juhp, sure will look into those
06:04:16 <juhp> thank you
06:04:55 <paragan> #info #101: Fedora 29 i18n test day  (pnemade)
06:04:56 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/101
06:06:06 <paragan> we had a very good i18n test day this release also
06:06:18 <paragan> I am collected results but not yet summarized
06:06:39 <paragan> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2018-09-04_I18N_Test_Day#Test_Results
06:06:55 <paragan> will do so this week
06:07:47 <paragan> we got few bugs reported against Gnome packages
06:08:02 <paragan> and they are mostly fixed in Gnome 3.30 megaupdate
06:10:22 <paragan> thanks to those who participated in this test day event.
06:10:27 <paragan> next ticket
06:11:15 <paragan> #info #103: Revamp #fedora-i18n channel (pnemade)
06:11:15 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/103
06:11:31 <paragan> I think most of us have joined #fedora-i18n channel now
06:11:48 <paragan> if there is nothing left to do for this ticket then let's close it?
06:12:04 <juhp> fujiwarat: Ctrl-Shift-e doesn't work on Live?
06:12:44 <juhp> Yeah I think it can be closed
06:13:03 <fujiwarat> juhp: yes
06:13:14 <fujiwarat> juhp: Right. does not work.
06:13:30 <juhp> Can you remind me?
06:13:40 <fujiwarat> ?
06:13:48 <juhp> As in why not?
06:14:23 <fujiwarat> I mind the memory usage and won't enable it by default in live.
06:14:56 <pwu> how about to use sqlite?
06:15:07 <pwu> for emoji storage.
06:15:39 <juhp> I see
06:15:55 <juhp> I thought only Unicode was disabled on Live
06:16:14 <juhp> Did it change or do I remember wrongly?
06:16:43 <pwu> sqlite use less memory I think.
06:16:53 <juhp> pwu: yeah wonder if it would help with memory usage etc
06:17:22 <juhp> paragan: I closed it
06:17:26 <pwu> maybe, sqlite only use memory when needed.
06:17:45 <juhp> Right, I mean I am thinking same
06:17:47 <pwu> if not use, maybe not load the file.
06:17:59 <fujiwarat> That would be an option but probably I don't think there is a demand besides the test purpose.
06:18:24 <fujiwarat> in live.
06:18:30 <juhp> fujiwarat: but it's kind of inconsistent to have different experience on Live
06:18:45 <fujiwarat> juhp emoji has not been available since f28.
06:18:56 <juhp> I see
06:18:57 <fujiwarat> in live.
06:19:10 <pwu> for installed workstation, this will also save the memory usage.
06:19:15 <juhp> How much is the memory usage?
06:19:20 <juhp> right
06:19:21 <pravins> We had an event at PICT college at Pune, where 70+ students participated in Test day. Most of them were using Live ISO.
06:19:32 <juhp> oh cool
06:19:48 <juhp> Yeah I see a lot of test day results seeing emoji not working
06:19:52 <juhp> saying
06:20:06 <pravins> they faced these issues, due to large crowd and spending morning time in QE related sessions got only 1-3pm for actual testing.
06:20:21 <pravins> juhp: yeah, in 2 hours we only tested Ibus Emoji and ibus-typing-booster.
06:20:26 <juhp> I thought optimistically maybe it was the Magazine article
06:20:34 <juhp> oh
06:20:38 <juhp> okay
06:20:55 <pravins> yeah, we will soon write article about it :)
06:21:15 <juhp> fujiwarat: also sqlite could solve the startup time?
06:21:21 <fujiwarat> Sorry I should note it in f28 change.
06:21:23 <paragan> let me move to open flooe
06:21:30 <paragan> #topic Open Floor
06:22:06 <juhp> fujiwarat: okay no worries I had missed that perhaps, but that is not really the issue :)
06:22:39 <fujiwarat> If necessary, you can run /usr/libexec/ibus-extension-gtk3 by manual.
06:23:17 <pravins> fujiwarat: yeah agree, good to note it somewhere. :)
06:23:27 <juhp> Could C-S-e trigger /usr/libexec/ibus-extension-gtk3 ?
06:24:26 <juhp> Is the memory usage really so big though?
06:24:33 <juhp> Anyway we can discuss more later
06:24:53 <fujiwarat> pravins: f29 change has a link of my blog and it notes the exception.
06:25:51 <fujiwarat> Anyway sorry, the change was not kind for the testers in live.
06:25:55 * juhp would rather get rid of the exception than document it 8-)
06:25:57 <juhp> okay
06:28:09 <fujiwarat> juph: emoji is loaded by launching and unicode is loaded by C-S-u.
06:28:14 <juhp> The new emoji input is new though
06:28:15 <fujiwarat> juhp: ^
06:28:21 <paragan> we are at the closing time now :)
06:28:30 <paragan> thanks all who came to this meeting
06:28:37 <juhp> I mean Unicode input with C-S-e
06:28:53 <paragan> #endmeeting